Newmarket Era , July 23, 1915, p. 3

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i y J mm aaat t r lioealHetas you w on sans Ices s I T or by knee with bundle a him thor- d be used iwrtirjgdls- arc heavy you all other 101m moots at Saturday Picnic has -St- to I- Town Council t 1st cat Council met on Monday evening Station Cane in Hie Win- at 2nd car at 130 p OF Granger had the lose the end of one of his a saw Sl Johns R- Church Dr KiuU President of Seminary will St Johns Masses and at Vespers in J at oclock on llio I lie p Cross Society pie- and cakes were sold Garden IV complete at the fanes lawn but were not sold Some of not boon returned to lady knows value she places her best dishes complete Some of the plates not returned break up the sets and in that way are too valuable to lose Indies kindly look dishes ami send back what does not belong to Tonight howling green the following rinks will play Fergus vs Hull vsnovvlinjr Monday night Hinus vs Doyle vs night vs vs Manning Scarboro Beach of Newmarket and vi cinity who would like to have a day of pleasure in the oily should visit Scarboro Beach on Wednes day July which is Musicians Day It will he a special musical afternoon and all Ihe ftllrnc- will he in full swing Late car leaves for Newmarket at oclock ft Lacrosse The same scheduled for Saturday at Weston between the Newmarket Jun iors and the home team was post poned till of July As the need the game to he in running it is to be hoped that our boys will attend to practice AuroraNewmarket cor ination will the Iroquois of Toronto at Aurora next Saturday Aurora ex pects to win this game and a lively is anticipated- The Kind of Men to Support Although the Provincial War Tax will take one mill on the dol lar and County Council is raising extra this year on account the War Hie tax rate in Newmarket is only mills mills less than last year addition to this the iuav Or raw- for electric comes into force on the 1st of August in stead of 10c as formerly and hour power is always on lap when vow want it The home of Mr and Mrs J Miss Newmarket was the scene how of a pretty wedding on day afternoon July- at four oclock when their only daughter May was united in marriage to Mr William Huntley of To ronto the Rev Ill Mitchell of St lames Presbyterian Lon don a the bride conducting the wedding ceremony The bride who was given away by father wore very becoming gown of trimmed with lace and veil caught with orange blossoms and she car ried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley The bride was attended by Miss Annie Tench of Newmarket and the groomsman was Mr J McDonald of Own Sound The home was profusely decorated with similax and roses and very dainty wedding suprer was served af ter after which Mr and Mrs Kirk- left by motor for Toronto and thence to East Aurora New York State On their return they will re side at Avenue Toronto 3060 2106 25 llovd light Members present Messrs Pearson Tench Keith and Clark Minuted of last meeting were read and adopted The following accounts were lo be Express Co A William Hell Tel Co and i las and Co and It It Murphy York County levy Gov War Pittsburg Coal Freight A Howard Collector of Customs Pittsburg Coal Co and Y It Collector of Customs Harm an Percy painting Sewer Pipe Co and Canadian Co H Eves Hydro Northern Electric Inland ExpressHerald J fi Osborne and Sons Pay sheet No Pay sheet No Pay sheet No Pay sheet No 12 Pay sheet No Win Giles M Shapiro and made for electric Granted Mr Geo Evans appeared before the Council re drain on Church St Mr Geo and Mr Stark appeared before Council re drain on Lot street Mr P Pearson presented a port of the Finance Commit Lee for the year Mr J presented a report of the Fire and Light Com mute Pearson Keith that report of the Finance Committee just read be adopted Carried Tench that re port of the and Committee just read he adopted Carried Mr Pearson introduced a byJaw to levy certain rates upon the tax able property of the town of New market for the year The bylaw was read a sec ond and third time and finally pass ed The tax Yale this year wilj be mills Council adjourned Ions Perish Since Archduke Was Shot an PATTERS In in i Another Car To meet the wishes of the farmers the Metropolitan Railway Co has put on another car at oclock Saturday morning to tale the from the North home as far as Crossing and thus a oid the rush on the oclock car 11 this oclock car is as it should be it will be continued for the balance of the summer season The Metropolitan Railway Co de serves thanks for remedying the in convenience complained of so prompt ly it Killed in Action Mr II Jones painter in Ihe Town received WOld this week that his youngest brother Corp Percy Jones was killed in action May and at It was not till a month after thai parents had the sad news Corp Jones was