NT A MA A- r A vims mm mi T Via Jlv Hi 5rf j Sottas- I TINSDALE AGENT MOUNT ALBERT JOHN YATES AGENT SUTTON MOUNT ALBERT PLEASURE TRIPS Times must he looking up ov ine number of around A lew I am sorry lo say are kepi pretty busy carting the toughs to Oxbridge for a few bottles Mr Caleb Dike of A Dike proprietors of the power house was taken to the General Thursday last lo undergo an operation This proved un successful and ho passed away on Monday afternoon The funeral look place on Wednesday Cemetery Deceased was 45 years of age and unmarried PERSONAL Mis Ruth and friend of Toronto Spent a few days in town at the home of her grandmother Mrs Miss Almas Milliner at Ross was hastily summoned to her home in Hamilton on Friday owing to the serious illness of tier mother Mr ami Mrs Sloan left on Saturday for a visit to the old home in Eugenia Mr and Mrs Samuel and Mr J of spent the Itli in town at the home of the formers daughter Mrs Mr Ed and sun of To ronto formerly of Mount Albert spent the lh calling on old friends in town COMPLAINT I thank the Council of Newmar ket very much for the prompt at tention they pave in opening and lowering the drain which has been closed Up I asked for it to be done last September and the Council came and examined it and it was to he done I asked the Council early his spring to see about it so I could drain my cellars I had to build my stone walls to a very great disadvantage on account water and never a man came near me to see what I wished tobe done One can be kindly invited to drive eleven or twelve miles to vote but ask Tor a business trans action then they dont seem to know you But when there is a new building erected you soon find out about the taxes Hoping it will be looked after at once V Brooks Aloe OBITUARY After an illness of nearly three weeks death claimed one of the oldest residents of this vicinity in the person of Mr Lewis Powell Mr Powell was born on YongC Street near Newmarket in 18K He was a son of he late Reuben Powell In be was married to Mary Jane Traviss and at Franklin making a period over forty years in the old home lb ere Mr Powell is survived by three sisters and three brothers beside his widow and four children Ethfil and Reuben at home Toole Of ML Albert and Annie at Franklin Although a staunch Liberal Mr Powell was quiet and reserved yet always foremost to help anyone in time of trouble thereby gaining the love and respect of all who knew him He was also a member of the Society of Friends The funeral was largely attended on Thursday last and the remains interred at Mount Albert Ceme tery BALDWIN BREEZES The Era should bave a list Of subs here Readers are far mure numerous than subs especially when Uncle Owl dishes up a big budget of breezes Low land remains wet Many are still dingdonging away at seeding Mr and Mrs John Oldham and the spent Sunday with his relatives near Bond Head Mr Emory them out gave Johns horses a holiday Mr motored a parly of Baldwins young millionairs to see sports at on the day we celebrate His auto is a great convenience as he is al ways ready lo go His charges are very reasonable Mumps are trumps They still remain very fashionable though theyre getting to be an old story A Cruel Hoax Some of our waggish young gents who have loo much to eat and not enough exercise lo keep down their mis- tendencies one of our rising young ladies of a very credulous disposition with a catfish yarn that Yankee Jeff and pretty little Sally SugarPlum were going lo he married that day She snapped at the hoax as a hungry lunge grabs at the glittering hail or as an old maid at her first and last oppor tunity Like a good missionary she hustled ami spread the glad tidings From Green- lauds icy mountains lo India coral strand etc Moral Dont believe all you hear nor half what you see Frank went in the boxstall to lake in the dimen sions and line points of a wee bit of a Take that says the proud mother as she gave him a bang on the knee The doe- tor pronounced no bones broken Lucky escape Frank Id lather that mare with a harness tug so would She needs discipline to teach her manners lis sweet to love but oh how bitter To love a girl and then not git er When the young lady in ques tion is Miss herself the bitterness of the grief is doubly intensified Jeff is our authority that if the wedding so liberally advertised had been pulled off the happy couple would have