Newmarket Era, 28 May 1915, p. 4

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rail Enhanced By Perfect Physi cal Speaking Provincial ioaarccenUy Provincial of Ontario Toronto News sonic has borne the signature of Chas what jubilantly thy and ha been i -j- i it I TBI SUM w The experience of Motherhood Is a try- lay one to most women and dis tinctly an epoch In lives Not one woman In a hundred la prepared or hoy to properly care for Of nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times but many approach the experi ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength and when it over her system baa received a shock from which it hard to recover Following this comes the nervous strain of caring for the and a distinct change In the mother results There Is nothing more charming than happy and healthy mother of children and indeed childbirth under the right conditions heed be or beauty The thing Is that with all the evidence of shattered serves and health resulting from an unprepared condition and with am ple time in which to prepare women will persist In going blindly to the Wah Every woman at this time should rely upon Vegetable Compound a moat Tamable tonic and mvigorator of the female organism In many homes once childless there are now children be cause of fact that Pink- hams Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthy and strong If you want special writs to csnfl Lynn Mais- fact that he managed successfully to feet a Joan for but ail hour and a half later of tin sinking of received ami the money market was upset Skilfully tain is drawn to make the read ers Of that journal believe that this bad something do with the war necessity of the Province whereas it simply means that the new Ontario Treasurer has increased our Pro vincial debt by thai sum in the face of bailor terms The Tele gram says is an indisputable fact thai a belter price could been obtained from all brokers who wished to participate It Lakes occasion to say that this loan does not compare favorably with other issues recently float ed The Monetary Times like wise remarks- There seems to be little doubt that a higher than the good one actually received could have been obtained There is we believe indisputable evidence in black and white to thut effect Touching the foregoing loans and referring the Brant- ford Expositor remarks Anoth er source of complaint against the Provincial Treasurer is that on a recent loan before either of the two present flotations the Government acted through Home Smith Co who are not in the bond business at all and paid them a commission of be opened read answered ay a This transaction has never been 5 and held In strict HOME STUDY Arte Courses only SUMMER SCHOOL JiLV and QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION SCHOOL OF MINING MIKING CHBMICAL MECHANICAL CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO CUOYVX Tho simple gift that lends the touch of friendship with out embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERES A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN E Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photos at night by aid of Electric Light Studio opon Saturday evenings and any other evening by ap pointment Studio One Door West of the New Post Office satisfactorily explained although the Opposition pressed for fur ther information Yes it looks as if the Provincial Treasurer was trying to praise himself as a financier on a transaction open to very grave Suspicions The member for North York loo is is silent as the proverbial step EDITORIAL NOTES his personal supervision for over SO years Allow no one to you in this Imitations and are bat Experiment and endanger health of Children against Experiment What is CASTOR A is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor Narcotic substance It age its guarantee It destroys and allays It cures and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It as similates Food regulates and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use in British Columbia who died at age of years The Pictorial on lo say that Mary herself claimed to be I3il but the records Hudson Hay who established a post at the conjunction of tho and Rivers years ago show her to be she lived in an old shack near Six Mile Lake in the Fori District and looks to be as old as she claims We are told that Mary was a noted character at the time of the Cariboo gold rush sixty years ago- Her descend ants are said to be numerous it Circumstances alter cases i A Liberal Government is again in in Manitoba and the day grace for the Government passed away This change political sentiment the Prairie Province lias had its in fluence at Ottawa insomuch indeed that a Dominion General election this side of is not now considered at all probable the the mm Township of Whitchurch OF REVISION- Court of Revision for the Muni cipality of the Township of Whitchurch will he held in Van- doif Hall in the said Township on Wednesday Juno 2 at the hour of oclock a in for