KKT FRIDAY MAY 1- a MS I I saKu 1I5E idiXi 3 iV s I Ml ills KM Mm a i i I mm Hi yg i it J mm J Blood Absolutely To Health Wonderful Tablets Made of Fruit Juice Are Best Of All Tonics To Purify And Enrich The Blood Pore rich blood can flow only in a Nov- a clean is one be waste matter u regularly Ad naturally eliminated from the The blood cannot be pure vhen the skin action is weak when 3jc stomach does not digest the food properly when the bowels do not move when the kidneys ate trained or overworked Pure blood is the result of perfect health and harmony of stomach liver bowels kidneys and skin by their wonderful taction on all these oigans keeps the whole system as clean as Nature in tended our bodies to be clean tones up invigo rates strengthens purified cleans and gives pure rich clean blood that is in truth the stream of life is sold by all dealers At a box 6 for trial sire or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa HOUSE TO RENT On St room All modern conveniences Apply to A J Ave 15 Artec a long and pinlut Samuel of this townpassM on Tuesdar in his funeral look place this to Cemetery services being held in Baptist church after burial Deceased was on of the pion eers of the town and was irost highly esteemed by all bis friends and ac quaintances a FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave ill modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket A Cement Block House newly decorated rooms and bath Apply to Prospect Ave STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron Street An old es tablished stand Apply to MISS STORE AND HOUSE TO LET On Main Street three doors south of King George Hotel Good for business House seven rooms with all conveniences Reasonable rent Apply to TO RENT House corner of Park Lome Avenues also two Lois for sale on Park iul Lome Avenues two Mrs Ave Toronto or to Newmarket FOR SALE farrn- gravel and Good buildings some limber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write Armstrong PO FOR SALE OR TO RENT acres in the of West half of East half of in Con acres under 1 plough Dwelling house good bearing orchard One barn cement walls and floor un derground stables One barn 36 stone walls and underground stabling Also acres west of in Con Dwelling barn stone and cement walls and floor under ground stabling miles from Sutton West No incumbrance Apply to John Box fitouffville Out Wedding bells are ringing in our burg- Gel ready for lite boys Glad to see Mr Elton Arm strong around again after a se vere attack of Hie mumps Messrs attended the horse show at Bradford day Mr and Mrs D Evans spent over Hie in Kleiuburg Mr Albert Starr has had Very good luck in getting a blowing well Mr and Mrs Alberl spent over the in Vauglitn Township Mr and Mrs John Williamson spent Sunday with friends in Zephyr Miss Verna spent Tuesday Our blacksmith has purchased new rubbertired buggy Some class eh Quite a number lo Sunday School last Sunday but we for a attendance in the near future Primrose KETTLEBY There passed to the Great Beyond the spirit of George Pottage on Tues day the alter illness nearly mouths duration This took place on Thursday follow ing to Christ Church Kcttleby services were held and from there the remains were conveyed to the family plot in Aurora cemetery Bo- ceased was a man of a quiet unas suming disposition and was held in the highest esteem of all who knew him He leaves to mourn his loss three brothers and three sisters Henry of Stephen of and in the West Mrs Ferguson of berg Mrs of Owen Hoi and Miss at home His sister Mrs Ferguson was so ill that she ha not yet been told of her death We are pleased to report that she is making good progress towards recovery We are sorry to report that Mr Watson of Kettleby word that bis son Maurice was wounded- in the battle at Mr Wat son is in the Third Artillery Brigade Dr Kay moved into his new resi dence Monday Mrs Jos Sutton visited friends in Aurora on Friday The carpenters and cement makers are busy putting up a driving and stable for Mr Fred Skinner Miss of Madoc is visiting her sister Mrs Br Kay Mr Mrs Fred Skinner spent Sunday with friends in Mr Leonard has built a new ce ment sidewalk the full length of his lawn to the street Miss Mary Ellison is expected to ho able to get up this week after being confined to her bed for about six weeks owing to having for appendicitis Bertha had an operation