tak en up residence in the Old Castle overlooking Little Hell find the broad fertile valley of Black Riv er Some folks said I gave my well beloved brother Timothy a great roasting last week I never did not a bit of it Some folks cant understand good English 1 was just showing Tims generous na ture and the Misses Pringles ap preciation of bis assistance I believe though that 1 did smile as I saw Tim drawing the kids express wagon loaded with ferns and Miss P jogging along be hind Oil git ap I It minded of lb looked for all llie pair of baby They world like a lovebirds If yOU have never seen lovebirds you will fail to catch on li the real spirit of the pretty scene Oh for a Ko dak a thousand pounds for a Kodak Mrs will probably be home by Saturday eve Oh wont that be joyful I Really I cant write any moro at present I shall have to an amenuensis Mr and Mrs Vs spent Tuesday of week in the City Mr Mnrdo spent the with friends to Toronto Mr Victor was home over the Miss Vera has returned home after an extended visit with friends in and Miss P Collins is spending over the holiday with friends in ville Mr Ross has returned home ow ing to work being slack in Toronto Mrs Rowling of has been Renewing old acquaintances In town for a few days Mr and Mrs Woodcock fam ily of Newmarket spent over the 34 th with her mother Rose We- understand that Mr Longhurst has taking lessons in the planting and culture of ferns with the Misses of Fern Lodge Baldwin Mrs J Walsh of Toronto is spending week with her daughter Miss I Walsh What we would like to I now is What the group people en Sunday were carrying in the bag Some say oats but we would rather believe it if they said fish Black Beauty SHARON V number of our sports attended the Fair at Richmond Hill on the The monthly Mission Circle met at Mrs Browns last Wednesday Mr Cummer of Aurora visit ed at Mr MoArthurs 0 Wednesday Major and family of To ronto spent Sunday at Waylings Mrs Keaur of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Mr Frank Ramsay visited at West on over the weekend Must be some attraction there Frank Miss Inez Fuller of Second St spent the weekend with Mrs Kiteley also Master Calvin and Mary of the Mr John Tate visited in Toronto on Sunday Mr Kugene and lady friend attended the Horse Show at Bradford last evening Mr and Mrs Sam of Van couver spent the weekend with his mother Mrs also Mrs Pearson of Mr Haddock is putting up a line large verandah on bis house It is lucky thai the southern were dry Sunday be a shame to gel the new bugs all muddy Mr Colo Co have boon filing up their yards considerably A Judy SUTTON must Me and Molly to the Fair Kitty lo Lay on the whip git there QUEBNSVILLE The ladies who attended the ft meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs enjoyed the program very much indeed The topic The Education of Girls In was taken by Mrs Flanagan and showed that it had been careful ly prepared Mrs Miller read an article on The Greatest Need Indias Women Mrs Fred read a very in teresting article by Dr Margaret Mrs Atkinson then gave the Composition and work of the its General Council Provincial and Societies Auxilia ries and Mission Bands the need to be that of leaders in the work Rev i Atkinson attended the Presbytery meeting in Toronto on Tuesday The teachers and officers of the met at the Manse on Monday ev ening to arrange for their picnic to be held in the future The p intend holding social on Friday evening in the hall Miss Pearl Cain spent the holidays at her home in King Miss Minnie White also Mr Standard Bank stall spent the holidays at Mr OUR CEMETERY A recent visit Mount Al bert Cemetery showed that lb greatest improvement in Hie grounds has been mad this spring It is now in excellent condition tin ground having neatly levelled and the unsighl mounds over so many of the graves have been removed grass has been mined and rubbish removed All that has been asked or lot holders we un derstand is be small sum of one dollar and the money has cer tainly been expended to advant age It is a matter of regret Iho committee in charge that sev eral including some who moved away have not responded to the request for this small con tribution Perhaps if lny saw the improved condition of the Cemetery they would not his matter as the home of lb dead appeal in all who friends buried hern Mr Geo Rahmer did the work in a most efficient manner