eg -A- v El ASCOT I Church Newmarket attend divine service in a body at Pauls next Sunday Snap Black regular each at Several her in to sports attended- at Kettle- and Mrs John attend ed the at on Friday Its time some people would that it is i v Red Cross Tea The ladies of Newmarket reminded that the next Hod Cross will be on Mr ill St afternoon Although it is will be a good attendance as the are showing one of the needs at Hie front are just as best Quality of as ever If weather is riot finest and best favorable it Will be bold in St porcelain Pauls Has- got yet Or did the straight from Corners I Our Dinner Sets Pieces Of a ere at Last switch board neat border pattern at the Town arrived at the Water- Works on Wednesday and a special price for the benefit of those who may be wanting a Dinner Sot we w just say it will bo more pro fitable to Now lions will now bo made so as to liavn electric current under the control or the One of the electric pumps has al so arrived and is being connected up Willi the waterworks sys tem There is still another elec tric pump which was or dered four months ago importer of Staple China and China Hall Grocery Seasonable Suggestions FOR HOT WEATHER Goodrich Tires best in Ions run C Agent Newmarket a Big Demand Since warm weather set in 20c 12c 30o 35c 12o lb lb to Jellied Hocks Jellied Head Cheese pressed Corned Beef Cooked Ham Bologna FOB PICNICS Cream Cheese 15o Olives plain stuffed 10c 26c 30c The very finest Salmon tins 10c 13c 15c tins 13c 18c 20o 22c Lobster lTb tins 20c Dried Beef In tins and glasses Canned Boneless We have a flrstclass line In Lemonade Orangeade Raspberry Vinegar Lima Juice and Grape Juice In 10c and bottles the Newmarket Soda Water Works has been doing a rushing busi ness Their soft drinks mad ft from pure artesian weJl water give satisfaction to all their and the list of dealers is constantly increasing Thy wajom delivers all orders within a radius of miles and if busi ness continues to increase as it has done the past ten days it is probable that an delivery will have 16 he made When you ask for Ginger Ale or Lemon So da always ask for make and gel the best Bowlin The lias now pub a schedule of games for the season Which are being played on the green off street Tonight Messrs Rob- listen the conversation of ritaille and over telephone will play Messrs Ken Widdillcld and Jack- Also another rink Messrs J and Manning will Doyle Me- Bride and Monday night Messrs fJalbrailb Wes ley and Cane will play Messrs Lister Weir and Wilkinson Also Messrs Slewarl and Messrs Marshall Blizzard and quite young man Tuesday night Messrs Willis to King Township Keith and will play since continuously resided Messrs In married ilaiigI- and Forester late I lml ami Also Dp Hull Messrs Schmidt sister of Charles and John and the Harry Lyons Lark in and late Newmarket vs Kidd Merrill Atkinson He Is survived by his widow ami J Davis and Clark of the four children Lloyd Thursday Howling and of Brooks and Cornell against K Robertsons rink Also A Smith and MeCauley Wil lis and his side This season has seen a great increase in the members of the Bowling Club in fact it has just boon doubled and the new greens are bringing out large numbers LATE ISAAC On Thursday July 1st at Kettle- there passed one roost respected citizens the lat Isaac The funeral took place on Sunday tth and we very largely tended Deceased was son of the late and torn at July 1834 When ihe family moved where he has every evening I Wb The Phone CORNER OF Main Timothy Mr Hughes has removed his to the building 3 doors South of the Marble Shop on Main St Barefoot boys ate enjoying the sum mer holidays just as much a did iheir predecessors The four were well lilted at the Union Excursion to To ronto on Wednesday about the as last year There to be no truth in the rumor that ni on motorcycle was killed by a collision near the Landing on Sunday night Mr Fergus was at Kcltlcby last Saturday and got good pictures the cadets Band Red Cross also of the old won from la Friday and On Monday Willis ran away from Manning and finished up points ahead A good game was seen on day when Lister defeated Hull by points Marshall had a close game with Brown and won by one shot Rector gave Mr Corneil a good trimming on Dr Hulls lawn on Monday There will be games on every night till September Some of Ihe new members are playing excep tionally well and will turn out valuable members of the club Mr Geo Brown of the King Gorge played well for Bull the oilier night while Mr did even a Utile better for Mr Lister A meeting of the Executive take members requested to be prompt Diego Cat He has also three ters and a brother living In politics he was a Liberal Conservative Deceased was fond of sport As a voung man he excelled jumping Wrestling and football He al ways fond of gun aid was an ex cellent marksman