Newmarket Era , July 30, 1915, p. 8

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tss P6 vi5 r US Wf I J i b 7 WffU I By II JIM I P v Way Sept Tells Hew Tl On Oct 1st I have lived in this city for more tfnn years and am well known suffered from Rheumatism especially fa my hands I spent a Sot of money without any good results I taken Fruitstives for months now and am pleased to tell you that lam well All the enlargement has not left my hands and perhaps never will but the soreness is all gone and I can do any kind of work I hare gained pounds in eighteen months a box 6 for trial site At all dealers or direct from limited Ottawa i is A Too tot last Week Mr Seneca has sold his farm town Sir Geo Hill The price paid is have been Max Ballard opera- ppesdidUss at his tome here last week and is getting along nicely A number from here took la the great Lennox picnic at Point on Messrs J A and Joseph Ballard each lost last week 2 BRICK BUNGAL0W8 For Sale or To Rent On Grace St Newmarket- Im mediate possession Apply to Geo Barker Box 343 Newmarket BRADFORD Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good table and cistern Enquire of YAWMAN Grace St- Newmarket A charge of stealing from Lukes store at Bradford against Foster was investigated be fore Judge Vance on Thursday Mr Plaxton Toronto acted as counsel for the accused and succeeded In convincing the Judge of the of his client the charge was dismissed Witness About halfpast six on Saturday evening fire broke out in ope of the rooms Angers store but fortunately smoke was noticed before- it had made any headway and no damage was done The lire originated in some unknown manner in a box of rubbish The fire bell was rung but it was not found necessary to use the engine the burn- TT- McG 9 r JVTli i w- fff v- i J ssaEfiasosss r A- v -j- r 5 v 1fS j i Red- Jrk from or top tad we bock of SO ty V- i as winid v Sugar Refineries Limited i t t I A CHANGE into Canada United States of Sheep for slaughterl- 1913 211623 131931 head of wool into Canada W13 GOAL RESIDUALS Germany has been the largest producer in the world of byproducts and gas works these Here is a thaV might open atries have become even more the eyes of anyone The facts here since the outbreak of the 8586622 Us stated are on the authority of the Germany such ie Attorney General of Kansas City aria tar oil replace census sheep Canada Kansas the importation of which has ceased shearing in the o about While the state of Kansas has had sulphate ammoniais taking pounds wool prohibition law for over thirty the place Chili to be bet represents but a small measure of FARMS WANTED- I can sell your farm have good clients ready to buy Send full particulars to Ground St Toronto 3mlS STORE AND HOUSE TO LET years there were a number and towns that resisted the law and of explosives in sheep adopted system of monthly fines To obtain sufficient byproducts the its boundless areas of un- amounted to as much as the production has been increased developed land why should Canada ov v- license fee ami these Was Kan- The German buildings and be under the necessity of importing ing stuff being all carried out by Right across the river was Kansas use coke together with fuel of sheep can undoubtedly be raised with these kinds and orders Seen issued profit not only in- connection with hand City Missouri and between these two cities there was Mr Fred Skinner is greatly rivalry proving the appearance of recovered are naphthalene impossible by giving his new bouse iSSSSLk amnJa and- in the I The sheep is a an- aod storeroom fresh coat of paint side of the This of gas also benzol malProducihg wool and muttm i K Mr A M Armstrongs sevenpassenger touring car new t i TAR nmriuced from coal 2 The expenditure is small- which consternation among business lA me- rar On Main three doors was on Saturday is one Je that of eoutli of King George Hotel Good stand for business House seven rooms with all conveniences Apply to TO RENT Park two Good House- corner of and Avenues also Building Lots for sale on and Lome Avenues also Mrs ter Toronto or to Newmarket the finest that goes through the town- Mr Walker returned to his home in Toronto on Saturday spending a couple of weeks with his Mr and Mrs Leonard Mr Jos Kitchen received the sad news on Saturday night that his brotherinlaw had been killed in Mexico I Pat two FOR SALE 30 Acre Farm valuable farm- in land containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some Umber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write Armstrong Newmarket PO One medium flat top Desk with drawers and large right pede stal for books small chairs large handles small table Bookcase with 10 shelves small Ga bine Ik i Wall Mirror over feet Shelv ing Linoleum on floor etc Fur ther particulars apply Mrs Armstrongs Hank of Toronto Building WE HAVE FOR SALE A desirable properly situated Mr on Ave A largWjrcdJ NaUra8S A sad accident occurred on Sunday night at the Methodist church As a young lady was out of a buggy the horse jumped and she fell hitting her head on the step She was immediately to her friends in She did not rea consciousness until the next day No more dust now Our new water tank arrived on night we hope it will be made use of The operation which Mr Edward Morris underwent on Friday was suc cessful and he is improving nicely Mrs returned home Thurs day after spending a couple of weeks with friends in Aurora and Kettleby Mr Newmarket