that is deserving of the highest praise EAT Bad Dread and grow cranlty Purity or Five Hoses Grain taken in exchange Bran Chop and Grain for sale at ALLEN Mt Albert REWARD Will be paid for information leading to the recovery of the fol- lowing heifer alt black years old I black heifer red yearling J red yearling heifer must Jersey all marked in right ear Strayed from Lot Con Owilllinbury Mny Mult Gilchrist Ml Albert No I dont poke fun nice young folks but I do adopt a humorous style of composition Thais the Irish nature of the baste Mr Hilly Miller is suffering in ternally from an ailment lo which he has long been subject and which baffles medical professors to understand I think there are men in Toronto who could diag nose case hut their opinions are rough oil purse strings The weather now coming even now at our very doors will he- good for the ice cream biz War is getting more interest ing as our Canucks are mixed up in the fracas When the trouble was and the warcloud was arising some of our local men were discussing the pros ami con of the possibilities One chap observed Well as for me Im for peace- Uncle Owl had a meat big notion Peace like Charily should begin al home It would have been a hard knock Domestic infelicity haunts many homes It should not he so In years when Poland was suffering the throes of division was the Idol of hiscountry fellowmcn The poet says And Freedom shrieked when Koskinsko fell Daily papers report that the Kai ser bad a very close call recent ly Would mil Freedom have shrieked for joy if the Kaiser bad fallen I I believe she would The boiler class of civilization should frown on Prof Geo Kay of Iowa Uni versity while over attending an Old Roys Reunion in Toronto University stole away for a brief visit with his mother Mrs Jos Kay Such mother is worthy of a sons greatest devotion Audi almost worshipped her when she smiled and turned from her her child I observed on Sunday evening a local Romeo and little Miss Sugar Plum bad taken possession of las front doorslep and with their heads in close com munion were chattering away like nil possessed was lovely I TliQP on Sunday evening Brighton Will Whites Sorry to report that Miss is somewhat indisposed Miss Nettie Ross and Miss Gertrude Jacob Smiths Miss Maurice and friend spent the holiday under the parental roof M Moore an Nettie toss of Albert visited with the Misses Smith are glad to that Willie did well at Bradford and Ux first and second f Toronto made a niQg busings trip to on Saturday Mr IV Clark Newmarket spent Sunday here We are sorry to hear of the serious ess of son Clair Miss Atkinson and Miss Pickering a gentlemen friends motored to Oxbridge ami report a good time Sunday with friends at A great Interest seems to be taken at the Indoor baseball games by the young people of the village They in tend playing Keswick Saturd alter- noon Miss Ida and Miss Lulu also friends took In the Fair and concert a Richmond Hill are glad to know that Mrs Law hand Eft improving Mr Ray who is In Toronto spent the holiday at home Mr White Is spending the at King Mr John is hack again using up his residence Hark I Listen bells ringing Ml K J was in the last week on account of the illness of his mother Mr has bad his house nearly all torn down and is having a line new one built in its place The old building known as Foggs shoe shop has been torn down Thai on our grocers face for this last weeks is likely lo be lasting as he hud a little chore boy come to Mr Ambrose Young- also has a boy to help dad at the carpenter work Fine weather helped our citi zens to enjoy the holiday at fish ing ballplaying and several of our sports spent the day at Fair also some Rich mond Hill Mrs is at the lake visiting her sister Among our visitors we noticed Mr and Mrs Watson of Au rora at his mothers Miss and Miss Annie of Toronto at Mr MissM Moore and Miss Ross of Mount Albert at Mr Jacob Smiths Mrs Morton Miss Morton and Miss Martin of Hamilton and Mrs A Howard of Newmarket at Mr It Putnams Mr and Mrs Hutchin son and Miss Hutchinson of To ronto at Mr L and liny at home Mr Fred visited in Hamilton over the holidays Mr and Mrs Andrews of Head visited her parents Mr and Mrs on Tuesday We regret very much to learn of Mrs Clarks icad troubles We hope for a speedy recovery Wedding bells will soon be ringing then poor Sigh will be singing 90 KESWICK On Friday our popular