fife S5o IS- I mm I iV m 3 Lfm rL IP I I fists i Of Thought Inspired By a Utter About MR MCLEAN Not For over two years I was troubled Constipation Drowsiness Lock of and Headaches I tried several medicines but got no results and my Headaches became more severe One I saw your sign which read make you feel like walking on air This appealed to me so I decided to try a bos In a very short time I to better and now I feet fine How I have a good appetite relish I eat and the Headaches A f grand celebration be held here on Dominion Day voder auspices or the Athletic Club and Class i I VANDORF Powell entertained choir on Thursday evening even ing was enjoyed by all Miss Gladys Williamson and Mr Leonard entertained a num ber of their friends on their Ays last- week A enjoyable evening was spent in music and games BELLE EWART- A sad accident on evening at tbe foot of- the line when the months old child of Ross Sheldon was drowned It appears the little one wandered to the end of the wharf and fell in Although it was soon missed and withdrawn from the water it was too late as life was extinct Much sym pathy is felt for the parents 0 oak ridges Jama and 2 lb and lb Sealed Cartons Also lb 20 lb and Ik Bags Look for the Laniic Red Ball on each package Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL QUE ST JOHN yj SCHOMBKRG Column WERE TRAMPS EVER BOYS At a general meeting of the rate payers of the school section held I cannot say too elicited from the School Board that Two of Mr children are very ill Mr and Mrs and family spent Sunday with Mr Fred Skinner Mr of Kettleby is With the approach of winter there spending week with his sister Mrs lis always a migration of tramps and vagrants to the cities and towns and Mr Fid has returned usually at this time a series of for and this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends FRUTTATIVES is daily proving Its priceless value in relieving cases of Liver and Kidney Trouble- General Weakness and Skin Diseases a box 6 for trial sixe At all dealers or sent postpaid by SYoitatives limited Ottawa BRICK BUNGALOWS For Sale or To Rent On Grace St Newmarket possession Apply to Geo Barker Box 343 Newmarket FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of YAW MAN Grace St Newmarket A Cement Block House newly rooms and bath Apply to Prospect AvO our school has cost than the original debenture issue of soma more than was deemed necessary by the In spector to meet all requirements for years to come There is a great discrepancy between these figures and the estimated expenditure as given out at the last annual meeting which was 110000 o aov KING CITY The members of the Womens In stitute Kin City Branch will please remember the social meeting to be held at the home of Mrs J A Mc Donald on Monday afternoon June at oclock There will be special music by the best of local attists and a recitation by Miss Ness and Miss Collins of one of the department delegates will give an address of practical interest Lunch will be provided by the Institute All ladies are cordially invited to be present a Arthur after spending a few day with his mother Mrs Mrs Harris is having a as they are going West in July Bradford band was at the Womens Institute garden party On Mr Davis lawn last Friday evening Mr Wilfrid Fountain and son spent Monday at Newmarket The annual Sunday School picnic rages occur that serve to call public attention- to this dangerous class Recently there has been a good deal written and said upon this question aud many remedies proposed but none of these articles have seen deal with the allimportant eature name ly the early training and environ ment of the tramp and criminal This is undoubtedly the most important point at which radical improvement of the Methodist and brought about The tramp Baptist Churches and An- a boy and the actions of hts STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron Street An old es stand Apply to MISS It FARMS WANTED can sell your farm have good clients ready to buy Send full particulars to Win Ground 2780 St Toronto STORE AND HOUSE TO LET On Main three doors south of King George Hotel Good atand for business House seven rooms with all conveniences Reasonable rent Apply to BENT Qofper of Park and also two Building Lots for sate on Park and Lome Avenues also two Mrs Ave Toronto or to Newmarket 30 Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel and pits Good some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone r4l or write Armstrong Newmarket PO A desirable property situated u Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all conveniences in class shape Quarter an acre of grounds- with apple small fruit trees Frame and cement hen house consider the best buy in so act quickly Terms can fte arranged to purchaser Apply to P Morion box Mr and 1- Wells were the guests of Warden Nigh on an excursion to Niagara last week The Ladies Aid were enter by Mrs K on afternoon The attendance was the largest that has been for some line An Illustrated lecture in the Methodist Church by- Mr was greatly enjoyed by all present A Lawn Social under the auspices of the Ladies Aid was held on the lawn of Mr Victor Rood on Tues day a distressing accident which oc curred at laundry on Wednesday Parker her right handtcrribly injured when it was caught in a steam mangle which she was operating She was feeding the machine and her sister was taking away tbe press ed clothes on the opposite side A towel became entangled in the rollers and the girl in endeavor ing to pull it out got her hand between the hot rollers For almost five minutes she agony until the