KNOWLEDGE Test Eyes the Most and Scientific Watson for Appointment The Leading County Paper as as the Oldest copies each week Circulation during i I fi JACKSON Editor and Proprietor inn I Vol JACKSON AssistantEditor NEWMARKET Single Copies fc pap No 3 cents each tV WITH ft in DETROIT VAPOR BURN OIL Oft JU8T THE OTOVE YOU WANT UK a City tiftTttovtw ARE YOU MR8 NEIGHBOR Mrs Jones complained to her neighbor about the high cost of living Her neighbor said I reduced my expenses and at the same time I live much happier simply by the DetroitVapor Stove the kind that works like gas you simply light the burner and it is ready to cook on You have a hot smokeless fire the moment it is lighted is cheaper than wood or coal and the freedom from dirt dust and ashes has kept my house cleaner My cooking and baking is done just right which makes it so appetizing at every meal I believe I save from to every year just by having this stove This stove costs much less than a kitchen range Needs ho pipes Can be placed in any part of the kitchen Wo invite you to see this stove in our store and we will also give you a book more fully describing this splendid stove The Place to Buy Good Paints and Varnishes for Every Purpose PHONE End Lumber Yard 223 KM Ml BRICK J T LATH HI HOLES P PEARSON Order from Carter Bishop John E Murphyj Office Phone The INCORPORATED Capital atd Referred Funds Making Prosperity Sure Future prosperity fa a matter of thrift Every or woman who earns money can should have a Savings Ao- into saved can be put readily Tea Bank of Toronto receives de- of and upwards Interest Is added to balances halfyearly cm Daily Balance 117 in Ontario Quebec and the NEWMARKET BRANCH AM LISTER Manager All the leading varieties from per bushel up also Mangel and Turnip Are you satisfied with your Then Leave Us Your Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Leave Your Order With Us Nov for the Best Coal in the Market Every Ton W H EVES Order Miller or Carters Hon Manning Iloyd or Waller Newton OK ALL KIMiS LUMBER LATH ETC ALSO- DO OR 8 U L I AND TBI Our Inside Trim Put Through Our Drykllns and Will Not 8hrlnk After It It Up NEWMARKET During last week employes of the Eaton Corresponded to Kit cheners appeal for discarded razors for the use of soldiers at the front lip to Friday last over liave been collected Other Arms have added the collection this week New potatoes were selling At and per peck on the market last Saturday and green corn at a dozen On the 29th ull men left the city for Niagara Camp by the Coron men were from the district of Sudbury and Owen Sound Sudbury lads had with then a cubbear which they will try to take lo the front them Plans for the construction of the new pedestrian subway under the tracks at Ave will shortly be submitted to the Do minion Railway Board for ap proval estimated cost is After an absence of about four months from his office through illness Hon H Hearst Pre mier of Ontario on Thursday of last week was again at his of fice and also presided at a Coun cil meeting The robber of a church in the person of John Brown alias who is regarded in police circles as a professional loafer was sentenced to months in the Ontario Reformatory at for stealing a silver communion service and collection plates from High Park Presbyterian Church He broke a fanlight in order to enter the premises Give us a chance to enlist Our King and our country need us pleaded Dunning and Martin Crowe When they appear ed on a charge of stealing a num ber of cases of lager from Brewing Company But their burst of loyalty came too late for Magistrate Kingsford who sent them both to jail for days Word has been received at the Department of Education that the Separate School Board at Ottawa had handed over all moneys and books to the new Separate School Commission boiling over of a pot of varnish at the Canadian Oil Works foot of Ave re sulted in a Si fire The arbitrators have awarded the Toronto Burying Ground Trust Co the sum of for the expropriation of a right of way feet wide through the cemetery for the extension of Ml Pleasant road This will pro vide civic street car line to North Toronto to compete with the Metropolitan Railway Co A large number of local He brews have their wil lingness to be taxed 10 cents a week for the relief fund for their countrymen in stricken Poland The Ontario License Hoard will see that orders given by military authorities regarding the sale of liquor to soldiers are carried out Chairman intimated last week that who sold in toxicants to soldiers in defiance of orders would he liable lo have I heir licenses cancelled About one dozen Italians from reached Toronto last week and will leave here on Adj for Italy with a company of fifty local reservists Military men say that the Horse have been or dered to recruit to men Five thousand dollars has been paid within the last few days the wife of a victim of disaster who had purchased an accident policy for the extent of was dons in down of a frame grocery store at the cor ner Kitchener and Avenues last week Thai tin- end of the summer season will ace the of tlie jitneys is the prediction Of of he drivers- The high colt of maintaining he