Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1915, p. 7

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I In is 3eo Church We are showing one of the fl and best Quality of Dinner Sets Pieces Of a very neat border pattern at a special price For the benefit of those who may be wanting a Dinner we will just say It will be more pro fitable to Buy Now Direct Importer of Rev Dr Kidd preaciied last Sunday to large and appre ciative congregations and- taken for St Seminary Toronto I OF The regular business of the Canadian Order of will be held in their Rooms on Fridayevening August at oclock sharp when all members are recjuested id present The nations of the world are slowly learning that the teaching of the are sound the truth of this statemeiit rests we may enter tain for- a and satis factory peace the present is oyer Before eernis peace can be wisely discussed Ota true the War and the reason for war be ac knowledged If you read Bern or Prof you may conclude with them that war is and so great that the long to gates heaven How The answer Id that cry is seen present war The query often arises is this the last ffreat war There is for thinking so unless mankind has reached of development of evolution if you like where sense last- stupid Iff that wonderful day is dawning when at the Ruler of the universe is recognizedas WIS jo a blessing to a people develop- l God that punishes as a Fancy China China Grocery Methodist SS Excursion All aboard I For the Excur sion of the Newmarket Methodist Sunday School next Wednesday Cars leave act Orchard Beach at oclock and in the morn ing and at pm There will he boating bathing and sports Everyone may be sure of a hear ty welcome and a real good time Fare adults children 30c Industrial Home The Commissioners met on Tuesday and passed accounts amounting to over In accordance with instructions from the County Council tenders for irewiring the Home will received up to Aug 8th The present wiring is considered dangerous as it is mostly ex posed It is to be all concealed Seasonable Suggestions FOR HOT WEATHER I Jellied Hocks 20o Will Probated Mrs Margaret Foote of Whit church who died on May last left estate valued at the amount of cash in bank Of this bequeathed to her son Samuel P Foote and the residue in equal division to Hit granddaughters Edna Chapman ih Cheese and who are also to hare equally JI a daughterinlaw in the division 35c 120 Cooked Ham Bologna FOR PICNICS Cream Cheese 15o Choice Olives plain stuffed 10c 1Bo 20o 260 The very finest tins 10c 13c 15c tins 130 18c 20o 22o Lobster tins Dried Beef In tins and glasses Canned Boneless We have a firstclass line In Lemonade Orangeade Raspberry Vinegar Lime Juice and Grape Juice In 10o and bottles of deceaseds household goods her will deceased directed that a she had given to her husband Thomas be wiped out on condition that he paid all expenses in connection with her funeral their courage selfsacrillr etc I am willing indeed to a- with them that war is a blessing for a very differ ent reason from the one they recognise A loving father has a wilful disobedient son After all other measures of correction fail the father as a- last resort applies the rod A good sound thrash ing will do more for that boy than hours of counsel and tender ad vice The result proves the wis dom of the father and the lad grows into a worthy man War is nothing mora than the pun ishment of God upon wilful dis obedient people who will never obey until they are compelled through suffering lb turn from their selfishness arid follies to the sours last resort God The punishment may entail rivers of blood and oceans of tears but the means are justified by the end at least in this case Fur thermore no other means have ever been found adequate Illustrations without number can be given of the truth of this statement The one best known is found in the history of Israel But close analysis will show that the same statement is true in oth erwars The problem before the nations is to learn intends by tills most terrible war in the worlds history And now we have arrived at the point where we began viz that the teachings of the Galilean are sound God sent His Sou to teach men how to live I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly And what does He tell us about liv ing That the underlying prin ciple governing all our relations Father that and then is hope of permanent peace and not till then It may be suggested that ao cording theory America is spotless since she has not yet at leastbeen drawn into the vor tex Of whirlwind of arid we know that such is far from being the truth No our- fair land is smirched and soijed with the same vileness and criminal folly But America is still a young nation God is still pa tient with her there is ample for her to fill to the her cup of iniquity and to so weary the patience of the Almighty that at last she too will feel the light ning and fury of times we can almost hear the warning and can almost see the flash of the distant storm Listen Not longago very ear lyone morning before the dark ness had left the sky before the birds began to sing I heard the rumble of distant thunder- In the stillness of the night it sound ed ominous startling and sud denly I seemed to see the vision of the future the ultimate Amer ica caught at last in the conse quences of her sin and groaning under the agony of punishment Divine Aim H W m r y1 IN TAN PATENT AND GUN METAL LEATHERS The Leading Reliable itoB ate Grocer Phone Quick Up- CORNER OF Timothy I O In spite of the adverse atmos pheric conditions on Tuesday ev ening Aug 3rd Pyramid Lodge No held a very successful evening which was very largely attended by the mem bers and also several visiti brothers After conferring the first de gree mi several candidates Speeches delivered by Rev J Hall and Rev J English of Mass in which they both complimented the degree team on the efficient manner in which they conferred the degree also they spoke about Hie splendid work fa doing both in Canada and the United States this latter theme proving very interesting to all present ANNOUNCEMENT GEO BROWN Banker Collars Faced Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE Main Newmarket South of King George A Bargain