ft to sal mm all IP S 5 fftte ill an I life ssm see roi fccr trosmg Syinptorfia During of life wad How She Found Ref Nora Scotia Can Three ago I was suffering badly with what the called Change of Life bad I bad to stay in Soma E Vege table Compound it helped me from the first It la the only medicine I took that did help mo and I recommend it You dont know bow thankful and grateful I am I give you permission to what your good baa done forme Mrs Sihon BelleTflle Yarmouth Co Nova Scotia Canada warning symptoms aa sens of suffocation hot flash of impending evil timidity In the ears palpitation of the heart sparks before the eyes irregu larities constipation variable appetite Weakness and inquietude and dizziness are promptly heeded by intelligent who axe approaching the period in fife when womans great may be expected E Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system It has carried many women safely through this crisis If you special advice write to Medicine Co Lynn Haas letter will be read and answered by a Rosan held in strict Oaf fa talk rtadicrj at IF la UN tr cfcool the lor word A ukai Yea the the WUt Is Hew answers of Trades Arts MOOtKcatrclicr el Gains 7 thin I What a fiction to the In a form to so conTeolent to imI half thlckneta aad wdth of Regular strcar book paper liJi The burning of the egrortiswh oh wanted by llio is now ieotar ed lo have been due to political pressure out of which may an action Involving crlniinal con spiracy At any rate lliedeHbe rale ijeslructioiv of ill a telegrams asked for by the Royal Commis sion seem lo he devoid of any gal excuse or foundation Indeed according to cases cited the tiio of tele grams under such circumstances as Hie Manager of the Company at Winnipeg destroyed lhei is a court Question if the action of the CO instructions to the Win nipeg office to destroyall mes sages passing that office and Ottawa Montreal ami Quebec up till May 31 as toe Globe points out was due 16 the intvrferene of politicians affected lite messages which were wanted by the Royal Commission in Mani toba then legal precedent snows conclusively that in addition to contempt of court criminal con spiracy might well he involved by such a course of action Touching the questions of contempt and conspiracy the Globe article winds up as lows Conspiracy is dell nod as an agreement Between two or more persons lo commit of fence punishable by law Con tempt of count being punishable by law a conspiracy to do any thing in contempt of court is therefore a criminal offence a conspiracy to ob struct or pervert the course of justice unquestionably also is a indictable offence- ea i To saaatsiaa fcpt CO The announcement comes from Ottawa this week thai the Lake Superior division of the Grand Trunk Pacific was taken over by the Government under lease and will be operated as part of the National Transcontinental Rail way The rental as announced previously is The Provincial Police working in cooperation with the License of Ontario have discovered and closed up the underground channel through which liquor has been conveyed into Porcupine New Ontario Chairman staled last week that the officers of the Board had traced to the Canadian Agent at Por cupine the shipping of liquor and by prompt action had put an end lo this illicit trade He had been working not with the knowledge agent was fined more than to tell What 3331 pound did for roe I dreadful and was very irregulars I became alarmed end for Com pound I took it reg ularly until I waa without a cramp or pain and felt like another person and it now been she months since took any at all hope iny little note will assist you In helping other wo men I now feel perfectly well In the beet of health Mra August Street Bal timore Vegetable Com pound made from native roota and herbs contains no narcotic or harmful drugs and today the record of being the moat successful remedy for female ills we know of and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file In the laboratory at Lynn to prove fact For thirty years it has the stand ard remexxy for female ills and has re stored the ihousindi of women who bare been troubled with such displacements Inflammation ulceration tumors irregularities etc If you want advice write to Med icine Co confidential Lynn Has letter will opened road and aoawered by a and held In confidence more eleven months than in twenty- five years before There is less Sabbath dissipation less bridge and whist gambling Re ligion is getting a better hearing and there are more men and wo men praying than a year ago An opinion obtained throughout the congregation that a united Protestantism within ten years ill Canada was not only a possibility but a probability some men by nature or by the fortunes good cr ill of life ft- Kaohandb King ambitious lira at and human life to Iheni Moses Ha value in lust Gathering for power condition of Europe today lL Is the negation on a scale unparalleled in history It is civilization reeling back in to the beast reverting to a wono slalu than barbarism honest upright men are being exterminated by devices of which barbarians dreamed rind from which sav ages would have shrunk In these words Hon Macken zie King head Of the Industrial the Foundation and former Canad ian