Newmarket Era , July 9, 1915, p. 6

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S3 m tan mis I ft a a HA J i if At lift v itt pass f- lift- a tells IP MOUNT ALBERT Personal I Waller Marr is spending a lew days at the home of his raolh- In town Rev John Morgan and Mrs fiiofgan are visiting at the home of J A Hopkins Harold Sbillinglaw brother of Mr David Shillinglaw who has teen in New Ontario for some ilinie was married on June Miss Edith Stainlon of Thornloe The wedding look place at New Xiskearp fa the Presbyterian Church on Sunday next there will be a pat riotic service in the forenoon and in the evening War Conditions la Europe by Mr A A The Sunday School Excursion took place to on Wed nesday and was largely attended as usual 1 The annual garden parly of Church will be held on Thursday June BASEBALL baseball tournament was at Stouffville on July 1st teams Markjiam Stouffville and Mount Albert took Mount Albert beat ham 104 in the first round and won the final from Donald Shields pitched both Baseball is not dead in hie old town yet and if- we only foad a park for practice we might have a good ball team Miss Edna Smilhsori Contralto soloists all of whom made a most favorable impression on audiencej The from Victoria Church West To ronto comprising Messrs S McLean Robert Marshall Har ry Bond and Russell Coltart who are all very well known here were greeted with round after round of applause after each number But the greatest attraction of all were the numbers given by the Concert Baritone Donald C McGregor Many came for miles to hear him and in the words of one gentleman Never heard the beat of it Rev of town and Mr Stone of made short address es The programme ended at everybody going home happy COUNTY BRIDGES The old question of what con stitutes a County bridge was uo again for consideration at Ih recent session of York County Council The question arose over a clause In the County Commis sioners Report recommending the building of two bridges on the Town Line between the Townships of East and Whit church A member objected to the clause and moved that it struck out of the report that Hie bridges in question were not County bridges as they were under twenty foot span file report was strongly supported by the Warden and Commissioners The Warden slated that the bridges should be built by the County even If not legally requir ed to do so as the County had built many similar ones on other town lines Reeve claimed thai Ihe bridges were following pupils passed the promotion examination to the I clearly County bridges as defined Second Form- in our i f names in order of merit Ppn Rowen Forrest Ross Jennie Black Anna McFarland Stewart Rowland Milton and Les lie Woodcock PIANO EXAMINATIONS following pupils of Miss were successful in passing line Toronto Mil Piano Examinations intermediate Grade Miss Vera Hogg Primary 2nd Grade Miss Bell Cook Miss Olive Lloyd Elementary Grade Miss Mary Kay Honors Miss Pansy Sanderson Miss Flossie Brooks GARDEN PARTY July y0 A good program is feiefng prepared The Mount Al- Band willbe in attendance Full particulars later Reserve the date The WCTU will meet at the home of Mrs on Thursday July at 3 pm Mrs Ornisby County President is expected to be pre- and address the meeting on work in general and other topics The ladies of the village arc cordially invited to at- and a treat is promised lliem iin this address as Mrs a fluent pleasing speaker not only on the work of this organ but being an active work er in other societies having for object the good of others Ihe one which perhaps today appeals most to the our land Ihe Rod Cross work Come and enjoy the meeting us Press Sunt Our soldiers an a teller lo his parents Mr Ouy reports a pleasant voyage from Montreal lo Eng land with the exception of a day or two of dense fog when the vessel was a day out from port by two torpedo boats and escorted to the landing place The torpedo boats were very fast kept circling the vessel to guard it submarine attacks There are fifty thousand soldiers in Training at this one camp on the coast thiilyllve thousand whom are Canadians Mr Frank jBamsden with the University Corps sailed from Montreal on June GARDEN PARTY The Presbyterian Garden Par held at home of Mr Ai wed Cafe on the evening of June avas in spite of Hit- chilly li ter a splendid success Perhaps never in Ihe history of Mount was such splendid talent se cured as for this occasion ladies on Hie program were Florence Ralston Soprano and Miss Glad and FARM FOR ALE acres east half of Lot Centre Road half a mile south of Mt Albert For particulars apply Davidson Ml Albert or lo A Graham Pambrun KIT ALBERT Announces thai lie now sell- the