Jitneys is fore Ing them out of business already The Toronto Association has failed Th Independent Jit Association is operating and has over a hundred ears a patriotic meeting held last night under the auspices of the Citizens League III Victoria Hal Magistrate delivered a patriotic address in support of a resolution favoring three years compulsory military training for every Cana dian man from to years of age There was a big rally on Satur day when veterans of and wilh grey hairs and halt ing steps but all with erect figure and breasts decorated medals marched again to the strains of martial music They were as sisting the recruiting officers of the York Hangers at the Pat riotic rally at Park Nearly people were present In consequence of the alleged improper Interference of the po lice there was quite a serious riot a lacrosse at Square on Saturdays By Carroll Watson Rankin It is precisely as I feared Ade laide- said the girls uncle ris ing somewhat wearily from the papers be had been sorting on the table When all the bills are paid have just exactly nothing I suppose you should be thankful that your father left you free from debt Of course as Im Situated I shall get along splendidly returned Adelaide with com mendable pride and courage I am not afraid you neednt worry about me- Tin nineteen gold with in uncut diamonds all piled up British South Africa and no means to transport to England where it is bo badly needed that is the Jem that is facing the British govern ment The raw gold is accumulating la the South Africcan banks and the- problem is complicated at the rate of month by the necessity to guard this vast store of treasure from possible German at tack Belore hostilities began Was shipped fortnightly to London by CROP COMPETITION AWARDS through flgd I peg Rhodes of al least positions IhaC are a mine for the asking If cant earn a living any other way I can wash dishes for ray board O youll never- to do that returned Adelaides sole surviving relative seriously I know I shant I could earn two livings if Im glad youre so confident but if you shouldnt But I shall declared Ade laide her chin elevated her shoulders erect By this time tomorrow I shall be occupying a salaried position boarding with Mrs Hill and glorying in my in dependence Sure enough the morrow found Adelaide drawing maps in an important real estate office Never was there a more enthusu clerk never was realestate busjness studied so perseverin- never did novice learn so speedily Yet at the of eight weeks Adelaide who sincerely believed that her services had railroad has beta completed Even when it is the road will have no means communication to Europe save through Egypt and territory the possession of or claimed by key which is at war with Great Britain and her allies At the outbreak the conflict arrangement was made by which the mines in British South Africa were kept oren aud their gold delivered as produced to the local banks at Jo hannesburg and elsewhere and there assayed in bars and placed in the vaults The net result however so far as it concerns the hank of lanl is that the has more of reserve gold July 3i General satis faction is expressed at th awards made yesterday by Agricultural Society In with the crop competition held throughout York County last week The competitions were in fields of barley and the winners in the group are entitled to exhibit in the Cana dian National Exhibition farmers were very successful as following awards indicate Fred A Clarke Markhara Town ship James Bell Scarboro Palmer Frank Boyle King Township The fine 50 YEARS AGO J- From l Aug or any the gold immediate prospect of getting it all of the diamonds now stored in the South African vaults were dug before middle of last August for when the War began there was a general closing down of the mines This put out of employment Mr A Pouter has removed his drug store to the new brick buUding two doors south of Mr Hendersons book store on Main street Public School examination this afternoon and evening Parents and public invited McMurray of the Cana dian Alliance delivered a lecture in favor of prohibition of the 5 A Albert oa Jevening Veen man Mount Albert correspond tit of grain shown the Era for its editorial last week in favor of forth York into a county by itself or at least from Toronto The reunion under auspices of the MecbanicsMnstltute last Friday night a grand success Readings by Mr and music vocal In strumental filled up full program The Mechanics Institute of Toronto announce excursion from the City Belle thence by and retura next v it i OUR DUTY TO THE BLIND I m i From Vienna from Paris and from Montreal come reports of arrange ments that have been made for the assistance and instruction of soldiers blinded in the war The French re port states that a larger proportion of the combatants have been and will blind this war than in any previous war on account the difference In weapons and in the character of fighting Ontario has provided amply for the instruction of blind but has not been a leader in for ameliorating thel condition of the adult blind With the added claims of the soldiers who will come home from Europe sightless action in