Newmarket Era , July 9, 1915, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ONTV FRIDAY JULY Op farm No outside i BALE i Purebred Bull Calf Lot An experienced stenographer one with bookkeeping experience Apply to the Positive- Clutch limited Aurora IIP MS a a MAKING Jurje resorted Inng the births 55 arid compared with births his parouel Grander Newmarket Dear Mother Received your letter the third today as came out being In days in there stilt lifting and also quite a casualty Several my old ales went jndiiifnciuding Ken Harris- U l hours before was had to wire carrying gun crew stunned and jThe to mt the top ids head aid feet badly j number and had io draw some but he will recover Dominion Day by citizens Not than 20000peoe estimated as having Wfl Esse- I felrjvljx Glover AdparifeerjJJsbcaj Hewlett electrician naud Patrick Cop per had a iajiow While stnd- Son JrihsloriiiArv hi While is head n j if HI J I MAyiLfen St Newmar ket is bow prepared to do latest at reasonable prices A solicited P Box WANTED- be soiled and not more than tour years old Jdo matter how many vicious habits prelerred phone if BURKS ELEOTCIICIAN WANTED Council will receive until evening for an Electrician or at the Power House particulars as to duties apply iV Til P J ANDERSON Town Clerk i 1 i jr 1 AMD LOT WANTED from to acres in East in vicinity of Must good Warm land suitable for plant nursery and market gardening with facilities for keeping torse cow and convenient to school and plenty of water Liberal rent for suitable premises for term five years Tourney On market Saturdays A I IN EXPRE8SI0ri Given In BY Iss Maude 1 Post Graduate and Teacher the Toronto Conservatory School of Expression may bo made on Wednesday afternoons at the res of Mrs Davis writing to Garden Ave Toronto Day a at NEWMARKET CEMETERY ON Sunday July the 18th The Different Lodges and Societies taking part will meet at the Market and lor Cemetery at oclock headed by the band- DR SCOTT K ROBERTSON President Secretary SUMMER WOOD FOR SALE Hemlock Slabs Limbs and Hardwood at reasonable prices J A CODY St NEWMARKET Resident and Day School For Boys and Girls Preparation foe and Toaohers Examinations q TYPEWRITIMQ Course Leading to Collegiate Department ART Address P Firth No King Township Report of Promotion Examina tion recently held Entrance Candidate Fox Grace Senior IV Charlie Walton J to Junior Allan Curtis honors Shanks Irons Harry Wilson Senior HI Nellie Kennedy Curtis to Junior HI Carman Wilson Bertram Wilson Senior Standing Bert Scar Al fred Ella Carl Proc tor Senior I Ralph Curtis passed David passed la arith Walter Wilson A lot of matter unavoidably crowded out till next taken- a trip by steamer pos sibly- the Toronto waiters people visited the Horse Parade and at least between and visited Beaches City and Coif grounds while from to on hand to witness the various bail matches games etc Almost hall the City population was on the move somewhere Word cones from Niagara Falls this that steps are being illuminating the Falls is proposed to raise f tbo scheme spend in installing the plant and use the remainder in carrying on the work The City has won its contest with the Street Railway Co respecting its action in tearing up the rails on Street between the P track and Ave Ws receipts of the Street Rail way Co for June amounted to 450- 582 as compared with in the corresponding month of The City s percentage was a decrease of June last The jitney traffic and the war are regarded as the cause of decrease Thirteen cheques were for warded to City Treasurer Patterson by the Metropolitan Life Assurance Co in payment of Rums due policies of soldiers killed at front This brings the total paid on insurance up to to date The fairy steamer Clarke Bros was blown on shore when being bach ed out of the Ward Island slip on Monda during the gale There were about a dozen passengers on board The Life Saving crew rendered as sistance and rescued passengers Juvenile crime is reported to be on the increase in Toronto On Satur day no less than eight youthful of fenders were arrested by the police It is said certain leaders of Trade Union organizations of this City calling a meeting to be held on the with the object of ing