Newmarket Era , July 23, 1915, p. 2

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izV3 fS K FOR SALE 11 hi for or a delivered in Newmarket- John Hope ring OXIDIZE WELDING AND FOB SALE J Hut and Davis East of Hank Newmarket Sffii J iS f Argument In Behalf of Railway Co Be FOUND III July Ladys nor can have same by paying fm his ad and applying lo box PO mm AGENTS WANTED For Private Cards After Ibe session of Municipalities at Con- no Railway Board barf concluded bold at Niagara Palls on yesterday ami July denounces bad intimated that the- Hoard and id- would reserve judgment on undo running of free Mr Geo A Thompson left oh Tuesday Mr of Windsor was in town oh Wednesday Miss Belie of To ronto is home for vacation Mr and Mrs ft Belfry J bis viewof tne ease on address Miss Ethel has relurn- of York Comity Council Tim lias come US lo ihtcity two weeks va- of York County place on record an expression- of arc being treated very badly our opinion with regard Jo was llu bold avowal of Mr action of certain romesenlatm There was a population of of peole in bo Houses ladies or Gents Samples Book in district and be- wbo in past Free Large Pulp Friction economists termed of the great paper countries of wo WO and is declined to CTakteVInlblcspoU Aft fed in paper and materials which it is produced- look forward lo-Uib-ls- by Forestry Ilrancli of tbe- of Interior lias been sent and a few of tbe larta from it given In of war tbOCOlvsvimplion or in Canadian milts was over cent greater in Hum in mills a moro ban doubled Tbo in was Cords and PINE APPLES Card Darlington PURSE LOST and Island Crove on Con of or Lake on Saturday July Reward for its return J A Ir win Island Grove Sw25 i -n- KETTLEBY CEMETERY Take notice the annual Decoration of Cemetery Will take place at on Potur- dav July public are requested to the matter doe attention President T WATSON Secretary TENDERS FOR SIDEWALK addressed to 1 Newmar ket School will be received up lo July for the construc tion of some nineteen hundred auperflclal feel of Cement at tbe Newmarket School Plans and may be seen at tbe Bank of Montreal or at the office of arciiiiect Mr who will supply any special additional information desired The lowest or any lend er not necessarily accepted work is to be completed by T J Secy a a ROW BOAT FOUND Drifted on shore near Keswick a few days ago Apply F Goridyear Keswick ween 30 000 and used Ibis been 11 Toronto railway Board should bay- against legislation which was vacation a hi courage enough be to log sought by the munuMpalt lav over technicalities of law and As you know our practical ration Mis Han of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mrs J II pulp by is Pino Apple- Sbason Is now In full swing We can give you good values In them for preserving We thorn at 122 16 A SPECIAL PRICE BY THE DOZEN t ft tf I mm mm mis mm FOR SALE figs weeks old Apply to Angus Campbell Vivian DRESSMAKING MISS MILLER Kim St Newmar ket is now prepared to do dressmak ing in latest styles at reasonable prices A call solicited Box 354 3w23 SUMMER WOOD FOR SALE Hemlock Limbs and Hardwood at reasonable prices J A CODY Phone St Pickeri ng College Resident and Day School For Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Toachora Examinations COURSES IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department the citizens what they re- has been IJial there are Miss Florence quired our certain Chicago HI came home on Sun- Mr Lennox who frequent- hers who although elected to rep- day for a visit the Toronto Hail- resent the people invariably way Company in damage suits be- lake the side of private corpora- j Aid fore the courts forgot for as against public wb mi their riwmenl just for which party ha there is any near Keswick was appearing he affecting and dared vehemently offered f that expert Toronto visited extend the Hacks- and often both at Toronto be sought to that the Ottawa in past Toronto Railway Company had On the head of lh ilovern- MP of the tried to do everything to meet devolves the duty Harris Abballoir is wishes of the General Hie ban on tbe home for two weeks Manager Fleming countenance disgraceful lobbies put ftp became suffused with a broad against- In municipalities and rtd smile as the counsel continued to the hostile action of certain lay the cudgels on city from hers The timo has coma when mother I laUi Street Railway standpoint the municipal authorities should Gladys of prepare a list of these members cousin The above clipping is from the and take some concerted action Moodv for two weeks Toronto Telegram one of the for the protection of our own in- strongest Conservative papers terosls Mr Nelson Draper from the Wonder if the Ve should not fail to watchKvesL nephew of Mr Nelson York feel thai a Corporation