school teachers Miss Smith aud Miss Evans held a very successful celebration on the Keswick school grounds Although the afternoon was not favored with flue weath er still at a oclock a nice lot gathered at the school to enjoy the program given by pupils of both schools after which races and games were enjoyed The Girls As regent the I aura Chapter of the convey the thanks of the Chapter tor the generous answer to my appeal lor Red Cross work and to which the Methodist Congregation contri buted the process of their tea The daughters ol the were organized during the a small organization at lust but rapidly spread and is now known in every part of the en in far on India chapters have been form ed and many Imperial daughters dusky hue arc learning to high er ideals in their hitherto cramped and lonely lives I wish it to be clearly understood that the organization- Is entirely dt nomination and nonpolitical and it behoves as all In the terrible times of war to do our little fart and work unanimously together for the defenders of bur Empire and pray Tor a speedy and honorable peace There is a sewing society tor ladies every Tuesday from to at St James Hall to which all arc cordially Invited I Chapter Sutton West Capital Paid up Reserve Fund and Undivided Profit 730000000 A Savings Department la conducted at Branch of tho Bank where deposits of and upwards are received and Interest at current rates added It la ft safe and convenient depository for your money Mr Oliver Toronto spent the past few days in Sutton Mr and Mrs 1 were in Toronto on Monday Mr Swims took second money In the free lor race at on Monday Mr Alex has added to the appearance his front by hav ing new cement steps laiu See the dandy line o Outing and Shirts has In stock Just the right ones for the summer weather Mr Osborne has the material hand for new verandah at his home- Mrs las spent over fir When a man gives In an order for a of Clothes wo begin right then and to look for his noxi order How By making him very bost garments he ever had and charging him as little as we can afford That will bring him baok nine ernes out of ton making good clothes Is not only but ought to bo profitable In the long run That Is the end we are looking front ward to We started In business with this In view J OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses interesting indeed We have address- jes on school gardens agricultural subjects ancient history etc We are glad to have organized of East Qwllllmbury Notice Is hereby given that It teaches us to before and gives us practice we could Court of for the Muni not get elsewhere We had a j of Municipal interesting meeting one be held at day altetuoonwhen Mr Hare the District Representative gave us a demonstration on milk We got the tester from one of our mem- He had weekend visiting friends in Clare- mount Miss Amy and It of Toronto spent over the holiday at the home of Mr Mr and Mrs and children over the holiday in Oakwood and Little Britain Mr Fountain of Montreal was home over Sunday Miss Toronto speut over Victoria Day at the home of her brother Mr Mr aud Mrs A were in Newmarket on Monday Mr and Mrs Nottingham and Mr and Mrs Parks speut over Victoria Day with Mr and Mrs liert Osborne here Mr has closed up his cobbling shop here and gone to To ronto Mr Leonard Greenwood ot Toronto was home over the weekend Miss J and Olive spent pi c the holiday in Mr and Mrs II spent over the weekend visiting in Miss was home in To ronto over the weekend Mr and Mrs A Dixon spent Monday in The Minstrel Club will be at the Town Hall Sutton on Mon day next May 31st They will pro vide a firstclass entertainment which already drawn crowded house In neighboring towns The proceeds will he devoted to the work the Red Baseball Game was for providing or the very interesting Methodist hospitals Sharon on Friday June 115 at hour in dock in tin forenoon All appeals to In sent to the on or before the Clerk of May 1016 A It tleik never used it so lie loaned it to us His boys learned to use It and others of us did too People kept sending 2v us milk to be tested and guess tested the milk from as many as I NOTICE TO cows The highest test we got was from an Ayrshire which tested per cent the lowest was from a Durham testing per cent One afternoon in the winter we went to a meeting of the Farmers Institute We learned different ways of testing seeds so