at the time is out again fully recovered Mr Harry Kitchen returned Toronto on Wednesday after spending days with his sister Lloyd parly under the of Womens Institute will be held on Mr Davis lawn on June Mr of commcu- wort on Monday to erect new bain for Mr Clinton Davis at hia arm West The president secretary a num ber of the members of Agricultural Society have busy during the past week planting trees on the hill in Agricultural Park BRADFORD I Never Spent Any Money That Did Me So Much Good as That Spent for Vino I wish every tired Week woman could bar Vlnol for I spent any in lif that did mo so much good as that I for My nerves were In a very bad condition making mo very weak tired and worn out and ten drowsy headaches 1 had tried cod Brer oil doctors medicines and other preparations without benefit One day a friend asked me to try Vino I did and soon my appetite in creased slept better and now I am strong vigorous and well and can do my housework with pleasure Mrs J Ohio Nervous weak tired wornout wo men should take Mrs advice and try Vino for there are literally thousands of men and women who were formerly rundown weak and nervous who owe their good health to Vinol It Is the medicinal tissue building ele ment of the cods livers aided by the blood making strengthening Influence of tonic iron contained in Vinol which makes it so efficient In all such cases J PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket RAILWAY Trips TO I Lakea Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Kawartha Lakes French River TlmaQaml Etc of River Round lrii tourist llcketd now on sale from lain stations Ontario at- very low fares with liberal stopovers Leaves Toronto 1015 am dally except for Wharf Park and North Hay are Wharf for Lakes arid or points on Lake of Hays iorLlbraryHuffet car to Algon quin ar and flrstclaHS fcoacluis to Bay Full particulars and lickejts on application lo J Depot Agent Mrs John spent several days last week at Newmarket the of Mrs Win Armstrong Misses Kate and Grantham returned home last Wednesday from a months visit with their aunt Mrs Brown in Anniversary services were held In the Methodist church last Sunday Rev j Pallia Toronto preach ed at both morning and evening sir- vices A special program music given by the During a thunder storm Wednes day night last week lightning struck Mr rollings oh the east shore of the river complete ly destroyed the building and all its contents The barn was filled with hay and Mr Collin had his ma- stored In it totalling a loss of about with Insur ance Mrs Dave of the township had a most exciting be tween six and seven oclock on evening She was sitting In bet buggy In front Grays grocery holding her baby on lap while Mr was putting purchases back of the rig when a small boy with an express waggon came along the street The frightened by the noise waggon on the and bolted running went a furious pace Some j were to Mr place it turned into an open gate striking east across large field finally halted in a fence corner Mrs onto lines until she was drawn the ilashloird and drag ged on the ground a distance of fif teen feet A couple of motors fol lowed the runaway and Mrs and the child were immediately brought tack to town and to Dr Campbells office where it was found that their injuries were not of a serious SCHOOL CHILDREN HELD BIO RALLY Village May IJ10 weather which necessitated lite calling off of the sports the Empire Day rally staged by the school children of and Scarborough Townships and the villages of and Mark- ham here today proved successful The various sections in both townships were well rep resented and the cjiildrun in Ilia marchpast made a brave show ing About marshalled at the High School grounds and headed by the band and under the leadership of Adams paraded to the Fair hounds Here were re viewed by Public School Inspect or A Campbell of South York who his address compliment ed the children and their teachers on their soldierly bearing Tho competition for the Union Jack donated by Col Collins of To ronto for the best appearing school was very keen but the Mount Joy section was accorded the trophy Following the review classes from the various schools render ed a number of drills and patri otic choruses after- Which ad dresses of a patriotic nature were made by Rev A Abbott of To ronto University Hiram Hall Toronto A Bruce and others CO i The Womens