Quick Meal Oil This is the best Oil Stove made test I also have Sprayer all sizes for horse hand -power- Arsenic of Lead now in the best thing known for killing potato hugs In the Implement line Have you any good colts or horses to deal Phone by the municipal act read the section of the Act which he con tended supported his position he also pointed out the dangerous condition of the bridges and as serted that East woXild take no responsibility them Filially upon Ihe of the Reeve of Newmarket County solicitor was sent for to give his opinion as to the tys liability The Solicitor fully confirms the contention of the Reeve of East This settled the matter Report jvas adopted by the Council and the bridges will be built this season 800 PEFFERLAW The Public School Trustees have decided to build a new schoolhouse Plans have been prepared by Mr and tenders alter a pretty nice building The union Sunday School picnic to Island Grove yesterday was well at tended arid everybody had a Rood time A malicious falsehood has been in circulation the past three weeks to the Mr Winked Micks temptod to hang his in the driv inghouse but was prevented by the arrival of the neighbors There i no truth whatever in the statement and Mr Micks intends to prosecute any person who repeats the story Mr who Is joining the Rat was given a send of on Wednesday night 0 on KESWICK HI On Friday last County Magis trate imposed a line of ana costs on Harry Smith of who was charged with selling liquor without a li cense Col License In spector for North York laid the information Smith formerly kept an hotel at and two monlhs ago was lined by Magistrate Brunlon on a sim ilar charge We are told a great deal of interest was manifested at tin trial and a large number of people were present during the investigation RAVENSHOE Wonder who young people were who went down the hill in a cloud of dust yelling and shout ing as bereft reason on the evening of Dominion Day Why do not parents see to It that at least one staid person should be with such hunch for to trust them alone with an auto nothing less than a crime against they had run over anyone or broken their own necks how then I904 ROCHES POINT fc Mrs Sparrow and Mrs of Toronto guests at Camp this week They are en joying the camping but not the thunderstorms Miss Cole Is home from To ronto lor holidays Mr Wilfred Armstrong of Newmar ket spent Sunday at Mr Frank Wil liamsons On Thurfcday last week one our oldest residents Mr Sher man away alter a lingering illness many months The service was held In Christ Church Roches Point by the Rev Pratt the Interment at tjuens1lle The funeral was largely attended and much sympathy Is felt for the family Mr and Mrs Abbott ol Toronto attended the funeral Mr Sherman and spent Sunday visiting friends here A of Niagara Camp spent Sunday at Mr Frank Nomine JOHN AGENT Where greatly ORCHARD BEACH Mr and Mrs Johnson of To ronto and two boys were calling on friends on Saturday Mr Johnson is a daughter of Ihe Jos a former Newmarket pastor They were so pleased with the appearance of the thai they secured accommoda tion at the Boarding House for a couple of weeks Miss Eva returned home from Toronto Hospital last wnk and is gelling along nicely Rev Thomas and family also the Oliver family from Newmar ket are now settled on the Beach A jolly party spent the week end at Tnglewood They Mrs Jos Tovell of Miss Mildred Wright of Detroit niiss Lillian Wright of St Clair Mich and Miss Gertie Wright of Alberla That re counts for the appearance of the Stars and Stripes on Ihe of July The Mission Church was near ly filled to capacity last Sunday morning and the address by Rev of Toronto on We Got Our Bible was appreciated Next Sunday Rev Hyde one of the most pop ular preachers at this Resort will have both morning and evening sure to hear him Miss of the Public Lib rary staff Toronto spent Do minionDay with her parents in her way after spending a weeks vacation in Muskoka Rev was the guest of Mr over Sunday and his daughter Miss Hazzard is spend ing a week at Mr Elliotts cot tage MrR Brimson and vacate their collage this week a d Mr Livingston of Toronto wil occupy it for the remainder of the season of Torono has secured the home for balance of the season He was formerly a minister on tho Keswick circuit Banks of Toronto spent Dominion Day holidays as a guest at Mrs Boys of Toronto is the guest of Mrs Tyrrell during the past Mr John Yokes twin sister with him for a week Mrs Likens and daughter Toronto are spending a month r so at Mr cottage A meeting was held last Satur day evening at Mr Dick Howards cottage to organize for the Re galia on Monday the 2nd of Au gust A Committee was appoint