SIP MOUNT ALBERT ss -t- ij3 V J Ms ex J iSt a ess Hi ai i Si Eft RtarV r MS I fe 1 Jr REMEMBER Warmer is coming A cool refreshing bath with a fold ing bath tub in the house worth of extras given away until Ju ly 1st Kenneth PERSONALS Roy was at his home in town tor short visit Mr Donald of was in town last wee calling on friends Mrs Winch has returned from a visit with at Keswick EXCURSION The annual excursion the Mount- Albert and will be held at on July via CROR Train leaves Mt Albert station at am -c- leaves at p There will be a program sports a a baseball match See posters for particulars room in connection with it and we may truly say it was thanks to our persistent efforts in getting It start ed in tke right direction Other work we mention such as rais ing money to relieve the poor agitat ing better sanitation in our school etc As Secretary of this society have certainly had a lot of work It covers the Work of three officers In most societies that of Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer You have to record minutes of all meetings keep the roll of as they pay their fees take charge of all other finances both receipts and expenditures and do all the correspondence which takes a great deal of time We will not dwell longer on the ef ficient work which you have done We all know that in these offices it neces sitates work which we feel that you have not in the least And no while we feel that we will lose a good worker institute we will thini of you as continuing your workin a similar societv in own city so we krov that our loss will be another places gain We want you to take with you the good and good wishes of the members of this Institute where vcm have rendered your services so faith fully during the past few- years and while you are busy in another place of us still working away planning where we may best further the interests of our hone and our country Signed on behaf of the Womens Institute of Mount Alberts Mrs Shields made a brief but suit able reply and the meeting adjourned Too Late for Last Week Mr and Mrs Merchant spent over Sunday in Sutton Wedding bells arc ringing here Three friends from Toronto spent over Sunday at Mr J A large attendance at the funeral of Perry Sweet on Mon day Camp in full now Strawberry festivals are all the go now lias started hero in town Wednesday and Saturday nights in succession We wish our newly married couple a pleasant honeymoon Sleeping Beauty BEACH Mr n Twentyseven candidates are writ ing their Entrance Examination at Mount Albert Centre A new cement walk has been wade running south from the to the parsonage Mr Fred was thrown out of his buggy on Monday morning and his you perhaps sometimes think collar bone was broken- The colt he was driving became frightened at an automobile Air Stokes lost a brood mare this week DECORATION DAY The Directors ot the Mount Albert Cemetery extended an invitation to all interested to meet at the Ceme tery on Sunday afternoon last for a memorial service The response ffaS general as it is believed that more people assembled than wer ever seen at any gathering in Mount Albert The diflerent fraternal societies form ed in procession and marched to the grounds led by the band which lur a program of Sacred music during the afternoon Mr president of the company presided The proceedings were op ened with prayer Mr W A student in charge of the Church Short addresses were delivered by Rev Dr Marvin and Messrs Westcott Chas Arnold lohn Crose John Moore and It A collection taken up at gate amounted to will all be spent on further improv ing the grounds OUR BOYS AT THE Word was received by Reeve Rams- den last week of the safe arrival Mr A id with the Montreal for over Sunday to say Montreal for over IknJay to say goodbye as his company sails in a Jew Mr is training at Ni agara and expects to go to the front soon Ross and Harry shields sons Mr Shields are serving with the medical corps and Dr Douglas Shields son of Mr Shields ex pects to go soon Two sons of the Rev Morgan a former pastor of the Methodist Church now of also enlisted and will soon be at the front Mr Geo Cameron son of the former pastor of the Presbyterian Church is at the front Thus will be seen that Al bert is doing its bit to help iu the great world struggle now going WOMENS INSTITUTE A meeting the Womens Institute held in the Methodist Church on Saturday June Mrs addressed meeting on The Advantages ot Country Life and Miss Col lins of gave a talk on Household Decoration and Home Making Ideals A voir Some- where a Voice is Calling sung by Miss Bertha Ross of Midland- was much appreciated by all present Shields the retiring sec retary was presented with the fol lowing address read by Mrs Mi too Albert lune Mrs Shields In contemplating your departure from our midst In the pot distant future we thought we would take this opportunity letting yon know that we feel that you will be great ly the Womens Institute of Mount Albert and regret that you will be severing your connection with as During the years that you been Connected with this In stitute first as President for one year then as Secretary for three years it lias indeed made great pro gress not only In membership and finances but also in interest and the work has not only a benefit to the members connected with but Its Influence lias been felt in the commun ity at large President you tour commit tees and devised methods of doing good and as the in Charity begin at you nought out ways and means of help ing In our own village and members became and in that way brought new mem bers and all worked in lust here let u one Of the great thing Institute has done Our Public Library which seemed almost the verge of layout now I In a flour ishing kept- up by our wtitute and It has also a one of the Yates cot tages Mr Carte and family of Newmarket moved up for the season Or Campbell of Toron to spent the weekend with her daughter Mrs Andy Davis on her way to Muskoka for the Mr Irwin Lloyd left on Tuesday for Waterloo Iowa in company with Mr lay of Queensvillc who Spoilt a day with him last The Union Church opens next Sunday morning at oclock for the Reason Mr Harvey and family of terboro are gruesta at Dudley Manor Mr and Mrs Pickering of Toronto were guests Mr and Mrs Thomas Cedar Nook Mrs J pane and Miss Cane visited at lidgemere week and Mrs Cane liMnl a couple of days following with Mrs 1 lloyd An Increased numbers of mo tors on the road on Sunday There are many spacious and wellkept lawns at Orchard Beach tins cottagers evidently vie lug with one another to produce the best affect Among those we might mention the premises of Mr Porter Dudley Manor Aftlen Villa Mr Cedar Walllonhotm Miss Fish Edgemfcre and several others hut none are more nifty than Veres summer home Mr Hall of To ronto It is reported that the milk man will stall his rounds on Monday morning Welcome news It you want I he beaten at a game of croquet just drop onto the lawn at and try your luck with Mr John moiil and Mr Frank Smith Cottages at this summer resold are fast up these days The flailing season has opened and the Isaac all along the Lake arc enjoying the Great preparations are being made for the Garden Parly anil Strawberry Festival under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening July I si at Marlboro Gardens Mr Potmans Lawn Tea will he served from to followed by an excellent program consisting of addresses by Mayor Cane of Newmarket P- of Keswick Rev fi Atkinson of Solos by Flanagan of Newmarket and Sir of Newmarket also music and recitations by local talent Sharon Hand and Sander sons Orchestra will be in attend ance Chair will be occupied by Mr of the Town ship Everybody come and have a good time Possibly the best meeting of the since its organiza tion was held at the home of Mrs last Thursday after noon The- topic a particularly interesting one that of Immi gration its challenge to the Christian Church and The Work were dealt with by Mrs Atkinson A very interesting article on the Can- of Nicholas was read by Miss Edith Atkinson Mrs read an interest ing article on The Saving of a life in our Hospital A duel licht after darkness was sung by Misses Marian McKeiuie and Clara Hill which was much appreciated The next meeting will he held at the Manse The Ladies- Aid will hold their July meeting on Saturday July 3rd irf MtvC woods Tea will he served Come and have a good time as usual Patriotic Day will be observed on Sabbath morning at 1 am in the Presbyterian Church The special patriotic program will be used All welcome We are pleased to note what Mr Owl has to say with regard to Putnam system of fencing and that it has met with such general approval among the farmers of North Also that the referred to in last issue has attained such high standard of proficiency There are writing for High School entrance at the school here this Week port Fish appear to more plentiful Ibis year The dancing parlor over the Post on the Iake Shore opposite the Hoarding House is now about completed and ready for use Mrs and son of Shar on spent the weekend with her Frank Smith the residence Mrs McKlniionha8 been great ly enlarged and looks well in its new coat of paint Mr Daniels of Toronto is moving into one of the Yates cottages occupied last year by Mr Tbe Daniels hoarded at Manns to or years ago The arrival of a canoe for tha Long family was a great delight to the children- Miss DefreeHiiand Mr Toronto were weekend guests Mihh May Mr Lewis Upward and entertained guests frmo ToroiUo over Sunday Dr of Toronto Is POINT Dr Wesley is having electric lights put in his beautiful cot tage on the Point It is rented to Mr lough of Toronto for the rest of the season and he look possession yesterday Mr and Mrs L Atkinson of spent Sunday here with Dr and Mrs Wesley We are all pleased to have Mr Jesse with us again and think that Camp Catch- Quick will he very popular this summer It is a line large tent Jess does not mean to be alone he will have plenty of room for all his friends Quito a large congregation at Christ Church on Sunday a A Baptismal Service was held and the babies of Mr and Mrs Lester Kelly and Mr and Arthur Kelly were baptized Mr and Mrs Terry of Keswick Spent Sunday at Mr mans Mr Tillet had the misfor tune to hurt his knee by falling through a scaffold about ten feel high to the ground while putting in hay Mr F Young is certainly mak ing improvements He bus had new cement cellar put in the full size of the house and now has a couple of star carpenters from Toronto building an ice cream parlor Quite a number of our school Children are trying their entrance exams at this week We wish them success Archie visits the Point but seems to forget his old friends Mr ami- Mrs George Drown of Toronto were guests of Mr ami Mrs Win Hue last Sunday Mr ami Mrs W Young of Toronto are at home for a couple of weeks holidays Have you seen the new style of sweater coals With latest pal fasteners If not ask Jess Mr and Mrs Win Kay Mr and Mrs P vans Of Vir ginia were calling on friends hero op Sunday Mrs Mitchell of Zephyr is vis itingMrs Williamson this week Mrs Miller Of Toronto is with her daughter Mrs P J Colo Mr l J Cole has a very nice content walk put down from the gale to the house Nomine 1 BALDWIN Miss Myrtle Foster denies all responsibility for the ditching of Wardells auto car She wns driving but she that in a spirit of mis chief flopped the machine Into ditch I dontVmuch doubt as practical Joker auto is dangerous thing to be monkey ing with Should it turn turtle thered be a bill for repairs- as big as a suit for a breach of Miss Hunter daughter of Al bert Orillia spent a few- days in this neighborhood last week She was the chum and schoolmate Of Eliza now Mrs Allan and came down to attend the wed ding Miss Hunter a magni ficent young woman Her eyes sparkle with intelligence and good qualities hard to enumer ate Her parents are justly proud of their idol was under the weather therefore unable to enjoy a visit as much as Would have liked The Free Mclh Conference and CampMeeting here Was a most wonderful success The meetings have been largely at tended and notwithstanding the great throng present the best of prevailed has been es timated that as many as fifteen hundred were present at Sunday evenings service Twentysev en automobiles were conspicu ously presents That is hearsay the Owl was not there Get your strawberry festivals Tommy Counters crop on deck is A Mrs Cannier sends her dairy and poultry produce to the city She gets prodigiously Hue cholines therefore shell be rich before she knows it Albert is rea dy for speculation in a driver Uncle Johnston has Baldwin Queen of the Turf Miss Myrtle Foster paid her maiden trip to Canadas great est city last week She enjoyed it immensely She saw won ders I was jogging along town per shanks mares one evening recently when Mrs Paul pelle came along and invited me to a ride behind her diminutive Shetland pony I was almosl ashamed lo impose upon such a little the smallest of the kind I have seen about half the size of the little team of Paul is transforming his farm at a glimpse of Fai ry land made elevated flowerbeds etc No money in that but a deal of pleasure Mrs Moore of is visiting her brother Va- and other friends hereabouts There are not- extra bright prospects for a great throng of about Lake this season Money Is too light Theres naught to get a on The kills will soon be let loose Days begin to shorten oil dear me Theyre right now I dont think I would enjoy Eskimo land ooo- The road work is the maid order of the day- Thats what keeps up the good roads Several from here attended the camp at Baldwin on Sun day and report a large crowd Several from around here attended the Metbodist Church last Sunday and heard Rev Scotts farewell ser mon KESWICK Next Sunday Mr John Yokes of Wesley Sunday School Toronto has promised to ad dress the Methodist Sunday School here 1 1 oclock Keswick Methodist is ar ranging for their annual Excur sion to in July The Keswick Girls Patriotic Club will meet next Wednesday in the Temperance Hall at half past three oclock We want all lite girls lo he present for we are going to talk about ways to earn money Gome and bring your knitting i A union service with the Christian Church of Newmarket will be held in Purdys hove at am next Sunday A num ber of candidates will be baptized Mlsa Myrtle Lloyd of Schoin- has been visiting her friend Miss Esther Stark Too for last Owing to the thunder storm mi Sunday evening the service in the Presbyterian Church was poorly attended Hark Wedding hells are ring ing here this week Mr ami Mrs Jus Merchant spent over Sunday at the borne of their son Mr Merchant of Sutton Mrs J T Walsh of ToronK returned to her home on Satur day morning after an- extended visit with her daughter Miss Dorothy Walsh- Miss A is spending some lime with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Traviss Sirs Frank has home after spending a few days in Toronto Some of our young folks took in campmeeting last Sunday at Baldwin The Ladles Aid hold their monthly meeting at the homo of Mrs Hose on Wednesday of last week Dont forget to come to the Strawberry Festival hold on Ihi5 Church grounds on Friday night June Mr Ceo Travissof JOtO Is spending a wilh par ents Vr and Mrs Traviss Wo would like to know what took Amos up to last week Mi Percy Wilson ami Miss Lucy York were united Wednesday afternoon of last week Ve extend congratula tions Mr V nam say who labored so faithfully as Presbyterian Sabbath School since the church in I ha Spring resigned on Sunday af ternoon We hope we shall him meet with us still in our fit hie Class Mr L Hole coeds him as Superintendent Black Beauty PHI a A The Business Of Farming the of Mwuihwturini ba Id a put In a bank Piym by Chcqua A cartiJn of profit bo put In Aocount u an fund man who h surplus In bank protected against bid and hard time MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH a D TERRY Manager HOLLAND LANDING Mr Scott motored to the lily this week We are very sorry to report the death of Mr MadlUs idest son Willie The bereaved family have the sympathy of the hood Mr Hell spent a few days in the city this week We are pleased to See the doing such good work In aid of the Red Cross Mr Wilfrid Scott spent tn week end at Miss Minnie Hell of visit ed her parents this week Miss Artt spent week end at Lome Holland Landing iMcnic at the Park on July Everybody bring a basket and come spent a few days week with her aunt Airs Marsh Mr WS Barker of spent Wednesday and lhursday wilh his Mrs Barker Miss Nellie Perry of Toronto is spending her holidays at her home at Amsterdam Mrs and of Dawson Manor spent a few days this week Manor Died At the Sick Hospital on Sunday morning at oclock Williani ft his year sou or Mr and Mrs S Madill De ceased was only ill a few days and was taken to Hie Hospital on Saturday morning when in operation was performed hut of no avail passed away short ly afterwards The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon lo Newmarket Cemetery and was largely attended The family have our sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement Rev J A will preach his farewell sermon at the Church on Sunday next Mr Callan will leave for Muskoka Station on the CPU he of next month where he will have charge of thai circuit We are sorry to have Mr Callan leave us he was well liked and has made many friends here duridg the past three years Miss who has we be weeks able to been ill the past two are pleased say is out again SUTTON The Lennox Picnic Arrangements are under way for the big annual Lennox Picnic at- Jacksons Point on Wednes day July This year tit picnic will differ from former years that it will be nonpo litical and purely patriotic in its character The speeches will he patriotic and the proceeds of the day will be devoted to the Hod Cross Fund June Wedding A pretty June wedding was thai or Miss Gladys Evelyn Brown daughter of Mr and Mrs W J and Mr Thayer Sutton West which look place on dune at oclock at the home of the brides parents The officiating clergyman was Rev IL Allen Miss Jean Brown played the wedding march The bride who was given away by her father wore a gown of ivory crepe and a wedding veil with a wreath of orange blos soms and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley- and white rosea Mr and Mrs Thayer left a trip to Muskoka On their lurn will reside in Button West SUTTON Sutton Continuation Result of Promotion Kxaiun from Form I to Names in of merit Hcssle honors and ISeocie Greenwood equal Marion Kler W Jean Chalmers J lib Herb Hunter Miss Agnes Doyle daughter ot Mr John Doyle ami Mr Us Hughes Lindsay were married at St Anth onys Church Virginia on Wednes day the or June We extend congratulations A pretty wedding took place on Never buys anything because It Is cheap and if you would bo a satisfied man buy the best to be had I sell that kind In Shirts Collars Underwear Neckwear Hats and Caps Clothing etc In fact anything for men or boys Call In and see our lines m OUTFITTER8 Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON Auto Tire Stean Vulcaniiii Send me your Auto Tires I pay Express one way Charges moderate Qlve me a trial All sixes of Tlrea in stook New and Rebuilt Gasoline Oils Adcessorles Repair Work Main Street Garage Sutton STANLEY A Prop Thursday June the at the re sidence of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Hill itlver Street when their daughter Ethel Mae be came the wife of Mr A Rev l Crosses Newmarket tied the knot They left on a trip to and other points We wish them every The Metropolitan UK have put their summer time table into effect Cars leave here at 925 245 and Rev Hi P Thomas MA of New market will occupy the pulpit of Church Sutton ou Simla at Anniversary services will be held Presbyterian Church on Sun day at and pm Thomas of Newmarket will preach services Monday night June the the annual garden par ty will he held on the church A good program is and re freshments will be served from to The Is cts for a an cts or children The congregation of St Anthonys Church Virginia lave arranged for a garden party to be held on Wednesday July the the lawn Mrs two miles east of Virginia In addition to a choice Mr Cornell of Newmarket had charge of the Entrance pupils at Sut ton School this week Miss at Mt Albert School closed here on Friday for the summer holidays We not heard as yet what teachers are com today on So we out but when we to the spot where the bridge tad I saw old John Bobbins across on something and things I what is it V 11 Old John quavered out to us I suppose somebodys missing this roof maybe but It does come in in back Judge Denton held Division Court hindv here last Friday A number s When came to examine there w disposed of my storehouse root that ha blowed along and landed iMi rr would be use It wasnt a run handsome bridge nor any steady Improved Yorkshire but It served that diy While Voting Pigs about The dealings Providence old surprising when you view em Koswiok time hut come to take em in 1 wind and they make a man scorn unreliable now Hut now I calculate to FOR SALE- storehouse 100 oast half of lol and see If maybe some other Centre half a mile south wont selected to supply the Mt Albort apply to Davidson Mt Albeit A bridge thats needed in a Hurry Send the Era to absent friends We are a ho lino and on some and on Sugar Bowl and Cream Fine Sliver for pre look In our arly Imp PEGG that he is now sell the Quick Meal Oil Stow This is the best Oil Spve madi by actual lest also haft Sprayers all sizes for horse handpower Arsenic of Lead now in stock the best think known for killing potato Everything in the Implement lini Have you any colts or horses to deal Phone 1U PKGO Season FOR I Jellied Hoc Jollied He Pressed Ha Bologna Oh very tint lo tins Dried Bee B Wo Lemonade I In 1 Phone A3 Main TO FARMERS Having purchased a Well Hop ing Outfit we are now prepaid i do such work at regular and satisfaction guaranteed J LEWIS A SON AN IMPROMPTU One memorable gale which wrought fearful havoc the new coast played some praams which aroused a grim sense of humor those who suffered from them A Massachusetts man told of his ml haps with certain sly not to be wholly concealed from program platform has been erected for dancing Tea from to Kfi aloUt the middle Iba welcome storm said he I saw A number of young ladles gave Miss lying past the house and I a minute It was the roof my at the home of Mr A on Saturday afternoon It had needed son Mr and Mrs of time but Im one that takes to spent over the weekend with a little too easy and 1 hadnt touted friends here to it Mr and Mrs John spent Well when things calmed over Sunday and Monday visiting some one my here oofs fame along the next irorntas and Mrs Thayer arrived he skid he thought home on Friday and have taken up ought to go and what we their residence on street do about the little bridge across the See those nice cool straw hats at above here Smaller He has the latest goods was ohe of the first things and they sold at Toronto prices SO last night he and The concert In the Town Hall hoine f Monday night drew small nP up although the talent was the very marsh meadow So as vcu I are the nearest I we Walters paid a visit to W Malone Lodge AK AM on Wed- night lneir LB TO From TWO or to Kir It is wheat ai la for expo year able and in to he repi as Caria iltmulat state young aviators plication aviators tori I a I It is no for Tune Any tsummer concerned ttpublesb to all be TORONTO