immsmm Will I ON ii to into so he of a an jughts be una in taste I use I store the dea- It ii long shape or the Is did Good night I other of bc a led a smug- J fell w ami baby vi v NEWMARKET FRIDAY- AY SEVEN 71 lioeal a FEW SEED The Date Is Set The Methodist Mission Circle has decided to hold their Straw berry Festival on on the lawn of Mr Cane Par ticulars later Improvement Mr on St is putting an addition to his resi dence Mr Val Brooks has the founda tion completed for another brick house on St A new woodshed at Ihe rear of the Era Office looks a good deal bettor than the former dilapidated building Pickering College The grounds are looking fine this Spring Over 200 orna mental trees have been set out this season which will make quite a change in the appearance of the place in a few years Talent The ladies of St Pauls a will hold a Talent in the SchoolHouse adjoining on Friday May Tea will bo served from 3 to pm AH kinds of dainty homemade cooking will be for sale All 1 Packages of Mangel Seed Reg Price 30c m1 Reduced to 26c each o meeting of last Monday was a decided success Mrs Clover No 1 gave a review of My Red Hearts Right There Florence Timothy No 1 for Purity and Germination but sold as No 2 Brief fete Vegetation is now making rap id progress Young man put a little spring into that step of yours Put enough spring into your walk to give the onlooker hope of you The late Mrs Rums was brought here by train yesterday afternoon for interment in Newmarket Cemetery 8 The Christian Sunday School has selected July the as the date fur the S S picnic and are going to To ronto again this year Dutch Set Onions Hearts Barclays new book which was very interesting and Mrs J contributed a patriotic solo There will not be a meeting- next Monday night but the Liter ary Committee are planning an interesting program for the fol lowing Monday night Direct Importer of and Methodist China China Hall Grocery FEED I US CHICK And Fresh Water aid you will raise a larger per centage of chicks than with any other food on the market THREE FOR 260 Corn Beans Tomatoes Pumpkins Apples A 8PECIAU FOR SATURDAY ONLY April 24 THIsena Quaker and Robin Hood Oats 30o Pkge for A Great Mr it Hook is offering Mb baking business for sale This is a groat opportunity for young baker lo start for himself Mr Hook eaters to the best peo ple of the town and has cus tomers on his route There was not a very large at tendance last Sunday evening owing no doubt to the rain The sermon by the pastor was an ex cellent one and the music was appropriate to the occasion com prising Quartette Memories of Mother Inch ami Davidson Anthem The Lost Chord Sullivan Solo Mothers Prayer Horses Coming Down Mr Williamson a horsebuy er from Toronto is stopping at the King George Hotel until Sat urday for the purpose of buying a oarload of horses He had 10 yesterday morning the prices running from 120 Ho said he would pay from SI for firstclass horses Extra Stamp Hot Required Quito a number of our cor respondents are putting a War Stamp on their letters besides the ordinary stamp This is en tirely unnecessary the envelope is left unsealed Printers copy goes through the mail at the old rates Red Cross Day The Red Cross Society wish most heartily to thank Mr for his generosity ill contributing all the ice cream which was sold in his parlor on Wednesday and also to thank his staff in thejr willingness in as sisting to serve the large number attended during the after noon and evening The sum re alised was in the neighborhood of The tickets for the occa sion were also kindly donated by Mr Wiley County Commissioners A meeting of York Commis sioners took place this week and along with Engineer Barber and Clerk Phillips made an inspection oi sever al bridges the County On Tuesday they met Ontario County and together reviewed the bridge on the Town Line which it was- dceideJ to re build It will have a span of feet and will be of concrete construction Two other bridges between East and Whitchurch Town ships and another between East Gwillimbury and Scott Townships will also be rebuilt this year s it mm 7a- MyS ft Find fill Removing Machinery There are great changes going on at the Power House The old Cor lies engine is being removed lo make room for the new Switch Board and other electrical appli ances The men had quite a job getting out the big fly wheel This machinery is now for sale The condenser has been taken out of the pit and put in commis sion as a pump on the water pipes The result is that ttiQ water supply has been in creased nearly per cent The water comes in now faster than it can be pumped out This Willi the new reservoir assures a good supply for all purposes this sum mer Home Guards Camp Fire The Home Guards accom panied by the OddFellows Hand made quite a stir down town on Wednesday evening An im mense lire lit up the whole flats and a big crowd assembled Besides exhibition of drill and songs three were pulled off the Specially team be ing the victors A Whitchurch Estate Two sisters linogene and Fran ces and a brother Byron Apple- ton share in the estate of Alfred a Whitchurch farmer who died March 30 last