For Years RestoredTo Health LyJ E pinkham Veg Compound rl i- 5 Pi r W Jim TV J Canadian women are conUnually writ ing us letters as the two following are heartfelt expressions of grati tude for restored health Station Ont- I have ta ken Vegetable Com pound and never found any medicine to compare with it I had ulcers and fall ing of womb and doctors did me no good I suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking your medicine I al so recommend it for nervousness and in digestion Mrs Henry Clark Glanford Station Out I heard your medicines highly praised and a year ago I began taking them for falling of womb tod ovarian trouble My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were Irregular and painful it would be worse To sit down caused me pain and suffer ing and I would be bo nervous some times that I could not bear to sea any or hear any one speak Little speck would float before my eyes and I was constipated I cannot say too much for Vegetable Compound and Pills for there are do medicines them I have taken them and I recommend them to all women this testimonial Mrs STB push J Martin Cheetenrille Ontario J Why not give your boy and girl an opportunity to make their and Give them the same to win motion and as the lad having the advantage of r WEBSTER Dictionary in his home This new erection answers with final author ity kinds of punting questions history geography biography pronunciation arts sJMHVocabakrr Terms Colored to that a 1 Scholarly Accurate CoaTcoleat Dictionary REGULAR INDIA- PAPER EDITIONS- far ip etc FREE you I piper CO SPRINGFIELD MASS i l simple gift that lend the touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERE8 A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN Phone Photographer We aro also prepared to take Photos at night by the aid of Electric Light Studio open evenings and any other evening by ap pointment Studio One Door West of the New Office Roller Flour MILL ir -mi- PLUNDERING THE TREASURY A pamphlet at by the Office of ttic an Liberal Party giving extracts brought out in war contract scandals the Public the House of Co In in last session of Parliament beyond question gross irregularity and scandals in con war contracts niado by the Militia Department of Canada be fore llio Public Accounts lee March Idler of Dec lltfii to Militia complaining lliil war goods amounting lo over had been bought without orders iitou tic i as Mark llio staUmcnt one million dollars worth of goods purchas ed contrary lo Government years before llie War oul he Militia Department purchas ed through representations made by one Mr from lie Limited of Ottawa three Motor Trucks On this sale to the Department McQuar rie received a commission of -i- for which save a receipt to Limited which reads as follows Received from Limited on April for my influence with Col Sam Hughes Minister of Department of Militia and Defence in securing from the Department an order for three Gramm Motor Trucks This is in accordance with agreement with your Com pany February Signed J And who is this Mr McQuarrie None other than a wellknown protege and political henchman of the Minister of Militia At one lime lie was a laypreacher at another he was a chauffeur but always a strong helper of the MajorGenera at election times in his Biding The statement further made that when the War broke out McQuarrie appeared on the scene as a Motor Truck agent and sold the Department eight trucks manufactured by the Rus sell Motor Truck Car Company t each equal to for which lie admitted he received a commission The letter of Ma jorGeneral Sam Hughes com missioning McQuarrie to make the above purchase is given in the document before us Evidence of the raiding of the treasury in connection with the purchase of horses ap pears to indicate a loss of some of and also in tho pur chase of binoculars drugs etj brought out before the Public Ac counts Committee the loss to the country seems almost incredible But notwithstanding of patronage the P for North York appears lo have winked at the plunder and bowed obeisance to his parly chief all through the session A sold hi who sold lo Dirketl who to P A Co who grot the glasses passed by Col who then turned Ihem over to the Government had this observa tion From the evidence it appears a number of binocular glasses were poor quality low range and inferior efficiency but passed inspection and paid for excessive prices ami this was due to misrepresenta tion and inadequate The Commit recommended that the matter be turned to the Department of Justice there it remains to this day Manufacturer the famous rose pastry flour WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR Ikese brands make most delioiaus Pastry Bread and Buns Alsa your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brawn Bread and Gems R08E MEAL for Porridge AH Wade From the Choicest of Wheat H Proprietor Phono Newmarket urnace Work Plumbing 3 Our Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE TINSMITHS iir SONS Send Em to York County Council appears lo be piling Up the laxrale The County Treasurer estimates it will be necessary to the sum of on the equalled assessment as its share of Iho Provincial war lax Other amounts lo be collected for administration Of justice sal aries and incidentals maintenance of industrial Home at Newmarket and Court House A press despatch from Otta wa states thai the Government is appointing Boards of medical men in every military division Canada in connection with the granting of pensions to wounded soldiers or the families of those killed on active service Already between and pensions have been grunted most of them being for the families of dead sol diers It is already apparent that the sum of set aside for pensions this year will be quite insufficient for the purpose The Provincial Plowmens As sociation has decided to hold a Provincial Plowing Match com prising the winners in lo cal mutches to be held the first week in November on the Agri cultural College Grounds It was staled that City will contribute for prucswhile the College and City authorities will join in ten dering a banquet and reception to the plowmen It is also stat ed that provisions will be made or bearing the cost of the teams and outfit from a distance On the authority of Mr P secretary of the United Farmers organization of Alberta who has recently made an 80mile trip in Southern Al berta the district has been visit ed with seasonable rains He adds We have hud millions of dollars worth of rains and all we need now tor a phenomenal yield is a spell of banana bell weather Farmers are more op timistic than for years back What Mr says for Alberta is but the echo from all parts of the West Evidently the coming harvest promises much for the agriculturists of the en tire Dominion The Public Accounts Commit tee of the House of Commons Ottawa In reporting lo Parlia ment on the purchase of bi nocular glasses for the of Canadian soldiers which Branch lion Dr T Speaker of Ihe House of has announced his intention not to seek reelection Report is cur rent hat the Government will create bam a It is stated hat the odd alien prisoners in terned in the concentration camps at Kapuskasing and it Lake in Northern Ontario and Quebec have already cleared about 1000 acres of good arable land al each camp and the Gov ernment has now set aside an other acres at each camp for further clearing The War Contract Scandal published by the Cen tral Information Office of the Canadian Liberal Party referring lo the ShieldShovel contract 25000 ordered by the Department at a cost of manufactured in the States shipped to England with out handles were discarded by Iho English Government as be ing not of service pattern and being unsuitable for the sol diers Thepatentee was Miss Edna private secretary to MajorGeneral Sam Hughes The states The above is he story in brief of the shieldshovel A Hamilton man claims lo be the patentee and said so before the Committee but Ihe Minister of Militia sticks lo Ihe claim Of his secretary and the public Treasury is the If you are satisfied to take things as they come you wont got much An unknown man was found dead in the outskirts ol a small town re cently A revolver and in cash were found on his person The coro ner held an inquest and it took to defray the and bury the body The police magistrate fined the corpse lor carrying concealed wea pons and confiscated the gun The local editor who published the obitu ary got nothing How Is Time to Get Rid These Ugly Spots of Theres no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed Of your freckles as prescription double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots Simply get an ounce of thine double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear while the lighter ones have vanished entirely It is sel dom that more than an ounce is skin and gain a beautiful cleat complexion Be sure to ask for double strength as this is eola under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles St Jeromes OUT Commercial Department Excellent High School Department Excellent College Department Hew with a Hyftlnic Equipments in Canada Running Track Swimming Pool Shower Batha Auditorium Board Comfortable Sleeping Room Moderate f REV A- ZINGER CASTOR I A The Kind You Have Always Bought borne the signature of H Botcher and has been made under his personal for over years Allow no one to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations are but Experiments and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment What Is CASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric and Soothing Syrups It ia Pleasant It contains neither Opium nor other substance It- age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays It and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It as the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend The Kind You Hays Always Bought Bears Signature of In Us For Over SO LOST HIS LIFE WHILE BATHING From the Chatham Planet of the 14th of June 1816 A very sad drowning accident occurred yesterday afternoon at about two oclock as a result of which Albeit a farm la borer met his death in the water of the Thames The unfortun ate victim was an excellent swim mer but he was taken with cramps and went down before as sistance could reach him Young who was about years of age came to this county only last Friday Very little Is known concerning him owing lo the short acquaintance he has with Kent people He se cured a position as laborer on the farm of Albert Stephens of the Road Harwich near Kent Bridge He seemed to be a very steadygoing fellow and had instantly made many friends in the vicinity of his new home yesterday afternoon he decided to go in bathing assuring bis com panions that he was a strong swimmer He swam across the stream and got to other side safely He then started for the swim back but he had not gone far be was seized with cramp and went down He sank before anyone could get near enough to save him At twenty minutes after two clock the alarm reached this oily and was received by Fire Chief Richard He immedi ately notified Dr ft of this city who went out immedi ately to Ihe scene of the acci dent Bray was accompanied by Mr Adams and Mr of Hydro station and they took with the city and Hydro Mr Adams is an expert on the working the They found when they got there how ever that the body Had not been recovered from the water Mr assisted the searchers In diving for the body but it was not until a quarter after five oclock that the body was taken out of water My that lime it was useless lo try or the for all signs of life had departed from the lunalo mans body The young man had Just finish ed writing two letters which he intended to post today One Of these was to Mrs Win of Zephyr Out who it is thought is either his mother or his lcrintaw and the other to Miss Florence Sedoro of who it is supposed is his sister Coroner Dr consid ered that an inquest was unne cessary as the fatality was quite evidently due to an accident The body was taken to morgue and Dr Bray Is in communication with the relatives of the deceased young man It is believed that the relatives live at Quoensville and the doctor is communicating with that place in an endeavor to locate them The body in the meantime will re main morgue await ing the arrival of the relatives A test recently conducted by the of Agriculture Ottawa awarded the prize for lllft cow in Canada to and Sons of From May I toil lo May I the cow gave 1 A pounds of milk yiel lug pounds of butler Mr has refused for lh animal I As the soaaon is coming for up you will ho doubt have old Copper Brass Iron Rubbers and Rags for sale Let me know by mail or otherwise when you want to dispose of it and I will call will pay you a fair market price We also buy Fowl Wool and Wo will pay an if goods are delivered at our house I have no buyer on roads but myself Box Phono Newmarket FOB AND ATM t BOLD Alt lax Paris Juno Lieut A J who gained fame recently by blowing lo pieces a over was killed today by the fall of an aeroplane at Hue France Lieut was piloting tho machine which had us a pas senger Bench Iho American writer who was also killed Lieut and fell from a height of The lieutenant had been spending a few days in Paris where he came after his Zeppelin exploit to re ceive his of the Legion of Honor According to a report received in the accident suited an explosion in midair which caused to lose control the machine crashing lo earth jiody was taken l the hospital in Trianon Palace Versailles He had been in four months as a correspondent magazines ami a New York newspaper He had received permission from military authorities to make a flight in order to gel material for a story His wife also a writer accompanied him during the early pail of his trip abroad Mrs sailed for America six weeks ago Reginald A J was tho first aviator to accomplish Ihe feat of destroying a Zeppelin In midair He intercepted a giant airship near Oheut on June and by dropping bombs set fire The crew of men and several persons in a Belgian upon which the Zeppelin fell lost their lives himself narrowly escaped by righting his aeroplane after it had overturned and fallen from a great height He was awarded Victoria Gross and legion of honor for his brilliant success Eliotric If Its We Soil It ukimobile ELECTRIC HORNS HEADLIGHTS BATTERIES SPARK COILS Etc Specialize In Testing and Adjusting ELECTRICAL STARTING and LIGHTING EQUIPMENT Bring Your Troubles to Us US EQUIP YOUR FORD WITH AN ELECTRICAL STARTING AND LIGHTING SYSTEM FIVE YEARS TICAL Sole Agent for CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS CENTURY MOTORS EXPERIENCE WAGNER MOTORS Market Building ALFRED R STARR Electrical Contractor the Bra A CALL FOR GOOD ROADS On Wednesday of week a special feature of lb County Council of York was an address by Sir William an old Newmarket boy on the Import ance of good roads are sure the people of York especial ly will read with interest the fol lowing condensed report of his observations It- is not necessary for me to say lo you how necessary and im portant good roads are lo the cily of Toronto and the surrounding country for a distance of or 100 miles I am no longer in pub lie life but I take a great Interest in the general welfare of County of York I am getting on in life and may not live lo see the results of your and my forts but some must sow while others reap- The County of York occupies a position among the counties of Ontario and it is very important that Ihe surrounding districts should gel into very close touch the city of To ronto and adequate transporta tion facilities are best means to accomplish thai Adequate transportation will mean thai the captains of industries will extend their operations It Is better to have ten cities on each of population than one city of Good roads will not only militate towards the prosperity of Ihe few as at present but of the many There will be double as many small truck farmers all Of which will mean a more healthy community The Toronto Stars report from which above extract Is taken goes on to say Main Tin St Newmarket WE ARE BUSY WITH PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRIC IF YOU THINK OF DO ING ANYTHING IN THESE LINES LET US GIVE YOU I i NO AN ESTIMATE J IGHT SOUTH it Sir Win advocated as part of his good roads system the im mediate construction of a trunk line which could afterwards he supplemented by and also cross lines communicating with the various trunk lines This would enable auto transportation lo become practicable and Instead of taking the pail of Iwo days to get to Newmarket to do their business and return to the city it could all be done in one day Urging matter of prompt action on the part of the Council In the provision of good roads Sir William mentioned the fuel that Provincial Government would give per cent and Toronto per cent thus leaving only per cent for the county to provide for the purpose of road construc tion ooo- HOW SASKATCHEWAN Extracts from Speeches at Iho Thanksgiving Mass Meeting recently held in the City Mall The clouds are commencing to break away and blue sky is ap pearing in Saskatchewan and it is going to spread to Alberta and Manitoba We will be able and bye to bring a blue sky into old Ontario Wo are on the eve of the fin est temperance legislation over enacted Lot us be thankful for this gigantic step forward in tip cause of temperance sobrie ty The small places in the coun try will ho given enough lo help lo assist them in turning the bars into libraries and places which will bo a credit to Iho town Even Russia has them already whero they are known as Peoples acos Children FOR FLETCHERS Is the to GOOD FLOUR FOR BOTH PASTRY Bag Guaranteed SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY l OF BRAN AND SHORTS ALL KINDS OF FEED FOR FOWL Ciphers Chick Feed Is the Best For Little Call and Leave Your Order or Phono PROMPT DELIVERY A HOWARD Team Work of All Kinds Promptly Attended To SEE OUR IN WESTS BARBER SHOP T WAGER Local Agents ft MAIN STREET SOUTH NOW ON AT SOME EXCELLENT BARGAINS CAN BE SECURED OUR AND IN8PEOT OUR YOU WILL SEE SOMETHING YOU NEED LI 3 Doors South of Ulna George Hotel Main Street Newmarket TIME Leave Toronto am pm pm pm GOING NORTH am pm pm pm Allandalo Leave it it GOING SOUTH am Newmarket am Toronto am am pm l pm pm pm pm train does not leave Toronto i- leaves Sunday- night on 1015 pm pm Arrive am 1018 pm 816 Saturday night a a a Office to La w yards want I Dr Office MAIN G ST Dr Graduate of the College of former Threat Office Removed I Av Queen Practical RESIDE and mark Teacher Deal I lee Complete I Prompt MAI At the Wonur Call Out Stc it fc Let mi MetaU Thrill Shafts Lias BY PAT A NECESSITY CEREMONY A little girl was playing one never spoke except with her dolls Mother I when One ol the men In some water the patty remarked You are a bright sort of fellow and it Is easy to see that your people came Ireland No answered Pat What l said man they come from Iceland No it going to christen my wouldnt do that dear replied the mother That would be ki lling with a subject you do not under stand Didnt Well then give me some wax to her with mother said said Pat Theyre the little girt old now to have something done to be TORONTO