MrtvDouctteTells of her Dis tress in Symptoms During Change of and How She Found Relief v MM WrttE is- f v i i I ts j f Nova Scotia Can year ago I was suffering badly with what the doctors Change of Life I was so bad that I bad to stay in bed Some friends Vege table Compound and It helped me from the first It Is the only medicine I took that did help me and I recommend it You dont know bow thankful and gratefnl I am I give you permission to pubis what your good medicine has done forma Mrs SiHON Belleville Yarmouth Co Nova Scotia Canada Such warning symptoms as sense of flashesheadachesback- of impending evil timidity sounds in the ears palpitation of heart sparks before the eyes irregu larities constipation variable appetite weakness and inquietude and win ess are promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching the period In life when womans great change may be expected Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthen the female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system It has carried many women safely through this crisis If yon want write to R Medicine Co confi dential Lynn Mass Your letter will be opened read and answered by a woman and held in strict One day last week City men thought they could talk in Assize Court same as in a strict ear- Chief Justice loek gave the court constables a jolt for not keeping proper or der This court is full of con- stables who do nothing but look around Why dont you keoji or der What are you hero for Just to draw your pay There are a dozen constables in this courtroom If you are not able to keep order wo will get a dozen more This overdoing of offi cials keeps up the peoples taxes Fancy a dozen constables being employed to keep order in a courtroom not less than a day for salaries Why do not the Reeves of the County atop this raid upon the peoples pockets A dozen constables hanging around the courtroom drawing daily indemnity from pockets of honest working people all over the County Why dont members of the County Council take note of such methods This thing wants looking into s SOLD BY GOObSacC DEALERS EDITORIAL ii I i CLA1K f v AOVER YEARS The latest horror in German warfare was cabled during the past week when il was announc ed thai in Southeast Africa commander of ho German forces had poisoned the wells of country as he retreated before General even boasted of his awful crime The use of pou gases too in France and Flanders against the allied forces furnishes another illus tration of the barbarous cruelty Germans are prepared to per petrate The Canadian Citizen when af fixing war stamps to postal mat ter who fancies he is helping to pay war expenses makes a woe ful mistake As a matter of fad money for war purposes has been borrowed by Canada and will be paid by succeeding generations Both our Provincial and Domin ion Governments have been play ing a game of makebelieve in order to raise revenue to meet extravagant expenditure At pre sent it looks as if certain mem bers of the Government at Otta wa want to hurry up a general election and get it over before the country learns the exact situa tion On Toronto Mm Trade Marks Copyrights Ac ft and my uccrtAlQ ad ratDanlcA HAHOEOOk fcftney Scientific A weekly of ftny for l5 a gold by York p 111 V name I J Why not give your boy and girl an j opportunity to I make their home and Give them chances to win pro motion and success as the lad having the advantage of WEBSTERS Dictionary in his home This new creation answers with final author ity all of puzzling questions history geography biography spelling and sciences Vocabulary Colored I lit j Ut The la to Out a More Scholarly Accurate Conveoleat and REGULAR AND EDITIONS WRITE for pace I I t Pocket I C CO mass iCirjyAuiariBisjcfioswui Furnace Work Plumbing A reed burglars were caught on Saturday in the very act of burglariz ing a home in St Street A fire early Monday morning last in Bay Street did damage The JrC3 Fur Co and the publishing house of Thompson were the sufferers Ven Archdeacon of St Cathedral preached to several thous and the 2nd contingent soldiers at the Sunday morning service in the transportation building inhibition Park Camp Toronto Street Railway men had a lively meeting last Sunday morning when discussing the new agreement to be presented to the Company Hon Win for St John New Brunswick was in To ronto the later part of last week Mr anil Mrs A Itogers of this City who were passengers on the illfated steamer 1usitania on their honeymoon trip were married here a couple ago Mr Itogers was one of the managers of the Ro bert Simpson Co and his wife is a daughter of J ol York County Four Dominion Cabinet Ministers were in the City on Saturday No election now was the understanding On Saturday last Mr McCurdy made the initial flight over the Bay in the now Hying boat which- is to he used for training purposes lie took the machine at the foot ol street through the Western dap and