J SB 313 v t iV 5I- v- WE HAVE The EQUIPMENT MO KNOWLEDGE To Test Ynnr Eyes By the Most and Scientific method TC Watson Phone 112 for Appointment Aa a VMM rr We ST IS m ft WR Paper copies eiohweekCiVculaiioh during V JACKSON Editor and Propria JACKSON j received various districts in the Province samples diseased young I with requests for- information regarding the riPAiii nature cause and cure j the disease DETROIT VAPOR BURN OIL OR THE 8TOVE YOU WANT Like a City Gas ARE YOU JONES NEIGHBOR Mrs Jones complained to her neighbor about the high cost of living Her neighbor said I reduced my expenses and at the same time I live much happier simply by buying the DetroitVapor Stove the kind that works like gas you simply lHil the burner and it is ready to cook on You have a hot smokeless fire the moment it is lighted is cheaper than wood or coal and the freedom from dirt dust and ashes has kept my house cleaner My cooking arid baking is done just right which makes it so appetizing at every meal I believe I save from to every year just by having this stove This stove costs much less than a kitchen range Needs no pipes Can be placed in any part of the kitchen We invite vou to see this stove in our store and we will also give you a book more fullv describing this splendid stove the Walker Brothers garage here noon The origin of the except that place beneath the office and We had just previously same disease the potato or blocks crops both Beach a native grounds and in tie general crop who the lirms potatoes on the farm As thel when disease appears to be wide occurred raised the spread this season we hive deemed everything and it advisable to issue a circular letter J s she could not escape respecting it Miss Beach Was well liked by every- rot potatoes is and was quiet bacterial disease ground where is nearly always potatoes having been used for plants ing As long as affected seed po tatoes a kept dry the disease will not spread but as soon as hey be come moist the soft rot develops as the bacteria which cause it have then a chance to develop rapidly An seed pptatoe in which the dis eased has been checked by out made 35 for the Red the other day by selling Miss Marian Nelson picked from garden A tag day for the Jewish people suffering in the war was by the Toronto Board of Police sioners and the of Jewish Societies which made the has passed a resolution expressing in dignation at what they regard as par tiality oh the part of the Mayor Church and Property Com missioner have recommend ed grants amounting to lor lo- regiments to assist recruiting for park music and for athletic outfits for the soldiers at Niagara A determination to make a Show of wealth is tbo weakness of some women Last week fa the Womens Court Mary Henderson was sent to jail for days for stealing a ring from Simpsons store Two other women Alice and Mary en will have thrown brown or go to a jury charges o secn managed to teach safety He rushed Donald Tregenia a liveryman reached the office by way of a win dow and made heroic efforts to save the girl but had to abandon her to reach safety as the fire was gaining great headway severely burned about the hands and lace but is out of danger George j an- apprentice was severely blackish i about the hands and face but that the war in Europe was not pie entire cause of- the business the efforts of which the people in the coast province- are recovering business from Vancouver advance the opinion that specula tions of the boom period in real es tate account for the greater portion of their troubles They add that the Mr J- Woodcock is now running the Railroad Hotel in Mrs Bishop has a large stock of greenhouse for sale Mr J Gordon 0 had his stripped of thisv weeJCa last Wednesday night A well has tfeen sunk by Mr Bishop J 1 E A r iTA t Ha r H In Be 14 J JS f3 jVfi European has had the effect for a water supply erecting th6 of complicating conditions of Iratie building for Mr Lukes but contend that the showing down near the ft- depot of provincial commerce may justly St be attributed to the economies Brit- 1 night last some person ish Columbians were forced- to in Persons entered the blacksmith order td meet the payments for the shop of Mr H Lundy Aurora and real estate they had purchased- long I wantonly cut destroyed too before the obtaining a bellows prompt and excessive profit But During the present year of- 1865 the it also seems from the reports ng ine Ilie days of discipline have result- levies the aim 615040 in the formation of a new per spective towards business generally and the revival The Place to Buy Good Paints and Varnishes for Every Purpose PHONE 28 NEWMARKET INCORPORATED ofTORONTO Capital and Reserved 176578 When You Travel Take money with you In the form of Bank of Toronto Travellers Cheques or Letters of Credit are absolutely safe and suffi cient sad are a protection against loss by theft fire or other misadventure Their Obtainable from any Branch of the Bank of Toronto- 117 Branches in Ontar BRANCH Quebec and the West A LISTER Manager SEED S6RN All the leading varieties from per bushel up also Mangel and Turnip Seed Are you satisfied with your L Then Leave Us Your Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Leave Your Order With Us Now for the Best Coal In the Market Every Ton Screened W H EVES by Phone 22 Nelson Mil lor or Carters Hen Manning Ho