Newmarket Era , July 2, 1915, p. 2

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llTrTfcf TWO NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY JULY r- dnVoiiday between and by way of 2nd Street G an Inner Tube for Tire Reward at Office I Silt J- J A a- it ei I fife IM l V- Wfef On Main St Saturday night a parcel dry goods Finder greatly oblige by leaving same Office a parade Methodist fiald I the eminent criminal An stale that Village Sunday last Lodges lawyer will have to rt rtAi rAm 111- HouBekoeper Wanted On smaU farm- No outside work Family of two Apply Sharon or lo Mrs Frank Smith Orchard Beach the has Goodwood Celled and revoked the COlbmiS- and this village attended in force and a ion of persons in about were in line- The various wan who wore appointed in lodges mustered at the to lake and administer oaths Mafn Street and marched to the Naturalization Act church Rev Dr Booth led inspiring sermon Alb June Nearly homes hac been swept away in the torrential waters of the Saskat chewan five hundred more are entirely or submerged two thousand people are homeless and property damage estimated roughly at half a million dollars has done thus far by the most disastrous flood in the history of Purebred Bull Calf Short horn Win Lot Con East Sharon A despatch from Hamilton on Sat urday last announced the sudden death that morning of Hon Samuel Barker P or East Hamilton The attendance at the Methodist church on Sunday evening last Was good The pastor Honey occupied the pulpit and had for his subject The Deity of God The Annual Sunday School will be held on Friday afternoon jiluly at the good time is expected very body iwelcome Mr of and Mr of visited our Sun- Mrs Ave MAID WANTED O P Hamilton market NEWMARKET Resident and Da j School For Boys and Girls Preparation fop Matriculation and Teachers Examinations COURSES IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate- Department MUSIC ART I AddretiB P Firth Principal It was only on the Monday previous that he was elected second vice- president Trust Co hn Toronto Deceased was years of age and appointe1 Toronto Deceased was age and was appointed He King Edwards official delegate as illness of Mr- lope he may soon recover Our local sports are enjoying their Mr a bowling on an lawn SNOWBALL The people of St Catharines and also summer cottagers at Port on Lake Ontario- Largo crowd spent the day at Bond on Sunday last were much inter- Lake on Saturday and report e- in an unusual series of Mir time apes over the Lake A press Sir George Ferguson spent Sunday port states that at the skyline at Mr Ross Blacks were very vividly pictured church was well attended an Sunr lories tall chimneys green lawns it being Rev and houses and the queer thing sermon about it the mirage was moving will Morning Miss Laura hack and forth across the skyline Morning spent Sunday at Mr Calvin This natural motion picture show lasted from oclock till in the luite a tended afleVnoon and was watched by ann at Kversley hundreds ANNOUNCEMENT a GEO BROWN Harness Collars Faced Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE ADDRESS Main St Newmarket of King George Hotel The Ottawa Citizen a Conserva tiveof last week states that if the evidence given by Ernest Powell be fore the Royal Commission in the war inquiry is not disproven Mr Garland will be disqualified day The school picnic which was held in Mr Smiths bush was veil at tended After tea was served some travelled on to the Garden Party- Dont forget the big garden party from being member be on Snowball Public Our tetter Twenty thousand dollars will be spent in repairs to the Station during the uresent summer months David Hendry aged years na tive of Brampton was struck and fatally injured by a street car on Street site Mount pleasant Cemetery Satur day night During the past ten days or the camp at Niagara has merits daily by volunteers from ifcis City A youth named Si In the employ of Charles Smith vegetable dealer was given to go to J he market to purchase vegetablee but instead of doing so ho cleared of Hamilton aud spent the money He was arrested on Saturday and will now work for a term under sur veillance of North Toronto firemen held field day last Saturday afternoon One evening last week Miss McKle of Beckcley street sustained severe in juries in a street car when a passen ger thrown against her by the lurching o the car A the close of the Hose Show in Margaret Baton Hall last Friday the flowers were auctioned on In the Interest of the Red Cross Fund Mr Justice Pouliot of the High Court of Quebec was a visitor at Hall Saturday The annual outing of the choie St Annes Anglican Church the ex penses of which arc met by the con gregation was held last week to Niagara Kails The luncheon Was provided