course of represent- Draper of town is here lawyer who has special interests Uvea who in season and out to serve and is retained by the season have been antagonistic A Mann interests is and hostile lo the interests of the l V just the free fair and safe generally audi J- for them in the have fought openly and secretly ht for a against legislation presented days The legal profession and the interest of the municipalities jj Jackson attended observers view with- some The action of these membe funeral of the late Mrs wonderment that one man is should be brought to the alien- Brown in Toronto Sal represent three distinct ami lion of the various Governments contrary interests at the same so that ways and means may lie lime namely County of York is devised of checking it in tinier Mrs and Master Solicitor for County Council To- that the legislation proposOileft on Thursday to spend the ronto York Radial Railway Co may receive the better ainhfaiier maimler of the Cooks with its progVnator the Toronto treatment it deserves Street Railway and also the The with People of North York advantage lo their own inleresJ latch and The Street Stub Line in- and enlightenment look into l cident which called forth a parliamentary record of Mr gathering at in the House from in this respect Though bis Hall Ceo Henry the Conservative wrifen pledges to the is for South York was bad were copious and strong his vole j vacation with a former enough but is worse on every occasion been and cheapest pulp by grinding process ami as pulp by per cent over tiii but that made by process increased by over per cent This increasing use of chemical processes helps the country- greatly us product is worth nearly three tinies as much as I be groundwood pulp Quebec is lending pro vince in pulp production having I active nulls out of a loial of mills for alb Canada Quebec pro duced per rent of all pulp in i Ontario second with nearly cent of be total production and other produc ing in order Were Brit ish Columbia New Brunswick and Nova Scotia The total value of consumed in Canadian mills in was and of that exported to foreign in a raw state- dt80K0 making a grand total of 1170358 for the value of produced last year It is in I cresting lo know hat proportion of pulpwood manufactured into pulp in is increasing over thai exported in the raw slate The bulletin con taining all facts of this industry will be issued in a few weeks and those desiring a copy or requiring immediate information on some particular point may have Ibesame furnished free by writing the Di rector of Forestry of the Interior Ottawa PLANT AH kinds of Vegotable and Flower Plants for the Garden 2 BOXES DUTCH SETS PER to FRESH VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE Tomatoes Lettuce Radishes Onions and Cabbage From now on- we will Fresh Strawborrlos Canned Vegetables ail kinds of Vegetables Peas Corn Tomatoes or Beans 3 CANS FOR 25C Try our Fresh Ground Coffee a lb Teas have all advanced Wo are still soiling at tho old prices PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO PHONE RU PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO THE Furniture Undertaking House can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A A Night calls attonded to at John Millard PhbnV Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J a no MAIN STREET Agent or and Photo Supplies Fresh- Weekly TKLEMMPll is about lime that People violation of Ihoso pledge looked behind scenes interests are well served Mayor Church of Toronlo by him people have of the Lnion of ask Lot there- be no says the Daily Citizen This great war not going lo leave social problems in the old place The deep The spirit the pMpi of the groat masses of peo ple been roused by This war MUSIC Address ART I P Firth MA Prlnolpal Washington DO July British Government lodoy informed the state department it evidence that a wealthy ran resident Mich has supplied money lo Canadian base In France VACANCIES IN THE COMMONS When English Country Lad Returns By the resignation of Sir James P for Brandon to take the Conservative leadership in Mani toba and also Sharps P lor to become his Lieuten ant in the Prairie Province nd less than occur in the of Commons of the Dominion Other vacancies already arc as follows Garland member for Carle ton as a result of the disclosures before the Public Ac counts Committee of the House and Royal Commission in regard to the supply of drugs etc- to the Militia Department last year Kings County is vacant by the re signation of A Hewitt Foster fol lowing the disclosure of bis connec tion with the purchase of horses also or the Militia Department A va cancy has been created in Hamilton Oat by the demise of lion Samuel Barker and Prince County P has likewise vacant by