He lived an honorable upright life and was a man of sterling integrity and sound principles J Mm mm rS3 i Trim uptodate yet consistently In good the main features of Shoes but quality Is also an Important consideration with those men who value a distinctive appearance and fills this requirement most satisfactorily ADVENTURES IN MANY COUNTRIES m m Oast away for a month on a desert island where he lived like Crusoe shipwrecked on coral for davs at sea in an open washed on ship and landed back on deck bv the same wave seem that Christian captain oi the liner Cleveland hears a charmed life Some of his adventures are re lated in the New York Mail Shipping as a cabin boy on Ger man first experience him what to expect he wished to be a sailor It was first week away from home land the brig was sailing in the North liic Willi pace at the Grjen at eight Sea when the boy who had not yet this Knla evening All too Has been given the place of honour In our store and our suggestion Is that next time you are In need of you give us an opportunity to show you INVIOTU8 Men Main St Newmarket OVER YEARS jfcrEXPERIENCE Marks Design Copyrights Ac PmUoS Scientific weekly Kid Garden Party The lawn at St Pauls Church had an exceedingly attractive ap pearance last Friday evening be ing tastily decorated and brilli antly illuminated The weather was favorable and a good crowd found that it was an spot to spend evening In addition to the splendid mu sic by the OddFellows Hand a lengthy and entertaining program was given from a specially built platform in which the following took part Vocal solos by Mrs Howard Mrs A Evans Mr Walker and Mr vocal duett by Messrs and A Evans piano duett by Mrs and Miss Piano selection by Mr Green Proceeds amounted to Mr and Mrs J Murphy of El- gill Mills spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cook Mr George Dove spent Thurs day with friends at Pine Grove Miss II Cutting spent Thurs day with her mother her Miss Gertie of has returned home after spending a few days with friend Miss Laura OBrien A large number from here at tended the picnic at KettJeby on Saturday Mr ami Mrs J spent Sunday with Mrs Mr and Mrs Woods spent Sunday with his parents at North View to was ping their cousins wore FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 1ST Buy a Hammock jet out under Ireea and enjoy life Some- splendid val ues at Hardware ro ller Toronto does not ask for a bet- ler reputation than it already We get positions for many students each year free J EULMTTfl Principal St The To Substantial progrcssis being made the Toy Factory on Pros pect Ave and- the shipment of eleven varieties as made to Fancy Goods of Canada in Toron to on Tuesday Although only a portion of UN Mrs and Mrs Fairies funeral In Toronto Mr and Mrs guests at Mr P Lemons Mrs Story is siting at Victoria Square Mrs Patterson is visiting daughter in Toronto Mr Donald Simpson Pickering is spending week with his sister Mrs Ma Miss Ethel Jones of Toronto is visiting her parents Mr anil Mrs of Pickering spent Sunday at Mr H Kennedys Mrs Hill of Toronto spent a few weeks at Mr M Hills The Christian and Methodist Sun day Schools held picnic at Mussel- mans on Wednesday oeoo KETTLEBY Picnics Band TAKE NOTICE Newmarket Soda Water Works is prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Drinks at short est notice and delivered free any place you wish Bell our drinks They are Money Makers Wo Manufacture Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Soda Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Raspberry AND MANY OTHERS Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Water Works Prop NORTH END ANNOUNCEMENT Garden Parties Lawn Socials machinery is erected about worth stock is ready for and goods are cer tainly very attractive Mr Shapiro worked at this business when a hoy and appears to thor oughly understand it He ex pects to secure the trade in Can ada for these goods which for merly went to Germany If the the venture proves successful he is prepared to build larger prem ises and Jill the orders as fast as they are given At present there are only three men and four boys iu the Factory and electric power is used Mr Shapiro peels to have six or eight men at work by the 1st of October The toys are of iron comprising en gines ears wagoner carts pistols etc and will no doubt Hud a ready sale Pat terns arc now ready for 34 articles but the castings are made in Belleville and are slow arriving When the business develops suf- Mr Shapiro intends do his own casting GEO BROWN Harness Maker I- Collars Faced Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE ADDRE88 Main Newmarket of King Hotel BULLETIN FRUIT Every can put down a good supply of The very best all Niagara Peninsula grxvn The Currants are also now at their best for canning Cherts coming fast Have your grocer Miss Fox