Newmarket Era , July 9, 1915, p. 7

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sa DAY JULY D avij Cole her ho30 aro orgs Dor imp- lick- ret la pson pBflie ion i Hall irkiag or and pat ti ttle The Post Office Inspector Was here again Saturday and It looks as if use the new building snow flies again buildup as art ornament r fi For Sale are snowing one of finest and best Quality of Semi- porcelain Dinner Sets Of a very neat border pattern at a special price for the benefit of those who maybe wanting a Dinner Set we will say It will be more pro fitable to Belonging to Pear Walnut SnIoar tM We if or Est Vacuum Sweeper cost tot Now I Garden Party Attraction One of the features at Johns Church garden par ly 15 at Neymarkct bo a drawing for a of Marion volumes- Now you residents from outside points please slop crowding or we the horn guard Womens I net tut The mooting next Thursday will ho hold at the residence of Mrs J Yonge SI The program wilt bo given King Institute propo sition of Rest Room in Newmar ket will be farther I Picnic next month S Direct Imported of 8taple and Fancy China China Hall Grocery Seasonable Suggestions FOR HOT WEATHER Hocks Jellied Head Corned Ham It lb The First Mr A BruBton has taken load in introducing electrical Excursion Wednesday was not a very bright day but the excursion car to Island Grove was packed to the limit it being the annual picnic of the Presbyterian Sunday School Thor was also a good crowd on the afternoon car usual a good time was spent until the rain came between 1 and o clock milage of near one of the pioneer settlers of North one of a all of to sec thir birthday He spent his early life on the farm on Street at the old home Later he took up the pursuit riwrcaiUiro for a- at Marie and and later in Toronto where was engaged in the- grocery also having a branch post In 1862 he married Miss Isa bella of Aharon by whom had one son Joseph now liv ing in San Mrs died in Later he married Rogers Newmarket who survives him In religion he was a member oi the Society of Friends He was of a kind genial nature and a friend to all In politics he was a staunch Liberal rt 11 appliances at his store Last week he put electrical mill which grinds a pound of coffee in incredibly short lime and you know you have On genuine article We expect to SCQ many such contrivances shortly among our business ps pie FOR Cream Cheese Olives plain stuffed 1fic 1Bc 40c The very finest Salmon tins ft tins Lobtor tins Dried Beef in Una and glasses Canned Boneless Chicken We have a firWcIas line In Lemonade Orangeade Raspberry Vmegar Lime Juice and Juice in and bottle la The Loading Reliable Grocer Quick Servloe CORNER OF Main Streets OVER YEARS EXPERIENCE Eh I What Why certainly I am going to St Johns Party on July on the School grounds I wouldnt miss it for anything know part of proceeds ate going to the Red Cross Society and the balance will help to pay oft the debt contracted through redecorating Church I reel that whether I belong to the Church or not that I should support them because they gave all the work to Newmarket CouTfactore independent creed and we should fully appreciate this There is also another very import ant reason why I am going has been whispered to me out loud that the pies are going to be excep tionally line and I guess well all be on the job when theres good pies in sight Eh What Com A special Metropolitan car will leave Newmarket for Toronto at 1 oclock for the convenience of visitors from the South Another Reform Picnic So much enthusiasm is mani fested over Reform Pionioiw Kellleby on Saturday that the leading Liberals in Whitchurch and East of holding a Reform Pic nic at Lake- about the middle Of August Probably something definite will be done about it tomorrow What Do You Think of This Dr J J Hunter of Dallas Texas sends us a copy of the Dallas Daily TimesHerald in which the announcement is made that Dr Henry A Porter will speak at tin- Auto Lunch Club on the subject If Canada Should Annex the United States The paper says the Dr is a Canadian and has made a tour of the coun try recently The speaker will probably digress from his subject in order to discuss a few things he is known to have up ins sleeve Home Some of the platoons have The Kettjeby Picnic The Patriotic Picnic to be hold at Ktittloby under the auspices of the King Township Reform As sociation on Saturday July will make a special effort to raise funds for the Cross In addition to the main object relieving the wounded who hay J returned from