r MAN WANTED With a bucksaw lo clean Apply Era Office- TO RENT Furnished house on SI- Apply this office BICYCLE STOLEN Store Saturday evening 4j Reward for informal following resolution King leading to recovery Newmarket sa MP BRICK BUNGALOWS For Sale or To Rent On Grace St mediate possession Apply to Geo Barter Box Newmarket Inv PIANO FOR SALE Cost Haines teautilul square piano highly carved rose wood Never out of owner home in prime condition suitable for hill or Sunday School 237 St Helens Ave T TOWN OF NEWMARKET and got out right All the Newmarket toys got out It very heavy lire all Mm time The bullets whistled all around us Toronto papers report battalion lost vary heavily but Hon Hearst Premier- held the Germans back till our Ontario is recovering rapidly supports came dp It was our from the attack of pneumonia fighting I got bit scared at which for some Weeks as the bullets came so fast lined him to his home He not count them advanced weak however that lie will not a mile in open ground when able to visit his office for I wo or Germans turned their machine guns on us which shoot about bullets a minute When we advanced a mile we were on a hill and the Germans were upon another about yards apart They started to shell us with the gas shells which they use and continued all day long The which is in them nearly choctes us and it would make us blind if they shelled en ough The do not use it unless the wind is in our trenches It is the worst stuff ever smelt We had to dig ourselves in under very Heavy fire and lost a lot of men A tig bunch has come to fill up the bat talion from- the 2nd Contingent Miss Lulu was borne from stay nor for holiday Mrs J is vis iting lier mother in Mr Angus of was here dnriiigthc holi day i Mr The Ontario Board having learned that in local option municipalities were closing up their places from the travelling public by ay of resentment have passed the Representa tions having reached this board that in some local oitlon municialities former hotel licensees have disregard ed the opportunity of public set vice to their community by not only clos ing their house but by refusing to sell or to lease to others desiring to sene the needs of the travel lie warning is hereby given to hotel- men so ignoring the public interests a serious obstacle to their procuring North Hay was homo for Hie holiday Miss Myrtle Johns of To ronto spent tlio her homo here Geo Private visiting Mi spent fan worth in town on was TtirV Morion and laughter Hamilton and Miss Martin spent the with Mrs Allan Howard s PINE our young- people spent the Oeo Davison Victoria Day mother of Toronto with Miss Francos has visiting friends Toronto of Toronto of around here Three our wire- exports put up a nice fence upside down had the meshes at the lop What do you know about that Thats to keep out the birds Mr is spend ing a few days in he city this week We are quite pleased with pur new preacher Mr Hole Mr 1 has his motor Pine Apple Is now In full good values In them for preserving We have them at 12I 18o SPECIAL PRICE BY THE DOZEN We can give you PLANTS let it got dark that night we carried Victoria Day wilh her sister Mrs boggy in now our wounded from the Meld which we- that such action will be regarded the day We were a serious obstacle to their procur ing licenses again at any time in fu ture under the jurisdiction of he board Now will they be good firvy O w frsr- 5vfl I Public notice is hereby given thai the first session of the Court of Revision for the Town of New market will be held at the Coun cil Chamber at I oclock am on Wednesday June 2nd of which all persons- interested hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly P J Anderson Town Clerk 5Vj RHODE ROSE COMB first Pullet and Second Cockerel at Newmarket Poultry F and heavy winter lavers Eggs for 13 for The Canadian Magazine lor dune contains an article by Professor A Crawford of Manitoba that everyone should real just now It is entitled The Fear of Russia is a scholarly consideration of the possible outcome ot Great ain joining arms with her ancient foe against her ancient friend He shows that in democracy and civilization Russia in advancing while Germany is going backwards and concludes that Alter the war is over cut of and from Germany and allied with the two great demo cracies it is quite within the bounds probability that Russia will a more liberal policy than ever and greatly extend the liberties of the constitution In friendship with Brit ain and France it is quite and highly probable that Russia may bear a great share in human pro gress and in the emancipation of man kind and may yet make some notable additions To the great temple of liberty -flOO- COAL FOR SALE Best Anthracite Coal al bar gain prices Orders tilled al al hours Telephone No FRANK GLASS If Millard i a I WOOD FOR SALE