the death of the late Richards will thus be seen that live vacancies have created by resignations or deaths of Conservatives and one by the death of a Liberal In the person of the late Mr Touching the question ol vacancies In the Federal House a recent despatch from Ottawa states I Parliament meets this fall there will be many vacancies unless byeelections held to fill the present vacancies or unless an arrangement Is made for the return of new members without elections Col John P for North will probably he Kails was in Town last week to see his sislor- inlaw Mrs V Den who continues poorly Rev and Mrs English from A me- bury Mass arc vis iting with mother Mrs Mor ton Joseph Ave The Cradle Jackson At on July lo Mr and Mrs House Phone No Store So ft Mrs Fred of Toron- and her sister Miss Jennie effect of it will beseaTchiW and t au Mr J and wife of Kipling are spending a as that spirit was never aroused her parents Mr and before J great masses of Mrs John I be people have boon and are re- themselves as never Mr and Mrs Frank Moody fore When sons and others gave a farewell parly to their come back as they will the vote- niece after spending a month of victory he man who visiting her relatives rends history in nations eves Mrs and two child iiii from Smiths Falls are will meet with new expression Whatever these toilers of fields and of the meaner streets it becomo iiey cannot be what lhey were One of many social Mrs Hatch received word yesterday that Mr Hatchs lems created by the war is had killed lack of labour in our country- side and the suggestion is being made that the lack shall be sup plied by the labour of children should be at school There have been many pro tests against Ibis suggestion notably by Bishop Gore why in a letter to Times says thai he just visited one school where seven boys at the top of the school had been thus withdrawn Ho adds I have been endeav oring to ascertain the facts more precisely Such inquiry as have boon able to make increases the anxiety cannot but feel ground of Ibis anxiety lies in the consideration that llie existing shortage is not likely to be tem porary In other words I do not believe thai llie young men who at Murks Kails Mrs Hatch left once for Muskoka Mr Sam Caldwell of es ter was in Town on Tues day to sister Mrs M and a few old friends that still remain in Town Mrs Albert stork returned on Saturday from a visit wilh her sou Mr Stork at Miss May Stork has gone lo lor a works holidays Mr of Conn Pa nephew of Mrs J who has been spending a few days there left on Tuesday for home accompanied by Miss Lulu Mr Geo of Maple Leslielt laekson a daughter and granddaughter to of llie Era m Hughes At Church St on July loth Mr and Mrs I reel J Hughes for merly of a daugh ter on Sunday ly isth ituri to Mr and Mrs James Barker a The Altar SheridanFry the Newmarket by Rev If I Thomas on July Francis Stewart Sheridan of Whitchurch lo Sadie Key daughter of Mrs John Fry of 3rd of GantonAudrews the resi dence of the brides stepfath er Mr Thus by Rev P Thomas on July Allan Job Canton flor- St Newmarket to Miss Florence Agues daughter of the late David Andrews of New market Canada must do business and we must have well trained young people to carry on tins great work Are performing an important task in this regard in supply ing the demand for competent recruits for business offices You Save Time and Money By graduating from one of our High Grade Schools and quickly for earning a good AUTUMN TERM OPENS ON AUGUST 30TH Write for descriptive catalogue and plan to get a good start Shaw President Sis Tho Tomb I that the young men who Farm I for hi of wrtes Things are looking fair Germany Colonel Harry Leod P for at Col persons in Windsor which was used to destroy property of the Canadian Government The British Government has enquired if the department not re gard the ease if fully substant iated as ono of military activity constituting a breach of neutral Pending he name of the man accused is being withheld The case Is connected vitb the recent attempts to dyna mite an armory and an explosion in a factory making clothing for British troops J J p for Thunder Hay and Rainy is den Hughes re presentative at the front Last a number vacancies In the Commons were filled by consent of both by declamation It can hardly be that such an arrangement will be allowed iXVI3 tasting what seems- lo In tie uency of Manitoa A full session Parliament in September or October is now talked at the Capital but may the situation before that date f i IB Ho He Spoko A witty was once invited to a large dinner in Dublin in Idujioa of least one person who That car is not a scat is the con- the hope that be amuse and bis hosts Hut from the to the end of tic dinner be preserved a solemn and face host thought