in the 1st Kin Liverpool Regiment and had been in the Army for six years He went the front Li August last year and had been out the whole f the lime since big Man Fell Dead An awfully sudden death oc curred on Tuesday afternoon on Mr John Parkins farm juM of corporation of Newmarket Mr Andrew Len nox was driving the mower in a hay and as the horses were i corner of the Held he off the seal backwards The horses proceeded towards the and a neighbor win saw fall went over to see what wji he The man was when he to him and tin- i of the opinion thai death due to trouble before lie fell off Much sympathy is expressed Ills and family The for funeral look place yesterday- mad hi the Church of Fngland Ground on Newmarket Home Guards The Indoor Hi fie Range in the Skating Rink was opened on July the following notice being posted at entrance Open Monday No It Platoon charge Open Friday evenings to Nit 3 Platoon in charge Open Saturday afternoon to 330 No Pla toon in charge Admission only to enrolled members of Guard wearing the Newmarket Home Guard Button The regulations posted inside Ihe range are as follows person entitled I shots twice week without charge After all members have had an opportunity to use range those desiring to do so may have shots at one target by paying Of ficer in charge cents Members paying for Shots are entitled to receive their target All other targets are to he filed with the Officer in charge for inspection of Commanding Officer Only ammunition supplied by Officer in charge to he Members are requested to remain Fast of first harrier ex cept those called forward by Of ficer In charge to use rifles Only Officer in charge al lowed West of second harrier or to approach target Despite the bad weather there was one at the best weekly turn outs of Ihe Guard Wednesday night on parade grounds Major put Ihe Platoons through new movements which were very interesting to watch The of Newmarket both ladies and gentlemen might fairly be expected to show- more interest In the work of the Home Guard on these weekly drills al the Fail Grounds than they so far haw done The members sacrifice a deal of time each week for the benefit of the community and country if need be and the citizens would find Ihe which are carried out very ami Instructive watch and their presence tit ihe grounds each Wednesday night would fihow the members of the I Guard that their efforts were lin ing appreciated to WAR SPECTACLE TION AT Grand Stand Show at Toronto of a nature to evoke Outbreak of Patriotic Fervor war spectacle year ago last Monday a shot fired by the Servian patriot killed the Archduke Francis Ferdinand heir t the Aus trian Since then the explo sion of the revolver which caused Austria send an has found echo in countless battlefields w by sea or land throughout two hemispheres and has brought ten of the worlds nations at each others throats Millions have died and mil lions more are wounded or prisoners More money than is represented by the present amount of gold and sil ver in circulation has been poured into armaments Five hundred or more ships have sunk only one hundred twenty of which were Wat vessels The greaterportion of is under the control of Germany Germany has been driven from the far east A part of the Dardanelles is in the possession of allied troops Portions of France and Russia ate in the possession of Hernial troops A strip of Alsace has been taken from Germany On the continent of Africa parts of territorial possessions have been lost by both sides Various island possessions of Ger many have been taken by the of the allies Italian troops are in possession of a strip of Austrian territory Th3 outstanding results at sea are these I German and Austria mercantile shipping has been driven from all the open German Austrian war vessels having a total displacement of proximatMy tons have been destroyed War vessels of the allied nations having total displacement of ap proximately 193000 tons have been sent to the bottom The greater portions of the Ger man and allied fleets in the North sea remain intact Except for communication through Holland and the na tions Germany is cut off from the rest of tre world Efforts the part of the Germans to place the British Isles in similar predicament resulted in the sinc- by submarines of hundreds of vessels flying the flags of theallied and neutral nations The sinking in this matin ALU GOOD use BAKING POWDER 4HgC Boots Complete Stock House-Fur- j nlshlnga Carpet Squares of all Kinds and Sires at Loss than City Prices Linoleums 3 and yds Wide Oilcloths in all widths j Bungalow Nets and Curtain I Scrims In all prices and qualities Cretonnes Damasks and Art Sa teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats in all sizes Cocoa tor Churches and Outside Verandahs Ladles Dainty uptodate Foot wear end