of Toronto is spend ing a couple of weeks with her brother Mr Fox of Clover Crest Farm Mr McMillan and Mr Ore were in town on Mr Granger of Newmarket spent over Sunday with friends here The engagement of Mr Will Morning to Mr J Is announced for the threshing sea son Mr It Fox is wearing a great big smile Its a girl Frances Miss Lewis is visiting at the home uncle Mr Win Wilson Mrs of spent over Sunday at M Mrs Ellison and children of Bradford spent over Sunday at home Mr and Mrs Frank of Toronto were with their parents over Sunday The members of Miss Tribbles Class held a very enjoyable picnic in the Amphitheatre Park About eighteen young ladies were photographed by Mr Fergus of Newmarket Miss was very popular and much esteemed by her girls and her from the village is much regret- into the water A wooden grating was thrown to him and he swan to it and succeeded in keeping his head above water until the brig was hove Then he swam to her side and hauled up on deck where frightened he- was confronted by his captain who demanded in tones uninist for their earnest ness where the grating was Please sire abandoned it the boy faltered Had to lump into Sea With a great oath and anger the captain ordered into the sea to recover it and without a word plunged back into the water and struck out for the grating which by this time had drifted far astern He recovered it at last and pushed it before him as he back to the brig That was no easy task he had been an hour in the water before ha at last regained his ship For eleven years sailed the world In wild jammers Several times he was washed overboard and once while stowing sail on ln lib- boom with- four others ho and an other seaman were swept oft was washed bck on deck by the same wave landing unhurt in the after part of the ship but his com panion was drowned and his body was seen again On another oc casion he fell into the water from one of the upper yards of a full rig ged ship but was rescued Wrecked on South Sea Island has been in ships that have dismantled by South Amer ican pamperos He has been wrecked on reefs Once while in com mand the three masted schooner he was wrecked on a small island of the Caroline group in the south seas For a month ho and his crew eight lived there existing at first on the few provisions they had saved the wreck and later on tropical fruits anil birds they had shot Among their number one who had broken several ribs the care of him fell upon Captain Day alter day they expected to be rescued but day after day they strained their eyes to seaward look ing for the sail that did not come And finally when relief failed them they set to sea In an open boat heading for a larger Island utiles distant Twice their small boat was capsized and twice Captain wolf had to save the injured seaman Fortunately were the only provisions with which they loaded the and as these floated when she capsized the crew Were able to save them Alter four days of terrible hard ship they were picked up by a Span ish manofwar and taken to Manila 7IJ CARES His love for each one of friend who could put us wise to some of these things some friend who could give lis helping is ha nil and then and advise fellow what to whv it help a whole lot Say why that folks reed ine be thine tin alune because the rower is a a oil end this side When human friendship not with any relief then God come I va though il a very cosily teacher Rev in all Hie world cares then cares J Miller Sorrow pain drive to his knees many i- ii I one who will not take upon his neck the easy Many are the ways in which the chndwick D methods A coal dig nil us fellows In the banks coftlladmimstration nourished the growth 11 dont have no lime to see to anything and religious liberty and added elements else we dont have time even lo try lojof romantic and to the P was a terrible big explosion he boy When Chief Justice Marshall stood In tho amid the mountains of exclaimed No wonder Patrick iu I was Henry was an orator But an old farmer re- mm h08 haV there was a torn Die I was a i HQM order at once Make only your best to where the Injured seaman recovered nrocebrhlRe Walker on the when coining downgrade near saw a child months old playing in the along the track He Immediately- applied the brakes but the heavy train He along the engine and tie child the arm The sleeve gave way hut he succeeded saving the with only slight about in PalcgtlneEt THE MOD Few products household use today have bridged the gap from the primitive things of sixty years ago as has J I Cnd first refined of 1854 vti the first Cantdltn id I860 and the drat Sugar Cartons in 1913 The leader In every advance eTSH Sugar aland today brat la of lens of thousands of Canadian and CO I j vi v i i w tt SS ft 9 KfAi SvS Ztt33lxs as r7VJ WR ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO flHb mm mm fe6i mm an