ed to canvas for subscription- The proposition to give the win ners suitable badges instead prizes and donate the proceeds lo the Red Cross Society was laid over for further consideration with Other matters affecting the welfare of the Another meeting is lo he held next Satur day night at the same place The bay was so rough on Mon day with Ihe high wind that one or two boats at anchor were swamped A number of young men are camping on Kennedy Point again The flrsl funeral procession til at has passed along the Beach during July and August for Ihe past years went by last afternoon Rev A Belfry Mrs Belfry and their Iwo boys Tot tenham arrived at Villa on Wednesday for a months va cation BALDWIN BREEZES The anniversary services Sabbath Mill and the Social TVa on Monday of- the Egypt Presbyterians was a very suc cessful success The finances were the better of it to tune of nearly ninety dollars Tho delicacies served up for the phy sical refreshment are always liptop The refreshments for the mind are only moderately fair Mr and Mrs Johnnie Taylor Scott Tp look in the anniversar services and a and Its great pleasure lo see our old neighbors There was a great racket kick ed up in town last Tuesday night Youd almost have thought Ihe old Nick was out on a spree was our slapbang we are again serenad ing Glen Chapman and his Vera Pringlo on their return from the honeymoon trip The kids enjoyed the refresh ments ever so much Thanks The Owl wore con spicuously absent has done much of late Improve the appearance of our burg He lias completed his stone wall about his premises bung now gales and has put in sewerpipe and Riled in Hint dilapidated spot before Frank Tomllnsonfl Store John Oldham on Monday de livered a load of about as hand some porkers as youll in a radius of ten miles You may equal but you cant surpass John in pork raising He is a most judicious feeder Hie neighbor Tummy loonier also shipped load that for quality duplicated Johns They are close rivals In pork and many another linn of produce Strawberry in Wrestling with a big contract to handle his luscious fruit No trouble dis posing of fruit so tastily put uo and boxes filled heaped up The trouble to pick them fasL enough They far surpass imported berry 0 ur own James Albert has invested in a handsome stylish young driver but not speedy enough to bet your tire on Only about a on the turnpike Martin took a notion In his head thai hed like to go bade to The Ould Home away back yon in Kirkfteld so Sunday wus set as the day arid ha engaged Ihe services of Mr Warded and his automobile The twin was instructed to array himself as Solomon in all his glory Pos sibly Jimmie had been reading Tom Sawyer and desired to go home in style They got then The homecoming in a downpour Of rain no doubt took the starch out of them The Owls homecoming hasnt been pulled off yet but we live hopes It gives temperance folks much pleasure to see illicit boozesell ers get squelched and the majes ty of the law vindicated Egypt and Baldwin pic nicked at Jacksons Pojnt on Do minion Day One fair damsel was disappointed in a chance of a ride there Willi truly English pro gression she determined to go whether or ho so started out as the girl went to get married foot and alone Her adventures and thrilling experiences were al most startling but she gol a trudge of nine miles if its a rod The damsel has declared she love me any more if dare breeze tier in the news So ralher than forfeit such precious Ill withold the breezy breezes You lose a treat glorious showers are a boon lo farmers Crops were suffering Lei the new scribe for Baldwin lake truth for his creed Where did the Morning Glory disap pear to All flowers must fade lo Ihe law of nature I suppose Bessie seems a favorite name in our neighborhood We have Bessie Bessie Ramsay Bessie Bessie Bessie Crittenden Bessie Foster and Bessie Wood so sweet and good In fact theyre all No I good young women Duncan Crawford has mUfh improved appearances about his house and lawn by erecting a new wire fence and modern style wire gales Elder D Prosser preached on Baptism in Baldwin Christian Church on Sabbath last A city gentleman Smith whose ac quaintance I made through the medium of the Era in a very ex haustive and well argued discus sion proves conclusively thet there is no true baptism unless there is a separation from the vanities and of Ihe world Mr Smith is undoubtedly a deep thinker No superficiality about his reasoning Some of our model farmers need remodelling They do some outrageously ridiculous things contrary to all common sense A man with a grain of sense should know better than to haul out and spread manure on Ihe snow in the winter There are other non sensical and exploded theories might name No time no time Take Tom my Coomer John Oldham Will Donald A and Theres half a dozen model farm genuine ones Their works show it Three hearted chaps Paul LnChnpelle and Vct Their autocars are a treat for the poor and needy 1 erred last week Meth odist Conference assembles this year al Dry Town My budget is still quite News accumulates fast THE OWL SUTTON The biggest annual picnic in the world otherwise known as the Lennox Picnic will be held at Jacksons Point as usual on Wed nesday July The picnic will be absolutely nonpolitical and en tirely patriotic Tlie proceeds from the picnic will be devoted lo The Daughters of the Empire and Ihe Red Cross fund The attractions this year will be greater than over There will be no less than brass bands including Queens Own of Toronto The proceedings will open with a automobile pro cession from Sullen to Jacksons Point when valuable prizes will be given to the three best decorated automobiles the prize being a new patented automobile signal valued at second prize automobile rug valued at and the third prize 500 in cash At I JO the whole brass hands will be massed together which will aggregate over players and those present will be favored with a concert ofparlotic airs un der the leadership of Prof Barrow of the Queens Own Hand Im mediately after which the speak ing will commence and will be patriotic All sorts of sports and amusements will be provided for children and whole days outing will conclude with a grand display of fireworks Everybody irrespective of politics are cor dially invited be present at this greatest picnic hat has over been held Below Is a list of the gentlemen who will speak at Jacksons Point Julv2ist at the Lennox Picnic Hon Frank Cochrnne Minis ter of Railways Canals Hon J Duff of Agriculture lion I Lucas KC At- Pro vincial Hon Howard Ferguson KC P Minister of Lands Forests and Mines B i Hon MPP Ex- Speaker North Ontario Hon Preston Lanark Clark MP Centre Bruce Major Sharps KV MP North Ontario Captain Wallace Centre Forbes Godfrey York James Harlt MPP East Alex Ferguson MPP South Sim- coe Geo Henry MPP East York J A M Armstrong MP North York Patriotic service was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening Recitations and special singing were tho special features The pastor an address on Loyalty Next Sunday there will be a childrens service The pulpit of Knox Church will be occupied by Rev of Toronto next Sund The following Sunday Rev McDonald will speak the next Sunday a represratatlvo of the Lords Day Alliance is expected The St Anthonys Church people are sparing no pains to make their Garden Party at Mr vl- olettes a success on July A choice program dancing and a big supper will be the main attractions Re sure and go Sutton Lodge No O installed the following officers on Monday evening M Taylor H Allan Secy Kin Sec J Merchant Treasurer A Holborn V Treloar V Warden I Dent i Paid up tod Profits A Savings Department Iho of r received ni In I cat at current rtes It a icpodtsry or yur MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH a D TERRY team Vulcanizing Plan Conductor L S I Shaw M AlWt th ceremony refreshments were served was appointed representatives to Grand Lodge Mr and Mrs A of Toronto spent over Dominion Day with friends here Miss of Toronto was the guest of Mrs Dr Noble here dur ing the past week Died At Roachs Point on Thursday July 1st Herman Sherman in his 59th year Funeral on Saturday at The Union picnic at Jack sons Point on July 1st drew a crowd The events scheduled were keenly contested school off the trophy for most joints scored while Knox Sut ton was a close second Mr Harry Dolby who is quartered at Niagara was home over Sunday He expects to leave for England this week third contingent Mr Henry Drown of Saskatchewan is here on a visit Mrs A Dixon has returned af ter visiting her sister in Mr McDonald who has spent the past winter here has returned A Hamilton and family are away on a three weeks vacation to and other points Mrs Thomas Mr Thomas spent over Dominion Day with friends In Hamilton Mr teller of the of Nova Scotia left on Saturday to go in training for the war furnishing store are sell ing soft collars at for See it they have your size I aperys horse Hilly took first money at on Domin ion Day in the for all and mare second money In class Sutton Council have had the trees the streets trimmed up so a little light can get through This Is another move in the right direction Mr and Mrs at tended the funeral of a relative In Aurora on Saturday Owing to the Excursion to and the Garden Party at coming on July the the I O have decided to postpone their pic nic until a later date We extend congratulations to Miss Lena Miss of Vir ginia Miss Weir and Miss Wllloughby ol Island Grove on having successfully passed their exams at Normal They are now qualified to teach Send mo your Auto Tlrea I pay Express moderate Give mo trial AM alios of Tiros In stock Wow and Rebuilt Oils Accessories General Repair Work Main Street Garage Sutton STANLEY A BREUL8 Prop i this groat Canada must dp business and we must trained young people to carry on ft well work 1 aw Are performing an important task in this regard in supply ing the demand for competent recruits for business offices YtiiiOiii By graduating from one of our High Grade Schools and quickly qualify for earning a good salary AUTUMN TERM OPENS ON AUGUST 30TH Write for descriptive catalogue and plan to gel a good starl H Shaw President Sis Toronto It Champion Willie 224 lb Champion Harold Allan lb Elmer Peters Unlimited Champion Harry Marritt 351 lb Champion sprints Gordon lb I sprints Mart in lb Champion sprints Lloyd Stiles lb Champion surints Elmer Peters 30 Unlimited Champion sprints Marritt lb Champion jumps Gordon Champion jumps Vernon Cole 58 Champion jumps -s-O-a- MEET The Sunday School Association o North and Sutton West held a successful Athletic Meet at Jacksons Point on Dominion Day The meet was carried on under the directions of Mr MucClaren the Mural A for the province Every detail of the meet was handled smoothly The Athletic Meet this year was per cent better than last and everyone who is deeply interest ed In this work are great er results next year but we must have the cooperation of all the Sun day School workers and ah the parenls Tie following is of the successful competitors Poys Grand Champion 383 Girls Grand Champion Allan 82 125 lb Champion jumps Elmer Peters 52 Unlimited Champion 3 jumps lb Champion hop step A jump Clarence 95 lb Champion hop step jump Mackey pts lb Champion hop step A jump 51 lb Champion hop step A jump Elmer Peters Unlimited Champion hop step jump lattiner 80 lb ball throw Arnos 79 lb Champion ball throw- Smalley lb Champion ball throw Stiles i champion bail throw Peters 55 Unlimited Champion ball throw Marrlt 79 pull up John pull up Willie lb Champion Woods HO champion lb Champion pull up lb Champion pull up Elmer Peters Unlimited Champion pull up J All those who have or more succeeded in reaching the standard as set by the M A Girls Potato It ace J Turnside Other girls who won events were W Hunter Pefferlaw s S won the trophy which was held by Keswick Metho dist last year Keswick Methodist sec Sutton Methodist third Mount Pleasant fourth Sutton Presbyterian fifth A CLEAR VALLEY LAKE Dr Clark and family are spending July at their cottagef marl Dr Clark going down his every day Mr Geo Case and family are oc cupying Mr Ed cot tage Mr Weir family ol Toronto are occupying Mrs Porters cottage lor Iiily Mr Taylor and ot Toronto have taken Miss Edith Robertsons cottage for the season Miss Trlvett spent duly at facksons Point Mr Prank Mortons cotac is oc cupied SCHOOL REPORTS Report of No 8 l Junior Edward David TheaVaton Byron Alma Herman Cole Alice Bonnie Smith JR Florence Giles Ruth II Hoy Smith Sr L Eleanor Peregrine palsy May Theakston Irving old Gordon McKelvey JrIKoss Smith Gordon Cole Gordon Evans Nellie Rowland PrimerHarold Smith Florence Jessie Smith Manly Cole Madeline Smith A Class Dunham Miller Jean ft Class Ruth Olive Kelvey Flora Rowland Smith J Stewart Teacher 8 No North Report of promotion examina tion The names occur accord ing lo the highest marks whose names have It after aro recommended lack Winch George Jr 111 Sr Maggie Ber nard Davidson Alma Winch Dor othy Sweet David Davidson 11 Grant Thomp son IL I Jr Wilnmt Kin- Arnold Joe Glen Davidson It Frank Stick- land Jr II lo Manuel Lynlj Scott Morton Winch Jr Sweet Marion Scott Laurel la Winch I A to Jr I Jack Thompson King A Johnny Davidson A Nelson Bessie Mary Mann Mann Nellie Winch M Nixon Teacher July S No 3 East To HI Greta Smith lion Greta pass nolil pass Norton Smith pass Willie McMillan recommended To Jr III Bruce To Hirst Cecil Smith Clarence Kin Recommended M Vanderburgh Teacher FARM FOR Lot Con acres cleared of hush and remainder pasture well watered brick house and other good build ings For particular apply to J Cook Ml Albert FARM FOR SALE acres more or less North hall of Lot No in the Sixth Con of North Gwillimbury acres and clay loom and acres of pasture Good fruit and lots of and soft water Buildings fair and It is a pleasure to see this part of pa shore so much la evidence for apply to Mrs Henry Ihe view Is grand PO AReHlVES OF ONTA TORONTO J-

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