Girls Mens Footwear The Workmanship on Pair Guaranteed and Prices lo Fit all Purees IS Sugar Is a cheaper Canned Vegetables 3 for 25o Good Teas are getting very scaroa and higher In price lay In a stock at our low Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds 30o A made large gains early the war is being beaten daily by the Teutonic allies and is now Virtu ally driven out of In the Dardanelles region the slaughter has been heavy on both sides The allies have suffered on water well as on land The entry of Italy into the which w formally declared against Austria on May has greatly strengthened the side of the allies op posed to the central empires It is expected that the Italians will part of their fleet to the where the Turks under their officers are putting up stout resist ance NEWMARK liner lusit with the loss The mammoth war spectacle of more one hundred American The March of the Allies anil the j lives precipitated request upon the Review of the Fleet will be the part of the lnted States that such The annual Decoration of Cemetery will be observed on Satur day next It is expected that speak ing will commence at p in It is hoped there will be a large at tendance I Simons representative of the Militia visited on July and inspected the Walton Home and the locality for its suit ability as a convalescent home for wounded soldiers The officer was pleased with the of the place and appeared to be favorably In writing note dated July and referring to Patriotic Demonstration of the l you ought to he very proud of your Field at It shows a marked patriotic the people in vour com- Ladles Hose Black and Tan Plain and Finely Ribbed Fast Colors Reg 26c for 19c Ladles White Underskirts Reg for 39c Reg 00 for Ladies Fancy LaceTrimmed Cotton Drawers Reg- for 39c Fancy Stripe Rlppletts In All Shades Just the Goods for Tub Dresses Reg 20c for Fancy White Blouses Reg to clear at 75c production in front of Grand Stand at the Canadian National Exhibition this year ami will be one of the most spirit of practices in so far as they men ace Americans he stopped Following crime events moved with a terrible swiftness An t VIVIAN group of Servian patriots On July 2rd less than a month after the archdukes murder Austrias ultima tum was forwarded to Rus sia strong to her Slavic tie of blood ever staged and a filling Austrian investigation evolved to each days proofs that the assassination in this Patriotic Year outcome of a plotting of a The background is Ihe ancionl city of Calais saved the Cana dians when they so gallantly stop ped the German drive at SI Jul- ion at such enormous cost picturesque chateaus ami histor ic environment adapt themselves admirably lo reproduction either side beneath fro wiling cliffs are seen military camps with sol of the allied armies in all hustle bustle and action if war time The brilliant uniform of Field Marshall General- etc add splendor an impressive scene Suddenly the fleet appears over the horizon under full steam with the Queen Hess leading the fir- battle line ami the Lion ill ad vance of the others The Duke appears Admiral JcJIicoc aboard and is she passes between the Watch dogs of the lined up in bailie array the Admiral is greet ed with salvoes of broadsides It wilt he a faithful portrayal if the scene just before war was declared Inst summer when the bad been mobilized on the orders jhurchilofr the Brit ish const The cannonading continues as the of leers ashore to review troops which swing past the Stand in the Una tableau It will be a panorama of a picture such striking reality as lo evoke a veritable hysteria of patriotic among thousands who will nightly crowd the Grand Stand Harvest has started our burg Several fields of rye shock A number of our young folks at tended the picnic at the Point Wed nesday and report good time Miss and friend Newmarket visited the formers home here Sunday Sunday July at Churchill of and Farm Produce was a very fine mark Saturday for this time yar -i-tfibh- jn and prices as will he the foliowiiiK p- IllllUr Mi Tie Id Alberta voted 1 on Wednesday dry about IT IS JUST AS NATURAL a- lite or for I lb IhFc Live p- TnrKeys per lb per pair per piir to nil lie Win per and l IiiiIvh and and allow per lb per basket erio feirawherriw per box izftti lack CurranlK boxes for per peck FOR A HANDSOME HAND To He Adorned Willi HANDSOME RINGS As for Nature lo Adorn- Vines With Beautiful Flowers It gives us pleasure to show the Beautiful Rings In our trays though Im mediate purohaso be not contemplated Jewelers and Opticians LICENSES began to mass her troops upon the German and Austrian borders Upon July ilst after several warnings to Russia to her ililation declared war France im mediately began to On August 2nd German troops ac- cupied Luxemburg and demanded of Belgium free passage through her territory