cooperative store Toronto- It is proposed to form a company with a capital of a sort departmental store Owing to the great kindness Mrs and friends Humane Society benefited to the amount of by the sale of flags in Niagara on Dominion Day Here is part of last Sundays re cord One man of a party of three drowned the coxswain of the Toron to Canoe Club canoe crew perhaps fatally injured or maimed for life while diving threc launches up els on the bay and a canoe spill on the following Missionaries have ar rived in Canada from China on fur lough Rev and Mrs K M A and daughter Dr and Mrs A J Mr and Mrs T Mr and Mrs Waller Small and Miss G A race by girls in war canoes was held at the regatta ol the Island Aquatic Association at Centre Island last Saturday On a charge of looting Park Presbyterian Church a man named John Ryan was arrested a few days ago It is stated the new grant aeroplane now being constructed here will have two horsepower en gines a or feet and will carry one ton deathdealing machines Passengers to and from the country using the Metropolitan on St wil have to wait till the subway Is completed before obtaining relief from the trouble of being to walk a good distance This will help the jitney to gain traffic On Sunday last the It steam ers commenced their service iu the Thousand Islands in the St Lawrence and on to Montreal and Quebec Mr J Harvey Hall representative of five big railway brotherhoods pasJd away last Monday morning- af ter undergoing an operation on the day previous J McMurrleJi J Magwood of this City were notified on Saturday that they had been accepted for overseas service with the Medical Corps The passage home of Montenegrins from this contingent Is being facilitat ed by Canadians Eight Montene grins passed through Toronto Mon day to fifth for their country A Curtis aeroplane for the Spanish Government made at Long Branch was tested last week and pronounced successful The machine was requir ed to remain in the air for one hour and to reach an attitude A speed of miles an hour with the machine fully loaded was made two people on board during the flights Two more these aero planes will soon be brought to this and another aviation school op ened Up to the end of the casualties in Overseas Canadian force number The killed total the arid tho missing Of course the missing means I prisoners of war chiefly a of so with casualties and all I out with 4 out of a of mine came Sot a good beginning but vcro are wondering bow I Can not other or I have been in so far and happen to as yet but J Mt battle the more of a fat 1 get for honestly shells have hit close to me but outside of a very feMParjo ere J have always came all Well mother death seems to be quite awful word in civilian life but I am getting used to at now as 1 saw more of H during the last art uodertaJier his natural life time Well mother it bit cold lying the ground at night and I have been since morning and I have also Carried part of my gun which weighs 56 2 miles and marched miles since After 7 days of severe lighting one feels tired Carl No I The following the report promotion examinations Jr to Sr IV Herbert Goodwin passed Pearl Longhurt passed Jr III to HI Jean Walt lion Flora Megan passed Win nie Megan failed Jr Annie passed I Jr Shack- man lion Sophie Shack man lion Johanna fail ed I Ben Primary A James Watt Alex Watt Sadie Biseman Primary Marlon WiddifloWl Bertha Huffman Bessie Kuffma Fred Frank Ida Sliackman Charlie Joe Primary Albert Carl Biseman George Walt Annie Huffman Graham Teacher Qeorglntk Council Above Council met at on Saturday 26 at P Members all present Minutes of former meeting read and adopted Before proceeding with general busi ness Council took up the adjourned Court of Revision and decided to re duce the C Northern Express business assessment after which the roll was finally revised Oh taking up general business a number of accounts were received and dealt with The Trustees of No ap plied to Council to issue debenture for the sum of to procure a site arid build a school in said sec tion said debentures to bear interest at and extend over a period of thirty years Council decided to go in a body to Port Bolster on Monday July and view the disputed roadway leading to the Lake and instructed the Clerk to notify all parties interested to meet them there to endeavour to settle the matter in dispute Next regular meeting will be held at Pefferlaw on Saturday July 24th at 2 P M LANDING Mr P Wilson Mr family of Toronto spent the first Mr Wests Rev has arrived in Town and will be charge of this circuit Rev J A Callan left station on Thursday last where he will reside future The Misses Marsh and Miss 10 left 0 Monday last for Port where they intend rust icating the next month Mrs Hood of Toronto spent a few days last week with friends in Town Mrs of Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs M Mr and Mrs J Chapman of Toronto spent couple of days last week with Mrs Chapman Mr Shields of P Is home on the sick list Mrs Hitching of Toronto is visit ing with her sister Mrs Marsh Mrs Win of Toronto is visit ing her dauKhtcrMrs S Morning Mr Davie of is visiting his aunt Miss Davie Report of No 4 bujy for the June Promotion lamin ations Jr to Total Marks Pas Marks Earl 712 Helen Wilson Harry Jennie Glover Eddie Ker shaw Muriel Parr Jr Ill to Sr Total marks marks Evelyn Wed del Jack Tate Lornc Ramsay Arthur Glover Eugene Parr Muriel Lchr to lr III Total marks P marks 375 Bessie Kershaw Hazel- Eves 441 Vera Glover 440 Ruth Parr 3s8 Fred Ramsay THE leading taking your Cheap ioi CK IKQ A SPECIALTY Night callo attended U at Millard 4 of- Toronto the Cradle Ryan In July 10 Mr and Mrs a daughter in July Io Mr Theodore Bolton a son At on June to Mr and Mir Geo a daughter In Newmarket on July 7 to Mr and Mr Alfred Kirby a on June to Mr and Mrs daughter 2 In Ncwiuarket on July 3rd to Mr and Mrs Swindles a son Tt ChnmpFounthln At the resi dence Pros pect Ave Newmarket on June 30lh 1915 George Champ to Dorothy May Fountain both of Newmarket On Saturday July 3 at Beach Presbyterian Church by the Rev J A Stewart B Alice Marion eldest daughter of Mr J Mader formerly of New market In William Norman Hancock son of Mr pud Mrs George Han cock of Gall At Sutton on the 1 of June by Rev A Hamilton Poole of Toronto to Mrs Rosetta of North Gwillirimury At Sutton on June by Rev A Hamilton S Chap man to Vera of Baldwin visiting Mrs Cane Mr John Bndof Toronto spending a days ilri Mr Lyons Mrs J Collins is back from the and is I Mr ami Mrs John of at Mr Miss two weeks Iht aunt Mrs P Wade at Maple Dan ford Roche wedding of her niece To- routo on Saturday Mrs Lemon was Barrio two or three days on ao- of- the death of Mr of is a we with his- Mrs Kirlon Mrs Goring attended the funeral of their nephew Walter Goring of Longford on Wednes day Miss Gertrude who has been teaching at German Mills Out is home- for- the hol idays Mr and Mrs Arthur Goring attended the funeral of his cous in Walter Goring of- Longford on Wednesday Mrs Rachel Barker spent a vety enjoyable week visiting relatives in Mount Albert Mark- ham and Mr and Mrs Frank Moody and Miss Gertrude attended the marriage of Miss Ella Wade at Maple Ont on June the 30lh Miss Marjorie Lloyd was successful in passing her pri mary Piano examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music Miss- Violet pupil of Miss Laurel McCarty passed the Toronto Conservatory Element ary Piano examination with hon ors Mr Wilson of PINE pine Apple Season It now full swing goo0vuqnthem for preserving We have them at A PRIOE THE DOZEN PLANT can flvo you SVi IM Or All of Vegetable and Flower Plants Tor the Garden LSI i I 1 FOR 250 SETS PER FRESH VEGETABLES FOR THE Tomatoes Radishes Onions and From we will have Fresh Vegetable All kinds of Canned Vegetables Peas Com Tomatoes or Try our Fresh a new on iC b Qround Coffee at a Teas have all advanced Wo still at PROMPT 8RVI0E OUR MOTTO the old prion li PHONE June tti at by the Rev J- Craig of Ethel Jean daughter of MrWnv Irvine to Upnry Op June 1 at lUo residence of her sister Mrs Cast Aurora Out by Rev Allen Law to L J Aurora BarryStone In Toronto on of June by Rev J W Mii Harry Harry of to Mrs Jennie Stone- On June by Rev Or silano Presby Church Harold A Spiers of Vancouver nephew of Mr J of New market to Mrs P Rosa of Portland Oregon The Tomb At Aurora day June at his late residence Tyler St Wm in life year Funeral to Aurora Cemetery on Saturday