His will was written one week be fore his death The inventory of Johnson were exceedingly fine assets comprises service was conducted by- Hoy Cocker ill whose ability along this line is well known lo the En- Christian Church The service last Sunday even ing was in complete charge of the older boys and delighted the large audience that was present A large mate choir furnished special singing and the se lection The Lord Is My Shep herd- by the Male Quartette and the solo Can a Boy Forget His Mothers Prayer by Mr Hubert their requirements to a nicety In good footwear a Township real estate stock implements and farm produce Police Court i I Trim uptodate yet consistently In good taste describe the main features of Shoes but quality Is also an Important consideration with those men who value a distinctive appearance and Invlctus fills this requirement most satisfactorily Mi wk 3 sate and who appeared to bo well at home in this larger ser vice The Sermons from the text The Leading Reliable Grocer Phone Quick CORNER OF Main A Timothy RHODE PED8 Winning first Pullet and Second Cockerel at Newmarket Poultry Fair heavy winter layers Eggs or letting- for Roller Flour MILL Guild At St Andrews Church on I day evening Mr Speed secre tary of the Upper Canada Tract Society gave a lecture on What the Allies Owe to Belgium Mr seemed to have an inti mate knowledge of his subject and gave it in an intensely in teresting manner After the lecture a number of very good views were shown of the appearance before the War of historical buildings and of dif ferent towns of Belgium among the latter and then many of these were again shown in ruins after their wan ton destruction by the Germans Altogether the evening was very profitably spent Has been given the place of honour In our store and our suggestion It that next time you aro in need of you us an opportunity to show you INVI0TU8 mm a The Men West Mi fe -z- and Bruce Morton who gave some monition the charge was dismiss ed IT it occurs again there will be no lcujcncy service touched many hearts surely no one would want to he lik the ship that came into the harbor only a hull Manufacturer of the famous FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD CANADAS PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR These brands make the most delicious Pastry Bread and ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brown Bread and Gems ROSE MEAL for Porridge All Made From the of Wheat F H ROBINSON Proprietor Phono NOTICE Removed to South Wat Cor ner of Market on Timothy ill PAINTER PAPERHANGER FIR8TCLA88 GRAINED ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper from 3o per Roll and Hung on the Most Reasonable Terms WORK GUARANTEED I KINDS OF- PAINTED ESTIMATES Christian Endeavor The regular weekly of the Christian Endea vor Society of the Christian Church was well attended on Tuesday evening The meeting was in charge of Mr Hoy and Miss Lulu Collins read the Scripture Lesson All those who were absent from Hie meeting missed a rare treat as Messrs Harry Penrose and Hoy Cocker 111 gave splendid talks on The Countries Involved In the present war Miss also favored us with a reading The meeting next Tuesday ev ening is In charge of the Misaion- Committee The expects lo hold Cream Social oil Tuesday ayenlng June when a patriotic pro gram will also be rendered The and friends are ahk- Green The large green that was seed ed down last fall on the Pearson properly at the South End has taken well but will not be lit to use till about the 1st of Sept Another piece large for lhrje rinks is being sodded this week and will he In shape for playing by the June Ladies will bo permitted to play on this Kink in the af ternoon order to induce young people to play the game tickets have been reduced from lo S3 for the season and SI for ladies They may bo had at Hard ware Store Tuesday Max reach torpedo boa Zeppelin airships members the bodies of members its were which raided towns on both floating oft of the English Channel during the early hours of Monday were des troyed according to reports reaching here from Northern France while a third dirigible is described Id an Ad miralty as having been Se verely damaged by bombs thrown from a British aeroplane One of the destroyed Zeppelins was down by gunfire and landed near Dunkirk where its crew was captured The other was sunk in the Channel by the Mr and Mrs Patten spent Sunday with friends on the Line Mr and Mrs Cook spent with friends at Aurora Miss spent with her parents here Mrs 1- Courtney- has returned oihomo after spending few days with her daughter Mrs at Mr Ward Cook Mr Harry attended- the League at on Tuesday night Miss Annie Patten of the Line spent Sunday with her parents Here May this morn ing did considerable d to Bank of Commerce building It was The Girls Club of Alton J oil slove was County eighteen mem- the kitchen of Albert has just Contributed dancing which pillow eases towels and tuples lie third floor pillow cased to the University Ottawa May A new casualty Base Hospital These supplies list was issued at today with wore manufactured by the girls thirtythree