Minister of Labor indicates how completely the worlds cen tral continent had reverted to liie status of darkest Africa or worse addressing the gathering of the Christian Student Movement of the consequence States and Canada here yeste day on the occasion of the celebration of Dominion and July Ihe Hon Mr King said in pari as follows It is not necessary to say which if Sail it Domination the- pow erful control of a few Over many caste over the mass of the people has feltored a frtio thoso who- love peace Arid work and health many 4iave become subjected 10 Ihe of the few who care the blood aiid for death and who have been permitted lo gain the upper hand If by indifference or we allow our political system lo become so charged or manipu lated that power passes into the hands of those who are eager for llio destruction of others who pre- for lo play upon the passions and prejudices rather than appeal the just sentiments in the breasts of men we can hope for but one a- U FINANCIER SHOT Made In Canada Electrically Operated I Glen Cove July Fran Holt the former Cornell University instructor who attempted to assas sinate J I Morgan at East Isle Of the countries of Europe Mr Morgans summer near Vertical type power fully guaranty FAN Sixblade especially designed hi cleaner BAG Hade of heavy drilling mlnerally NOZZLElTen long slotted tip Nine pounds HEIGHT Seven I MR THOIBh8 A EDISON SAYS Electric appliances make household drudgery a th of the past and that as soon as woman pleases FIVE YEAR8 Sole Agent for CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS CENTURY MOTORS WAGNER MOTORS Market Building ALFRED fl Electrical was the aggressor Those con trary laws wrestle within Ihe con- Hues of every State differ ence is that in some he forces that work for blood and for the forces that Seek violent con quest have been permitted to gain control while in others they have been held in check Once in control they bend Ihe inno cent to their allpowerful will is not sympathy it is not racJ is not even nationality which a number of years Master retiring three years ago lie capable and and yesterday has confessed that he drove by automobile to the was the man who set the bomb pan estate three miles the exploded in the United States Capitol He bis suitcase near at Washington Friday night hedge on the estate Later the suit- Mr Morgan tbe victim of the was opened and found to contain other officials lets which Holt fired Saturday morn- quantity dynamite- ing was said by specialists at his 4n bedside to be resting tonight Mo vital organs the physicians an- July nounced have been involved in his shot and killed this with a revolver which The assailant Glen on be handling Mr Brown lor aa early train carrying a suitcase and Buildings on this Bridget a in him Two daughters Toole and Miss Brown Detroit Children FOR FLETCHERS Rl A Under the Auspices of King Township Reform Association IE I The simple sift that lends touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERES A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN ZURBRIGG Phone Photographer Wo are also prepared to take Photoa at night by aid of Electric Light Studio open 8aturday evening and any other evening by ap pointment Studio One Door Weal the- New Post Office muffle Roller Flour MILL Manufacturer the famous FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR These brands make the nasi Pastry Bread and Buna your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Bread and Gems ROSE MEAL for Porridge All From the Choicest of Wheat ROBINSON Proprietor Phone 181o Newmarket The Municipal World in re calling the fact that the Provin cial Treasurer had sont out let ters during May to township au thorities in counties which are apt lo cause a misunderslanling in reference to the Provincial War Tax makes this observation Counties alone are made sponsible for the payment of this tax to the Government and local municipalities are required collect and pay the same to the county treasurer Willi the county rates During the investigation rill Tuesday of last Mr X Ellis of the firm of P Ellis Co Toronto said that the com- supplied the Militia De partment with glasses at an average cost of They had saved Ihe government the sum 12877 The only trouble had experienced was that in con nection with the contract Mr Ellis presented a statement showing that paid for glasses including duties making a profit of or 10 per cent This is the way the Borden Government is doing the public business and the country is taxed to pay the plunder re Furnace Work Plumbing 3 Our On the uU before the inquiry being conducted by Sir Davidson at Ottawa W J Brown a real estate agent who busied himself securing binocu lars to sell to the Militia Depart ment for Canadian a warning that something serious might result from illegal action on his pari In detailing partic ular of the division of profits with another party on the sale of binoculars Brown admitted handing to Inspector Col of the militia depart ment who refused lo accept it It is only fair lo you said Sir Charles Davidson to Brown to say that the present impression is that you have exposed yourself to criminal prosecution You did not give the money to Col man hut you attempted to Will the Government