yd or Walter Newton NO OF ALL LATH I i POST ETC ALSO DOORS 1 MOULDINGS Our Inside Trim thew Through Our and After It la Put Up AND TRIM Will Not NEWMARKET shoplifting the jewellery depart ment of the same store Col J A who recently re turned the front makes the statement that the Ontario Govern ments gift of machine guns to the Canadian overseas force will double the fighting strength of Ihe troops now at the Another opium joint got a quietus last week Charlie Hong a Chinese was fined for running the joint at Kim Street and notwithstand ing- the earnest pleading of his coun sel for clemency the Magistrate re fused to lessen the A giving as her place of residence was arrested fast week charged with the theft of five rings from the Simpson The Co of this City a notice in their establishment that any of their enlisting for Canadian overseas service will have his position left for him and will be given hallpay by the company while on duty Thats busi ness serving King and country Roy Lowndes the fast swimmer winner of Innumerable prizes is now Lieut Hoy Lowndes and has joined his corps at Niagara On the of August fifty Italians will leave foront for New York and next will embank tor Italy is said these men will form the ad vance guard of further parties whose transportation the Italian Vice Coun sel has secured They go to join the Italian forces against Austria The British War Office is loaning to the Toronto National Inhibition Hoard a captured German gun only one of hundreds that is the construction of which for the Government has been begun at the Curtis works at avenue are to mount engines of p which will make them ex- ceptlonaUy fast A speed over miles an hour Is expected from them Mr Thos Gibson Deputy Minister of Mines for Ontario Is Secretary of the new Commis sion It seems almost like a miracle that after receiving electric shock of volts and falling twenty feet in an unconscious condition Alfred was resuscitated He was working on the switching tower of the Toronto Tower Co near Wetland when received the shock On Thursday of last week Alan Dean of Toronto mistaking a bottle of liniment for a bottle of cough medicine a dose and died the ambulance while being led to the Hospital The Ancient Foresters gala at Death was a grand success The games and races were really en joyable On Thursday of last week Lieut- Governor Sir John of On tario was the guest Sir Adam Deck and he was taken over the London and Port Stanley Hallway a distance of miles in 4 minutes During the past week Toihnto had distinguished visitor In- the person of General who in the days of the American Rebellion Was head of the Southern Confederacy and who In was held In Toron to fail for breach of Great Britain by raising an armed force in Canada Gen Young came to Toronto the other day to visit Old friend Col J who went his bail In 1805 Out of men exiled after the war it Is said Gen Young the only one now alive Mistaken for a thicken thief Wil liam a former Toronto boy retired of the Sun light Soap Works was accidentally shot by a neighbor In Victoria on- Monday night July He received a wound that proved fatal despite the best medical skill Teinrerance leaders of Ontario en tertain the notion that Ontario would go dry If the voters bad a chance Only one of the hotelmen orglnally cited In connection the Sale of liquor to young girls has been ab solutely exonerated and judgment af fecting the others will be given short ly was on cutting The rot ma be present to General in varying degrees but as it has ta dried out it may took like a dry rot J When such affected potatoes are re ed the moist conditions in the which are necessary for growth are The citizens of and the men worked nobly to check the Names and in an effort to rescue the girl J Raymond who assisting in for general purposes and for Public and High School grants appears of a- to bo imminent will find a people without illusions and with a more Compare this with Intelligently directed courage wait- of today ilig take of its opporl- On Sunday evening last the bam and i Irwin- Loss It was thought the fire was of origin These reports to the and are supplementary to those pub- Airrr- a lislied in connection with the survey a bUrned of trade conditions in Canada which conducted by I favorable for the further development of the disease Some the eyes of the will send up their but these are usually weak and spind ly As the disease continues to rot the seed tuber it enters the young under a falling wall and bad his shoulder dislocated and his hack sprained but will recover The fire men labored under difficult conditions as the debris was piled up and wedg ed so that it made their work slow shoots and rapidly passes upwaiu causing the stems- to blacken rot aIso enough gasoline sunk near the surface of the ground then them to blow the top wilts and topples over the block to atoms Spraying of this kind is no and There were automobiles in use with The treat ment is preventive rather than cura tive As pointed out above the dis ease develops in the first place from affected seed tubers Hut when once it Is established in a crop it may be spread from the diseased plants to neighboring healthy plants by the cultivator hoe or other implement used getting contaminated by coming in contact with a rotting plant aid then with a Biting in sects as the potato hug also