In a hotel across the river seated in the banquet hall For persistently smoking on a car after being warned by a conductor Magistrate Cohen fined John and costs Guess he wont smoke on the cars York County Council struck gen erous streak last week and added a year to the salary of the County Clerk it is lo be here after County under the provisions ol the Parliament Act The despatch fur ther states that Mr Garland de clined to comment on the proceedings when asked for a statement The M P for Carlcton occupies scat in the Commons on the same side of the House as the P for North York It is stated that lew Western On tario County Councils have under a petition to the legisla ture to permit the extension of the term municipal councillors to two years The proposition is not new but heretofore has not been received with marked favor either by the Leg islators or the people generally At Toronto and in some municipalities in the southern portion of the the feeling that at least mice a year the municipal taxpayers con ceive it advisable to representa tives to strict account of their stewardship When the reins hang loose public interests are sure to suffer People having hobbies are those most anxious for change School grounds on Thursday Eve July the Tea served from 6 to Everybody welcome KKTTLEBY t the following Names given the Under provisions of the Canada Temperance Act as well as Local Op tion any person found in an intoxi cated condition in a public place is guilt Of violation of law During last session Ontario Pupils will be in classes after holidays in order of merit Those marked P p into class Those marked R are recommended having failed few marks Those marked failed Gertie Hunt Davis Willie Doleon Ill Ethel Dove honors Victor honors Beatrice Lewis Ken neth Mount Bertie Hazel KaaVe R Eileen TrlbbloXK Edith P honors Gladys Hurling Robbie Hunt Frank Hurling Kenneth Tatton Edna Jack Davis It Telfer I Gladys Lewis Gertie Hurling Percy Clink Jr Dorothy Paxton Thfilma Elsie Warren A Jennie Class Lewis Marian Foster Tom lure a public place was more specifically defined follows In this section public place shall in clude any place building or public Conveyance to which the public habit ually resort or to which the public are generally admitted either free or upon payment of any charge or fee or by the purchase of tickets or oth erwise We take tie liberty to emphasize the fact that the grounds and street surrounding the Metropoli tan Railway here is a public place and fines and fees would re sult from legal action by the pro secution of the somewhat boister ous passengers who alight from late evening cars Bombs Dropped From Airship During Ihe past few months it been difficult lo pick up our without reading an ac count of an airship raid or an at tack on BO mo unfortified town one of the gas hags of Count Zeppelin At the Exhibition this year bombs will ho dropped from airships while In flight hut as the missiles will not he loaded asphyxiating or German they will he quit harm lens These flights be most and realistic and some daring airmen will perform all kinds of stunts In of the visitors to the Exhibition At the investigation before the Royal Commission a few days ago Ernest under exam ination of Government Counsel made admissions that the Conser vative MP for Mr Garland will find it hard to refute A staff reporter of the Toronto News says After a severe reprimand from Sir Charles Davison Powell admitted having investigation of Mr Garland withdrawn largo amounts from the hank from pay ments received from the Govern ment for drug supplies and hand ed the same to Mr Garland al though the latter said he had no interest monetary or otherwise in this now famous drug con- tract Powell further confessed that Garland was his adviser throughout and had received the money taken put of the sums re ceived in payment on medical supplies contract The sums withdrawn amounted to Garland occupies a scat on tho Government side of the House and unless the evidence given by Ernest Powell is diaproven it Is stated at Ottawa that Garland will bo disqualified from his in the Commons I Class Florence Mount Grace Hurling Murvin Lewis Class Walter Teacher a TOWN LINE ITEMS Mr Fred Webster has Ins barn frame almost ready to raise on the wall and if everything runs as expect ed the raising will take place on Fri day afternoon Mrs Frank of Aurora spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs inoi Clark Farmers arc busy cutting clover and with fine weather quite lot will be housed this week Spring crops arc going to be short in straw we fail to have frequent showers Parley is heading out nicely Fall wheat looks promising but roots require rain Several from this district took in the races at on Saturday hut To a goodsized congregation pastor Dales preached an impressive sermon Sunday from the Psalm taking as his theme Tie Church Universal Remember the Hush Meeting on Sunday next and Garden Party on following evening in grove on the Line under the auspices King Christian Church A good Is in store We are glad to see from program our old esteemed Elder is a at the Garden Party He will get heart welcome His warm landshake touches the heart Mr and Mrs Harry and family spent several days at Lamb- ton Mills the home of Mrs Davis parents last week Mr spent the week- the whole truth Did you the J1OO00O you are accused bay ing taken Yes sir replied accused man not attempt to conceal the rom you I stole every cent How much of it have you still all gone but a out a couple or dollars Young man said the eminent lawyer buttoning his about hire and putting on his gloves youd better plead guilty and throw your self the of the court do it if so are you going to charge me for the advice Two dollars blacksmith died resulting from a scratch received ten ago when opening a Jir of cucumbers Three persons killed three ser iously Injured and property damage to the extent ot about is the result the tornado a Grassy Lake Friday evening The waters of the Georgian Bay have been ever since the flood but this year the lowest mark In the memory the oldest resident has been reached The water Is fully eighteen inches lower than last sum mer- and about live feet below the level In 1880 Owners of boat houses have cornpellrd to either dredge out the build additions in front of their present houses or In come cases move the Party Sound Star Mrs of To ronto Is spending a few weeks it Atlantic Oily J Manning was call ing on her brother Sir J one day Mrs J from visited Mrs J on flood Thursday and other friends 1 PINE APPLES V Pine Apple Season Is now In full swing values In them for preserving We can Hlood i 1 toll- usually things do not want told the THE LEADING can Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence- John Millard Phone v The Cradle Smith In on Juno lo Mr and Mrs Smith a daughter The Alter In Sutton West On Juno by Elder of Newmarket at home of the bride Mr Harry A Conductor on the Electric It to Miss Ethyl Hill of Sutton West At th home of brides parents Sohomherg on Wednesday the of Juno by L McLean of Bradford younger daughter Mr and Mrs J to Mr Alexander McDonald Kirk manager of the Royal Bank The Tomb- Link on June 1915 John Link in his year Funeral Thursday at at Methodist Church In Newmarket on Juno Charles J in his year Mrs John Collins who went lo the Hospital for an operation on her eye is improving nicely We have them at Wk ft 18o SPECIAL PRICE BY THE DOZEN Rov Titos a super annuated Methodist Minister has located on Huron- St Newmarket Mrs Henry V Donne was lakon suddenly ill early Sunday morning and is under rare L Deceased has not been feeling a year and a well for about week ago was confined to his hod He leaves a widow two sons and one daughter There are only three hoys left in the family Wilson of Barrio Lewis of Aurora and George of Niagara palls In end in the City Nothing Is being male the Liberal Picnic at Amphi theatre Park in one of to greatest successes date July Mr Fred Smith spent at the parental hO Mrs Hacking housekeeper for Mil Andy few days among friends in Mr John Cook Is building an ad dition to his driving shed Now Road on Midway Since last improvements have been In midway where a new sixtyfoot road has been constructed Af ter the old sawdust walk this splendid new roadway a great improvement in one of the most popular parts of the Exhi bition Grant In remembrance of dear mother anil my darling wife who departed this life on Juno and whose hus band and children miss very sorely It was only the footsteps of an gels That silently entered the door And took from our Circle dear mother To dwell on the radiant shore It was only a lOUCh soft and lov ing And then dear form was at rest While tho soul of dear mother went upward To dwell with the pure and the blest It was only a gleam of bright glory The gates of pure gold wore ajar darling wont up with the angels To be a celestial star The Children It was only whisper of That hid my dear wife depart And go with the angels lo heaven Leaving mo with a lonesome heart It was only a wifes soul longing To visit the starworld of light And to dwell In that beautiful city In robes that arc spotless white One from the angel of pit Tho soul of my darling was free In the starworld of love she la -smiling- And watching and waiting for hie In tho home of the sweet singing angels By the side of the sen In starworld of love she is watching And waiting and praying me Husband Written by Grant Robt Randall arrive here yesterday from British Columbia after