Latest style boots at Duncans for4305 Pickering College NEWMARKET Resident and Day School For Boys and Girls Preparation for and Teachers Examinations COURSES IN TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department ffl U8IO ART P Firth Red Cross Soplety Owing no doubt to the wet weather the attendance at the Red Cross Tea in the Presbyterian School Room on Tuesday after noon was rather small Proceeds Next tea at the Methodist School Room on Aug sL Preparations are being made for Red Cross Garden Par ty on Wednesday the The handsome Sectional Book Case to be drawn at the Party will bo on exhibition in Roches window The ladies of Newmarket and surrounding country are asked by the Red Cross Society to kindly remember he soldiers when put ting down their fruit and make extra provision this year for the demands which will be made on them from time to time on behalf of the soldiers with each other is embodied in that one immortal saying Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self Many experiments have been made to lest the wisdom of this command Have they been successful and does the rule real ly apply to everyday affairs Row about so much talked of at present and which is one of the strong lead ing tendencies of the present generation Certainly tarianism the direct applica tion of the Does work is it sensible or visionary is it a sound policy docs it tend to peace or is its in fluence for discord does it make the world any belter To ask Ihc question is to answer it other test command has resulted in like manner In short God knows what is best for mail and Christ made no mis takes when He slated Gods laws for man Objection will be made that is often the result of am bition revenge greed etc etc These indeed are secondary causes but what more do they amount to than failure to con sider the rights of other nations as equal I9 their own rights Again objection will be made that if war is a punishment from Cod then the punishment is a failure for war lias existed from the earliest limes and therefore wai- TO CANADA Good Going Every Tuesday From March to TWO RETURN LIMIT FREE HOMES Red Cross Garden Party Dont forget the Red Cross Garden Parly to be held on the lawn of Mr F Schmidt St Wednesday night August 18lh from seven until ten pm Kvery citizen of the town is here by to hold this date open and support Red Cross work ers of Newmarket by attending this Garden Party and making it a success A full program of unusual Interest has been ar ranged for the occasion TO residents of Sharon Queens- vllle and intervening points up as far as Orchard Beach It will he of Intel Hi to know that a late car going north has been arranged on the Toronto York Radial for Wednesday night August Id leaving Newmarket at ten oclock which will allow all residents of the district north to get a car homo after the Garden Party Gods chastisements are unavail ing and mankind will to the end of time much as It is now Partly true and partly false and like most compounds of truth and error utterly misleading One generation quickly forgets the ex periences the tragedies the sen timents of an earlier generation One of the puzzles of life is that we almost never will learn from others experience The leach ing of history is clear about the luxury the weakening of moral sentiment the final decline of the splendid Roman Empire but many nations since then have gone or are going the same way No there is nothing in history that will controvert the assump tion that war is Gods way of bringing nations and races to a In the dawning of the morning Came the thunder of the The day of wrath was breaking In accordance witlrHis word I do verily believe that unless there is some radical change hi our treatment of these grave is sues that there is no eccape from the wrath of an outraged God Regarding the terms of peace for the present war Is it pos sible to discuss the terms on an entirely new basis in a manner different from any hitherto em ployed a basis consonant with our original proposition love to our neighbor Let us see how suclua policy would work out if applied to the nations of Europe Let us suppose that some years ago Great Britain decided on a certain policy affecting her trade relationship with Germany France and Russia The policy became law and was executed be cause i was advantageous to Britain Its effect on Germany France and would un doubtedly be injurious but that fact would be of secondary im portance and in truth might ev en be considered an advantage as a retaliation for some previous in jury to resulting from a policy adopted by either Ger many Prance or Russia at some former lime Now what do we Mud When adopts this policy beneficial to herself alone and injurious to her neigh- exciting heir just resent ment right then and there has been sown one of the seeds of future war A wiser and more statesmanlike method of proced ure would be for to frankly present to Germany and Russia a brief of her new policy and of them if such policy would be mutually satisfactory If either Germany France or Russia should reply that such a policy would in their opinion prove injurious a coun cil of the nations involved- could be called and after due delibera tion a policy could bo framed to the benefit of all Now what wo found Such on the part of would com pel the respect of Germany France and Russia would win their affection In time of dis tress because of famine pesti lence or any other affection Ger many France and Russia would hurry lo ho assistance of seeing in her a big brother in distress One of seeds With the growing demand for comfortable as well as dressy footwear the makers of the Invlctus have kept pace Invlctus Oxfords made on most uptodate footshaped lasts not mere blocks of wood but scientifically developed shapes on which are produced the finest of glovefitting oxfords Careful workmanship and the use of only best material unsurpassed by the most expensive imported shoes We lake pride In selling Invlctus Oxfords youl I take pride In wear them and especially so when you get a Oxford for 4 r Jar The MensWear Main StWoBl of permanent peace would have been sown There is no need to extend argument Its ap peal will meet every reasonable proper understanding