the hear ing of any appeals against the assessment for tlie year and the final revision and adop tion of the same Notices of appeal should be delivered to the undersigned on or before the day of May Dated tit day of May 1915 Clerk The world stands aghast at monstrous atrocities in which I enemies of the allied indulge I Surely the day cannot be far dis tant when an overruling Providence will intervene and mark displeasure of these barbaric and inhuman evi dences of Satanic cruelty A press despatch from Ottawa on Saturday says Canadian casualties reported up to ten oclock this morn ing to the Militia Department totall ed The killed number the wounded while the missing now number There arc still a considerable number missing to be heard from The Toronto News calls atten tion to the fact that llio second Canadian contingent lias safely crossed the under the ample protection afforded by the British Navy The same paper goes on to say it is worth while repealing that between arid British troops have boon transported from all parts of the world sine the war began without accident to a Single troopship or loss of a single soldier For Every SPORT and RECREATION try on JjhbI Shoe Dealers Store a row in a Metro car last was assessed 5 line in County Police Court Failing to pay lino hyUas stntenced to Jail tor months- On Saturday dropped sonic paper the street and while picking them up failed to notice an approaching automobilo and was struck by it followed A painter named was rom his ladder by motorist on Saturday and received a fractured arm and three broken ribs in the fall doubtful Sir Wilfrid did not return 101 THE 24TH AT RICHMOND HILL Never in its long success ful history over a pe riod of years had the Hill Society scored so notable a success as thai of Monday when nearly people from nil parts of the county and Toronto gathered within its gains Ideal weather ami a record attendance made glad Hie hearts of Hie directors anil from a monetary standpoint placed the society on a sound ba sis It is safe lo say that upper St never carried such throng of pleasureseekers By trolley car auto the ubiquitous jitney fanners natty turnout and the oldfashioned family car riage they came and enjoyed themselves to the full Many prominent in political agricultural anil commercial life of the County ami city were on the grounds during afternoon renewing old eequaiutjiucos forming new ones and taking generally the keenest interest in the show of cattle sheep and swine the dis play of line arts ladies work and poultry and all the exhibits gen erally found at a highclass fair in York County The show of horses heavy and light has pro bably never been surpassed and the judges had on many occa sions great difficulty in placing the awards A regrettable accident occurred during the second heat of the rac ing events two sulkies colliding when the horses were being driv en at a rapid rate around the ring John of driver on one of the was thrown to the ground The remarks The Liberal party in Manitoba stands pledged to the abolition of the bar The Saskatchewan Liberals arc already committed to that policy while the Liberal Government of Alberta has provided for a prohibi tion plebiscite The west Is making progress in the direction or temper ance which makes the east and not ably Ontario appear very Roller Flour MILLS Manufacturer of the famous MOSS ROSE PASTRY FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD CANADAS PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR These brands make the mosl delicious Pastry Bread and Buns Also ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brown Bread and Gems MOSS ROSE MEAL for All From the Choicest of Wheat ROBINSON Proprietor Phono 1810 Furnace Work A cable dispatch from lund dated May states that the Hill to amend The British North America Act passed the House of Commons the evening pi- vious This Bill is enacted to amend constitution and allow the addition of mine members to the Dominion Senate representing the Provinces of Manitoba Alberta -is- and British Columbia The Bill up to the House Lords for approval Highness desires to express to you as hen secretary the Bible and Medical her great hope that you will meet with a generous response to your appeal for funds in this country As patroness or the mission and having lived for so many years of her life in India her Royal Highness fully realizes the ad mirable work which this mission ful fills During this terrible war its work must rfbdds be increasingly heavy as there will be so many young widows who will be left un protected and unprovided for- A press despatch from Ottawa oil Friday of last week stales that at a meeting of the Militia Coun cil that day it was decided to make a call fov ten thousand more troops in Canada Tor ser vice overseas consisting of seven new battalions of infantry and several brigades of artillery It is proposed to raise these bat talions as follows one battalion from Toronto and out each from Kingston Montreal Winnipeg and Saskatchewan