Newmarket Era, 28 May 1915, p. 7

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SUTTON of Clothes wo order its he ever ford That flaking good be profitable king front- In view Licenses WEST given hat the for the will Municipal Hall June 4th 1MB oclock be sent to re the 25th Ihe day MACKENZIE Queensvtlle FARMERS a Well J Hoc- now prepared it regular guaranteed 9 nose or service lljmbury on lot cash EGO BERT arm Machinery is Separator is Peter and the ster Co If you or binder be new McCormaok nee on hand at- Phone me Kg Ml Albert CANADA very to Tuesday October IS TURN LIMIT along the Northern Railway literature and liru- apply to Local Agent las Agent Toronto Out r MARKET A is I CHINA fteeks Herts Mil cm a terra SEED FEW SEED SPECIALS All 1 Packages of Mangel Seed Reg Price 30c Reduced to each Red Clover No Bu Timothy No 1 for Purity and Germination but sold as No 2 Bu Dutch Set Onions 10c The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church- purpose hiving social at the home of Mr and Mrs Travis Niagara Street on June s J The Canadian of Forest ers will hold their next regular meeting on Friday evening June lih when a full attendance is quested to he present Brief It turns cold alter every rain King Council meets at on Saturday Whitchurch Council at Wednesday- Very heavy while frost yester day morning hair artist at King today halfholiday in Hie stores commences week I These arc beautiful goods which are- advertised on Page of Keepers Association on this issueandwill he on view at Smiths Store on and after next Monday alio Mo Direct Importer of Staple Fancy China and China Hall Grocery Wednesday HalfHoliday The Merchants of Newmarket have agreed to close their places of business every Wednesday at noon during the months of July and August and ask the co operation of their patrons by do ing their- trading before Wednes day noon of above months so that ho Wednesday halfholiday so general throughout Ontario may prove the success in Newmarket that it has been during the past four years worth League Tin- ranging an iV i Monday evening Let ill the young Two men armed with receivers entered the of the Do minion Company Queen St west and while one held up the clerk Harold Cross the other rifled the which contained one hundred dollars in an other drawer was They got a war Mr A Davison was elected President of York County Wee Saturday Thirtysix airmen are now train ing at the action schools in To ronto Labor circles report- that the Street Railway Co have laid oft over 100 men through decline in business from various causes including the intro duction of Mr the Li quor License Commission stated this week that the Board leen in formed that gambling was carried on to a large extent in hotels of tie City He also said if this turns out to be true such hotels will be dras tically dealt with While attempting to board a l train last Tuesday son fell under the car while in motion The wheels severed some of his limbs and he was otherwise so badly Injur that death ensued after ine accident -obo- fii FEED BA BY CHICK FOOD And Fresh Water and you will raise a larger per centage of chicks than with any other food on the market THREE CANS FOR Corn Peas Beans Tomatoes Pumpkins Apples Beets SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY April 24 Tillsons Quaker and Robin Hood Oats 30c for Newmarkets Quota The town of Newmarket is na turally dialed at the fact that no less than of the members of Col Allans second contingent are residents or na tives of this town In propor tion to its population this record is said not to be excelled if in deed it can bo equalled in the pro vince The attendance at the weekly drills of the Newmarket Home Guards is steadily increas ing and fresh recruits are con stantly being added The Zephyr Branch of Womens Institute held their annual branch meeting at home ol Mrs on Wednesday May The fol lowing were elected for year ending Lulu Crosby VicePresMrs Miss Assist Miss Meia Organist Mrs It Directors Mrs Harm an i Mrs Weldon Mrs Mrs District Hep Mrs 1 Rep to District Meeting Miss Lulu Dr Caroline Brown of Toronto who is the Lecturer for the summer series meetings for Ontario will address the ladies of Zephyr on Saturday May 23th at p m in the Methodist room 4011 STOCK TOWN LINK ITEMS Miss Cutting Was the guest of Miss Leila Webster one day week Mr Albert Shanks of- the tith Line and his son are each the proud owners of a fine spring colt Mr Arthur Webster and family ol Reach Toronto motored up on Brandy The highstepping I in- Sunday and spent the holiday among ar- -as- the Loading Phone Qulok Service CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets Arrested County Constable Stewart rested a man named Stevens Saturday on two a police officer stealing articles from sever farmers in Win was also arrested r stealing clothing Last Saturday evening some sneakthief stole a bicycle be longing to Harold Maw from the front of Codys Grocery and no thing has been heard of it since Yesterday Police Magistrate held Court here when some trouble was investigated over the purchase of a cow for which a note had given The parlies Interested were Jews ported Hackney Stallion Brandy by the greatest Hack ney Sire will stand for service during the season of at his own stable Stock Farm one mile south of Newmarket This horse is in spected and approved and prov ed himself very sure in Terms payable 1st Edgar Dennis High Tide An imported Clydes dale the properly of Henry Thompson Zephyr will Visit through Scott and Mount Albert on Friday nights A purebred Imported Clydesdale will make the sea son at A Blizzards Lot Con Fast and Wednesday nights Ho was in this vicinity in proved himself good stock horse and left a number of good colls Terms of Brookedaie A bred Clydesdale pure- owned by Al Why not give your boy and girl an opportunity to tit coxy and Give hem the same ancestowinpro j motion and the lad having the of WEBSTERS EV Dictionary in blfl home new creation with final author- a all kinds of puzzling questions in history geography pjelling and Vocabulary 7W Colored matter to that of a encyclopedia More Scholarly Accurate Convenient and than ftnyotherEn- j Dictionary Christian Endeavor regular weekly the Christian Soci ety was well attended on Tues day The meeting was charge of the Missionary lec and short sketches of our De nominational Missionaries given by Misses Laura Mort m and I aura Trent and Mr Mrs Linden also fa vored us with ail excellent piano solo the are all locking forward to future treats of this nature The meeting next Tuesday ev ening will he in charge of Miss Willis and the subject for discussion will be Why I in Christian Endeavor The Executive will meet at next Tuesday evening and all mem bers of the are urgent ly requested to lie present It is also the monthly Consecration Meeting of the Society and all officers are requested to hand iu their reports Will visit through Whitchurch and Mount Albert Friday nights fashionably The a REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER EDITIONS WRITE for a FREE etcf ii you G C MASS I YCAR3 EXPERIENCE St Pauls Cricket Club journey to Toronto on the holiday to play their Urst game in the Church ami Mercantile League Centre Section of which are now permanent members heir opponents being the St Matthias Club The match was played on the Trinity resulted in a win for The Toronto Club went lies In bat and were dismissed for lh small total of eleven runs The Newmarket- bowlers had heir eyes on the balls capturing six wickets for no a wonderful performance he howling less than four overs A Dayman got four wickets for nine runs only bowling three overs Newmarket then went to bat ami compiled Hi runs The score fol lows St Pauls Newmarket A Lee bowled Arthurs hied Clydesdale Stallion Bene factor Imp will stand for mares during the season of 1915 al his own sta ble Stock Kami one mile south of Newmarket This horse is enrolled inspect- and approved Do not fail lo see him before going else- Terms to insure a foal payable 1st of Feb 1910 Ecuroull A celebrated Stallion llu property of Hill will visit East Whit- Church King and North during the season Lyon A beautiful Black Perch eron young Stallion the pro perly of Hill Sons will visit Keswick Sutton Baldwin and and Scott Tp during the sea son Brown Prlnco- The fashionably bred Clydoadale Stallion sWnd for mares hiring season of at his own their friends in the vicinity Mrs ol Toronto sister of Bros the Line is visiting at the homestead Mr and Mrs and family the line spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Albert Shanks- Miss Mary Toronto accompanied by her sister Barbara of spent the holi day at the parental home Mr and Mrs Fred were visitors at the home of the mother Mrs David Dales of the Line on Sunday last Mr and Mrs William Blackburn and child of St Clair avenue Toron to motored up and spent the holiday at the home his parents on the Line Mr Well wife and daughter of Newmarket were the guests or his brother Mr Albert Sunday spending the holiday with his sister Mrs Al bert Shanks An overflowing congregation greet ed preacher Dales on Sunday Mr of the Line commenced to move the location of his barn on Tuesday sotting it up on a wall and putting in the latest designs stabling Jack Archibald has the job Messrs Marry Shanks Conk and John Smith took In the Rich mond Hill Spring Show on Monday Find Shoes fill their requirements in good footwear to a nicety Trim uptodate yet consistently In good taste describe the main features of Invlctus but quality Is also an Important consideration with those men who value a distinctive appearance and fills this requirement most satisfactorily Has been given the place of honour In our store and our suggestion Is that next time you are In need of you give us ah opportunity to show you INVICTU8 The Men Main St West Nowmorkot It is reported that the division on active service has again been in action since the lighting last when the captured a strong position held the Germans Reports are to the that the losses will total in the neighborhood of Mr Tracys voice came back very gravely I am sorry Miss Heed we dis missed the boy yesterday la our business dare not keep one upon Whom the least suspicion rests- But surely the girl cried you Scan get him back Unfortunately through an over sight we did not have his address It was our carelessness and our loss I am afraid lor him only hope It was not too serious a matter lor him we could give him no recommendation you see I hadnt thought that Lilian stammered a word or two he said alter a pause and hung up the receiver Hut her Hut George she said laying were lull ol trouble For the hand affectionately upon his arm and first time she realized how much a looking into his eyes You I am girls carelessness might cost others sure will never force me to that a A RE80RT so Do yon think any girl ever pro poses in leap year as they say nie he asked Not unless she Is obliged to ans wered the innhleii No Is to course not The ice was broken and three min utes later George was Jennies accept- Tit Send the Era to absent friends OQO SOME ONE ELSE It hie VstiiNostraicl Trade Marks Copyrights Ac Anyone a jIckl free ui tent free for A without Scientific of for Bon by howled Arthurs Geo Bay man caught howled Williams howled Arthurs Young howled Shelley howled howled Arthurs Geo caught Heady howled Iownsend A howled Kyle not P caught Marriott howled I ft r I P SECURED In all for our MAHION Unvenlty St Montreal Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A Thin makes an excellent Blurt for the season ami is The next match la St Cyprians Toronto June I a flt MalthiHH play their game here June cheer our hoys on lo another vle- lory I wonder Grace Andrews re marked catching hill th fell from the change that Lilian Heed was re ceiving at window whether could ever achieve such a royal disregard of money Dont you ever count your change Lilian Never Whats the good ot fuss ing its gone its gone Only Sometimes mightnt it ef fect some one else dear I dont know anybody It could ef fect except daddy and he doesnt care Dont go to being exact at your age Grace dear youll be to turn out another Miss and I know you wouldnt like that The fates for lend Grace ex claimed in laughing protest Hut although Grace said no more at the time the two promptly forgot the incident Lilian was to receive a les son she could not easily forget It happened one day that package was sent to her from a Jewelers shop by a special messenger roundfaced honest eyed of fourteen The bill was for thirteen dollars Lilian gave him two tens and according to her usual custom stuffed the change into her pocket without looking at It That afternoon she was called up on the telephone by Mr Tracy the head of the firm lie apologized for troub ling her but said that there messenr was five dollars short on his ac counts and declared that he must have given her five dollars too much change He had had but three pack ages to deliver and both others wore accounted for Oh no Mr Tracy Lilian re- will visit Easl promptly I am very certain Scolt and gave me the right changeone five and two ones- I was afraid so Mr Tracy turned hut the boy was will the Pla- Vuii- and will also he at John Harmons Seventh ion- cession of Whitchurch miles north of ev ery Tuesday noon commenc ing May Breeders will please sec this horse using others as he has proved a Blocngetter H lo insure Prop A pure Imported the properly of Han dall Smith QueensviUc will visit East North Whitchurch and King during the season Sir A pure bred dale Ihe properly of W J Old ham Mount Alliert will vl it and Whit church during the season and at his own Bonny A pure bred im ported Clydesdale the properly of J Oldham Mount Albert and useful Wedding Presents dial combine exquisite beauty durable and i coil are la delightful variety in of aw WARE J season Ml Albert Tuesday Harmony 2nd A pure bred Clyde owned by Powell Bros Holt will mukc the season at his own stable lot rear of con Owillimbury south Holt Dymond A wellbred Trotting Stallion owned by Davis will visit Zephyr Queonsvllle Cedar Valley and Ml Albert day nights A spar a holler caused fire in the sawmill owned by near Owen Sound They mlllwas burned to the ground re- so ln- that It seemed fair to him to ask you It was no trouble at all Lilian answered cheerfully I hone that he will find the money Mr Tracy could not possibly have been here That afternoon It happened Lilian did not go out but next morning planning a shopping trip she opened her purse to count her money A of hills tumbled into her lap on- ened it carelessly It contained two fives and two ones There was no doubt about it she had had but the twenty and some the day be fore It was humiliating but she w honest She at once called up Mr and confessed her carelessness China and earthenware of the belt quality and limpet with ornamental dtalfni overlaid upon in the over fine an Infinite variety of pleasing the of Ii wide enough to uit every preference and cannot do to ware utt ice it to appreciate beauty and You in TBASETS VASES COFFEBSETS FRUIT DISHES SALAD DISHES MADE IN CANADA A SMITH AGENT NEWMARKET i is IIS U n til a lesa ilfii K- i fc5- 20 mm I OF ONTARK TORONTO ftffif mm

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