of the m But will the minds of along the Canadian Northern Railway For literature and ir narticu- V lace to I Butcher Local- Agent or loGenral Rasg Agent King Toronto Oat fisherman Is a natural and privileged Mar he neither weighs his fish nor his statements FRUIT BULLETIN Niagara Dis trict grown are about done and Black Currants are Hearing an end Tde ever- popular and delicious Lawton- and Tomatoes are be ginning to make their appear ance that this is his and if kings princes rulers and peoples will not live In it in accordance with His laws but insist upon infring ing those laws by the very nature of the case retribution must fol low The more severe pun ishment the shorter It may lie The horror of the present war bus never been equalled But the sins of the nations have nev er been so great because In tho light of Gods revelation of His will His law made so plain by the Christ thai a man can read His meaning even while ho runs and the meaning may be clear oven to a halfwit in the bright light of this revelation I say brighter and brighter as the years roll by what do we find bo the limis prevailing throughout the nations Drunkenness every where vice commercialized or etherwinc rampant In city town and village even In the home liirit of gold and binning the hearts and filling the minds of the multitudes trifling with Justice name of law the agony and suffering of the poor Jealousy hatred common as the air we breathe This Is But the beginning of the list crime- and follies of the present day a those whose high duties it is to arrange the terms of this peace bo reasonable There is the danger and there is the uncertain As someone has already sug gested there would no longer bo need of army or navy except a police force on laud and sea ade quate to quell- any disturbance that might arise because of some member of the new family of na tions forgetting rule under which all were living This po lice force could be easily sustain tallied by a tax on all the na tions levied in proportion to wealth of each What a trifle this would be compared to the crushing burdens under which Europe is staggering today benefits that would accrue to all from peace settled on the terms of brotherly love are almost without number and volumes might be written on the subject Hie imagination to dwell on the conditions which will prevail amongst men at last the Price of Peace has come to dwell and lo rule our hearts our homes our and the nations of the world an ideal stale always bo an ideal Can it nev er crystal into reality As suredly there is hope Head the do daring positively against intern England trying to be as progressive as Russia France learning again to pray if wc may believe reports of the press These are signs of deep import they in dicate that these nations are at least turning towards the Light Who shall say that Ihey will not one day fairly face the rising and behold the glorious day arise when the Son of Righteousness shall shine above a world by the fogs the mists the dark clouds of selfishness perver sity and folly You and I dear reader may never see this glorious day The peace soon we hope lo be adjust ed may be patched up on terms of mans wisdom terms involv ing more op less of further pun ishment and disgrace to the con quered nation or nations as the case may be terms that will leave a as dangerous as the sting of a serpents tooth with its poi son working its deadly way thru- out the nation terms perchanc that may scorn plausible on the surface but which conpeal craft the greed and avarice under neath terms which are ly in essence devoid of thai broth erly love which must be basis of any permanent peace A peace so arranged may last for a term of years longer or shorter Is not of much consequence When that period is ended we will have another feast of passion lust revenge ijcvilishncss worthy of such But doubt not thai the day will final ly come when long long weary lesson ended at last the stales- men of nations men whefear God and love His Son will as semble in solemn conclave re membering Him who Come now let us reason together Guided at last by that Light which never yet has misled sons of men of the nations men who fear a peace that will last as long as the Rock of Ages on which it will be founded J JOHNSON New York has long existed signs of the lime Lost on Lake Ontario The steamer Alexandra is lying about yards oil the foot- the cliffs twelve miles cast of Toronto and is being battered to pieces The crew men were res cued with the help Jarrcers and life saving crew Alexandra was driven ashore about on Tuesday afternoon af ter the crew had heaved overboard every bit of her tons of cargo In an effort to keep her going The loss Is about One man was drowned from launch that broke from its anchorage The storm was the worst for years Much damage was done in the city by wind and rain We have made special arrangement management of The Strand lo run feet Moving Picture Film showing as follows Where the Ford is Made In Canada Glimpses In Ford Factory Trip Through the Ford Making Ford Front and Rear Axles Making a Ford Car FRIDAY NIGHT AUQ fhis entertainment is absolutely free and tick ets may be secured at the Universal Garage or at the office of Theatre Ford Dealer J Newmarket CANADIAN PACIFIC To be worthy of trusts that our friends in us a noble achievement the Era to friends GREAT LAKE8 Five 8alllngs Weekly Steamers leave Mondays Tuesdays Wednes days Thursdays and Satur days for 8AULT MARIE PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM Steamer Manitoba from Wednesdays calls at Owen Sound pm 8TEAMSHIP EXPRE8S leaves Toronto pm daily ex cept Friday making direct connection with steamers at Port MoNicolI on sailing days TOURS To Coast Inoluding CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS Also Atlantic Coast Resorto Lake Massanoga Bon Lakes Plokorel Rivera Severn River aw art ha Lakes Lakes TOURISTS FARES NOW IN EFFECT 1 I A Fast Time Convenient Train Service Modern Equipment Between Montreal Ottawa Toronto Detroit Chicago i- SW- Winnipeg and ri ATKINSON NEWMARKET Particulars Canadian Pacific Agents or Murpliy District Passenger Toronto r 1 i if 2M 5 fc il I Hi IT

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