an absence of years Mrs who has boon in all winter returned this week to Rev A P Addison and family left on Wednesday fortheir sum mer homo at Lnfontine on the Bay Mrs Lawrence of Toronto bpent a few days this week at the home of hoi parents Mr and Mrs ft A Thompson Mr Ross was home over Sunday to see his fathH who has been sick for some time and keeps very weak Miss Mary has gone to Graven hurst to spend part of the school vacation I by her aunt from Sharon Mrs Ernes from Kes wick and also- her sister Mrs Walker from Winnipeg visited Mrs J on Sunday MrsB Hewitt and Miss Tru man entertained some of the town teachers as a farewell on Wed nesday of last week Mr and Mrs Frank King and family of Mariposa out to spend the weekend with Mr Kings sister Mrs A Cornell of Aurora who married a niece of Mrs Jacob Buck is very low He has been confined to his bed for live months Mrs Rev Elliott of is visiting Mrs Ir win for a week They are all leave on Saturday for Detroit and PontiacMich to spend a week Mrs Hughes is grow ing weaker every day Her many friends have kept the sick room fragrant with flowers over sin she was confined to her be nearly three months ago Mr and Mrs Metcalfe announce the en gagement of second daugh ter Cora Louise to Mr David Philip Jeffrey of Toronto the marriage to take place in July Master Albert Miss Toole pupils of Mrs passed their prim ary piano examination with honors at the Academy of Music Toronto Mr Prank Stewart and fami ly left for Island Grove for thesunuuer on Mon day Mr Ed Hill and family took up their abode at the same resort last week Mrs A Crawford Chica go Mrs Dr Cross and Master Lloyd of Buffalo also Mrs J Forester White Rose it Sunday at their brothers Mr freeman Lloyd Queen St Miss Vera PI ay tor left for IS York on Tuesday having been appointed Superintendent of the Operating Dopt in the Hos pital wfieresho graduated That is a One testimony lo her ability and popularity PLANT All kinds of Vegetable and Flower Plants for the Garden BOXES DUTCH FRESH VEGETABLES THE TABLE Tomatoes Lettuce Radishes Onions and Cabbage From AMBER OR SMOKE and AND PERCY THE OPTICIAN- STREET EAST TORONTO Phone North T- HE KNEW HOW An Irishman out of work ap plied lo the boss of a large re pair shop in Detroit When the Celt had slated his sundry and divers qualifications for a Job the superintendent began quizzing him a bit And starling quite at random he ask ed Do you know anything about carpentery Do you know how to make a Venetian Blind IT How would you do it Id poke mo finger in his eye A St North Newmarket AH Orders Careful PATSYS SHARE Hero J breaking stones by roadside said Patsy Bryan to his friend when Im heir to hall a splendid under my fathers will bo am When man died he ordered my brother Phil to divide the house with me si ho did for ho took the Inside biro sell and gave the wo will have Strawberries now on Canned Vegetables AH kinds of Canned Vegetables Peas Corn Tomatoes or Bean 3 CANS FOB 25e Try our Fresh Ground Coffee at a to teas have all advanced are still selling at the old price PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO PHONE 35 AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J MAIN STREET El NEWMARKET ONT Affent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weekly OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone So a WM THE SHOP OF A em Out ORDERS CALLED FOR ON OR CALL US BY i It asked us several times How can you af ford to away that beautiful Parlor Piano as you advertise you will do fc We prefer to sell 10 articles at a profit of rather than 10 articles at one dollar It means Just more people patronizing our store The It day It In business Is to do bust- to bring additional must bring the people to our always Our values will bring lis store Low prices and away this Piano Is simply This means that to our store ami It Is do- only reason for our you and NEWMARKET Iter ONTARIO Interpretation of Scripture They were speaVlng of the remark- able way In- which telegraphic mes sages are occasionally and this story was recalled by Gov ernorelect David I Walsh Mas sachusetts Some time ago the visiud the Dome of a happy young couple in a New England town and wishing to notify her girl chum who lived in a distant city the mother ent the fol lowing telegram For unto us child torn Isaiah Oh John exclaimed the girl chum to husband on receiving the despatch have just got a tele gram from Gladys and what do you thin You have got mo out in the conundrum- game in dulgently answer it smiled John Whats Gladys has a baby boy I en thusiastically responded little wile His name is Isaiah and he weighs nine pounds six ounces Telegram A ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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