friends town recently We a pleased report Mrs Or a to be around Mrs Newmarket spent a day recently with her sister Miss Walton Berrypicking is the order of the day The local pickers report ber ries plentiful Mr gas is one of the chief residuals It farmer can well u- Hhe business would most important application vestment of the necessary capital side of the river A and in- Sheep City of aniline colour production dif- Rapid Politicians hankers Lowers colours and shades are the clip and the lanu and P ffl chants and hers called on the At d tar and after a L Rxpensive buildings are by no certain temperature has been reached means necessary A warm lambing waterlike oil is secured This oil pen required but for the aged forms the base of all the beautiful sheep a sheltered shed to protect coaltar colours them from the winter winds is Carbolic acid naphthaline an- sufficient torher General to persuade him to drop a project which they felt sure would ruin that part of the their arguments were very Attorney General listened hut informed them that with all conveniences- alt in first class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box Newmarket Away motored over frotn Kettleby aid spent Thursday evening with In Town Mr and Mrs Lyon and family motored to Newmarket on Saturday Miss Smiley of Is with Mr and Mrs Wesley Brown Mr- and Mrs Clarke and Mr Irwin motored to on Friday lb THE IDEAL VACATION ROUTE The Canadian Pacific conveni ently leaches Point An French and Pickerel Rivers Sev ern Lakes Kawar- Lakes Lakes Lake Ontario Resorts etc If yon con- loinplale a trip of any Canadian Pacific Ticket fin Land Value to the man who Wants a Farm acres of good laud some choice clay This Farm has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern Stables together or Murphy was there to enforce the law and benzol are also pro- Weed destruction represents he intended to do his like and each of other asset Sheep will eat and The- went away an and tucn Produces a long series relish almost- every class weed angry lot of men of other products a Sheep admittedly improve soil A year later Mr Jackson was an- valuable colouring matter which fertility Their is rich and pointed Attorney General and it was forms the base of artificial indigo distributed rumored that he would not enforce produce by treating anthracene j at certain seasons of the the law Soon a deputation of the In Germany exported coal- year less time and attention need be Same men as bad called on Attorney tar worth over upon the care of sheep than General Coleman called on Mr Jack- equivalent to 10 cent of the in case of almost any other am- son but they came on a dinerent mineral production Canada without thereby endangering They said For the same year the gross cesstul- results sake dont let th rotten order of of byproducts estimating dyestull things return to City lor it etc in the form of crude ft was as prosperous as now products wasted by beehive J Cases like the above make one coke in the Cnitcd States As the door opened Judith spoke wonder why business men dont con- amounted to over It is from the depths of the sofa pillow to that is such suppose they who first calied on Attorney Stales W J Coleman that prohibition would iure business What a mistake they are business men dont con- to over me uopins tin bum pi now rive out the drink profile that the loss in Canada die l You might just as well go away an injury to business I of such o is greater Betty Brandon Cm blue as indigo hey think like lh men 1 Proportion than that ol Inited and I want to be blue and Intend to on Attornev General StalcsW I be blue long as want to So you re just wasting your time Agent Toronto Other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also then come down to New market and we will satisfy you as to We must wind up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for tun years with a small deposit down You act quick in his matter or chance milt East of Ml Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy WHAT THE OLD MAN Farm of North This farm lias plenty of Water These me the days when old Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to School or Churcb also Metropolitan Sta tion at M Chinese Perished July Latest reports from the Hood district in southeast ern China indicate that more 173000 persons have perished rains arc falling again and the rivers in Kwangsi and provinces are over their banks once more More than sixty native villages swept away The only Way getting food to the stricken district is by and this method is so slow that thousands arc starving to death SOME GOOD If you have dandruff get rid of it by killing the germs If your hair is falling out atop it There is one sure cure that will remedy these misfortunes and aid you to remain young PARISIAN SAOR the great hair re- fttorcr is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks or will give you money hack PARISIAN stops falling hair it prevents the hair from faJing It is the be for ladies hair as it makes lifeless hair fluffy soft and beautiful PARISIAN SAOP- is rigidly guar anteed cents a large J PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket Out Prohibition is in the ascendency There are now in Ontario 535 dry municipalities out of a total of I I know Judith returned be blue as long an to youre just wasting your time Bettys small chin lifted You know I never take a dare she re torted In the Province lf this war not only