this matter can not be long delayed Our blind by rail to steamer to Monday 25 YEARS AGO From Era Aug 1st The Altar On the July by and- fellow citizens must not be the Smith of of Unusual benefit lo Gore hundreds of white men and was paid an extra sands of blacks and further monlhs salary aud dismissed trade stopping the importation But why she demanded in her surprise I really cant tell you stammered Mr I dont know exactly Mr Gore perhaps But the senior part ner likewise weakly waived the question suggesting that Mr might perhaps explain Adelaide secured another en- of mining materials and stores The war has also paralyzed South African feather export trade More than of this years feath ers are unplucked and the ostrich formerly the most pampered domes ticated bird in the world is now de spised and neglected Thousands have died from lack of food and at- ONLY HALF OPEN desirable position within a Motion and breeding has practically week ones first impression of ceased Adelaide was always favorable But in spite of untiring indus try place loo failed her at the end of the second month Again no reason was given again her employer was vague and polite but bis parting smile was slightly satirical The third place lasted just six weeks Mild easygoing Judge Whitney said with apparent re gret that he guessed Fie would be his own clerk for a while yes Misa Adelaide had done all and more in fact a great deal more than he hail asked Yes indeed A wise old Quaker told his son when he was going courting to keep his eyes wide open After his mar riage he altered this counsel and him keep them half shut There is nothing cynical In this advice though to the superficial thinker it may seem so Keenness of vision is blessing which may easily become a disad vantage A young housekeeper ac knowledged to an older one that in She was punctual industrious her own home she never had accurate clever If she needed letters call on him all means He wished all success but I more offices welcomed Adelaide Four more employers discovered very speedily that it was possible and decidedly more cprrffortabie lo exist without this clever enterprising young womans aid The morning after her polite dismissal from the city treasur ers office found Adelaide perch- a high stool in what was known as drays Store She was keeping books fur Thus Gray A Co This mercantile business of fifty years had been established by old Tims Gray now belonged in young Thomas Gray but young Tlnuims was fully sixty years of age and his ways were even more antiquated than his fathers had been lie thoroughly disliked he called now- ments peace Hardly had she seated herself after her mornings work was finished as she supposed when her attention would be attracted by something not quite Perhaps she would sec a speck of dust in the or discover that a picture on the wall was not hanging exactly- straight or that a piece o furniture needed to be set at a slight ly different angle She became weary and worried She no longer had time for outside work or tor recreation Her life was- wasting itself In the ef fort to have everything exactly as it should be In the home circle an overkeen vision is disastrous The proverb says that love is blind hut as a matter of fact love is frequently apt as blind as it needs to he There is no more uncomfortable member a family than the person who sees every little Haw in all the others It is true that blindness to our friends faults max he carried to an notions yet of absurd extent hut little of it is Ills unswerving honesty and kind- a wonderful help to home comfort he high in public There when we to People keep our eyes wide ocii In making when lie installed a hunkkeeper an decision which will have Its because Im a relic of Ibe strong influence on our past Confided Adelaide to her we need to see factor involved friend Hose Miller He went I or otherwise Hut after school with father so Im lucre- the dip Is cast it not ray to by connected with his own looking for Haws halfopen ration lie likes generation left to wear their lives in idle- jket at the residence of J ness and sorrow when timely aid ar Whitchurch Rev F and proper instruction can enable Missionary delegate to Turkey them to resume their places Useful to Miss of- White members community The On- Rose School for the blind at Brant- The Tomb At the Revere House is maintained for the education July Joseph Stiver of children whose sight is so defeo- aged years that they cannot be taught in At July public schools This Mr John years School Is not intended lor of Is and it cannot do what is required tot spending a few days with friends the class above referred to without Town reducing if not destroying its Miss Edith Toole who teaching as an instructor the young school near is home for fide residents of Ontario be- the ages of seven and twenty- j and family have one who cannot see to read ordinary to Jacksons Point this wee type without injury are admitted to Miss Toronto is visiting the school without charge of board a Mrs Dudleys tuition or Applications Mrs Randall and son of West To- be made to- the principal are visiting with Mrs in time to have all arrangements completed before