FIVE WW6 curitj- tfeeks Jems N Wilkinson Terry Clark New market Sell Me DENTIST opposite the King George Hold NEWMARKET Or B ill Medicine of ity I o 1 of lh member of the Royal f Surgeons of England Collie assistant in r Hospital and Ear Nose and Successful Sale Big crowd at sale last Saturday Everything was sold except a bobsleighs Prices were- fairly good except horses which were sold at bargain figures An Hour Earlier The Stage Mail for Stilton and intermediate points closes at now which makes delivery in this country an hour earlier than for A Day Earlier As Dominion Day fulls On Thursday and printers like a hol iday as well as oilier people the Era will be printed on Wednes day afternoon Correspondents land advertisers will please make For tee En A WEEDS OH VACANT LOTS What undoubtedly constitutes a menace to those farmers who are making an honest effort to keep their farms clean is the crop of weeds found growing on vacant lots and roadsides in around our towns and cities Va cant lots are often nothing more nor less than nurseries and brooding places for kinds of weeds This is especially true of towns whore large areas The Speaker Who Is Encored Beware of ho day Valuing in too easy said my older sister once upon a time when I was bewail ing my to stage bight was telling her that a visitor in out School department al most robbed me of my lessons an attempt to teach at the Graded Union made me choke and stutter and clutch the back of a chair lor sup port Hut instead of sympathizing she said heartlessly you tremble now when you on a subject lo wiUlcutfonii but that than dud have had tremble as they some ifirttmo win do guard yourself i ways plowed forming lodging will if I places for which are when talking Albert Kino of the Belgians S3 London Main and Telephone no note of lliis and day ahead se copy in COD JEWELLER Bert WINTER AND PAPER HANQER Ave 2nd house Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Painter Paper Hanger d House Decorator Corner Street New market Methodist Church Last Sunday the pastor preach ed anniversary sermons Stroud and the pul pit here was occupied by Clements of that circuit The Sunday School will have a Patriotic program next Sunday Mr Fair the church organist will have Charge of tin singing The Town Clock Work was commenced on Wed nesday at placing the Town Clock in the new Post Office Tower looks well and the dial can bo seen from nearly all points of the Town It is very clear Pickering The block is not much benefit to St Pat ricks Ward but they will be able to hear the hours striking A 8touffer SEW MARKET of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia Gratono- Ite and Records- Complete Stock Prompt Service Latest Styles Neat and Reasonable Prices MRS LEMON Church SL Newmarket A Windfall Mr W J was the recipient of good news last week By the death of an aunt in Eng land ho has fallen heir to half an estate valued at Mr is a hard worker and for the past two or three years has been employed principally in erecting wire fences has had a pood deal of hard luck hav ing Most by death in the family and also been burnt out and we are glad to learn of his present goodfortune We hope he may long live to enjoy it Albert King of the Belgians is in every sense id the word a king He has set an example of courageous- and righteousness to the world He did not act upon his right as a king to lee to safety He called for an army to drive out the invaders and led it He has been wounded- twice in battles and has shared the lot of common soldier He has suffered in the trenches and faced the enemys bullets Rut all this has more ever increased the respect and admiration for Albert King of the Belgians He refused to let the Germans pass through his country unmolested He sacrificed peace and prosperity or honor He was upheld by his country and applauded by the world frO0 Ottawa June 14 The Minister of Finance made the statement since- August last the Dominion Gov ernment had advanced for the pur chase of seed grain foe settlers In Saskatchewan and Alberta the sura of and to set tlers in droughtstricken distrtcU of those two provinces the sum of making a total of It is expected that fur ther amounts will be Paid oat on these accounts before the fall and to cover the probable additional ex penditure a further sura will be required owed grow unmolested produce countless numbers of seeds to bo blown and scattered the winds over the farms So far bulletins articles and ad vice pertaining to weed control have been directed at the farmer A glance at the conditions found in most of our cities and towns will prove convincing that the farmer is not entirely to blame 111 the- matter of- weed seed produc tion and distribution In the West the weed inspect ors are being trained and in structed along the lines that will them to assist the fann ers in weed control while at the same time provision by law is made to prevent any farmer from allowing his farm to become a is too breeding place for weeds and menace to his neighbours In most towns there are bylaws covering the weed problem but too often they are not enforced Those living in towns and should cooperate and do their hit in the war against weeds This is an important matter and it should receive strict attention by every town council- Action should be taken at once and not deferred until the weeds ripen and scatter their seeds KCN Improved In Improved De mand man G of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private re sidence if desired NEWMARKET I LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call before ordering elsewhere Out 8tone for Building Purposes Stock an made to GEO LUESBY FIRE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR lit ma know your wants 0 P MORTON Lome Ave Box Newmarket Destroy the weeds and comply with the law King Council meets at on Saturday Council meets at on Saturday Dominion next Thursday Mr George won first money in three straight heats with his horse Fred L in the 230 Class at on the Kings Birthday About lime haymaking com menced on some of the side streets Last Monday was the longest day of the year Big crowd down town last Sat urday night The got in a hew typesetting machine last week Pubic School Board Regular meeting of the Board on Thursday evening of last week Present Mr Glial- man Dr Messrs Manning Howard and Davis Accounts amounting to were passed Tlie Treasurer was authorized to overdraw the account at Ilia Bank of Toronto until the taxes are paid The resignations of Miss Truman and Miss M Morton were accepted the Board iug very much the Retiring of efficient members of the staff The following teachers were reengaged Salary Mr Cornell principal Miss Hoard adjourned till June the safest moat reliable and moat popular for the common of liver and bowels always World I Newmarket Ontario Oxygen Welders of all kinds of Mela Jogs in gear wheels Alio dealers in all kinds of Outfits Sawmills Cut ling Saws Belts Boxes Shafting and Pulleys re a it ira- i FOR Implements BINDER TWINE AND Opposite King OFFICE George Hotel WAREROOM8 On Mar ket Newmarket the Era to absent friends Cut This Out If you want to keep track of the games in the Northern Bowling League June Allendale at Newmarket at Orillia Bradford at Aurora July Newmarket at Aurora at Newmarket at Barrio Aurora at at Bradford Bradford at Barrio Aurora at Orillia Allandale at Bradford at Newmarket August Bradford at Barrio at Aurora at Orillia Newmarket at Allandale I at Barrio I Aurora at Bradford Aurora Newmarket Barrio al IS Barrio at Newmarket Bradford at at Aurora 25 Barrio at Bradford Orllllft al Auora Sept I Bradford Newmarket at Orillia- Day Excursion Fares 8INQLE FARE Good going and returning July 1st only FARE AND ONETHIRD going June and July 1st Return limit July 2nd sold between all stations in Can ada east of Port Arthur Se cure your tickets early at Grand Trunk ticket offices J Depot Agent Phone Agt Reports received relative to the demand for seed this season indi cate that the orders generally have been for higher grades All the seed merchants without ex ception agree in this- Several consider that this to a noticeable extent is a result of the recent patriotism and production cam paign Enquiries were made in many sections- of the country and the responses received were all of the one tenor that greater care had evidently been taken in the selection of seed and that with fair weather there was ev ery prospect of and consequently production Profos6oi the Ontario Agricultural College was written to but he being in California Assistant Professor J Squirrel replied showing that there had been a marked in crease in the demand for Spring Wheat Barley Field Spring Buckwheat Husking Coin Sugar Beets for feed purposes Swedish Turnips Carrots Fod der and Silage Corn Sorghum Al falfa and Field Oats Jap anese Beans Millets and Clover also showed improvement One of the leading merchants in his testimony as to the results attained says thai he has gone iulo the matter extensively and has found an increase in Red Clover amounting to per cent Doth Timothy No- I and No show a gain In Alsike No there is a gain of 10 per cent and of No over No of per Ho adds We have no licet that the demand for the better grades exists very gener ally throughout Western Ontario and that the demand for tin low er grades is more in On tario and Quebec In testifying to an increased demand for gar den and field root seeds the prin cipal of another prominent house says There is no doubt but that lire agitation and educational work which has been done has had a beneficial effect causing the planter to give more thought to the use of high grade stocks A third leading dealer writes We arc of opinion that your ad vertising campaign has been very At least we have found it SO Not only has the farming business been greater hut the demand has been generally for the finest selection of seed stocks A firm with ramifica tions all over the Englishspeak ing world says We notice a marked tendency for belter seed In the of our farmer customers this year Especially when ordering Timothy Alslke and Alfalfa they insist on govern ment grade No Other firms both east and west testify that the demand for the best seed has been higher lhan In any previous year 43 So I am bewaring And oftentimes when of a patient audience listening to an exceedingly easy one given to the habit of saying just one thing more I bless the counsel my sympathetic sister Perhaps the reasons will be of some comfort other tremblers bravely trying to do their duty in Christian I When talking is hard one prepares herself fully and carefully She goes over and over a lesson or little speech until It presents her thoughts ac curately and concisely Consequently when delivered it goes home does the work veaxie no one and wastes nobodys precious time whereas one who is never stage- struck to whom words come tramp ing without effort feels no necessity for this painstaking preparation The result may be a splendid inspirational speech or logical lesson but usually it is a ramble of words beginning anywhere and ending For ideas seldom come in local order sometimes they do not come at all The expected inspiration of the mo ment as Eugene Field said the speaker beats the air filed off at a tangent and then repeats hex sell in order to get back on the right track The effect on the audience Is con fusing and wearying beyond words es pecially in this day when people live by the clock and must live by it accomplish all that is expected of them If ideas are to be Impressed other minds they must logically expressed And usually such speakers exclaim afterwards left out my main point Of course there are some gifted peo ple who cab say the right thing in the rigke way and quit with it bnt they are few indeed and it Is egotism to place ourselves in that column Then there are some gifted people to whom talking is easy who neverthe less vigorously prepare themselves for public speaking We flock to hear them Rut the average person should mm xTJv iff3 m I r I We Thank Yon for Past Patronage And in order to demonstrate In a moro practical manner than In mere words also Induce you to continue your esteemed favors we have to give to some one of our customers a present consisting of The Beautiful Pil T TUX v the speaker who knows what he or she is going to say rising to speak who abstains from apologies explanations repetitions and circum locutions who quits before you are i ready to quit listening For such there will always be an encore The Model Military Camp In view the fact that so many of our Canadian soldiers arc fighting on the battlefield of Flanders the model military camp which will be one of the special feature at the Canadian National this year should attract thousands of vis itors a great many of whom no doubt have sons or brothers at the front In this camp will he seen a detachment of the Royal Canadian Dragoons artillery Royal Canadian Engineers Royal Canadian Regiment as well as machine guns and armored cars The work of the A M Trans portation Corps and Field kitchen will bo an interesting feature The camp which will vividly portray life under active service conditions showing oven trench digging anil the lauding of hydroplanes with headquarters and field telegraph We have now on exhibition value of ibis in strument Is and It is guaranteed for ten years cordially Invite you to call at our store and Inspect and try this Piano You have as good a chance of obtaining this valuable gift as anyone Come to our store and let us explain our of Giving Away This Piano J- J I OUR 8PEOIAL8 Arrow and King Halo lust Wright Shoes Holeproof Hosiery House of Hobborlln Fast Nail Overalls mm ONHK Mens utfitter o A R I J ii will be situated west at Transportation Building 111 School Reports 151AUMSHKD BOARD OF DIRECTORS V MEREDITH Sir aSiMcitull R A Drwi Em- Em Savings Deposits of upward and at rates Savings Department accounts given attention for iJ NOTICE Removed to of Market on Timothy Street In countries for our TOItS will MARION PAINTER PAPERHANGER ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper 8upplled from per Roll and Hung on the filoH Reasonable Terms WORK GUARANTFED I KINDS OF SIGNS FAINTED ESTIMATES SUBMITTED There ace very cheerful persons optimistic to expect to rosy future to a very dingy and leav ed FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA SUM M BR SCHOOL KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS SCHOOL OF MINING CRRHICAL ifgHA CIVIL Tin following is the rop School IV Gerald da ir Ill Grace lOtt Pearl iternicc Webster and Nerval Sr Dunham Dud ley Jieacock Milton ab sent two exams Part Ruby Vivian Webster Jr First Gutting kib ble llarman and eiiunl Ethel Gamble George hie Primer Grace Sharp Vi vian Irene Jr primer Maude Gamble Reggie Carol Black and Miller equal R Greenwood Teacher Paris June retaliation for the bombardment by the Germans of French and English towns a squadron of aeroplanes made a raid Monday morning on the city of Karlsruhe capital of the Duchy of Baden the French frontier The squadron located on the Rhino miles from started at oclock and although caught by a northeast wind arrived over Karlsrouhe between oclock The French War re port says The aeroplanes dropped projectiles of and calibre on objects which had been Indi cated to them the cha teau an arms manufactory station A great numncr of broke out during the time the aero planes were flying over Karlsruhe A serious panic was observed In the sta tion from which trains departed hast proceeding In eastern direc tion The machines were subjected to a violent gun fir C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch a Plaaterer PLAIN AND WORK OF EVERY IN CEMENT AND OF PARIS and Stone Foundations Collar Floors and Sidewalks BRICKWORK ROUGH CASTING A SPECIALTY Repairs of Any Descriptions Distance no Obstacle Drop a Card THE MONTH OF WEDDINGS AND WEDDING CLOTHES Purohaso those you have the beat selection of materials In the latest style and Fit and Work manship are A call la mm MERCHANT TAILOR Phono Main NEWMARKET i v ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO