Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1915, p. 5

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to Frank Duncan DENTIST B Terry ass la a c j V want to Weston last Saturday and came home happy mood They succeeded in defeating the leani by a score of to tad flaD to BUT or H Clark office almost opposite the Kins George Hotel ST Womens King East held regular meeting at the- at yesterday A number of ladies of the Newmarket Branch went down with the intention of the program Hartford has received the contract for cementing at the side ana in the- new post- office He also putting a retaining the back of the flee This- wall will have a guard railing of it and the wovk is completed will- make a great difference in the appearance of the office The work is to be commenced at once i- Boyd Dr J Graduate the in Medicine of To- auo member the Royal can England Colle assistant in lh St6 Newmarket lD Telephone ConHaliori Hours818 Good Practise The Hose Companies the Fire Brigade had the best practise for years on Thursday evening of last week Some 25 men turned out and gave the hose a thorough test Only one piece was found defect ive Complaint is in dungeon cells Governor Chamber s summer home 6n the IfeVysen there Will be something doing- circles ii Here is tor He liijpcarofilion about2 Russias sayingsbanks deposits i vodka which is Just about the amount that the Government shops have taken in dur the period There is a lesson here for to have an annual drink bill 8 MATCHMAKER AND JEWBLbER Sold Out Chappelle has disposed his grocery and provision busi ness at the corner of Main and Queen streets to Mr Price and lias removed to Bradford The new proprietor is ah energetic young man and is mak ing the business Whitchurch Regular meeting of the Council will be held at Bond Lake on Sat urday next We understand that it is the intention of the Township officials to take their wives and families with them and at the conclusion of the business WflM I to picnic at the Park PAPER I AND Aye 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Painter Paper Hanger House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Street New market Teacher Piano Voice and in kinds of Music al and Repairs PIANO TONING for Columbia Grafono- and records Stock Pro Service Union Services Union Services will be conduct ed by the newly appointed pastor of the Friends Church on Sunday next August as follows In the Christian Church at am Subject Abiding Tilings Friends Church at pm Sub ject Interviewing Blind Man Popular addresses on popular topics Popular hymns and tunes Services for the people Everybody welcome liyman Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private rs- if desired Beeton Bradford Newmarket Sutton Toronto Zephyr jitney service inaugurated between Village and East Toronto has been discontin ued Guess it did not pay On Friday the County Police Court Magistrate committedWm Bible aged seven years to the care of the Child rens Aid Society the home life being deemed against the moral welfare of the child Hon J A Attorney- General in the Saskatchewan Ca binet in Toronto at the cloe of last week Mr Geo Shaw General Traffic Manager of the re ports that if the splendid crop in the areas served by the company are to be successfully harvested immediate action is necessary It is expected that harvesting will be general in Manitoba about August and in Saskatchewan and Alberta about August Farm laborers excursions there fore will be arranged by the so that the labor will be available in the western Pro vinces when required Hughes manager of the Athletic Day sports at the Exhi bition this year is now arranging for a race between the worlds walking champion of New York the champion Also for a con test between S the Boston runner and John Paul Jones the Yankee crack At a meeting of the Queen City Quoiting Club it was decided to hold an open handicap on Labor Day Hon I Lucas attorneygen eral for Ontario staled at the par liament buildings last week that the case for the province would be safeguarded by Mr McGregor To Young of Toronto in the proceedings and other threat- n rtii litigation by the The inquiry before the Da vidson War on 30th alSuramerside gives a further insight into the way the Militia Department of the Gov ernment transacted the public business A man acting for the Government bought St horses for Thesa horses were bought at prices ranging from to but he charged the Government an average all roundof The public will remember these things next election Hon Dr Minister of Edu cation for Ontario who is now in England sent a cablegram to the Mail and Empire stating that he has had a conference AgentGeneral relative to th alternate schemes for the Ontario Government Hospital for wound ed Canadians He states that the location of the institution has been practically made in favor of Cambridge where one of the best of military hospitals already ex ists Cambridge is well suppli ed with expert physicians and sur geons and easily accessible from London and the east coast gener ally July 29 Work will com mence next week on a new Library the building will be most conveniently situated on a site opposite the market and munici pal buildings Fall Fairs Following are the dates al ready set for this season Sept 2022 OOP WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENT Sept 29Octi Sept 30- Oct Oct 5 Oct Sept Aug Oct LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call ordering elsewhere Out for Building Purposes Stock an made to LUESBY FIRE IN8URANCE TOWN AKD FARM PROPERTY FOR I me know your P MORTON Ave Box 373 Newmarket Newmarket Ontario Oxygen Welders of all kinds of Metals Cogs in gear wheels dealers in all kinds of Threshing Cut- ling Boxes Saws Belts Boxes Shafting and Pulleys A Catalogue for You Our Catalogue is yours for the asking If you are looking for the right road to a good paying position you should have a copy It describes road by explain ing our definite money producing courses One of our courses has a direct bearing on money getting within a short time Perhaps that one reason why our graduates nay that the best year in their school life is that spent one of Business Schools in Toronto Brlefleta The Metropolitan hud a very heavy traffic last Monday The oldtime prophecy respect ing forty days rain to follow if rain falls on St day seems to be not far wrong Rain has fell with more than welcome frequency the passing of that festival day East Council meets at Sharon on Friday the 13th Methodist Excursion to Orchard Beach next Wednesday Wednesday seems to be rather an unfortunate day for the week ly halfholiday Nearly every Wednesday has had rain the six or seven weeks School Board The unprecedented demand for space at the Canadian National Exhibition this year is beginning to puzzle the officials It lakes a matrimonial storm to curdle the milk of human kind ness Orillia July 29 It has been de cided by the Town Council to erect a new Town Hall in place the one burned here a week or so ago The if Implements ALSO BINDER TWINE STOVES PIAN08 AND QRAMAPH0NE8 TLEV King p OFFICE George Hotel- On Mar ket Newmarket GOAL FOR SALE Best Anthracite Coal at prices Orders filled at all noun Telephone No FRANK If Millard Ave A There seems to be little pro gress being made to overcome the inconvenience experienced during the past month by passengers on the Metropolitan Railway between Avenue and the tracks We venture to say that there is not another in the Province where officers of the law would make such an exhibition of themselves as Mayor Church arid a few Toronto aldermen in the treatment of the public forcing men women and children to walk a quarter of a mile up a steep hill carrying all kinds of burdens merely for the of say ing The law allows us When it is remembered that the Metropolitan is carrying between and passengers a day on the average it is little wonder that the complaint against the city officials is exasperating Hud the Hallway Company put the Ci ty to this Inconvenience wouldnt there have been a howl A few days ago a deputation from York County Council composed of Warden Nigh Messrs W Pugflfey Well Knowles Wallace and Ironside had an interview with the Ontario Hallway Board urging the neces sity of providing for the convey ance of passengers over the miss ing- link before cold weather sets In To dump people off at Avenue without shelter or conveniences of any kind should bo beneath the dignity of a great city like Toronto It is hoped that speedy relief may be given a suffering public new building will pc of fireproof ma terial with fire exits It will be a huge structure of modern architecture and will be uptodate in every respect PARISIAN SAGE PUTS HAIR ON HEAD AND KEEPS IT THERE Whats the use of being bald What there in deliberately allowing your hair to turn gray I Do you want to look old before your time Give up the thought old will come only too Look after your hair PARISIAN kill the dandruff germs and is the only preparation no far we know that is guaranteed to do so Man or woman no matter how old you are PARISIAN SAOE will make you look young Comein and get a large bottle today it only coats cents and your money back if it doe not cure dandruff stop failing hair or itching of the scalp It will make your hair luxuriant bright and beautiful and it is refreshing pleasant and invigorating hair dressing PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket Ont St Jeromes ONT Excellent Commercial Department Excellent High School Department Excellent College Department Mew with latest Hygienic Equipments The largest Gymnasium In Canada Running Track Swimming Pool Shower Baths Auditorium Board Comfortable Sleeping Rooms Hates REV A President OVER YEARS Mark J Dctiaiti opinion f ft an M l ij I- a Continued from Page The black walnut office was certainly guiltless of modern im provements A roomy cupboard held piles of wholesale cata logues trade journals extra sta tionery samples of dry goods and staple groceries There were shabby books and pasteboard boxes on top of the big iron safe A large portrait of a tattered but Still ferocious tiger hung above the desk Ready said Adelaide to eat me if I make mistakes in these dingy old books But Just wait hand is in Theroll be some house- cleaning round here Mr Tiger and away youll go first thing Hut the books kept according to Mr Grays oldfashioned ideas occupied so much of Adelaides lime that for five weeks the tiger remained unmolested During February when trade was always dull it was Mr Grays habit to go Fast to select his spring stock Then Adelaide wits left alone with the tiger iu the cagolike ofice The day af ter Mr Grays departure came the winters most severe cold snap For live days the ther mometer registered from ten to twenty below zero- Horses and pedestrians hurried along in clouds of while steam flic close ly packed snow creaked noisily underfoot Windows were thick with frost Telephone wires hummed and whistled with the intense cold The shopping dis trict was deserted In A the idle Clerks huddled about the two huge base- burning stoves that had warmed the building in the first Thomas Grays time Adelaide however was sufficiently warm She stood on her stool reaching for the tacks that upheld the tiger What in the world arc you do ing asked Julie La Tour who served the cus tomers Cleaning house replied Ade laide dropping the timeworn tiger gingerly to tho floor Dont you think wo need it I me a roll of paper Mr An derson Im going to straighten this cupboard- My exclaimed the Swedish clerk admiringly but youre the smart one Ive been here nine and I guess nobody but Mr Gray has touched those shelves in all that time firing mo a big box said Adelaide poking the dusty catalogues off the cupboard with Mr Grays umbrella I dont quite dare to burn this trash but theres no use having it here Mr Gray warned Julie is fussy about having things changed Ive told it would bo handler to have the spool cases where button shelves are but no he says its always been just so and that settles it But Ahis said Adelaide is my corner and Im going to have it just as fine as I can Ive sent for a catalogue of office furni ture and Im going to persuade Mr Gray to fix this place up You dont know him de murred Johnson old shoo clerk This storo Is just about all the homo and family ho owns and he doesnt take kindly to changes When he cant get the same bid brand of sheeting same make of lamp chimneys or game old cut of overshoes with that Miss Adelaide The office certainly dustciotb into the roaring It looked different also palm waved safe VA damaged curtain taken from hung before the board The desk turned wise was feare except for a few hew jenoilsi Adelaides fountain pen a new scarlet penholder thoughtfully provided by tor Mr GrayprsonalVuse and a bottle of ink Even the pigeonholes wore a air of unprecedented neatness The enterprising young eyed with complacency But Mr Gray did not He reached town after closing time three nights later let in with his own private key and went straight to of fiee to write a one knows exactly what happened during the first five minutes but he spent the next in a frantic search for his own bat tered penholder twentyfive more hunting for his own particular kind of ink another fifteen in digging up the stack of bluelin ed paper that ho longer occupied the righthand corner of the shelf of the familiar cupboard By the time he had accumulated these articles and found the he- envelope and stamp he was too annoyed to be able to write a good letter To calm himself he reached for Jacob the for he read and reread Captain in preference to anything more But Jacob no longer rested face downward on top of the southeast corner of the safe Then Mr Grays eyes sought the tigers An exceedingly up-to- dategirl returned the glance Ill discharge Anderson by tel ephone muttered the angpy merchant if this is his work But Anderson fortunately for him had no telephone The next morning when Ade laide arrived the office looked considerably worse than it had in the beginning for her em ployer had spent most of the night restoring his ancient treas ures to theirrr proper places Yes I did it all confessed Ade laide eyeing with consternation the chaotic office But I thought youd like it Do you think sd now de manded Mr Gray surrounded by scattered palm leaves No returned Adelaide remaining outside the railing I dont Come in I guess wed bet- J have a clear understanding in this matter Do you sec this book Well when Im vexed or puzzled I like to read it there is something sort of slow arid restful about old Captain Marry at But I like to find him home when I reach for him His home is hero on top of this safe not under sample packages of hand- shucked rice Do you see that tiger When I get tired of be ing tied down to business I like to look at him Ive always had a fancy that Id like to hunt li- in tropical jungles but I guess this- is the nearest Ilhever come to it Anyway Id be lone some without that picture If Id known Do you sec Ibis desk It was fathers So was that cupboard This was fathers penholder HEIGHT Seven Inches A EDISON Electric appliances make household drudgery a of the past and that soon as woman pleases FIVE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE It Solo Agent for CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS CENTURY ROTORS i 4 ALFRED R Elsotrloat mm j I r- I have a fancy for keeping things as nearly as possible as father left them Tin used to them my self You see theyve been this way for over fifty years Now youre comparatively new Im nineteen Just so And youve lost sev eral jobs Adelaide colored painfully Without knowing exactly why Yes I thought so Did you by any chance introduce any mo dern Improvements in the real estate business the hank build ing the insurance office or up in the city hall Did you get in a little missionary work on Judge Whitneys spelling and make a few Alterations in Dr Truscotts queer way of keeping accounts Did you think that avenue look ed finer than street when you lettered Gore maps Im afraid I well I did try to improve things a little Just so returned Mr Gray whose eyes were entirely kind Its a habit of yours perhaps a good habit to outgrow possibly You see improving Ex perienced persons like Judge Whitney Mr Doctor or Mr Nichols isnt pre cisely whats expected of yon Why I shouldnt wonder if you were a real nuisance to them breaking up their lifelong habile trying to improve their business methods putting their belong ings In different How did you know de manded Adelaide suspiciously- Just guessed it Perhaps they had to lose you In order to be comfortable in their own of fices I suppose that qua vered Adelaide that youd like mo to go Well returned Mr Gray in the gentlest of tones its this way my girl Your bookkeeping is all right youve a good clear for figures youre a smart capnblo young person but those wretched modern improvements of yours Suppose I promise to save them all for myself Good returned Thomas Gray In that case youll do provided you and Jacob and the tiger can live peaceably in snmo cage Youths Com panion FOR FLETCHERS i TORONTO ONTARIO Include the Ontario Business and Shorthand College and Seven City Branch Schools All give high grade courses and qualify young men and women for business appoint ments which are secured for graduates through our well organized Employment Department 9 OS Is our record- on July when this copy was writ ten Dull times effect but little as our records show and good prospects for the brightest business period in Canadi an history when the war is over make it advisable to get ready to earn a good salary Autumn Term Free descriptive catalogue mailed on request Address ft Shaw Head Office at Yonge and Gcrrard Toronto I 1817 BOARD OF V I I Hit Eh A- D Est Capital up Rati Undivided Totol April Current Rate arc aUowed on deposits in the Savings- Department of the Bank Montreal Deposits of ft and upwards are received on Savings Accounts K a if C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch is the Sugar for Jams and Jellies you pay for good fruit and spend a lot of time over It you naturally want to be run that your Jellies and preserves will turn out Just right You can be If you Absolutely pure and alvaya the same Sugar has for years proved most for canning and Jellymaking It Just as tuy to get the best and well worth while So your grocer It must be Sugar In one of packages for 2 5 lb Sealed Cartons and 100 lb Cloth Base J- J i f tf j i IW i Bin 1 if Ml S US The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Cu O Tiunk System Marvel July Ontario CocKrana Bay Cobalt anJ Cochran Acroaa Ontario Roadbed- Commenting pm Toe Sat Winnipeg pm daily Wed Sun 0S am DJB Wed Sun pm Sat Mod Edmonton via Canadian Rockies at their best to Yukon Alaska Vancouver Victons EJectric dininj sleeping ear q Time tables sleeping car ticket and other any Trunk Can Govt or T O Agents application warn -i-A-

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