lew over to the Island sand-bar- On account the heavy tribute that the people of Toronto had to bear In the cause of freedom at the second battle ol followed by the appalling loss by the sinking of the the business of the City was partially paralyzed on Mon day The burning of the Princess Theatre early Friday morning is a great loss Another case for the courts to set tle On Thursday evening last week Win Williamson was knocked down and injured by an automobile Three hours later he Deceased was years of age It is reported that the Toronto and Ontario passengers on board the which was torpedoed on the Irish coast last week numbered over They represent many of the most prominent families of the City The Katon Company and the Ro bert Simpson Company had several representatives board The City the City on Thursday of last week By the payment of premium the life insurance on Toronto soldiers was effected last week in the Metropolitan Co of New York Andy Middleton a vagrant was also sent to the penitentiary for two years for assaulting a man who re fused money A team belonging to the Adams Furniture Co ran away last week a at the corner of McColI street collid ed with a ear One horse severely injured A cablegram from Mr who is at present in London confirms the announcement of a few days ago that Lieut of this City had been killed A runaway horse attached to a Dempster dashed through the fence at the foot of Cowan avenue and rolled down a embankment The horse was not so badly injured but the bread- wagon was smashed In the Court of Assize last Friday the jury found that Pratt of Grafton had no claim against the To ronto and York Radial Co for damages People who contribute to their own hurt should not expect damages from railways This years Sons of England Do minion Day demonstration will take the form of a picnic and Old Country Fair All the open athletic events will be cut out this year Toronto is moving onward By recent census it is shown that the school population of the increas ed during the past year A burglar and leader of a named A Con ally who several weeks ago broke into the premises Ster ling Actions Keyes and got with was arrested last week at and brought back to Toronto for trial One hundred and thirtyfive nurses have been successful in the annual examinations conducted in connection with the provincial hospitals Kingston Toronto Hamilton and London eOeee PASSED v Harriet As the oar whirled around the with no warning blast of horn a roar of laughter up from its occupants A with stooped shoulders whos hair gleamed white under his slouched hat had leaped back wards just in time to save his life To the party in the car awkward leap was amusingly grotesque from it may ho their sense of humor was not qui to normal Melville Ward had laughed with the others Then he turned and looked back The old man was clutching a lamppost to suppotl himself as If tho shock of dis covering his danger along with his unaccustomed agility hud been too much for him His face was raised a trifle so that the light of the street lump fell up on it the frightened faco of an unnerved old man Melvilles silly noisy laugh died in his throat Its a shame he said a little thickly and felt a sudden unrea sonable auger at his hilarious companions Old man loo School Reports School Report for April of No North An asterisk denotes those in attend ance every day V Class Morley IV Class Jack Winch Chris tie Nelson Joel Thompson Geo ah III Class Dorothy Sweet Thompson Willoughby mot King Maggie King Alma Winch ah Bernard and David Davidson ah Arnold Joe Frank Glen Davidson ab Jr Scott Irwin Sweet Manuel Nelson Morton Winch I Marion Scott Lauretta Winch Jr I Jack Thompson Mor ley King Jolmni Davidson ab Bessie J Nel son Nellie Winch May M I Nixon Teacher e Edward Lloyd Jones the Canning- ton real man who sold proper ty he did not own and thus obtained money by fraud was sentenced to three years in Kingston penitentiary Now Is tho Tlmo to Get Rid These Ugly spots of The while hair about ened faee had reminded him of his grandfather And for some reason the thought was ing at that moment He pulled off his hat and lifted his face to rush of air In reality the night was very but the rapid motion of the ma chine gave the effect of a sluing wind in his face The air was grateful for already bis tem ples were throbbing And would bo worse tomorrow one of the seven young men crowded into Blakes car had accepted a position in tho West at a decided in salary That evening the boys had met for a supper at Wolffs suppers had a reputation The man himself was courteous and suave always ready to make allowances for the high spirits of young gentlemen who broke wiiu dows or decanters at anothers heads by way of a joke The windows and de canters were charged up in the bill with a generous profit but Wolff remained urbane and smil ing There were those who claimed to see behind his smoothness and deference some suggestions