spread the disease to extent and it is only by spraying for these that spray- is in preventing the spread of the disease The crop should be carefully in spected and every plant that is found to bo rotting should he dug out and either burned or buried in quick lime When harvesting the any luherthat shows any signs of the dis ease shkuld be placed on one side and not- allowed to be stored with the main pile Should the disease not be far advanced in the tuber the part may be cut off and the rest used for food- If any of these affected Into the seed pile to be used the following year they will either rot during storage and cause those around them to rot also If they are not kept dry and if they are kept dry the disease will checked until they are planted they will rot and destroy the plant that springs from them garage at were saved the time and only be tas two was Columbia the worst feels commercially of Ihe war over seas have been experienced by the men engaged in the lumbering in dustry The demand for building from the in the Prairie off sharply al most immediately after the outbreak of hostilities and hasnot yet re turned its former volume This undoubtedly adversely affected a number of smaller operators or 25 YEARS MO From Bra Kyle July 31 Cm duly Key 1 A of Albany son of Rev Hainer least those enterprises lacking ado- married Miss Bertha of hacking but the larger con cerns which wore well have been able lo easily weather the re adjustment period At present it would appear that the mills in Brit ish Columbia would be doing a much larger business if ships were avail- able to move the product to A shortage of bottoms as a matter of fact appears to bo Portsmouth New Hampshire In Newmarket on July Oliver Kelly passe away aged years Edward died at Victoria on July aged 33 years of Street tip ped the beam on the market last s I hut practically miles of rail way lines were constructed in since is in a report prepared by the provincial de partment of railways at In ten years time the railway mileage in the province has been almost qua drupled The report points out that In In a journey across the plains entrance to Saskatchewan by rail from the west might have made at seven different points and exit to the west at two different points Today entrance the east may he made at d I- points and exit to the west at eight different points Whilst rail way extension work has been pushed In all directions the greatest develop ment has been notably along lines Indicating the general dir ection traffic has taken in Its Way to available markets The report points activity of Saskatchewan farms dur the last decade necessitated ad ditional branch lines to bring the farmer within such distance trans portation facilities as would permit of the profitable pursuit ol his call ing and the branches required by the companies themselves to serve as feeders to the trunk lines Measured In terms of acreage the possibilities suggested by this 9 I A Study In Soil Cultivation An exceptionally valuable Bulle tin those interested in soil culture Is No field Husbandry Sum mary of Results issued by the Div ision of Field Husbandry of the Farms and that can he had by application to the Pub lications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa Reports are given of work carried on central and branch farms and The great value These experiments cover a period of cloven years and the results with advice founded thereupon are set forth in Bulletin according to years Following are a few of the benefits given as derived from a a judicious system of rota tion I The appearance he form is improved Every flold receiving regul ar intervals fair share of manure and cultural treatment he entire farm is in a condition to ensure a maximum yield Cost is lowered by the saving of time due to all the work of a kind being confined to one Held fences Machinery can he more economically utilized IS More live stock can he kept thus I tier ens life the quantity or available manure Profile ami yields are increased y The farmer is not dependent upon a single crop Permits of a more even distri bution of seasons labour Following details of he rotations lint are outlined is a summary of Hie common to all J Holds are always seed ed down Willi clover even though if be used only as a fertilizer Grass arid clover are heavy of hay and lime failures of a catch have just ified hem Hoed crops form a large pro portion of every rotation An lo farm a small area without a hoed crop was not successful Weeds could nut readily be kepi ill clfeokr- No Held is left in bay fur more I ban two successive years The records shows hat he second crop almost always more per Ion than he and hat succeeding crops are liable to lie grown a loss Barnyard manure is proferably frequently in comparatively small quantities rather than at long intervals in large quantities required and deriva ble are explained along with the values of- fer tilizers mid the relative virtues of deep and shallow ploughing Due regard to weather conditions ami to varieties of soil make the Bulletin of national Importance and one worthy of close study and wide inquiry London duly Kemp leader of a of Boer- rebels In the South Republic who with his troops surrendered to the British forces early in February been sentenced to serve seven years in prison a to Pav a line of 1000 he chief handicap