the Messrs Sons have do nated a special Red Cross Plow and the Red Grogs girls at Keltic by will dispose of it in a most ef fective way to help their funds Their unique method will be a striking feature of the day The Gadets and Boy Scouts of Aurora will be another feature Special drays for them will leave town at A big fleet of autos will run a service starting at am and leaving every five minutes from the Station Square St Au rora Fare each way Those who go early will avoid the Autos will also run from the Mar ket Square Newmarket The concert at night will one of the best ever given in the district Amphitheatre Park is the pret tiest spot in the County for a picnic Cheap popular auto trips be run during the afternoon to the Observation Tower the finest view in York County to the Holland River and various points This will be a grand day for young and old Jitneys wiil leave Toronto at tracks Yongc St at and a m f I i i m Marko DESlGNa AC I fr 1ei r no r rtliee fort through A racial Mice In iho Scientific journal Terete lor relation FALL TERM OPENS Another Small About nine oclock on Monday evening the Town was agaiu startled by an alarm of- fire There was no trouble it as the building was when the alarm was sounded It was an unoccupied house on naught Gardens owned by Mr The Fire Bri gade turned out but eould do nothing as it was an isolated house outside of the fire limit How the fire started is The loss is estimated at Toronto does not ask for a bet ter reputation than it already possesses We get positions for many students each year Cata logue free ELLIOTT Principal Yonge Yonge A Garden Parties Lawn Band Concerts TAKE NOTICE I Newmarket Soda Water Works prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Soft Drinks at short est notice and delivered free to any place you wish Sell- our drinks They are Money Makers We Manufacture Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Soda Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Raspberry AND MANY Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Water Works JARVI8 Prop NORTH END Welcome Rain The long dry spell was broken last noon by a violent thunderstorm The rain came down in torrents and was accom panied by vivid An inch of rain fell in Town and the gutters could not carry off the water fast enough to prevent overflowing At the downfall was so heavy that it was found to open the wastegales of the dam In order to relieve tbe pressure The result was that a groat rush of water came down the eastern stream with so much force that a number of gardens between St and Queen St were ruined taken in new recruits The Management Committee is always ready to enroll and anyone who cares to join will be gladly received by informing any of such a desire Up to the present about twen ty of the Home Guard have en listed for the front The Skating Rink is being Put in proper order for members of Home Guard only to practice booting It is expected that it will be ready this Find Shoe fill their requirements to a nicety In good footwear Trim uptodate yet consistently In good taste desorlbe the main features of I ny Ictus Shoes but quality Is also an Important consideration with those men who value a distinctive appearance and fills this requirement most satisfactorily r j Has the place of honour In our store and our suggestion is that time you are In need of Shoot you give us an opportunity to show you IF1VIGTU8 The MensWear Men Main St Weal feeling he Died at Keswick About two weeks ago Mrs J Van Allen who was not well went to Keswick to visit sister Mrs A and try the benefit of a change After a few days acute appendicitis de veloped and she passed away at oclock on Wednesday morning after aperiod of Deceased leaves a husband and three sons to mourn their loss Messrs Harry and of Newmarket and Mr Frank in the The remains will be brought to Newmarket for interment Fun ral from the residence of Church St at this Friday- morning ANNOUNCEMENT GEO BROWN Harness Maker Collars Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE Main Newmarket of Klnfl George Hotel Died at Oakvlllo By the death of Mr Win Rich mond Roche on Thursday morn ing of last week after an illness of nearly two years dis trict loses one of its most highly respected residents Mr was born at Whitby nearly years ago and came to Newmarket in along with his brother Mr Roche afterwards became manager of the Aurora Branch which subsequently sold to Mr James Whlmstcr Retiring from the mercantile business deceased travelled for some