5fifwft C i- SB B era it- SB WAS v SSfi K SWfr ft J TWO I a- b MARKET A ji KM m June and Tires ease notify E Ma- Bay St Phone Main Reward MAID WANTED P Hamilton Ardcii Newmarket is Jr Mil -pa- fcT I College NEWMARKET i Residentand Day School For Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Teachers Examinations COURSES IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department A ART I Address W P Firth Principal WANTED Good reliable woman for gen eral house work Family of 3 Apply to Box Jacksons Pt 2 REWARD Above Reward will be given for recovery of a Black and While Gall strayed from Lot Co East Gwillimbury A REYNOLDS Cedar Valley P COAL FOR Best Anthracite Coal at bar gain prices Orders filled at all hours Telephone No FRANK GLASS Millard Aw Garden Parties Lawn Socials Picnics Band Concerts TAKE NOTICE I Newmarket Soda Water Works Is prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Soft Drinks at short est notice and delivered free aay place you wish Sell our drinks They are Money Makers We Manufacture Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Soda Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Raspberry AND MANY OTHERS Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Newmarket Water Works Prop NORTH END SUMMER WOOD FOR Hemlock Slabs and Hardwood at reasonable prices J A CODY Phone lit St MEDALS FOR PRIZES It is announced that the On tario Department of decided to present silver medal the boy or girl In each County who in lie war plot po tato competition now on raises amount of potatoes We are told the medal under con sideration hears the British arms and lie Canadian beaver and will be engraved with name of lie winner It is also staled that in addi tion to these medals the o Ill who have entered the Competition will have an incen tive in ho prizes being offered by llie rural school Fair Hoards war potatoes In this connection the Mail remarks pres ent indications the Department of Agriculture should have avail able at the end of llie season something like 10000 bags of to sell the proceeds of which will be turned over to the Patriotic Fund Just how the po tatoes will be disposed of has not been derided but the plan favoured at present is to have them collected at central points and sold direct to the public ANNOUNCEMENT GEO BROWN Mm Faced Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE ADDRE8S Main Newmarket of King George Hotel OVER YEARS EXPERIENCE r Marks Ac puicitir tiicfitin I Our taTpDtlOQ probably for ftftPtl A without la its Scientific Ounal for fcl et FALL TERM OPEN8 aaiavraTnaatow Toronto does not ask for a bet ter reputation than it already possesses We get positions for many students each year Cata logue free J ELLIOTT Principal St Yongc The ot labor comes to the a tlcs to prove that the cost of living It higher now than ever before Just though we didnt know it Stoker Turner the has survived three the greatest in history He was from the Titanic and was alto Ireland when she tank In the fit Lawrence on May year He was safely landed at disaster Toronto Hamilton London and other large centers would be come the collecting and distrib uting points for a large portion of the crop The announcement of this po tato competition was no doubt made to he school children thru the of Agriculture but a notice ill the rural press might have increased the number of competitors YORK COUNTY COUNCIL At the meeting on Tuesday after noon the following l after some discussion were carried That the salary of Police Magis trate be increased from to per year That the construction of four new bridges and the repair of several oth ers be authorized There will be no insurance of soldiers now at front or con templating enlistments so far a York County is concerned He- cause the City of Toronto engag ed in this method of providing f li the dependents of those lost In action is no reason why the Coun ty of York should adopt a simitar procedure said Reeve Keith We take the ground that in finitely more good can be accom plished in other ways T county will provide well for those injured in the defence of their country They will not want rest assured of that and while we lake the ground that the whole question ought to bo dealt with by the government the county will do its share On Tuesday he members consider a scheme for the exten sion of the good roads system in North York a motion to this having been introduced by Messrs Well and The growth of population in York County necessitating an other school inspector A A Jor dan Sturgeon Kails was ap pointed to the position at a sal ary of which increases automatically a year until llie maximum of 2000 is reach- There were applications for the job Adjournment was made until Tuesday Reeve ot Aurora asked what the Council going to do regarding a culvert street in his municipality and it led to a rather lively discussion as to what really constitutes a County bridge Reeve Keith of Newmarket had it re ferred to the solicitor The reading of the report of the Industrial I Home Commissioners brought out the fact that there are males and female inmates The institution should be and new fences erected as well as a new concrete porch the whole to cost u00 The Council decided re pair the present porch instead Engineer lames reported that at thf first the year there was on hand for repairing Im provements were contemplated on Yonge street at and to the Markhamtown line The road at will he im proved Following the action of the Ontario Department of in the ap pointment of an additional Inspector in York County the County Council took up the matter of the readjust ment of the riding to meet the alter ed conditions As at present con stituted instead North and South York there he West and North York district Mr assumes the northern division A west and A dor- dan the new appointee the eastern area Council on the advice of the education committee decided to take no action in respect to No where difficulty is being experienced in the selection of school site In No In the Fair bank and ton districts where it is proposed to divide the section the county coinell refused to Intervene advising however that an Independent arbi trator be appointed Nothing was done In respect In Vaugban where a division territory was asked Highway engineer A James pre sented a report on the building of a new high level steel bridge over tho stream at Locust- Hill including the straightening of the roadway at that point The cost of the steel struc ture is placed at and the ce ment estimate approximately 420- No action was taken the Era to absent friends There ore thirtyfour pupils in the aviation school in training at Long Branch Pilot broke Canadian record last week hi ascending feet half of the ascent was made in four and a half minutes Irving Cameron lro fessor of Surgery in has been honor ary Visiting Surgeon on the staff of the King Hospital ami has left for England to enter up on his it ties In cooperation with the On tario College College of Art Toronto University of To ronto a iiil Department of Militia the Ontario Department of offer summer courses be ginning July Mb and ending Aug to teachers who desire to ob tain in their respec tive Wonderful things were prophet recently in the city press will transpire this evening immediately after midnight on the Metropolitan Railway mi Yonge The Hoard of Control says the Star tell what it proposes to do not even the inquisitive aldermen will Mr Harris give an ink ling Hut there is a well delln- rumor that the city will use force stop the Metropolitan cars from traveling on city ter ritory Provincial License Commis sioners have decided to enforce the law against serving in their rooms after reg ular hours Hotel men are get ting uneasy Six people were summoned to Police Court Oil Saturday to charges of refusal to pay halffare for on street cars Only infants in arms are allowed to ride free Col Dr president of the Canadian Red Cross Society has completed his lour of inspec tion at the front It is said that Col is well pleased with conditions as he found them and that with one or two exceptions the ambulances were doing their work in a satisfactory manner The Ontario Government has decided to establish a base hos pital of beds in England where Canadian sick and wound ed soldiers may be cared for The newly appointed third Public School Inspector for York County elected by the County Council last week is Mr A A Jordan of Sturgeon Falls The council had nineteen applicants to choose from A handbook establishment was raided week located in a millinery shop on Queen street Two men and a woman were ar rested A buzzer had been in stalled in the bandbook room to warn the approach of police spies The Grand Lodge of the Can adian Order of Oddfellows decid ed to meet every two years instead of annually The next session will be at Hamilton Walter and Mary Mulligan who were charged before Magistrate with disorderly conduct on a York car near Mtmtco on the 1 were found guilty Walter who struct lie constable was fined ami the woman was allowed to go on sus pended sentence Friday being the hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Wat erloo flags floated from the Ci ty Hall Tower and other promin ent places of the city A stack of about tons of hay was destroyed by lire on Monday evening the property of the Union Stock Yards Co West Toronto entailing a loss of 500 Police slate the lire was caused by children playing with matches It is current report that Hon Dr Minister of Education will go to England to superin tend the organization of the hos pital of a thousand beds that the Ontario Government has offered to the British Government Steps have been taken by the AttorneyGeneral of Ontario to Investigate the blowing Up of war munition factories at and the Windsor AriOory The Minister of Militia an nounced the appointment of committee to care for wounded Canadians invalided home On Sunday last while the Sun day School of the Church of Wychwood was in session 100 picnic tickets and were sto len from a locker in the Superin tendents room Mayor Church is now advocat ing a scheme to ill In part of the Hay immediately to the north of the Island Stadium or ball grounds and to make of it a sort of second Haitians Memorial Park TbV four representatives of Hit British War Office lo ex amine the various applications for positions in the making of of war in ihu Old Country arrived ben on Sunday and are slaying at the King Hotel The offence is a serious one and cannot lie overlooked said Judge- Winchester oil Monday he sentenced A who last Wednesday pleaded guilty to six charges of theft Involving lo two months in Jail He was a collector for his clients and bad used pari of the funds col lected for clients to carry on his business Six alleged spies arrested at Acton on Monday were brought lo this city and interned at Stan ley Barracks Two of them are reported to be military Officers and throe members commit tee suspected of being in com munication with German spies Miller was friends In Baldwin Sunday Master Rex Simpson of To was visiting a few friend in own St Miss spent weekend with a friend in Catharines Mr John Morgan of Toronto was visiting friends town Oil Sunday last Mi Michael Heiso has gone to Concord to visit relatives fur a few weeks Airs of Toronto visiting with niece Mrs Wilkinson is Mrs who was at the point of death so long is im proving nicely Mr and Mrs Geo A Thomp- spent he weekend with I Keswick friends Mr A is ing atlhe If Entrance at Sutton Ibis week Alderman Forester and Mr Watson visited friends at Wexford on Sunday has IMS- turned home after spending her holidays in Mrs Wm Kent of Toronto is spending a week with her bro ther Mr J Wright Miss Shaw of berg visited with Mrs A Wilkin son Joseph Ave last week Mr and Mrs J Muir leave today for Illinois to visit uncle Mr Bon Smith Mr Caldwell of per Cliff New Ontario writes We enjoy reading the Era very much Mr Penrose of Pino chard left on Tuesday to spend a couple of months with friends in Dakota Miss Bray is visiting her sis Mrs T J Robertson and tor went to Orchard Beach with her on Tuesday Mrs Rev J Simp son and Miss Reba of Toronto were guests of Mrs Cornell couple of days ibis week Miss Leila Manning passed the exams in the Art Course of P in Toronto hon ors There was only one ahead of her Mrs A and Bliss Clara Trivett spoilt a few days in last week attending the wedding of Mrs Trivelts niece Miss Birchard Lewis of Aurora is fitting up the residence- north the Editors home on Church at and expects to become a perma nent resident bore shortly Rev Alexander and wife of Glasgow Scotland were visiting with his nephew Mr in town for a week and left last Friday for Sas katchewan where be intends lo The engagement is announc ed of Alice Marion eldest daugh ter of Mr J Mailer of Toron to formerly of Newmarket to Mr William Hancock son of Mr and Mrs George Hancock Gait The wedding will lake place quietly early Kit July Mrs J Collins who has been troubled with an ulcer on her eye and other eye affection has beep confined to her bed for the past week and was taken to Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday morning It is hoped thalYthe treatment there will soon have her recovered Mr Win Verity has got wont from bis relatives at Hull that the raid on that oily did much damage and people had to flee to the fields for safely Mr Verily was last Monday and has been with the Davis firm for It is five years since he visited his old homo in AMBER OR 8MOKE and AND 25 THE OPTICIAN STREET EAST OF TORONTO Phono Worth 2824- All To Do Over Again It is an open question it tho old fisherman In the following story got the right answer to the problem that was puzzling his head A welter In Everybodys Magazine at least leaves one in on that sore riddle was this It a herein and a holt costs penny and a half how many can you buy or a shilling The old worked on It for some time c What did you say tho and a ball cost he asked at I say I herring exclaimed the skipper Oh said other Ive been figuring on mack erel Military and Patriotic Year It is going to bo a military and patriotic Year at Exhibition this year The March Past of Allies will be out on with a thou per formers and a score bands I One of the principal functions of the Division of Dominion ExperiineiUal Farms is to attempt the solution of prob lems connected with the mainten ance and soilfertil ity Among the many valuable re sults so far obtained in those is ho demonstration of toe vital part paid by Hmo in the increase of a soils produc tiveness subject is treated in teresting and practical way in Bulletin No of the Experiment al Farms regular series by the Dominion Chemist Dr Frank who discusses it under following heads The nature of lime an limy- stone Tho agricultural functions of lime and its compounds Comparative values of lime compounds The application of lime com pounds The use and misuse of lime Those interested may obtain copy of this Bulletin by applying to the Publications Branch De partment of Agriculture Ottawa E PINE APPLES i Pine Apple Season Is now In full swing good values In them for preserving We have them at 122 SPECIAL PRICE BY THE DOZEN Wo can give you THE LEADING Undertaking Yuu buy your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night attended lo at realdenoe Joim Millard and The Nolly On Joseph Ave Newmar ket Juno to Mr and MrsE a son On Saturday June 10 at Maitland St To ronto lo Mr and Mrs Win a daughter and granddaughter to Mr J Newmarket In Ottawa on June to 1915 to Mr and Mrs a daughter and grand daughter to Mr Osborne of Newmarket a Rold In Pine Orchard on June lo Mr and Mrs a daughter Cane On June 17 and Mrs Roy Cane Toronto a son and grandson of Mr J Cane of Newmarket PLANT All kinds of Vegetable and Flower Plants for tho Garden 2 BOXES FOR 260 DUTCH SETS PER FRESH VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE I Tomatoes Radishes Onions and Cabbage From now- we will have Fresh Strawberries Canned Vegetables AH kinds of Canned Vegetables Corn Tomatoes or Beans 3 CANS FOR 25e Try our Fresh Ground Coffee at a Teas have all advanced We are still selling at tho old prices OUR MOTTO I PHONE 35 PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Recipes Ml MAIN STREET Patterson In Newmarket June to Mr Mrs J Patterson a son on a lid Luosby In Newmarket on Sun day June 20th- lo Mr and Mrs Geo a son Durnford In Newmarket on Wednesday June I015 to Mr and Mrs Cyril Durnford a son York In Newmarket on Sat urday to Mr- and Mrs Oscar a son In on Wednesday June to Mr and Mrs a daughter The Altar Jam Irvine Oil Juno 1915 at Out by the J Craig of Domorestvillo Ethel Joan daughter of Mr William to Win Henry James of King Ontario The Tomb 8uthorland Oil Sunday June at the residence of her soninlaw lev Dr Gray 177 Toronto J a IXC wife of late Donald of town of aged years Interment at Newmarket on Tuesday afternoon Brown On Sunday Juno 20 1915 at the residence of her sister Miss J Klliolt Jeffer son Mary Ann Brown widow of the late Dr George Brown Fun oral Tuesday Juno 22 Aurora Cemetery Elvldgo At Oaklands Gal on June formerly of in his In King on June William son of S Ma- dill aged years and Interred at Newmarket Ceme tery Inst Tuesday In Newmarket Juno Annio daughter of Israel aged 28 years interred at Newmarket Ceme tery on Wednesday In Si loam Saturday June Eliza Johnson widow of the John Dike and mother of Harmon Dike Of Ml Albert in her yea Funeral Monday to Cemetery 5 l3D NEWMARKET Agent for Camera and Photo Weekly N OFFICE House Phone No 161 Store Phone No TH MOP OF A ORDERS CALLED FOR ON REQUEST OR CALL US BY STREET NEWMARKET a WHITE PLUME PARIS GOLDEN GOLDEN HEART Thousand GIANT PASCAL Time to get your Hanging Baskets filled- CUT ALWAYS ON HAND PERRIN PHONE 135 A a are IHaln North All Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention lives in the United States i A number of armouries and warehouses with ammuni tion in the interior of Russia liave been blown up by German spies These spies are nil ov er country and nave an elab orate and regular system of com munication Many Russian of Oerman descent are implicated in this system of es pionage Ono large powder de pot whs exploded by them at Juno Advices reaching from Vladivostok are to the effect that munitions of war intended for the of Russias armies at the front are arriving at that seaport in great quantities So are the shipments that facilities to for ward them by roil through Sibe ria are lacking It is in an en deavor to this that the Russian authorities have placed rush orders for bars and TORONTO v Premier told the Manitoba Methodist Pro vincial Election would be followed by a referendum on Prohibition Lindsay Juno Mr Nich olas Shea a former in West Ops bad lino colt and cattle killed killed Saturday morning by lightning The storm in this locality was of duration but the lightning was the sever est kind The animals were in Held and huddled together Ottawa June Canada has ready sent to Handera more soldiers than England sent to the Crimea and the anniversary of the battle of Wa terloo finds Canadian casualties most as heavy British ones in that battle England had troops in Ihe Crimean War British casualties in that campaign were officers killed and 135 wounded while men were killed or wounded Canada has already sent upwards oWOOQ troops to the If J with casualties reported