and one from Alberta ami British Colombia Thodcsputch says is that there now Cana dian soldiers across the water- of whom tare in the tir ing line The second lias landed Nothing jolts an egotist so suc cessfully as being ignored Markdalc was visited by a terrific rain and hail storm Over lights wore broken in the Anglican church In the racing Maple Boy was first Barrio Boy second and Sandy third football mutches drew a big crowd Aurora winning over Malvern Bill and Edgely in the order named In the single lady drivers for A J H handsome trophy Miss Irene Hood of was successful There was a hi show of- cattle A feature of the day was tho attending he efforts of Hie lied Cross Society of the Richmond School Alum ni which gathered in nearly SI CANNOT BE CURED British shell contracts have natural ly aided Canadian industries It is authoritatively stated that contracts for shells amounting to over have been placed with Cana dian manufacturers by the British War Office during the few months through Col Bertram who is chair man of the committee About 150- of this outlay will be absorb ed In wages This means says the Colonel that men will be able to find employment for the ncict year at S3 per day In February last the average Shipment of shell was about today the dally shipments away up into thousands with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the di sease Catarrh Is a blood or consti tutional disease and In order to cure It you must take internal remedies Hairs Catarrh Cure la taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine was prescribed by one of the best ciauB in this country for years and Is a regular prescription It Is compos ed ol the best tonics known combin ed with the best blood purifiers act ing directly on the mucous surfaces The prelect combination of tlie two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free J CHENEY Co Props Toledo Sold- by Druggists price cents Take Halls Family Pills for to Ottawa He attended a private dinner in the evening given by Mr The anniversary ol of was celebrated on Sunday the Veterans 6670 and South Africa by service at the Church the Ascension where Rev 1 Gibson A preached trips each w To ronto and Hamilton is now made steamboats recently A girl named Ellen aged years has been missing nearly two weeks and all to dis cover her whereabouts ailed When leaving home she wore pink hat and glasses On Wednesday ol last week Miss Addison gave a delightful tea at Hall in honor Miss Hung who will return to China this month Miss Hung is one the graduates in art from Victoria Col lege and those who were present to her and say were the members of the graduating class and number of tho Professors wives and some friends Iron beyond the confines of College circles Application was made at Hall last week by Mrs Wright of Hamilton to have Ho marriage her daughter Ruth to Cecil annulled told her he had no power to annual the marriage and referred the matter to the Divisional Court A bell hoy at the Walker House was found guilty of stealing money and to three months in jail On behalf of the trustees of the old Hospital Mr Mark Irish has- written General Hughes Minister of Militia ottering the building as a convalescent home for wounded- soldiers Point was the- location thousands Torontos pleasure- seekers last Monday It stated that people crossed the Bay in the ten steamers which plied to the Point from Toronto A picnic was held in the ot Providence Grounds Monday and was attended by people It was greatest ration in the history of the Usual crowd at the opening of the season at the Woodbine Mr Claries Millers Tartarian won the Kings Plate and the guineas Mr tiller is a Toronto barrister and his second horse won- second place giving him a decisive- Victory The Tartarian won by a length and lots of money changed hands Victoria Day was celebrated with rather more than usual display The Woodbine Beach the motor cycle meet at the Exhibition rounds the amateur ball games etc ail bad their devotees in thousands It is estimated that more than peo ple witnessed these varied events The Italians of Toronto are In jubilant method now that Italy baa declared for the allies They had a parade on Wednesday to celebrate the event Most holidays for years past this City have had toll ol eidents hut Monday Was an Hon Considering the number people who were out on the hay i all sorts of watercraft absence of accidents was wonderful Our Elect Is a Modern Fisherman Its a simple Ingonlous and Interesting process the way workmen wire an alreadybuilt house Until you see the trick done It would seem Impossible to an old houso without tearing it all to pieces You would naturally suppose that they would chop out wall plaster and generally ruin everything In sight but they don Our many call him the DIRTLE8S WORKMAN he Is neat and tidy In his work Let uo tell you how It Is and how It will cost We Use None But the Best Quality Materials In Our Work FIVE YEARS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE On some of