years for a Montrealwhole sale house About three years ago he leased a fruit farm be tween and Bronte he lived up to the- lime of his death He is survived by his wife who was a daughter of the late Dan of Newmarket one daughter and two brothers Danford Roche the wellknown dry goods merchant of Newmar ket and Mr Frank J Roche of ficial referee at the City Hall To ronto Deceased was a life long Con servative a prominent Freemason and a member of Anglican Church The remains were brought to by train on Saturday afternoon and I Newmarket Cemetery Rev McOonlgle conducted the ser vice at the grave The pallbear ere were Messrs W J Rich ardson and Frank Brian Whitby Dr W Geo Brian and J Roche Toronto and Roche of Newmarket Union Excursion Theanuual grand union Picnic and Excursion of the Christian Sunday Schools of Newmarket and Union Street will be held this year to Centre Island Park Toronto on Wednesday Ju ly next Wednesday Let ev eryone bo sure lo reserve this datii for a day in the city There will reduced rates on the Metropoli tan Railway and accommodation for all See posters for further particulars Cars leave at a m and fare includes Toronto Street Railway and Ferry to Island Park Everything points to an other grand time again this year A fino list of sports has been ar ranged and this combined with increased facilities and beauties of the excellent grounds at the Park will make the enjoy able one for all Will be welcome Remember the dale next Wednesday and along with the large crowd that is again expected Died In Toronto After an illness of between two and three years Mr Eli passed away in Toronto last Sat urday at the age of over yea The remains were brought to Newmarket by and the funeral service conducted in the Friends Church by Rev Thomas on Tuesday was largely attended Interment at Cemetery The late Eli Armitage was the youngest son of late BULLETIN Buy your cherries now White Black Red Sour all Niagara grown are now most plentiful The Red Sour is llio par excellence for preserving Have your grocer your needs at once Raspberries begin to arrive next week Overflow Personals Miss Bertha Robinson is en gaged with Pine Orchard School after the holidays Mr Geo Hamilton and fam ily have gone op a visit to the West for Iho summer Mrs of the Kiug George Hotel has returned after spending a week at Buffalo i Mr David Hamilton attended funeral of the late Sherman at Roachs Saturday Mrs Clarence Thompson and baby daughter are spending a month Willi her mother in Ber lin Mrs Walter Rogers of To ronto was among those who at tended the funeral of the late Eli Armitage in Town on Tues day Mrs J Wedding March in the Kew Beach Presbyterian Church To ronto last Saturday at the mar riage of Miss Alice Miss Jones attended the sessions of the Missionary Department of the M at Belleville last week and at St Catharines this week on behalf of the Toronto office with which she is connected Mr A of is a member of he High landers who was made a prison er of war on April lb and is now at Germany He is a son of Mr J For years he was connected with the Battalion Canadian Militia at He writes that he is well The Roper family moved from Newmarket to- Meaford about 30 years ago Dr Evan D Lewis left town on Monday evening of last week for- a trip oast to Montreal where his marriage to Miss McBride of that city was solemnized They loft for a two weeks trip through the Green Mountains A and will return to lake up their residence on Church St about the ee SHARON Our Hand Hoys played at Queens- Harden Party last Thursday night Miss Ruth Haines is home for the holidays Mr Kitely and lady friend spent Sunday at Jacksons Point Miss Ida Procter Is spending a few- days with friends at Bond Head Two brothers from Vaugham visit ed Mr last Sunday Mr and Mrs Win Hall and family visited In Lindsay last week Mr and Mrs has Watson visited at Mr WcddcPs 000 Mrs Woodcock of spending a few days with her Mr ana Mrs Win We understand that Mr P has sold out his business In town and Is about to leave our midst We all loin in success wherever they may reside Wo arc sorry to have to report the Hiram We hope she shall soon be restored her usual health Mr and Mrs Win Merchant Sutton spent Sunday with his par ents Mrs lames Merchant Mr and Mrs Win Sut ton spent Sunday with friends here Mr anh Mrs J Jones- spent a day this week with bis sister Mrs Geo Moulds of ML Pleasant who has HI We are pleased to see so many our young people- patronizing our ice cream parlor Mrs Draper certainly makes Some ol our