of llie beast of prey as if bis name had an especial appropriateness but such were for the most part fathers and mothers and persons of like undoubted prejudices Melville Ward baring his head to the cool night air was trying to forgot the old man clinging to the lamppost He wasnt hurt and that wasnt the fault of driver so to speak A vague impression crossed Melvilles mind that a fellow who had been partaking of one of Wolffs little in a costume For to regard as a part of the Then her eyes met his and ho was convinced of her reality the matter he ask Tbere had a nurse in the he loft home in the early evening Ho anxiously if anything Wero wrong With his mother I wouldnt talk nurse said and with that him something with a spoon lie swallowed before he had lo explainto her that there was some mistake that ho was not sick Memory was groping its way to an explanation of the mystery Queerly enough it was old manbylbo lamppost who same to his mind Then ho remembered it all Ah l Ho drew a long gasp ing- shuddering breath as It all came back to him That leap in to the dark those seconds of hi deous realization and expectancy nurses hand was on his wrist again but tho draught she had him was already blunt ing keenness of his recollec tion Ho slipped away into semi- oblivion with a sigh of relief When he came to himself again his mother was beside him look ing pale and wan and older He was able lo smile his recognition He felt stronger His brain was moro alert My right arms broken isnt it mother Hut my backs all right I can kick She smiled and patted his baud The doctor says you should bo up in a week was her reply A week bed Melville made a wry face How did other boys come out he His mother did not reply- The came up with her air of quiet authority You have talk ed enough for now right Ill go off to sleep just as soon as I know how the hoys are The silence irritated him looked from the nurses impassive- face to his mothers What he TURN THE SWITCH If your Is not wired we can by our modern method wipe it ann ALU without breaking any plaster and any Inconvenience to you Wo employ only the BEST MATERIALS and skilled labor so that you aro assured of a and FIRSTCLASS every FIVE YEARS JOB PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE In this work All work guaranteed to pass Rules and Regulations HYDRO ELEOTRIC COMMI8810N OF ONTARIO Agent for CLEANERS of CENTURY MOTORS market Building ALFRED R Contractor saw there made his heart stop beating Why mother You dont mean that any of them oh mother Hut she had fled and the nurse was pulling down the shade and telling him to go to sleep When you are a little strong er she said we will tell you all you want to know Hut not now was two days before he broached the subject again The doctor hail come in and bis ver dict was favorable His mother sat beside his bed still white and worn He challenged her Mother how long is tbjs go ing on I want to know how the other boys are by now STREET NHOU NEWMARKET Wear a Bright for Mothers Living or for Presentation Wear a White for memory or to DECORATE HER LAST PLACE 8 PHONE it She put her hand on his and lie suppers was unlit lo run a car aft through crowded city streets Luckily it was late and pedes trians were few He ought to have been homo anyway he told himself and found relief in the shifting of the blame Old men with while hair had no business on street at two oclock in the morn ing Another car turned the comer and came up beside Makes ma chine cried Gillespie hilariously from the front- seat A very little liQuor went to Gil lespies head and that night he had drunk heavily Hace echoed the hack seat like one man and the machine leaped for ward A policeman at the cor ner spun on heel but loo late of them chapsMI be rid ing in the ambulance before day break the policeman said and hardly bad tho words loft his lips when events proved his prophecy correct The flying car guided by a driver who had been drinking for hours skidded crashed through the iron railing of the bridge as if it had been paper and plunged over the embankment For nil instant the policeman stood star ing like a man distraught Then he ran to the nearest telephone to give the alarm Theres no longer the slightest need or feeling ashamed of your freckles as the prescription double Strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots Simply get an bunco of olhiue double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear while the lighter ones have vanished entirely It is sel dom that more than an ounce skin and gain a beautiful cleai complexion lie sure to ask for the double strength olhiue us this is sola Melville was trying hard to wake up Ho had a bad dream a dream of danger and pain and he wanted to open bis eyes lo the light of the morning and for get those haunting terrors With a tremendous effort ho lifted his lids hut the dream did not van- He was in bed and the light of tin- morning was coming in his room but pain was still there Ho tried to raiso bis right arm but this useful member stubborn ly refused to obey orders With his left be felt his head and found it bandaged Someone came from the rear of the room and put cool lingers on bis pulse It was a woman Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit ftl THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE under guarantee money back Hall was alto freckles ed early re reported lost I Charles found guilty on charge stealing some trees property ol P Maclean was ordered to pay as the value and the costs ol the action by Magistrate Hrunton in the County Police Court Premier Hearst who has been ra ther seriously ill with light attack pneumonia Is now regarded as out danger According the latest statistics Canada had per cent less cattle at the than at the of the previous year Cook a artist dropped dead in a dining room a hotel In enjoyed by thoso In good health Tho perfect digestion system and pure blood upon which sound health depends will bo given you by MADE Any S COLLARS ROME CO ONTARIO rambling I will loll you she said Gillespie was going West lets sec on Wednesday to take a new position I dont suppose he was able to go He will never go my dearest boy In the heartbreak of her voice he read her wish that she might bear his stead the pain of that news Gillespie ho whispered daz ed and shut his eyes Old Jack Why it was incredible I Ho re membered Gillespies as he had told an amusing story at sup per thai night all with the Joy of life Ho shut his eyes but the tears forced iholr way under the closed lids He was on the front seat ho whispered at last I suppose thai it was more dangerous How did Blake come out of it Another of those dreadful si lences Blake sho said breathlessly is with Jack Roth of Ihem Astonish ment for the moment seemed to hold sway over the deeper emo tions 4 doesnt seem possible Were any of others much hurt Oh my poor hoy Cant yon understand tears rained down her face lie lay weak and silent be yond weeping for the moment beyond deep feeling How many he asked at last My own boy you were the only saved There are some hurts wo do not realize all at once till after the first numbness has passed It was hours later when Melville woke from an uneasy slumber that the meaning of his mothers words seemed to be upon liim for the Aral lime lid clinch his lists his teeth while the perspiration stood In drops on his body They were doud dear old Jack Gillespie and Blake who with all his faults was most generous fellow alivo and Charlie and Ned and Ross and even Phil Dexter his widowed mothors only son Out of the chums lifelong friends only one was left and that one himself Ho bad been spared and why His life bad been given to him but for what purpose Ho looked over the years behind him with a horror at their lossness their selflshuess their sin For he had taken bis own way against the light Ho had sot bis homo teachings in favor of pleasures against which his conscience protested 1 Ho thought of that supper at I Wolffs and a shiver went him These boy friends of his profane hilarious their faces flushed with liquor their tongues- moro reckless as life drink undermined their mont how few of thorn would have chosen a way of tin Main St Tohavo your Eavetroughs Fixed to catch the Spring Rains LAD I Light will soon be cheaper than coal oil Let Us put up some new Fixtures for Call and see samples J N WRIGHT spending their lost night on earth What was be to do with his life ransomed from destruction He had a feeling that il did not belong to him that it had been entrusted to bis keeping by the real Owner who stood waiting lo seo what use he would make of it To go back to his unthinking un worthy pleasures was out of the question That would demon strate his of this mercy prove him an be yond all computation The lea- 1 he could do with the life that had been saved from destruction was to consecrate it to Him who had given it not only once but twice ife I 1 PROMPTLY In all countries Ask for our INVEN TORS Will bo scot 364 Uiyerliy St Men trial I Many women with disfigured complexions never to think that they need an occasional cleanaing well as outside Yet neglect internal bathing in spotty and sallow complexioneas well as In dreadful headaches and biliousness Its because the liver becomes and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance The best BSE 1 remedy ia Chamberlains StomachandLiverTablets which aUmulatethelivertohealthyactivity remove fermentation cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone whole system Sure safe and tellable Take at rdght and you fee bright and sunny In the morning Get Chamberlain a 26c or by mail from Company GRAND TRUNK TIME Leave Toronto pm pm pm NORTH Newmarket 25 pm Leave GOING SOUTH am Newmarket am am am 1200 pm 137 pm pm pm 1015 am 340 pm pm 1050 pm Arrive onto am 10IS pm i- train does not leave on Saturday night leaves Sunday night but