Hemlock Slabs Limbs and Hardwood at reasonable prices J A CODY Phone St ii ANNOUNCEMENT Letters from Oar Boys JV3S to then put back in the reverse line Tor a and we got shelled all the time by Jack Johnsons One lit about fifty feet from us and we were nearly covered with dirt You could dump a house in the hole it makes very easily and cover It up with loose dirt It was only luck that I got out so well A bullet went through my equipment and overcoat I felt the heat of it and it was my al The boots we got at were all right lor summer weather but when we got to la wet the water would wash right through them- The Row we use is all right for that is all it is good for as hey so easily broken When we were in the big fight the other fel lows got all the Enfield riles could for they are a stroig hold ten rounds of Now we are in France- we boots which are good and strong Our clothes are English too Our equipment is just the same as the English 1 will write you again soon So long Yours truly Jack France May id It seems a long time heard from or wrote and day Messrs Harold Harold Trent spent the Toronto GEO BROWN Harness Collars Faced Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE ADDRE83 Main St Newmarket South of King George Hotel WE HAVEFOR A property situated on Propot A largesited dwelling all conveniences all in first eliBS Quarter of an acre of with apple and small fruit Frame stable ad cement hen This we consider the best in town act quickly Mi be arranged to to P Morton box 373 Away mm in Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Roof Barn built from all new material with modern together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and we will satisfy you as the amount given away We must wind up ibis Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at 5 per for years a small deposit down You act quick in his mailer or miss this chance mile East of Ml Pleasant on the Centre known as the Tommy Farm of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket The following letter was received this week by Mrs Ross from young man who was among the first to enlist for the war May Sth Dear Mrs Ross Got your April letters just at the right time when one needed a little cheering up You will have read in the newspapers what the Canadians have gone through but we did what we were called on to do and I think made a name for Canada in the Worlds History of War Congratula tions have been flowing in from all parts of the It was a ter rible ten days of an Inferno that a life time in a ten days The groans of the wounded will never leave me and what the Division went through was terrible too awful for words All my old friends are gone either severely wounded or falling Heros graves on the battlefield and now- reaping the reward of service freely rendered The General shook hands today with the Officers who arc left and It was a pitiful few The Canadians were thrown into a Breach opposed to four times their number and ac tually charged into this horde with the bayonet throwing the Germans in to bewilderment by such dare devil bravery and by that sort of work held the line intil reinforcements ar rived charging through storm of shot shell that one would think impossible for man to live in Do not think for minute that we arc downhearted but just eager for some more It is sweet to think we got four for every one of ours Hope Mr has ho trouble with the Loafer and that the milk arrives safe ly With kindest regards to all Dick Jones We have just came out of the trenches and are now I away I guess you have heard before now about the big German attack on and how it foiled Our boys did I well and London is forever talking about our fellows We had Germans on each side front and rear The French troops were on Hie left of us and the Germans shelled them with poisonous gas and they had to retreat That let the Germans through and they got behind us but we turned our- machine guns on them and they soon disappeared The gas I nines were terrible like a thick fog However I got through I do not i know how unless it was the will of God One incident that touched me deeply was when one our fellows found his chum dead from gas poison ing The poor fellow got right down on his knees in the trench and pray- to God to punish the wretches who poisoned his chum We were under tiro 22 days and you cannot imagine what a relief it is to be out of the sound of the big guns All the Newmarket hoys excepting myself are in the I do not know how they fared We have lost something like men in the lkitt but I am thank ful to say some of the number ate only wounded Now 1 must close hoping this find you alt in Newmarket in best of health Herbert Kelly P you kindly send this let ter to the local Papers as I cannot write to iny other friends We only get one of these en elopes a week