to This the pUtcky little country refused Two days later demand ing hit the neutrality of be maintained was in the hands the German government This was re jected and German forces attacked Liege On the same day that Ger many crossed Belgian frontier President Wilson issued his proclam ation of neutrality Ih following day the declara tion by Great Britain of a state war with Germany and two days later Germans entered Liege as the French Invaded southern Alsace These events were quickly by an affirmation on part of It aly of her neutrality by an Austrian invasion of- Ffixvla and send ing of Japan of an ultimatum to Germany This had to do with the German of Wiaochau which wts the port By August the first British expeditionary force had completed landing in France and on that day also a fierce battle on lift Jadar between the Austrian and Servian troops Victory was with Servian arms alter five days- of fighting the Austrians were rout ed In the meanwhile the tattle Lor raine had opened and the German troops had entered Brussels the Bel gian capital A few toys later August the victorious German troops entered and began an attack oa Mens defended principally the first Brit ish expeditionary force The day the British troops- 1 a re treat from their position and from then on until September the German troops drove through France under the leadership of General Von Kluck bombarded the French forced to evac uate the Germans and swept over longway and reached flirty miles from Paris where the columns were swung to the east ward The French Gopernmeii- to Bordeaux Since then has en desperate fighting on sea on laid and In air On the western front there Is a deadlock and although no ap preciable gains are made by either side there is terrific slaughter The British casualties so far exclusive of on sea are close to there passed away one- of our most respected citizens the late lames The funeral took place on Tuesday July to Cemetery Deceased lived an honor able upright lite and was man of sterling integrity and sound princi ples lie vat a member of Church- bill Christian Church Services con ducted Elder Mr was a caller at Pine View Sunday Mr lack Goodman lias returned to Toronto after spending a week at his home here A large lime is expected Mr Charley next Wednesday ML Albert band is engaged for the STREET NEWMARKET FUNERAL WEDDING work promptly attended to Prices reasonable Outoftown orders solicited Celery Plants for winter use should be planted now Leading varieties ready CUT FLOWERS HAND PHONE A A love Tin St Newmarket evening Frosty On Sunday afternoon last Rev Honey occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church and or his text Gen Ill attendance was good Great credit is die our Public School teacher Miss Cook tor the success of her pupils who wrote for their entrance exam Three pu pils tried and each were successful one bavin passed with honors The following are the names Miss Gert rude lUny honors Master I lonely an Bertram Phillips Con gratulations The Ladies Aid meeting held on Thursday last at the home of Mrs Macklem Cook a good success large number were present thoroughly en joyed themselves Mrs 1 an of Toronto is a guest at Mr Cooks WE ARE BUSY WITH PLUMB HEATING AND- WIRING IF YOU THINK- OF DO- ANYTHING IN THESE LINES LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE J N WRIGHT MILITARY CAMP AT THE EX HIBITION Newmarket Markets July per bush Every of War Activity to Oats per Shorts per ton 30 0 ill bo at Tor onto Fair I ranch of war activity loWian be seen in today will he per per ton do 23 00 have been rusticating her parents Mr and Mrs Sid for a wnks have retumed to home in Buffalo o a LIVE MARKET prices In this week were Beef Cattle Milkers Calves Lambs lions off cars paid in 10 1110 ft I ft Rough on Rats clears lints Mice etc and lake there Will he bridge and sheltered building armor- l91 cars hospital Held um- bush SI Co with stretcher hearer Barley- per bush sections Held dressing Oats per 0 held bakeries and cookeries Per bush 00 munition columns bomb throw- ay per ton 15 00 rs signal corps observation Butter per ft- 0 30 etc The camp will be Chickens jer lb 35 by several hundred officers Potatoes old per and men now training for over- Potatoes new per bag 250 seas service at Niagara and other Ducks per for the infantry cavalry artillery units On the eastern Russia Stores The Province of Ontario wilt give for machine guns for Canadians at the front and The smaller an estate the fewer up to- aid recruiting wont Ontario Government ap- Frorii eighty to one hundred pointed a Commission to consider the Die in Ihe thousand lives have been lost In Iho of oie in Ontario Hoods in the vicinity Canton which is now done the States china I l0 absent friends j i i r

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