the Mr and Mrs J P Helfry were opening of the season in September the of the Methodist Church at last week Mrs P and children of Aurora are spending a few days at The Bowery Mr left Town on Tues day for brillia and Lake ching where he intends to spend the next two weeks i I i i best but I intend to make a few changes when I gel my work going smoothly Why were way behind the limes I The firms on a splendid fooling finan cially but nobody would know it arc open widely enough and Son Drowned Richard was drowned In Deer Parry Sound on Sunday lo look at us Look at perch- with one of Mr sons Mr Appleby ed like a chimneysweep on this has been engaged in the lumber and high stool 1 1 dont suppose sawmill business at Parry Sound theres another like it in the On Sunday he was crossing Deer felate Lake which is miles from Parry a good place Just the Sound with two of his sons same said Whenever trolUng line out and hooded a want lo be sure of getting linen rnoskinonRe In endeavouring to land that is linen wool that wo- I or coffee that come here more showy places but you can depend on Grays Concluded on page is coffee I always Appleby went to There are lots of son For and Child In Use For bears of tho the boat was upset Mr the assistance hut became involved In line and both were drowned The- other hoy climbed up on the boat and drifted ashore The two bodies were recovered about tea hours after the accident Deceased was the youngest son Mrs Guy Appleby of Barrio and the bodies were taken to the Co town for burial A OF AUTHORS The youngest author Child The healthy author Hale The sickly author Haggard The oldest author Adams The farmers author Fields The author Hunt The dairymans author The warriors author Shakespeare The author Trench The jewelers author Goldsmith The chefs author Cooke Tle suburban author The domestic author Holmes The greedy author Hogg The woodland author Hawthorne The cunning author Fox The pontifical author The evasive author Dodge The groaning author Paine The blistering author Burns The aboriginal author Savage The refreshing author Brooks The breakfast author Bacon The dinner author Lamb The choristers author SUBMARINE EXPLOITS London It remains for the British navy lo furnish an un expected contribution to days news with sinking of a German destroyer off- the German toast by a submarine and a strange assortment of perform- by another British undersell boat operating on the Sea of Marmora This Craft not only crept elowi as launch torpedoes at lighters in the Horn presumably waiting munitions from the I hill with its irons bombard ed and for a lime tied up the rail way skirling the Asiatic coast Some people cast their bread upon laying a troop I rain and causing the waters expecting it to come back havoc among ammunition toasted Owing to Agriculture occupying such a prominent position on the curricula of Ontario every public school Inspector is to a two weeks course at the On tario Agricultural College at this summer Clarence the 18yearold son of James Dudgeon of Is likely to world famous by his genius and inventive ability For some time he has been working On an Invention by which the direction of a submerged or under craft could he detected at or 20 radius This he believes he discovered stores In addition the submar ine considerably damaged Turk ish shipping and sank one craft believed In be a gunboat The sinking of three British by German submarines was announced today I Bert a fourteenyearold boy who was spending holidays with friends in St Catharine was killed on Monday while riding on the handle bars of a bicycle by falling directly In front of a passing motor car I On Monday Sidney three or four year old daughter of I and the British Admiralty with Mr- Alex Sidney Trafalgar ran in whom he communfeated are now test- front of a mower and before the the invention The young in machine could be stopped her tor waits with hopeful expectancy ankles were- badly cut one foot being the which if as hoped tor inmost severed The parents were al- will German fare to nonentity submarin warn Thirty thousand American set tlers have entered Canada since I the outbreak of war Immigra tion to the Dominion from Great Britain and Europe has almost since August I j A J j London Out Aug Hey Thomas Nixon formerly Preshy- minister at Falls and Kamloops and of the bestknown clergymen in London West ern Ontario died this morning his home John street in his 50 year Two years ago the I a he Dr Nixon resigned the lornle of the Presbyterian Church at Hyde Park just west of this oily after eight years in that charge and accepted Kamloops Illness compelled him to resign thai pastorate af ter a year in the position and hi since resided here with drawing from active ministerial work He was a nativoof Bel fast Ireland most distracted when the little girl was taken to the Hamilton hospital to receive expert treatment so if possible she may have the use or loth feet The doctors hold out some bone of this and the community sympathizes with the paients Star should be ef from indi gestion biliousness or consti pation Known to be reliable and famous for their prompt and certain efficacy are I u Safe l a 1 l A Ml mi