and are allowed to use others Mrs Long of was visiting Miss Gertrude Miller a few days last week Miss Annie Thornley of Bar rio was the guest of Mrs Jas Stark on the Mrs of Toron to spent the holiday with her Mrs Stark Mr Jos Collier assistant agent of the was visit ing Emery over Sunday Mr of spent over Hie holiday with Mr and Mrs Messrs and Fred are summoned on jury in Toronto on Monday Mr and Mrs Walter Trivetl and family of Toronto were visit ing his parents over the holiday Mr and Mrs Otto of Toronto spent Victoria Day holidays with in Town Miss Kathleen Wallace of Toronto is spending a week with her friend Miss Nellie Osborne Miss Stella Corson of Toron to is spending a month Iter grandmother Mrs John Mr and Mrs Stuart Barker and son of Toronto spent the holiday with his mother in Town Mrs Collins left on Saturday visit mother Mrs Eugenia Falls Out Mr and Mrs Will Stark and FOR 8ALE Choice Purebred Plymouth Hock Apply al this office THE LEADING urn taking House Yuu can buy your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at rosldenco John H Millard Phones- and kinds of Vegetable and Flower Plants for the Garden 2 BOXES FOR 260 DUTCH 100 PER VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE Tomatoes Lettuce Radishes Onions and From now we will Fresh Strawberries Canned Vegetables All kinds of Canned Vegetables Corn Tomatoes or Beans 3 FOR Try our Fresh Ground Coffee at a lb Teas havo all advanced We are still soiling at the old prices PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO I PHONE 7 family of Toronto spent the holi day with his brother Mr Stark Mrs Coulter and daughter the the and the Hamilton spent Monday with Misses nieces former Mr Frank Osborne wife of Toronto spent til his Osbornes fathers Mr OR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER dally Leave Toronto pm Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or write M Murphy District Passenger A dent Cor King and Yongc Sis Toronto Mr Howard received the lowlng letter from Win a former employee with the 1st Over seas Contingent Dear now take the pleasure of writing you these few lines letting you know that J arrived in England safely We bad a good voyage and had no trouble in getting over We are staying at a place called about miles from England They are talking about giving us six days leave to go anil sec our can see aeroplanes nearly every day Hying over us and also arc only about miles from the line There were seven thousand went away to the front and the big gest half them back all cut up As far as I have heard the Cana were getting peppered by all talk that is going around had a little bit hard luck since I struck here I scalded my ancle and never rested It but went out and played football Hut guess It wont amount to much They are talking about reducing our Company because they are over strength but It dont make any dif ference to me as long as they trans fer me into cavalry or something else Oh say we are having lovely weather over here- and we are in very nice spot you couldnt ask for We arc a long ways better of than the First Contingent ever was So I think I will ring of for this time hoping to hear you soon as this Is a very short letter So Goodbye and luck I remain friend William Davis The following letter was received by Mr Racine from lack Mc Donald Henry I lust got your letter to hear you and was ATKINSON Agent been In a big light at Mrs Watson has received the following letter from her son Gunner Watson in France Rouen France May Dear Mother I hope you have not worried much about me as I suppose it came out In the papers that I was wounded got a piece of Shrapnel In my right I had to have probed out t was rather painful at Hire I but the Dr said this A that it is do ing line I guess It will be some time before I will be moved and I do not know where we will go Here There arc twelve In the I am in seven I think with about the same as I have and the rest with their heads bandaged around a bit hope I never see again anything as awful as was going on where wo were the last eight days I was in it- As far as I know He Procter is all right V Our boys got out very lucky seeing some of the tight places they were In Our tenth battery was firing point blank at yards on the Ger mans advancing one night and got without n man killed or a gun hurt Will close now and will keep you posted as to bow I getting along Maurice Gunner M Watson is a son of Watson Kcttlehy tie enlist ed from where he was Accountant in Canadian Hank of Commerce Ills brother Watson Is also with the First Con tingent in France M Mrs wife of Reeve Llpsey of on a plank at back loop and In her fall had her right leg broken at the hip Jas Wilson a prominent farmer near Appleton was fatally Injured when run over by a seeder while about to unharness the team Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS Miss Minnie of To ronto visited at Mr Town Monday accompanied by her niece Miss Mulr of Toronto was home for the holidays ac companied by her college chum Miss McLaren Mr and Mrs A and daughter of Out vis Mr and Mrs over the The Cradle Grant On Friday May I I ill to Mr arid Jack Grant QueonsviHe a daughter Helen Lorraine Draper In Newmarket on May to Mr and Mrs Will Draper a daughter Greenwood In Bast on May to Mr and Mrs Greenwood a son In Newmarket on May to Mr- and Mr Silas a daughter Pottago On near Newmarket on May 191 Mr and Mrs Luther Pottage a son The Tomb At Industrial May IK Sarah James of Mark ham Township aged about HO years Deceased was one of the first inmates of the Home In on Sunday May til Waller Hey- holds aged 2d Funeral on Thursday May from ho home of his mother Aurora to Aurora Cemetery Sproule Suddenly fit Harlem Montana May Win Johnstone M class 1 Toronto Cui- viTsily aged years elder son of Mr and Mrs Newton Interred at yester day afternoon J AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J MAIN STREET 5 NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Fresh Hurlers Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE Phone No and Mrs and family of Toronto were vis iting Mr anil Mrs over the holiday Mr John P of Mark- dale has been visiting his sis ter Mrs McMunus and oth er friends in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Ernest Law rence of Toronto visited over the holiday with her Mr and Mrs A Thompson Mr Walter Soules of To ronto formerly f the of was culling n friends in Town last week Misses Flossie Collins Laura Tieut and Lulu Collins were Ilia guests of Miss Mann at Orchard over the holiday Mr Hoy who has been attending Medical School in Toronto was home a week or so prior to accepting a situation for he summer The Editor of the Era at tended the banquet in Toronto last Friday evening al so Mr Arthur of Orchard Beach and Mr of King Tp Miss Ida Flint of Toronto daughter of Paul Flint of Prairie has returned homo after spending a few days with her cousin Mrs Prospect Ave Mrs Wright of Toron to attended the funeral of the late Lundy in Aurora oil Thursday of last week and spent over night in Town with her son Mr J Norman Wright Qllroy At Out May Hannah slopmother of Peter aged Inferred at Newmarket Ceme tery on May I NEWMARKET For Quality and Read the Following List VEAL SPECIALS Choice of Rump of Veal per lb Roasts of Veal for Dressing 20o lb Short Cut Loins of Veal 20o lb 200 lbs Stowing Voal per lb 15o Short Chops 20o per Veal Cutlets 25o per lb ROADHOU8E Main St North Newmarket PORK SPECIALS Hams of Young Pork Half or Whole per lb Loan Shoulder Roasts of Pork any slzo you wish 16c It ORDERS CALLED FOR ON UEST OR CALL US BY PHONE 64 Choice Roasting Pork off side Pork 18o Choice Pork Chops 10c BEEF SPECIALS Rump Roasts of Young Beef Half or Whole Choice Roasts of any size Rib Roasts of Young Beef rolled If you wish 16c lb Shoulder Roasts of Young Beef 16o per Roasts of Young Beef 12 Flanks of Young Boef for Boiling lb Boef Pork Dripping lb PANEL WAS FULL All Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention scat The jurors tiled into the jury box and alter the twelve seats were tilled there still remained one juror stand ing outside the court please Bald clerk they have US jurors Instead the do you want to do with i name asked What extra one What is your judge of the extra man Joseph A replied Mr Clerk said the take this man back to the jury commissioners and tell them we do made a mistake need him as we already here I twelve men without AmBER Oil SMOKE Speotaotes and AND 26 PERCY THE OPTICIAN BLOOR STREET EAST Of TORONTO Phone North merchant Willi lie modern spirit carries his busi ness lo customers homes that is he doesnt lo be found ml danger of hot being found out The best carrier of business to customers homes is the per The Weekly Era can carry every business in Newmarket to the homes of this community with cum and without confusion business of grocers dry goods men hardware dealers clothiers stationers boot and shoe houses druggists jewellers furniture dealers fruiterers but chers grain and feed stores and every other class of business To the Merchants of Newmarket 111 i your business into the home and youll sell goods there The Weekly Era can carry your business into more homes than you now serving Ask us about the cost advertising From Advertisers Methodl The the Chi day eve Titer at the the after no The log an Po Lawn Of late Mi Ave pm to Board dream and n bold On Audi lh Hi would would with fray taken Small At a South lie hU at stairs the Some order walls Is Bo Aubr Allan Mr for for I he be 1 a vera Mr Ap from and on the bold day M the rt tent vine iilUi and Mod celt A leer fled fi Rod Ilea In I J fro 1 sal ale en lag hel me Ore oh an