prosecute Time will tell Things are get ting and both the Pre mier and Minister of Militia are off lo the old country The Mail and Empire remarks that it was the local Council of Women who petitioned the Com missioners to appoinl policewo men and they were very prompt in doing so The same journal remarks When the first police woman was suggested in Toronto there was a tendency lo smile and many pictured an Amazon in blue uniform with a baton swing ing by her side but all this id changed The suggestion has be come a reality yes two realities for the city has two most com petent officers of the fair sex PUBLIC SCHOOL The following is the classifica tion and standing as a result of examinations Marks possible No required to pass Wal ter Terry Honors 612 May Buckley Honors Erven Honors 532 Leslie III Possible Pass David Doane Bruce Lewis Florence Campbell 159 Owens cock Eleanor Murfteel Mary fee Beatrice Doane rec Lizzie Newton rec Jr III Possible 510 Pass Emily Haines Honors 318 Owens Honors 515 Laura Honors Nel lie Buckle Honors Dorothy Honors Blanche Pottage Honors Robbie Lewis Honors 423 Wellie New ton 390 Elizabeth Cresswell ab sent Class Possible 500 Pass 300 Leigh 370 Mary West Florence Milgate 312 Ernest Holman 299 Vera Alice 293 Harry New ton 216 Aubrey Ar thur Smith absent I Emily Teddy Lewis Ernest Cook Clarence Pot tage Walter Baldwin Walk er Keith George New ton Primer Dorothy Willie Milgate Lome Owens Evelyn Harry Weinstein Hilda Gray Marshall Doane Jr Primer Gordon Beckett Douglas Beckett Margaret Newton Eleanor Hill Average attendance for June Campbell Teacher The Cross indicates the residence of Mr J M Walton has been offered for the care of wounded soldiers Football ToiifiMasiiient Open lo North York players only Limit Entries lo be made lo Arch ibald on or before July Dili Juniors 11 Ope to Public Boys Only Prize Circulating Library Boys Books GAME AT A M yds open yds Partners 2 Silk Handkerchiefs by W Newmarket an yds Eat Mens Race GO yds Boys Boot Race under years loir 7j 2nd fo ace Sports yds Wheelbarrow Race 100 yds Girls Race over 14 years Case of Perfume by the Store Aurora 50 yds Girls Race un- dcr Fruit Bowl 8 yd- Married Ladies Race 1st Silver by Win A 2nd Bag of Flour by J am a Reynolds Aurora Broad Jump 100 Hop Step and Jump Tug of War Married Single Box Cigars Youngest Liberal Gold Locket by A Win ter Aurora Oldest Liberal Portrait Oldest Llboral Lady Framed Picture Oldest Conservative Umbrella by A Brun ton Newmarket All competing to assemble at platform at 3 Lady under 18 Boot nlo Lunoh for Two 1st Cash 350 by Imperial Bank Aurora 2nd Bag of Cream of the West Flour by V Davis Aurora 3rd Bag of Purity Flour by Watts Aurora Case of Perfume by A Weaver Driving Outfit 1st Music Roll by York Aurora 2nd lbs Tea by Ocean Blend Co Gentlemens Driving 1st Cash ef Montreal Aurora 2nd by V Aurora 3rd Driving Gloves by Mount Person Bringing Largest Load to the Plonlo Coming 4 miles or more Hat value by Frank Duncan Newmarket Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS Sr3- to According to the opinion of Rev In a sermon proaclied in Trinity Methodist Church Toronto on Canadas Rebirth on the Sabbath preceed Dominion Day war never leaves a nation the same as found it and Canada could not return after the existing conflict to her obi Idols By way of statement the Rev Doctor went on to say I am glad to be able to stale that all noisy forms of patriotism have ceased Parly politics in Cana da as man and man dropping We have Chap Afoot of Bread and a Box Of Chocolates by Grim- Shaw Aurora Contestants to make applica tion to the Secretary on the grounds est Decorated on let Prize 2nd To The School Making the Best Patriotic Silver Medal by J M Walton Entries to be made to the Sec retary on or before July ALL CONTESTANTS TO BE RES IDENTS OF THE Judging of Special Jo Sharp at Oclock Dont Hide Them With a Veil Remove Them With the Othlne Prescription This prescription for the re moval of freckles was written by a prominent physician and is usually so successful in remov ing freckles and giving a clear beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under guaran tee to refund the money if it falls Dont your freckles under A veil get an ounce of and remove them- Even the first few applications should show a wonderful Improvement some of the lighter freckles vanishing en tirely Bo sure to ask the druggist for the double strength it is AT P BY- Benj Petch Brampton A D Bruce Gormley Jory Barrio Widdilleld Hogg Louis P Aid Maguire Aid McCarthy Aid J mttgfflflfUA 1 1 of Toronto i UN quart and J Walton Aurora Hon A AyleaYortb Hon King and olhbVfl Music by Aurora Citizens Band and Highland Pipers ceased Pariv noun in iL wu no to sirSsx ih7s Send the Era to t a w lh Ihe money Curtis Annlng Jcull Cook Smith THE KINO I on All Day In the beautiful Park Hot and Cold Water Free GRAND CONCERT AT 8 OCLOCK BAWD MUSIC BAG PIPES SPECIAL AND WAR tiw Warahlpa Submarine Dreadnoughts etc by W A Tloe Esq TORONTO Toronto Before and After and Features TICKETS TO CONCERT PROCEEDS FOR RELIEF OF WOUNDED SOLDIERS A Great Day for Young and Old Coma Early I Everybody Welcome No Charge Except to Concert COOPER of J Seoy BLACKBURN Chairman of Grounds Cora ARCHIVES OF ONTARf TORONTO