we are busy at that now Some OAC No oats that were brought tested per cent and some clover seed seventy- six per cent Thegirls and boys are not organized separately The I Haying purchased n Well Not ing On till we are now prepar d I in such work at regular and satisfaction guaranteed J A SON Quoensville TO FARMERS Wedding MDtNT Tho Endeavour Wednesday evening was very interesting The topic for next wee entitled- Our Missionaries Work will be tkc by three of our girls and ft topic by Mr Garfield McMillu A good program Is anticipated and we commence oclock sharp Kvirv- ScrTUcc in next Sunday at Dont forget come the And words so tea it It vtixH nice and quiet You could hear ii heat two home of Mrs Hamilton Jr Mr and Mrs Hamilton spent over the in the City Several of our young people la the fair Heady Helpers class of hoys play ed a game of with the Alerts of the Christian Sunday School winning by two to one The teachers had prizes for the winning ones Afternoon finish ed by serving lunch to all Mrs Walker Prosser and Mr spent the week end at Mr Cooks Mrs Prosser lias moved to Toronto was call ing on a number of her friends to say goodbye She will he miss ed in this community as she was a help in church circles lo hear of Mr Boss Pol locks child getting its limb brok en The Mission Circle held on Monday tho at Mrs Mortons was a groat success socially ami financially Mrs of Toronto talked lo the girls in the afternoon urging the girls to start knitting tor the sol diers The hoys enjoyed football and other games Proceeds of tea Misses Traviss and Dorothy spent the week end and holiday at Ihu home of Mr Thus Miss Mann spent the holiday at her home Orchard each Mumps I Oh yes well they ore getting rather close to lake it is lo be hoped that they drowned will ho hard for Mr Mumps lo find an In our town next time nearly everyone has had a touch Mr Arthur Morton and his new helper are making the summer business go We are glad lo hear they have started Ice Cream Lovely cream this year again Mr Hoy Morion was home for weekend Mr Win Marrilts cottage is surely a fine one not fail to miss this opportunity ol securing good evenings amusement and at the same time helping to sup ply the needs ot those who have been wounded while lighting to defend your homes Admission seats 35c COMMUNITY MILK TESTING IN SCHOOL We copy the following from Tho Canadian Countrymen being part of an article entitled What the Pro gress Club stands for We have been organized three months and have been having our meetings on Friday afternoons from three to four We find It very A Thoro bred short nose Hoar will be kept tor service on lot con cub girls give on the best Awards to grow flowers etc We had quite a cur club going at first but we found we had not planned for it well enough the teacher and the ofiicers got together and made out a program tor three months Then each knew ahead what he was to prepare Last Friday our program was concerned mostly with our school garden Frank Lewis Secretary School Pro gress Club Generally speaking charity is more of a fad than an obsession Oordou Young a farmer near Athens lost heavily In lire which destroyed a valuable barn together with 1500 worth bow machinery For all kinds of Machinery Buggies Wagons Separator- Spreaders such Hamil ton Floury John Deer and to lernalional Harvester Co you need a new Mower or Hinder sure and see the new Lots of Wire Fence- on hand fit wholesale price Phone mo Ml Mhpti TO OANADA TO A thorou Yorkshire White Boar bred at the O A C Farm for service Also a thorough bred Durham Bull bred at the same farm Keswick FLOUR Do as our neighbor says buy flrstclass Flour You got it at the Albert Flour Mills Cus tom Grinding per bushel Wheat taken in exchange for Manitoba Flour Manitoba Pastry Flour always on bund Chopping every day Axes llng box knives and ground Mount Albert Good doing Every Tuesday to October MONTHS RETURN LIMIT HOMES along Canadian Northern Railway literature and purlieu- lars apply to Local A I Puss Agent King Toronto Out I J A All Rod Tlmot Dutch If woe oontai Corn Pu SPEC 1915 Cv IF you want sugar that is abso lutely pure and as clean as when it left the refinery you can depend on getting it in m xf mm iti t I III ttlhi mm m 2lb and Sealed Cartons 20 and Cloth Bags Canadas favorite Sugar for three Generations CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO LIMITED 133