rollers could be open ed and her hand released her screams being heard for some glican Church will be held at Bond Lake on Friday July Cars will leave at and a returning leave func tion at p Meetings of the North York Wo mens Institute will be held at tleby on Friday lune Church Saturday Methodist Church Iaskay Tues day fuae and in the Methodist church pn Wednesday June 30 The meetings will begin at p at each place The speakers will be Mrs 1 K and Miss M Collins The Turf Club have everything completed for the annual race meeting to be held here on Sat urday June There will te four viz freeforall trot or pace class class and a green races The purses amounting to A grand concert will be given in the town hall in the even ing under the auspices of the Turf Club by the followigg excellent tal ent Mabel ManleyPickert soprano comedian and Ro bert Clark ventriloquist Reserved seat tickets are on sale at Weavers drug store Resides the regular train service a special train will leave Junction at 1230 noon and returning will leave after the concert manhood are simply the lessons of his j youth put into practice From my knowledge of the neglected conditions under which many boys grow up believe the majority of tramps more to be pitied than blamed and that society is punished righteously tor tolerating the neglect of children by unworthy guardians I know toys today in various parts of the province who cannot in the natural order of things be anything but paupers and tramps when they become a f years older They are In squalor and wretchedness attend school know nothing of religion or moral precept and steadily acquiring a supreme con tempt for labor or restraint- of any kind Not long ago in visiting some of the smaller towns of the province came across a number of boys unable to read or write an idling away their time when not pilfering al though old enough to be selfsupport ing At one wretched abode where a boy of fourteen was loaling about the mother quite uneducated and Your Pro The surest way lo gel rich is to increase multiplier which means for the inorcliants of Newmarket increase your customers rather than add to Ihe lines you selling or the stock you are carrying to the number of the lines you sell or to the volume of the slock you carry is not the way surest to prosperity In deed this has ruined thousands of men The surer eustomers way is to multiply No business can prosper or grow that doesnt add many customers each year Customers must bo added by purposeful effort by seeking them Wailing for them lo And you is folly Seek them by the newspaper advertising This is the only sure way lo build up numbers To the Merchants of Newmarket r You can multiply your customers through a series of good liscmenU in the Weekly Lira Ask us the cost of advertising Wimble Penny Beats Slow WHY ARE YOU Bernard the great French monk and of the twelth century kept hanging his cell a coarse piece of parchment the inscription Bernard why are you here He could never enter his chiefly supported by charity said that ce without facing anew the nceition her boy was not working because he Was only offered six dollars per mouth and she thought bo ought to get ten other children in the same fam ily were not attending school and a girl of twelve was unable toread and A quiet home wedding was solemnlz- vacant look spoke volumes for the training she bad not received at the residence of Mr and Mrs J Schomberg on another ease a widow with a Wednesday June when their was receiving charitable youngest daughter Mia while two boys cloven and marriage to Mr Alex teen idled away their time on Kirkwpod manager the streets in an town the Bank constable told me of half a of officiating The boys who gave him more trouble than bride who was unattended wore a all the grown people Two of these gown of ivory satin with fillet lace I met with bags over their and white tulle veil with grange foraging through the twin requirements in Eden blossoms The wedding march outhouses and was informed they thatwe who are Christians played by Mrs linkcrton were sent out by degraded parents to have been made new creatures in of his life purpose Friend why are you here I know what your should be So do you I presume We are workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which hath before prepared that we should walk in them These words of apply to both the first the creation Mankind was created In the beginning unto good works Gods first words to Ad were a command to take care of the garden in which he bad placed and to fight shy of the fruit of the tree of kuowlego Labor and obedience these were in il OF SB I They left on a short wedding tour bring home anything they could the wearing a travelling suit of As these never attended school Belgian blue broadcloth and white enquired the cause and was told ml Ian hat On their return Mr they were too dirty and objectionable Mrs Kirkwood will reside in to be allowed associate with or- children One by one they drift away as they attain the age ol sixteen or seventeen and they are PARISIAN SAGE court tor stealing or vagrancy I Very a for the BRADFORD Mr T has bought car Miss Lukes left on Tuesday Hamilton Reach A number hereattended lacrosse match In Newmarket on Sat last and all are of the opinion that condition beat Newmarket The Beaches of Toronto were a heavier and better conditioned team winning a hard fought match in the last period arid McKlnstrypn the defence audGanton andKpworth the juniors stand a good- chance of ning their district Witness PUTS ON AND IT little vnnV ltllc being done or the of such lads and chieily for J two