horrls On July 2 at her late residence Grace St Toronto Emily widow of the late John of Interment at Cem etery Monday At on Thursday July 1st 1915 after a long ill ness Win Richmond Roche son of the late John Redmond RocllO and beloved husband of Alberta Louise Lundy i In Toronto on July Armitnge formerly of Newmarket in his year Hughes At Newmarket on Wednesday July Helen Piper Hughes beloved wife of M Hughes in her year Funeral oh Friday the at p m at Methodist Church in terment at Newmarket Cemetery In Newmarket on July 1915 Dorothy Jean daugh ter of Silas aged yrs mos In Newmarket July infant daughter of Alfred At Keswick on 7 Ellon beloved wife Mr J VanAllen and sister of Mrs Swing in her year Funeral on Friday am from the residence of her Mr Church Newmarket Interment at Newmarket Cemetery Main St North Newmarket AH Orders Receive Careful Examiner staff gave the Era a call while in Town attend ing the funeral of bis brother last week Mr the new High School Principal has secured Mr McTavishs new house on Grace St and will come here about the 16th of August Mrs J of Bronte and Mrs John Luck now visited Newmarket on Tuesday called upon a few old friends in Town Miss Laurel McCarty pupil of Miss L M passed the Junior Vocal Examination with honors at Toronto Conservatory of Music Mr Charlie West and wife of London also Mr and Mrs Richard West of Toronto motored up to on Sunday to visit their aunt Mr Miss Edith pupil of Miss Mary has been successful in passing the Uni versity Elementary Piano exam ination at the University local centre Newmarket Mrs Larofjue has just re turned home after spending a month with her brother Mr Rose at Her Mrs of Toronto was there during the same time Mi and Mrs McClellan and children from were guests of Miss Rohan on Sunday It is 12 years since they left New market Mrs a id children arc remaining En town for a week or two Mr and Mrs Clark of Aurora and Mr and Mrs W Collins of Newmarket are spend ing a week at Roachs Point Mr Russell Collins Miss Flossie Col lins Miss Morion and Mr Pritehard spent the weekend with them Mrs Sadie Cowan daughter Of Rev W W Smith formerly of Newmarket and her daughter Miss Margaret of Buffalo spent a few days with Mrs J and called on Newmarket friends at Orchard Beach on Do minion Bay Miss Greta Princi pal of Public School at Edmonton arrived here on Tues day on a visit with her mother during vacation She has been offered the of the Edmonton Technical School for the coming year Mr Norman Wesley who left here for the West about ton years ago bus been appointed one the License Commissioners at Prince George British Colum bia We are to sec Newmar ket boys taking their placein public life wherever they go Richmond Hill Liberal Mr and Mrs Wiley of Brooklyn N who are visiting In Toroiv to spent a day with Mr T Malum and Mr P Wiley on their way from Newmarket where they had made a visit with Mr Wiley ho formers father Mr Geo A Smith one of the Karkiboys spent the weekend with his mother in Newmarket Mr Smith closed up a good pho tography business in New Ontario to fight for his country He is with Co th Battalion and has advanced to the position of QuarterMaster Sergeant He bright active young man and we hope bis life may bo spar- BROKEN EYEGLASSES Hours Simply Your Broken PERCY OPTICIAN STREET EAST OF TORONTO Phone North i PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J If MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Free- Chocolate N TElKKinpn House Phone No Store A EC T ft THE SHOP OF A i Pri ORDER8 CALLED FOR OR US BY PHONE EXTRA GRANULATED with you order for preserving Tell him too that you In the Packages originated lor or lb Cloth Bags Then you will be sure lo get theGENUlNERKDPATH- Canadas favorite sugar for generations the sugar lo whose preserving purity you can safely trust good fruit CANADA CO MONtRIAt London July 5Tho total Turk ish casualties the Dardanelles op erations between dune and July were men killed ftn wounded according to an announce- moot made tonight by the British Press Following the death a boy is prosecuting motor speeders and- William Tenner was lined for racing on the streets Children FOR CASTORfA I

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