is the possibility votes for women going to disappear but also votes for men will be a thing the Mrs Children FOR FLETCHERS I A fingers laced across hCr eyes your whole sermon I can preach it just as well as you can Ive got health and home and and some tal ents and a comfortable amount money therefore Its wicked of me to be blue no matter how much I want to Thats a luxury permitted only to the poor and the sick and lonely Well but suppose that hap pens to be the particular luxury I want I dont see that that makes any difference The poor may want money and the sick health Why should be all the luxuries Besides Summer Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto Z am daily for Lakes pillows daily except Sunday for Lake Jennie Green I Hetty Id Park gotten her entirely cant gonot awan and Jimagarni Lake this way Ill order her some roses points the loveliest she ever saw am except Sunday for Hut Jennie happens to like you I Georgian of Hays and better than roses- River Us I Judith repeated One 1201 pm daily except Sunday for cant get over blues in a moment MuskokaLakes Lake of Hays and even you couldnt Hetty Brandon i Algonquin Park I can In an shall Where are your wraps hurry STEAMSHIP EXPRESS centrc ft P Lome Ave Estate Co Newmarket YEARS Trade Distant ftssmBBftfeorsKSls Mum Ox Maim matt i to friends swimming hole Id doing a landoffice business hut best of all it makes memories for later years when grown ups would give their last dollar just one thrill of the joys that from forbidden plunges Into the deep pool which solicitous mothers had them There is always a charm and fascination about the for bidden and not the least lure of the old swimming hole came from fact that- it held challenging dan ger To tbh spot of Joy with out the know ledge of meddling par ents was a feat of trategy In n and to explain satisfac torily the possession of damp hale and other marks of unwonted liberal education in di plomacy The man who cannot re member the occasion his shirt was tied In hard wet knots while a cold brink breeze sweeping along the river bank and party of giggling girl were corning around the bend well he is to be pitted for- never having known the real and boy life Sailing Weeks Steamers leave Port MoNlooll Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays for MARIE PORT AR THUR and FORT WILLIAM Steamer Manitoba from Port McNfcoll Wednesdays palls at Owen Hound 1030 pm STEAMSHIP EXPRE88 leaves Toronto pm daily except Friday making direct connection with steamers at on sailing days AT LOW EXPOSITIONS Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or writs Mi Murphy District Passenger Agent Cor King and Toronto Afjsnt Toronto 1115 am small whirlwind Her hat coat i Arrives Wharf pm herself Knell Monday Wednesday and breathless being raced down Saturday connecting with lnc aV by small and rosy and palatial steamships person beside her Port Arthur Port William and and at Why arent we taking cars or a cab she gasped Fort William with Because blues be cabbed on way for Winnipeg and points in can run away them if Western Canada Coaches I voU enough Bet ty respond iorLihraryCafo and Parlor-Lib- curs theres something Ive been longing 10 and Wharf Further ever since I discovered particulars on application to lt Trunk Ticket Agents picture store where Depot Agent the Phone able little pup laughed slyly J Judiths keen sense of humor was Phone Agent betrayershe could not help a chuckle Hetty nodded with IS HEREBY GIVEN able to think of you plunge ln- she declared w roses Judith the roses married woman will apply to tic 0 to take to Jennie Parliament of Canada tUie Meekly Judith followed Hetty next session thereof for a Hill of etching her choose the flowers smil ed happily to Divorce from her husband Ar thur Jackson of the City of To- In the County of York to Jennie was gone Ill leave the rest of she said and she Province of Ontario on the grounds of adultery and and the roses went onin DATED at Toronto this day Presently of A NORA LOUISE JACKSON By her Solicitors A M the voice Adelaide West Toronto pried Oh please corre a now Presently they left the jcar for a shabby house and climbed three nights of stairs A thin eager voice bade them enter 9mmsmsmm3 TERM8 STRICTLY CA8H STR Phone Grandfather got an individual Ye Olde Sugar LoafemacJe by John Redpathin what was then Canadas only Sugar Refinery Now at less than half the his granddaughter gets a much improved article also individual Carton of Today Extra Granulated Sugar in Sealed Cartons and Cloth Bags 2lb and 20 and lb Canadas Favorite Sugar for three Generations CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO LIMITED 128 if you feel bilious headachy and irritable for thats a sign your liver Is out of order Your food la not digesting It stays in the stomach a fermented mass poisoning the system Just take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets they make the liver do work they cleanse and sweeten lone the whole feel Jin In the At all drugget or by mail ChamberUln Medicine Company Toronto 1 J MAIN SOUTH Tf ON NOW EXCELLENT BARGAINS CAN BE AT OUR SALE COME AND IN8PEOT OUR YOU WILL SOMETHING YOU NEED 3 South of Klnfl Qoorgo Hotel Main Streot by roses- although there jwere tears in Judiths eyes the cure was c6mpiete counts except to save pa i Ask Tor TORS will be seat MARION i The sentence never was fiatshcd ex- the isf j ci K

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