While prices Saturday at lbs have eased off somewhat- the shrink- 1 Sunday a dozen bicycles and age has been taken up possibly three bus loads he for than taken up by and what a manufacturer describes more tractable labour A remedy Mc Richardson has just com- the price trouble is being sought pleted the contract ol Mr Gardners In plans for the organizing of now house on Prospect Ave selling agency similar to that j Canes factory is now lit through- operating in Hie Slate Of Washing- electricity their own The bill men on the coast say that dynamo There are arc lights and slocks of lumber all over Ihe world a number incandescent The badly in need of new supplies is working till every night If from he conlldence engendered by he harvesting of a good crop veiling hid building regimes its former activity tiim ii id Hie sels are able veloped markets hi Great Britain ones us former Provinces and yes- verv successful meeting In the to clear newly lie- Hall St last Saturday i PROGRESS the West Indies and the American Atlantic Coast States they expect a business which will tax all their available facilities In the mean- It is truism that the of lime it is shown that one mill in places of the next So rapid is the Vancouver is working overtime en 0 lhp rapid T lumber men are in daily expectation incredible before they of orders for large quantities of were found possible became first building materials for luxuries and then the necessities lion in EUropo There are evidences lhings great the construction of aeroplanes and railway systems and ocean liners several small supplies have been de- telegraph- and telephone electric lighting and power automobiles and The credit situation in the wonderful surgical acicents and have been well met when conditions an Inexhaustible list other considered Lumbermen re- are the- products a WMW1WW tew years The The weaker dealers are- the applied science not the market to any extent and i Hie stronger are able to demands made upon them Export worlds history more remarkable for lumber is sold on a basis of cash on literature and philosophy but la- delivery which make tor the Department of Agriculture for British Columbia reports by wire and as we that the agricultural situation is bad sad reason to for Its encouraging and that comfort destruction the prtscnt weather conditions are favourable is unparalleled The record seven- for Increases are reported is truly and yet after reaching what has been JA fronts of poultry raising have been rtonc probably the most owing to Hie a in I here has reduced high price of been satisfactory increase in dairy ing lu small fruits there is a fair crop The selling organizations have been improved and prices have been excellent so far Truck farm ing Is increasing and the British Columbia produce is largely displac ing imports from the United States The prices for beef pork and mill ion are good and likely to so con tinue There is in crease In hog raising The estab lishment of public markets is prov ing very satisfactory and is reduc ing Ihe cost of living Unskilled labor at low prices Is plentiful skilled labour is dillleult lo obtain and fairly good prices lire paid The report adds that- lit tle grain will be imported from lie persistent thought is If so has been ac in the threescore and ten years the span only one life what will be measure future human attainments grain evinces this year on cuoiint of the larger area sown The tendency appears to be for city peo ple exchange own properties Tor farm lands and many appear be anxious to leave the town and en gage in agricultural work A largo Increase production Is locked for in the next few years This Is not a time for profit but Mc- here today when George Kenna a retired farmer aged sixty- J July K- train or Toronto He W me from Constant- was walking along the tracks conce the action of the Tannery and not submarine which bombarded her son station near station building and train In the station loaded with wheat were des troyed The submarine then bombard- eel Turkish ammunition works at caused several It is realized In Turkish circles that command of the in- net was and the Sea has hay miles and fixing the distance on each side of the lino or profitable farming at ten miles a total Increase of area has been made available for occupation under condi tions of advantage amounting to al most acres not more than onefourth of this Is as yet under cultivation but the re port Indicates each year will see more this area tilled and with even only twothirds of it producing prospects for a very large volume ol for the lines already built can bo readily foreseen warning whistle of the locomotive CAST For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always bear of lost to and ought to use occasionally a proper remedy for the headache backache languor nervousness and depress ion to which she may bo subject Theso troubles and others are symptoms of debil ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation J are at once safe certain and convenient They clear the system and purify the blood They ox a general tonic effect and Insure good health and strength that all the bodily organs do their natural work without causing uttering woman of the thousands who have tried them knows that Beehams Pills act To Certain Advantage Worth ftulm m Box kind a ARCHIVES OF TORONTO -KEKJ-