names of missing sit themselves and were all launder- wounded and two killed Most of by cm before being shipped ihe missing are in the Battalion In addition to the above they have The total casualty list is now raised the sum of for wounded missing and otic purposes killed I mi 1 I Athletlo Meet One hundred and twenty individual entries hae been received the athletic meet tor the boys Ontario to be held at Newmarket on May promises to be a great suc cess No senior amateur meet will be held on the and the athlete left who have not joined the colors will be present and act as officials They will encourage the boys in their respective classes and it is anticipat ed that some excellent material will be discovered George champion toe and ed to keep this dale- in mind with Jake Freeman of local fame will The people of Ihe church are now enjoying the tenuis court Com NOTICE Art season fa coming on for cleaning up you will no doubt have onto old Copper Brass Iron Rubbers and Hags for sale Let me know by mail or otherwise you want to dispose of it and will call I will pay you a fair market price We also buy Fowl Wool and Horsehair We will pay an extra if goods delivered at our house I no buyer on roads but my self box JPhone Newmarket Memorial Service- About of the Borne Guards turned out on Sunday afternoon to the muster on the grounds of the Davis Leather Co and head ed by the OddFellows Baud marched to the Town Hall whore a very impressive Memorial Ser vice was held for the victims of the Lusilania disaster The Hall was filled to the doors Rev Hector Pauls Church presided and was assisted service by Rev A P Addison of the Meth odist Church and Rev Thomas of the Presbyterian Church singing wan led by the choir of St Pauls Church with Mrs Bop well as pianist and Mrs Evans as soloist 1 The hymns and form of service with prayers were printed spe cially for the service The sermon was delivered by Rev and was ex cellent His text To what pur pose Is this waste was forcefulIon the applied to present war and as all were enriched with the perfume when the sacrifice was the sacrifice of the host of Hilton and her Allies wilt make a better world Id the future act as Judges in the mile walk Sev eral local boys have already reduced the standing record and with the stamp on the meet it- is ex pected that a record set not only breaking all others but one which will stand for some years to come Walter Secretary of the Ontario Branch A A of will be the official starter while Mr Murdoch MacDonald also of the Union will have full charge of the arena events Including all jumping and puts The Victor Band has been for the day and following the after noon sports a patriotic demonstration will be held in the town hall The officials have expended over J100 on medals while Mr James has presented a trophy to be won by club piling up the highest number of points in all events A set of medals gold silver and bronze will be given for each event and there are twentytwo events to ho pulled off during the af ternoon The one mile walk will be run off at one oclock while the two end a half mile race will come last list Nothing so big in provincial ath letics has been tackled before and if the meet proves as It is expected it may be continued year to year has already ap plied for the meet in TORONTO LETTER Ratepayers are beginning to wonder why all York County salaried Magis trates reside in and about Toronto Are the North Riding members the County Council satisfied with this ar rangement Magistrate salary was increased from to Returns to the Clerk the Peace and County Treasurer will show whether justified or otherwise Sixtylive new doctors of whom three arc ladies have been success ful In the final examinations in Med- On Tuesday a fire broke oti in the National Mattress Kelt Factory rard street damage A man lowered himself and his live year old son iron the second story a building on ire In Melville avenue this by tearing sheets of his hed and tying them together for a rope Michaels Cathedral was packed to I the doors on Monday morning when solemn requiem high mass was celebrated for the repose of the souls the dead soldiers of the first Canadian contingent May 25 has been fixed the date for the trial of who had a trial of treason brought against him at the last assize A committee of Presbyteri an General Assembly supervising diMiominational hymn book completed its work this week The changes made will be em bodied in a report lo be submit ted General Assembly which meets in Kingston on tho Slid of next month London May Six thousand Ar menians have been massacred at Van hi Armenia Asiatic Turkey accord ing to a despatch received in official quarters In London today from the Russian Consul at Persia- This message Is dated May It adds that the Armenians defend ing themselves to the utmost against the Turks and Kurds arrayed against them but that help Is urgently need ed I HI guippat oi ad looj i303d jo jml iibsX pus UOI103103 V iqwnp iij iinitnoim3qiiiQ jo o ujojj iuiap jo 1 JJ u I lioujjo j j 1 J A piO lit I i jp in pun S5 I I J mm I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO W