Newmarket Era, 25 Jun 1915, p. 7

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VAXES AGENT il Manager Farming be la a practical it In ft bank Payment percentage of the profit an emergency fund Trio- Is protected against bad TERRY Manager is cheap and If you the best lo be had I s Underwear Socks thing etc In fact ill In and see our lines NTS OUTFITTERS of Marriage Licenses SUTTON loanizin I pay Express Give mo a In stock New lis Accessories age Sutton J A BREULS Prop ALBERT in that he is now sell- the Quick Meal Oil is I lit best Oil ictual lest I also have all sizc for horse power Arsenic of Lead in stuck the best thing for killing potato bugs rilling in the Implement line Have you any good or horses deal Phone NOTICE TO FARMERS purchased a Well we are now prepared such work at regular j satisfaction guaranteed J LEWIS SON Quccnsville IMPROMPTU BRIDGE memorable gale which wrought I havoc along the new England played some pranks which a grim sense of humor in who suffered from them A man told of his with a certain sly enjoyment not be wholly concealed from ong about the middle of said he I saw something king past the house and I minute it was the roof of my old house had needed but Im one that takes- a thing lie too easy and hadnt tnded Veil tilings calmed down Kara one of my Caine along the next morales and he said He thought we to go and see what we couW bout the little bridge across the aloe here t was one of the first things t night he and got home more dead than he aid he the bridge up it marsh meadow Ho as you and the nearest I ought we could fix up or east way wont he able to get today for their mall and so out but when we go re the bridge John stepping a J we set spot A old on t is it quavered out to us missing this roof does come in I but it ONT J 2 CHINA HALL ttfeeks Our Win showing an entirely new of the most MassAASoeiova Mrs p bouquet sweet peas in her garden on rune the This is one day earlier than last year and the first have heard to Some boys playing cricket on Jo seph Ave Tuesday evening busted a large pane of glass The men put the boll and ma terial for the Town Clock in he tower and then left the job The Mission Circle will picnic at Orchard Beach Tuesday afternoon are and one some and useful assortments of Silver Deposit English Ware Tea Pots Bowls Cream Jugs Sugar Cream Sets 3iece Sets of English China Inlaid with Silver They are most suitable WEDDING GIFTS or for any special presentation Have a look in our window and make an selection Patriotic Busy Bees will hold heir Party for Ibb lied Gross on Saturday July on lite ground Gibson St Red Cross Knitting Tea The weather was very unfav orable on Tuesday which inter fered with the attendance llow- the tea was held on the verandah of Mr Schmidts resi dence at rt and he proceeds were The next Tea will be held at the same place on July when it is hoped the day will be warm- er Police Court Worship Police Br union held an investigation in Whit church Township and in the afternoon Court was held here when sev eral cases of theft flour and farm were heard late to in Ibis issue Womens Institute were about present hi he meeting here on Wednesday afternoon The speakers Mrs and Miss Collins splendid Mrs Upward Cane al so contributed a solo The problem laid over till next meeting- further was for Orange Social Owing to the exceptionally cool Christian Church Last Sunday morning the pas torgave a short account of recent held at- which was iulircstinK in died In the Mr gave a lalk a The Sunday School lastSunday morning was well allendeoS Next Sunday there will be no Sun day School as a car leave at for Keswick where a special service for is to be hold There will be the enitig service at oclock as usu al Next Saturday afternoon June the Primary of Hid Sunday School will hold a picnic on the church lawn Wo trust all the children will be there- at 3 oclock jt gf a Importer of Staplo and Fancy China Seasonable Suggestions FOR HOT WEATHER Hocks Allied Head Cheese pressed Corned Beef Ham 200 12c 30o 35c 120 TOR PICNICS Cream Cheese 10o 16o A Choice Olives plain stuffed 20c 30o The very finest Salmon tins 10c 13o lb tins 13c 20o Lobster tins 20c Dried Beef In tins and glasses Canned Boneless We have a firstclass line In Lemonade Orangeade Raspberry Vinegar Lime Juice and Grape Juice In 10c and 26c bottles II B03I7 the Leading Phone Quick CORNER OF Main Timothy TO WESTERN CANADA Good Going Every Tuesday From March to October Methodist Sunday School The First Annual Patriotic Service of the Methodist Sundaj School will be held in the audi torium of the Church next pm The service will consist of patriotic songs and recitations an address by the Pastor and the unveiling of a framed record of the members of the school who have gone to the front or have enlisted for service Twelve names appear on the re cord one having been killed in action and we hope all friends of he school will help us do honor to those who have so nobly responded lo the call of duty The Choir al the morning ser vice will be composed of mem bers of the Intermediate and Senior of the School Christian Endeavor There was a large attendance the Ice Cream Social Tues day evening under the auspices of the Christian Kndeavor Socie ty of the Christian Church The program was in charge of Miss Collins and the following look part Mrs Linden Mr Rich ard Willis Miss Miss Morton Misses Ruth and Irene Kelly Miss Miss Connie Mr Hare and Miss Gladys Belfry Mr Wiley also rendered many selections on his which were also greatly appre ciated by all present The deavorers also wem very grateful to Mrs Linden and Mr Willis in assisting After the musical which was of a patriotic nature were enjoyed by all and refreshments served Next Tuesday evening the meeting will be in charge of Rev J Hall who will speak on Making Life Worth While As bis is the last meeting until af ter the summer vacation every is urged lo be pre sent Dont forget the annual Picnic at Bond Lake on July 1st Everybody welcome weather the Ice Ciifam Social which was announced for the Public- School rounds On Wed nesday evening was held in this Skating Rink under the auspice- of the Orange Lodge The Odd- Fellows Band provided music and there was a fair attendance A number were tip from Auro ra Proceeds In addition to the above was made for the Red Cross Fund on the Guessing Contest Mr Stanley won the Quill his guess of i being the exact number of beans in the bottle Mr J McKay came next Obituary- Died at Grace Hospital To ronto on Thursday June Mrs Ellen Liberty of Gloucester St Toronto widow of the late Robert Liberty in her 57th year She leaves behind lo mourn their loss two sons and four daughters John Laud er Ave Toronto Christopher 10 Gloucester St Toronto Mrs Hoover Madoc Ont Mrs Mr- Manus Newmarket Ont Mrs IX Hoover Crawford St Toron to and Hazel of Gloucester St Toronto Her remains were taken to her old home in Township County Hastings on Saturday morning and interred in the Line Cemetery beside her hus band and son Died In California News of the death of Mr at California on Monday of last week reached us a few days ago Deceased was one of kels prominent citizens half a century ago He was a very clev er machinist and an active mem ber of the Fire Brigade He mar ried a daughter of the late Dr Ford who with two sons and one daughter are left to mourn an affectionate husband and father The eldest son Fred lives in Vancouver and the oth ers are in California BUR TORONTO Four and one mar riages have been reported at the City Hall since June I This is average of twenty a day for the month of brides but it will keep Cupid busy lo beat June of last year when there were marriages rcpufrled Thaf was an average of a day At the High School Entrance Examinations in Toronto about are writing Ibis week Two brothers aged and years were drowned in the lake Opposite the River on Tuesday by the upsetting of liieir canoe The eleventh annual conven tion of the Chief Constables of Canada convened here on Tues day Over were present The city tendered the delegates a luncheon Hon Dr Pyne Minister of Education left for England on Tuesday lo consult Imperial au thorities in connection with the proposal of the Ontario Govern ment lo establish a war hospital in England for Canadians The Rose Society of Ontario will hold its annual Rose Shev in the Margaret Eaton Hall on June The Street Railway Co deduct ed from amount of per centage due the which the Company claim Toron to owes the Railway Three hundred business men of this City visited this week members of the Toronto Can adian Club to see modern meth ods of crininology applied at the Ontario Reformatory of the Ag ricultural College They were hospitably entertained by the requirements nicety Trim uptodate yet consistently In good taste describe the main features of Shoes but quality is also an Important consideration with those men who value a distinctive appearance and fills this requirement most satisfactorily Has been given the place of honour In suggestion Is that next time you are in need of you give us an opportunity to show you St Wool TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT FREE HOMES along the Canadian Northern Railway literature and particu lars Butcher to General apply lo Local Agent Pass Agent King St Toronto EDITORIAL NOTES on It is by the Hint Canada has a wheat acreage this year of acres This should give a of bushels In Toronto An old and very highly respect ed resident of Newmarket Mrs Donald Sutherland died in To ronto on Sunday at the residence of her daughter Mrs Rev Dr at the remarkable age of Iv I came to examinf there root that ha along and landed he It wasnt a bridge nor any tco steady it served the purpose that Providence rising ben you view em but hid and they make seem Unreliable now dont Hut now calculate to my storehouse see if maybe some other t he selected to supply the ifi thats needed in a hurry Win it wheat acreage this promises a very inrreafie in grain over last hi the United Slates Can ada and India the total increase In winter acreage is stated acres over and reports from Russia as well Canada also indicate an in wheat acreage everywhere have been to activity by the war authorities Ottawa a thousand Canadian a end the Era to absent Military Hate ll men are anxious to become aviators This number am plications has reached the naval department Training of is proceeding satisfac torily at Toronto School and it is now reported that the first of aviators will leave for Holland about the end of June Canadians lake a prorni- Place- in everything Ihals Win man can be In fashion this as far as a straw hat Is In fact It Is about as woman the fright bonnet and it fiftyseven almost years Deceased was born in Lei trim Ireland and married the late Donald Sutherland of New market in For nearly u years her husband was closely Identified with the business mu nicipal educational political and religious life of Newmarket ami was the first Reeve after its in corporation as a village Those elected with him to the first Council were Win Win Roe George and Jackson The surviving members of the family are John of Chicago las of Newmarket Mrs Gray under Justice Sutherland and Walter all or Toronto The remains were brought to by special Metropoli tan car on Tuesday afternoon and interred in the family plot in Newmarket Cemetery The pall bearers were the five sons and soninlaw Rev Dr Gray 1 Thomas conducted service at the grave assisted by Rev Dr Of Toronto A number of relatives and friends accompanied the remains here among whom were Messrs J and homing Waller Suth erland Jr and Mr Ross bead of the City P all of To ronto Mr Sutherland of Cal gary son of Mr Alex Sutherland and Rev Wass Among the townspeople who attended the funeral here were Mayor Hon J Davis Sir Win Mulock Messrs Edgar The friends from a distance returned to Toronto by special car after having lunch at the residence of Mr Jas Sutherland Clearing Prices One Lot New Millinery for One Liit Ladies Suits for for Ladies Classic Shoes JJ for for Mens Spring Suits Cen tury Brand 15 for Mens Spring Overcoats for 5 Mens New Hals for for for Mens Patent Leather Shoes today for Roche Co FRUIT BULLETIN Of interest to bouse wives Of ficial notice is given to buy canning strawberries now Have your grocer secure Ni agara Peninsula grown kind they are now at their host and require less Goose berries about ready Speak to your grocer Liberal Picnic The patriotic demonstration lo held al on July promises to be otto of the most popular and largely attended events of the year To facilitate the crowds that will attend from the points distant a Jitney ser vice run ning from Newmar ket Aurora and Bond Like via Temperanceville and King City There will be a full program of Held sports football tournament lugofwar etc Special prizes will be given the youngest Liberal oldest Lib- oral oldest Conservative and old est Liberal lady also lo the man bringing the largest load to the picnic and the best decorated auto There will be four prizes for the best picnic lunch for two exhibited by young ladies under eighteen three prizes for the best gentlemans driving outfit on grounds Patriotic addresses will bo de livered by A I Bruce J Hogg Toron to Alderman Maguirc ExAlder man McCarthy L P all of Toronto Thus and J Walton of Aurora Ron L King Hon A Aylesworlh and others The Aurora Citizens Hand will be In attendance during the af ternoon and evening At the Concert in the evening Will J White of Toronto will sing While and will fur nish music for the occasion and a full program of patriotic pictures hearing on the war will bo shown The proceeds of this event will he contributed lo relief of the wounded soldiers The picnic will be frpe to all Hot and cold water will bo sup plied on grounds Everybody Invited have- good time THE OF VIEW Differences in opinion ate oltep- enlightening In that they spring from and betray characteristic differ ences in education and of living Two men who met and got into con versation recently in Panhandle illustrate again the fact that persons may differ violent ly in expressed opinion and still tttcy may often be discovered acting on identically the same Impulse and sentiment at heart Its an outrage declared the cowboy vehemently What is asked college surprised and the midst of his tale Why the way that bunch of so phomores broke into your bedroom and took you without dressing and tied you up in the plugged the first man that put his foot over my threshold I would Rut I was only a freshman Dont you see It was only just their way No I dont see said the and what is more no man ought stand for anything like that It was a roughneck trick Where was your gun We didnt carry guns in college wouldnt shoot anyway no matter what happened Resides I didnt mind it much Well you are a greeny And they were breaking in on your privacy and damaging your property ami Oh -but- that was the custom Dont you see every firstyear man expect it Why that wasnt anything compared to what the outfit did In sending you oft that wildgoose chase into the Santa- Rosa mountains the time the blizzard was coming and you got lost for three days Oh that sniffed the Texan scornfully Why ought better I only a lender- foot and It made me wise I through all right I showed them I wasnt any mollycoddle Well how about your toes and those three days with nothing but Jackrabbit to live on Humph I was only chilled a bit when the sophomores untied me next morning and I didnt miss a meal at that Ah thats different Id ought to better than to go off after that fool steer But a cow puncher has to take his and the sooner he learns to savvy the heater tis for him Thats just what the sophs said about- they were breaking into your and they made a out of you afterwards If Id been there Id a made a couple of them look like sieves In the sunlight first Well I dont know said tbeex- thoughtfully I th info Id rather play the fool before a dozen on a dark night than fool around for three days lonesome It all depends how you want to take It I guess and then again on what youre expecting good footwear store and brought down both machines and didnt get th6 surplus above what she killed two of the armys best had decided to take out in trade it either found its way into some other inn store or in the bonk next door Little pots of flowers little cans of paint make attractive This man is today the general out of them that aint- of the branch of a large Red Cross Society Ian foodstuffs industry who has made at a garden party held last a brilliant success as a salesman He al King Township under worked hs way up from obscure the auspices of the Presbyterian Clerk in village store to his present Church gave a dramatic presen- enviable position because of entitled At the Bar Civilization Proceeds went the lied Cross Fund 1 A POINTER FOR MERCHANTS There used to he the greatest park have rivalry in our store related an ex- general merchant to the writer re cently to get the farmers wife to spend all her butter and egg money when she came to the village It we power to SELL goods Grocers and general merchants of to day are In the same position The termers wife still comes to town Saturday and sometimes during the week with her butter and and she either goes out of the- store with money or goods Merchants to day have in fact much greater op portunities than those of the time to which our friend refers The farmer has prospered In recent years with hut few exceptions He has got mon ey he never had before He has money because he has been securing big prices for what he has had to sell every merchant knows that It is up to every who sells to the prosperous farmer to so after country business right now Arc the clerks in your store en thusiastic over their accomplishments as salesmen Are they with that knowledge and information that will help them get the farmers wife to spend all her butter and egg mon ey in your store Those are ques tions of paramount importance at the present time Advertising in the local papers and personal salesmanship with catchy displays are methods which will be necessary to get the attention of the farmer and his wife 1 ooo Being able to makes it easy to see through Ignore him man J i Fft Choice Fruit Deserves CHERRY JELLY a rtcfpi Charlts Ckftf Cook to Hi tad ft and J- nd In a mortar In I John and boll on mlAUte cat pour Into and inter In 1 with and pour or mould EXTRA GRANULATED j On to preserve its luscious flavor for the winter days to come For over half a century the favorite sugar in Canada for preserving and jellymaking and good reason Because it is absolutely pure and always the same you can use it according to your recipes year after year with full confidence in the results Fruit put up right with Extra Granul ated Sugar will keep as long as you and when opened a month or a year hence will delight you with its freshness and flavor Let sweeten it Get your supply of sugar in Original Packages and thus be sura of the Canadas favorite at it best Put up in and lb Sealed Cartons and in 20 and lb Bags CANADA SUGAR CO 7 r IV fTho two largo Turkish that recently flew or- were mistaken for Itutlnn by tbo Turks who opened up a brisk Hint s iw i ill I J V- 4 1 ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO t fVS

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