boys tooki trip down and Mr and Mrs Percy Wilson one night last week We mi- they received a cordial wel come by the new married couple We all join in wishing a long and happy married Wonder it Tim will visit Fern Lodge so olten as he used to Black Eyed Beauty The tourist train has started now wonder what takes Walt through here occasionally on long vacations Something doing Mr has been spend ing a few days in Sutton repairing Mr of Toronto took a trip through here last week Road work is the order the day Sleeping Beauty cooo TORONTO LETTER It is stated that the type aeroplane of the land rapidly near completion in the shops of the Aviation School It Is to be christened the Canada only its construe- new large variety is originated hero but also the de sign on which it is being built No less than four tires thought to be ol incendiary origin occurred Saturday- night and Monday morning Tares boys aged from to 13 were arrested on the- Island last Saturday charged with Doctors J and J of Toronto have been notified- they have been selected lor overseas service with Army Medical Corps of the B and both have accepted James Main of street a popular member of the Toronto Club received injuries last Sunday while diving into the lake His spin al column was dislocated resulting in total No hope of recovery Allen aged years was instantly killed on Saturday by a Ml 0 two stories down an elevator shaft at Front Street Awful accident Queens- ton Heights on Wednesday killed and injured mostly Toronto peo ple A plucky rescue was accomplish ed the holiday at the Island by James P Fitzgerald when he plunged into the water with his clothes on anil pulled Ralph from the bot tom alter he had gone down for the third time Mr Fitzgerald is the sporting editor of the Telegram officials have been placed on the steamboats crossing the lake to Toronto to watch for un desirables entering Canada About nine oclock Monday evening residence of Arthur Wainwright was completely Four people w drowned in Lake St Clair at p Tuesday owing to the motor boat being swamped by high Waves Rough on Rats dears Rats Mice etc Dont Die the House 15c and at Drug and Country Stores destroyed by fire caused through the explosion an oil lamp r Many women with disfigured complexions eenj to think they need an occasional inside as wellies outside Yet neglect of thin Internal bathing in potty and sallow complexions in dreadful and liver aluggiah and matter which Nature cannot remove without assistance The beat fin i l rem which activity cleanse the and and tone the whole Sure aafo and reliable Take one at night and you bright and aunny In the morning today or by mail from Company is Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Cin N Ttnk TORONTOWINNIPEG Scnte Ontario ApM Marvtli Finest Equipment uipmot- daily Route CommcnciasTudy July L45 pm Tw Sat Winnipeg era- ii Sud 60S a Sun- Moo Umootoa 1000pm Q ticket via At belt to Prince Vancouver Victotu Seattle J lighted The Worlds Finest Fresh Water Trip Steamers leave Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays- for MARIE ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM u steamer ing from Port on will call at leaving that point at 1030 leaves Toronto 1245 pm daily except Friday making direct con nection with steamers at Port on sailing days PACIFIC COAST TOURS AT LOW FARES INCLUDING CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or write Murphy DIstriot Passenger Agent Cor King and Sla Toronto ATKINSON Agont Newmarket to table sleeping car tber in A a i i from any Grand Trunk Can Govt or on application Summer Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto 205 am daily for Lakes daily except Sunday for Lake of Bays Algonquin Park awan and Timagami Lake points am daily except Sunday fop Georgian Bay Lake of Bays River points 1201 pm daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays and- Algonquin Park Si STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto am Arrives Sarnla Wharf pm Each Monday Wednesday and Saturday connecting with Co a palatial steamships for Mario Port Arthur William and and at Fort William with Rail way for Winnipeg and points Western Canada Coaches Par lorLibraryCafe and Pari or Li raryBuffct cars between Toron to and Whnrf Further particulars on application to Trunk Ticket Agents J Depot Agent Phone Phono Agoiiti a mm tf mm mm ffsf tt- i v N s J i mm cm Sa mm isw 9f 4 TtT m mm I ii si S id s5te m iS ass iV- w- v i Gi HI 9BBei

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