this very Grange Why old he remarked was rooming car In Midland one afternoon last week Either the in tense heat or it to explode after a amount out and caught tm a tub The occupants I dont believe the blggeot fool the car and escaped serious Ireland could make you laugh to- Injury before the explosion occurred but the car resembled a disappointed Try fiald the cutting re- j wheelbarrow and a complete Joinder I old conditions after the war I have taken the opportunity of consulting a number of clergy who know the country lads well They have all expressed the same opinion The lads are already greatly improved by military ser vice and better feeding They are I pleased with themselves J They are them a more interesting life than they knew before Whatever they become the war Ihey will not return lo what- they were It is therefore not a temporary but a permanent shortage of labour that to be met It must be met believe by improving wages and conditions so as to attract labour to the and this improvement had belter be be gun at once and on a systematic scale Also education should not bo curtailed but in every way im proved so as lo make rural edu cation a preparation for rural life To meet the short- ape by withdrawing boys prema turely from school on a large scale is a disastrously reaction ary measure which it will be bard to reverse ly well with us at present aSWi are getting a good sprinkling of local showers There was no lain Up to the 1Mb June Mrs has returned from Windsor and is visiting her daughter Mrs in Toronto Mrs Lillian is visiting her cousin Mrs Armitage at Harbor and also Miss Jean Pearson of Detroit Mich Mr Joseph Meads and family of Toronto motored up lo New market last Sunday and spent the day wilh his father and sister Mrs Stark Two of lite children are spending part of the vacation visiting their cousin MissKlonnorStarK BROKEN EYEGLASSES Repaired Within Hours Simply Send Your PERCY THE OPTICIAN STREET EAST iIK TORONTO Phono North 1onnox In Whitchurch near Newmarket on July 20 Andrew aged yrs At Out on Tuesday July James Maxwell son of the laic James A Aylward and Mrs Aylward in bis year Thompson On Thursday July I 1915 at the home of her son in New Westminster Vancouv er Maria lioau daughter of the late and beloved wife of John Thomp son in Calgary Alia Brown Thursday July at the of her soninlaw W Jackson St Toronto Jennie widow of the late Cap tain Thos Drown not Investigate Our ii8 for PRINTING WE THH BEST WORKMEN THE BEST PRESSES WE HAVE THE MOST MODERN TYPE and our ore as as is consistent good and good Call at the ERR Office and me con vince you that can save you money Murphy Al Mills on July James Murphy aged 51 years Deceased died very suddenly In St Johns Church on Tuesday morning and interment at St Johns Cemetery markel Byam At July T By am In bis 571b year at bis residence on Wednesday after noon Burial at Stouffvillo Gem- etery I gun when with others IMPORTANT DONTS FOR THE crossly a MAN BEHIND THE GUN on pull J IIain Stj North Newmarket All Orders Receive Careful Legislation la some degrees may prevent a Rood many accidents The remedy however largely lies with individual himself and at the risk ol what may seem like a list platitudes the following are set down for the consideration our sportsman readers Dont point a Run at any Person In fun This is not a matter for Jest It Is always tho gun lhat we did not know was loaded that oft The to point Is when you Intend to kill Dont carry aloadcd rille In a buggy or automobile or any other kind of vehicle Dont get excited and shoot with out making sure your object is game Dont forget to break on 1 pull a from the boat by the muzzle Dont rag tun under a muzzle pointed towards you Dont allow your hoy to handle a gun without first drilling him thor oughly in the way It should- be used To allow him to pick up his know ledge In his own way is courting dis aster Dont use a cheap gun They are apt to explode when using heavy charges Dont rest on the of your gun Dont load your gun until you ac tually get to business At all other times it should be empty- Dont get Intoxicated Dont violate the game laws Send the Era to absent friends Next On Mr tune to Angers Canes Rev St Aug speak Sunday clock eve work ol Red an complete Mr plates have much va best dlsl plates sets an valuable over does not The Weston II n running w play Aurora time is The Ki Allli Tax ai raisin in New 2 In a force stead hour p you To the Met put on crowd Kg 1 the this it the ball The serves Killed Mr Town that I Percy bet we the si Cor King- had I years been since Wan I Ai curie Mr 1 St fell horse feruje him dead Dr Was be I for in Farm last ye vrgol price will I Kg ltu Met Chi He Ha Ho Sb To Mi TORONTO

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