reasons One is the What ness of neighbors and to is there in deliberately allowing encounter the Illwill of unscrupulous your hair to turn gray I i parents and the second Is the to look old before your involved in taking hold and W forming them which calls dow the LooVafteV your hair PARISIAN wrath of economical councillors It SAOKiwill kill the dandruff germs and takes more than an ordinary amount up have seenniore than one public 4 constable or official snubbed or kin the germs ana laws more man an is the only preparation so far as we of courage for an official to run P jiiS against these two obstacles have seenmore than to Land Value to who oraoU 150 acres of good Hand some choice Of arm has all of a House also Hig Roof fiarh all new material ni6dern together with all other Delivery you to go over this Farm Put fair value Land also Bulla- then down to and we salibfyyou as -to- the amount away- We wind up ihts Estate ie Will a percent for ton years deposit down You must quick matter or East of Mt on the Centre Road as the ComfcJriaruletaUrgebotetoay condemned because of his attempt to it cents- secure fair treatment for children In bad surroundings A more successful an than the present system would n my be to have an outsider bear the brunt of investigation made J PATTERSON Druggist of Bush And Bush 4ioiAMVfefehoe Strawberry and Icecream soci al under the auspices of the Wo mens Institute will be od Thursday duly 1st pa the beautiful Mr J Thomp son Remember the dat9 duly 1st At her late on the concision of Whitchurch on Monday lene there passed away one oldest and most highly respected rciidenU in this neighborhood in the of widow of the late Abraham In her year has apr patently enjoying average good health and had been to service on Sunday In the church of which she had been a consistent aid faithful member Her departure wholly and their many friends svmpatlilte with the in their bereavement The funeral was attendedv by very Urge course and friends- took place yesterday held in church fiilnVibr i Tp6raodfrh toys- a critic baa only quality rhe and prosecution to readjust industrial School law in one or two particulars not ably doing away with I the per capital system of mainten ance We are not doing a sufficiently ag gressive work for the boys province ValuableiriasiiaTls being wasted indeed worse than wasted for they become a da and an expense whereas with lttle and outlay they might easily bo It would Fort not be necessary or desirable to Tuesdays or any length of time In for 8t5 reform school but simply give Port arid Fori them such rudimentary as I Would fit them for earning their Steamer Manitoba sailing oh a farm where assistance from Port MoNiooll on- be prized will call at Owen Sound has been years leaving that point pm to start lads out on sailing days jKSilMS Partloularsfr lads each year- sad Ticket Abcuts or- ir nder auspices Murphy jDistrlot Passenger out the public burden Ajrvnt Cor King arid Yorige t countrys most valuable P and they ate worth the question from any stand point Christ Jesus our obligation to a life of good works is by the grace which sought us out when we were lost has saved us from the doom of sin Christian friend you were created by power pnd created anew by his grace that you might Jive a of good works Are you doing It not your life is a allure Pot anything is a failure which does not answer the purpose for which it was made Charles- Mitchell in Christian World THAN Drink is doing us more damage than all the German submarines put together Who said thatt Lloyd George the English Chancellor of the Exchequer He Is no temperance fanatic but a- States man speaking from broad knowledge but inside information And said Is and trup of finglind and the same princi ple applies t our own country The submarines are limited- to sea and to a range within the sea but drink goes everywhere over sea and land through the air ant into all the resorts of men and Into the homes of the people It can slip Into the most hidden and secure re cesses where a mother thinks she has her boy safe stab him as a tor- slips under the sea and explodes under the side of a ahlp am secret arid stealthy enemies- but tfothalf so subtle and deceptive as strong drink Submarines can destroy only few ships worth a few million dollars but strong drink destroys more property than all the battle ships and fires- ahd floods ol the world Can kilt only a few men strong drm slays by countless thousands has filled more graves than all- the wars of history England slop submarine but Russia has stopped strong drink What Russia can do Canada and we are as and aha as the will clear our coasts and cointty of this is doing us more that la doing us more the could do put together GEORGE FORESTER TERiVIS STRICTLY Is an ex perience to every first time user Itstouch is soft soothaak refreshing Its perfume delicate individual Ideal for every use to Which you ciri put a Talcum be only id Stores Ask on a of forfrea copy of Booklet entitled Ccnipfcaioa fU P- ticulars of of 15 J Patterson Druggist When artists compete for the result Is a draw Hi v i ARCHIVES OF ONTAffF Dont let it run li load to chronic Indigestion- In tha iek try IS HEREBY flW that Nora Louise Jackson Nora Dowdell of Toronto in the and Province of married will apply WJB Parliament of Canada next session thereof for a Divorce from her husband Jackson of the Oily of in the County of Province of Ontario on K grounds of adultery and OT DATED at Toronto this of A 1015 NORA LOUISE By Solicitors I Godfrey P Adelaide St West Some women are easily I by what they should should little horse sense