Institute met in the basement of the Methodist Church Following are the officers the year 1915 Mrs Dew 1st Vice 2nd Vice J A cheon 3rd Vice Pros Mrs lohrrWilkie Miss Pearl Cherry Directors Mrs Jos Ballard Mrs Howes Miss Willie Mrs Chapman NOT A DOUBT OF IT Hows the inquired the neighbor of the new father Fine said the proud parent Dont you find that a baby brightens up household wonderful ly pursued his friend Yes said the with a sigh J we have the electric light go ing most of the night now MADE IN CANADA COLLARS JAMAS g gOYSRLOlJSES WILLIAMS GREENE ft HOME CO Kit KRLIH 1 Which accurately weighs and automatically seals Sugar in dusttight cartons By this method of no hand touches the sugar from the Refinery to your pantry a The ark of Quality i Look for the Lantic Red Ball on each package which automatically packs Lantic Sugar in white cotton and jute bags Wonderful machines weigh and stitch tight each bag no hand touching the product These machines give an idea of the tordate methods employed in our new Model Refinery where every step in the process of manufacture is planned to make Sugars of Extra Quality Buy in Original Packages Sugar QUE ST JOHN SAFETY you begin by influence ex- ample lo decrease the number of 1 V insane alcoholics We do not ask you to be a pro hibitionist or teetotaler We have no desire to dictate your per sonal habits or your political opinions Mark OUTH A Minute to Walt Read Thl I One of the best places on earth to stand around in impatience do- Egg the moat boresome task T and with nothing W alcoholic drinks can bo bought freely by any loafer get a thing read that you want THINK lo read carefully and over lives arc lost Id over is the railway station JJSSVl 1 id here that men and women to read usually but a lot of fly- To many people these drinks specked advertisements and conroH perhaps 1 to many others they are We therefore offer to railroad then ir companies the following material which if they have it print- x I NOW SOME EXCELLENT BARGAINS CAN BE SECURED AT OUR SALE maniacs I wholly selfish iu 9 placard are looking after our own interests J We have many miles of properly large type and tacked up In their waitingrooms will do sou good and not be unprofitable Cut Out the Booze This is not a 01a- It Is a little horsesens c We are concerned You are waiting for a train When you take your seat in the M car you wl be riding behind an engine as strong as forty giants Magazine How would you feel if you knew j that engineer in the live was You would he MADE BRILLIANT ATTACK at tho mercy of a MAN Weeks kept Its mad race and For Protection against the serious sickness so to follow an ailment of the digestive organs bilousness or inactive bowels you can rely on the best known corrective tV rallroail is therefore very Ottawa May The whole in demanding absolute so- division has been in action of its workers I along with the newly formed lourtk Hut did you over think that nut brigade commanded by Gen only on the railway but anywhere Advices received by cable to the else also your life would bo in Department- this morning peril of an alcohol maniac state that the latest battle occurred Your cab driver chauffeur Thursday and Friday oar motorman elevator hoy and was a fierce handtohand hold your life in struggle The fighting took place in Anybody con buy a rovolver orchard The Canadians made a and a drinkornzed man can rel brilliant attack on the Germans of a and kill you your themselves with a charge or your child Then whit in which large numbers of the enemy good will maudlin do ell and their guns you that ho didnt what captured was doing j Our civilization SEEMS every day Life health and properly are the mercy of doe mM1 become a any moral pervert The Tlmo Dont you think it is abo lUreadg COME AND IN8PEOT OUR YOU WILL SEE YOU NEED 3 Doors South of Kino George Main Street j SOU TH END Is the Place to Get GOOD FLOUR FOR BOTH PASTRY AND BREAD Bag Guaranteed SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY LOTS OF BRAN AND SHORTS ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Ciphers Chick Feed Is the Best For Little Chicks Call and Leave Your Ordor or Phono Children FOR FLETCHERS way When dpi anil No it it PROMPT A HOWKD Team Work of All Kinds Promptly Attended To to more headache for these fait J- cVifcwUUt fltwiich ud MMf Ire od Uuim Try ttxH Eae e TORONTO JSJf iv 4 ML h X mm iriT yJJ sip