largest Jobs In Canada g Toronto UonWersity Qutta Ltd Exhibition Grounds Eaton Memorial Church Etc Is our guarantoo of flrslcass workmanship Agent fop VACUUM CLEANERS CENTURY MOTORS WAGNER MOTORS ALFRED RSTARR Market Building Electrical Contractor Howards Dr Office a MAIN Dr rortto of the ciaus College former Moorfle versity Throat Offic thy ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS I V Eh- Ad u Em- EBGmuVStlbt Sir SuTkeikioiVMjKCVO C A GetJoB D Aiiu Wo En- Sir Ctrl tinier Capital Paid up Undivided Total Oct 259481663 Current Rates of are allowed on dcposiU in the Savings Department of the Bank of Montreal Deposits of ft and upwards are received on Accounts WATCH Qv i C Ross Manager Newmarket Branch South End Stove fe Tin Shop Main St Teach I a I Ins Age las I a log Tim A At III T To have your Fixed to catch the Spring Rains AWFUL RAILWAY ACCIDENT IN ENGLAND May An official an nouncement was made tonight that persons were killed or are missing of the triple collision Electrlct Light will soon be cheaper than coal oil Let us put up some now Fixtures for Call and seo sampled J N WRIGHT as a result Dont Hide Thorn With a Them With th Othlno Proscription I Plumbing Mm of Our Specialties in- Bathroom Outfit ho Shop THE The March bulletin issued by the Department of Agriculture tells that tho development of the cherry industry in this Pro vince both in sweet and sour varieties is of very recent origin In the oast fifteen years particu larly the growing of sour cher ries lias made wonderful strides The report goes on lo say that the cherry industry has been one practically only lwculyflve or thirty years and now the talk is of At pre sent day liter are commcr- orchards in Ontario scatter ed over that part of the Province west of Toronto to the Georgian along Lake Krio shore and la the Niagara district SONS Next Smiths Besides- the numerous splendid military scenes pictured lltft J uric Canadian ft a portrait and hut of Six Mile Mary known as fliorjfe Mary the oldest wnrrinn This prescription for re moval of freckles was written by a prominent physician and is usually so successful in remov ing freckles and giving a clear beautiful complexion that it Is sold by druggists under guaran tee lo refund the money if it fails your freckles under a veil get an ounc of thine mid remove them Even the few applications should show a wonderful improvement some of the lighter freckles vanishing en tirely He sure to ask the druggist for the double strength it is this that is sold on tlie guarantee I NOTICE lo West Cor ner of Market on Timothy Street Many for Vacation at midsummer Our College does not LJJOTT and Charles Sis Toronto is bettor In Canada Enter now so as to get a In the early fall free J ELLIOTT Principal Yonae Toronto QRA1NER ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper 8upplled from 3o per Roll and Hung on the Most Reasonable Terms ALL GUARANTEED ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED ESTIMATES SUBMITTED As the season is coming on for cleaning up you will no doubt have some old Copper Iron Rubbers and Hags for sale Let me know by mail or otherwise when you want lo dispose- of it and I will call will pay you a fair market price also buy- Fowl Wool and Horsehair will pay an extra price if goods are delivered at bur house have no buyer road but myself Box Phono Newmarket died from the which occurred yesterday morning on tho Caledonian Railway north Carlisle All except six the killed were soldiers belonging to the Royal Scots Regiment of whom were In a troop train At least persons mostly soldiers were injured These figures establish A new railway accidents in the lirit- Isles the number or dead and In jured being far greater than in any pervious disaster tho kind death roll probably will be added to as many of injured not ex pected to recover Added to the horror of the tare nK inU a fire which broke out in the wreckage and which rendered the rescue those held in the tangled mas Possible Ton ol water pou the- Injured burqed to death The dead mostly are soldiers The troop train collided first with a In from Carlisle and the only hope 0 c Out Farming is Fun when you have as your aid a 1915 THERE often occasions for getting some place in a hurry Perishable goods must be shipped quickly Broken ports on farm machinery must be re placed without delay The doctor must be summoned without loss of time Rain or shine on good roads or bad at any hour the Indian is on the job It rides with the ease of a touring car It is economical to operate Then too it is Indihnbuilt which assures the utmost in value and scrviceA Behind it ia a company that great in fulfilling its every obligation and a sonal interest in the proper performance a policy that has earned and held the confidence hundreds of thousands of Indian riders and owners big Basic big Refinements Indian all thoroughly explained and pictured in the Where sen I your capy T i Local Newmarket i TORONTO OS mm mm PS m mm

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