two- P fc H 1 IS A ft O DAY AUG 1015 I If WANTED ff Housework by a woman Api ply lo Box 57 s I Oil i A GOOD GIRL i Wanted immediately house work Apply at Park Ave lo do TOJLET Two Houses on Lot St Mod ern Conveniences a Apply lo MRS A EVANS FOR Two almost new Bug gies One steel and one rubber tires Apply to Newmarket UNION Christian and Friends Churchs Sunday August am Christian Subject Mind Your Own Business When Where Why pm Friends Church Subject What are You Thinking About 100 Men Wanted at the Evening Service Seats Specially Re served For Them ALFRED PASTOR Or THE FRIENDS CHURCH WILL PREACH AT BOTH SERVICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE Is Herebj i Given That ROBERT WILLIAM THOMPSON of the of ToiOato in the County of and Province of Ontario Broker will applv to the Parliament of Cana da at the next session thereof- for a bill of divorce from bis wife Ida Lois Thompson of the City of New York in the state of America on the ground of adultery and desertion DATED at Toronto this d August 1915 Mcpherson Street Toronto Solicitors for the applicant EDITORIAL NOTES v- -v- despatch Ottawa dated Tuesday last gives the Cana fan casualties up that up as follows wound ed the heath number and missing including prisoners TOWN The temporary bridge whtfidj new away the floods list week S- bas d to the electoral lists New Ontario and Manitoba revised- by a Board of Judges and the work will Mi John oi was in town standing crops- and barley Jane Wilson is vtsUfus Many all v- causing much more and work in the harvesting Wheat intra of be actively within a short badly An energetic M time A feress despatrh industrious farmer telling the j states that this that he had tanned the way will thus be cleared for a years and never say like Man- whenever the Govern- jgoMs and turnips are doing- well but meat considers the time fear A sized congregation greeted of Mrs rilnior a It is stated that farms of j preacher Dales oh Sunday few days the Provincial Field Crop contest this Mr John the Line a year and acres of grain must an Miss have returned after be judged Mr J of weeks visit amon friends at Mount Kidd the Department of Agriculture reoorts I the guest tier friend Mrs f the Department of Agriculture reports Albert that they just received the first of reports from the vegetable judges Some exceptionally high scores ba come in from the London district where ths crop appears to be exceedingly large Harvest Help Excursions TO WINNIPEG August and 26 From Stations Kingston and Renfrew and Fast in Ontario and Quebec August and From Stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and East but not including Kingston Renfrew or Eael thereof August 24 and From Stations in Ontario North and West of Toronto but not in cluding line Toronto to Bay For particulars as to tickets West of Winnipeg etc apply any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent Depot Agent Phone J Phono Agent DRESSMAKING Miss Sibley is now back in and would be pleased resume her dress Mrs St 2w TENDERS FOR WIRING Tenders will by up to and including Wednesday August for lli wiring of the Industrial Home for Lighting Plana and may be secured at the office of W at the Industrial Home The lowest or any lender not accepted A Inspector Dated at Newmarket August 3rd FALL TERM Toronto does not ask for a bet ter reputation than it already possesses We get positions for many students each year Cata logue free J ELLIOTT Principal St C Bis SIXTH LINE KINO Mr and Mrs Kohl Fox and Master George Fox and Miss Frances Fox motored to Aurora on Saturday evening Mr Mount Stevens also accompani ed them We see our venerable friend has returned and in giv ing us some more enlightening Town Line Mr Hill spent Tuesday with his- friend Master George Fox Mr WaltonH motored to Aurora Saturday evening Mr and Fox and fam ily spent Sunday with Mrs Foxs parents Mr and Lloyd of Xewmarket Mr Harry Mount spent Sunday with Earl and Harold Cook Mr George Fox attended the picnic at Orchard Beach on Wed nesday the of Mr Hill The- announcement is made in the Toronto press that the Ontario Gov ernment will pay special attention to exhibits from New Ontario at the National Exhibition this strating the possibilities and resourc es from an standpoint A miniature model farm will take up the entire centre of the Govern ment Building It will be enclosed on two of mirrors and on tbe third by a spruce hedge The entire ex hibit will be attractive Only three members of the Government have been at lour respective offices at the Parliament Buildings this week Mail and Empire of Fri day remarks I Lu cas AttorneyGeneral and Hon Fin I ay of Public Works leave to- day for a holiday that will last for some vveeks With the Prime Minister still busy regain ing his strength Hon Dr away off in England looking af ter Ontarios base hospital Hon T M en route to Con ference at San Francisco there are but three Ministers left at the Buildings to look after do- business Hon Mr Acting Prime Minister Hon Howard Ferguson and Hon James Duff will look after the work of their colleagues Mr and John Mrs Thus- was vis Hill were visitors at Glen with- her- sister Mrs James Farm the home of Mr and Burke this week Mrs MBIaciburn on Sunn Velma of Many- Grits in purpose l a weeks holidays with attending the grand Liberal Picnic at Musselmans Lake tomorrow Be sure Nine years ago the Live Stock Branch of the federal Department of Agriculture in cooperation with cer tain record associations representing breeds of dairy c began to re cord the performance of pure bred milbing cows Each record associa tion a standard of yield for cows of its respective breed to qualify for registration while the Live Stock Commissioner formulate regulations- under which the tests were be Carried out At the end of each year report of the work been issued containing a list of the animals that qualified for tration during the year their breed ownership milking period pro duction of milk and fat and such other information as might reason ably looked for in at official re port The one just issued contains no less than pages This report is of special interest to dairy farmers who are anxious to build up the milking qualities of their Copies will be sent to those ap ply for them to the Publication Branch of the Department of Api culture at Ottawa BLOOM Congratulations to Miss Rita Fairies and Miss Vera Barnes who wore successful in passing Ihflir examination for their Sec- ondClass Certificate Miss of Toronto is the guest of Mrs T Mahon Miss of Detroit is spend ing vacation at Mr Win i There will he a Ladies Aid So cial at Mr Edgar oh Tuesday evening Aug 17th All are cordially lo attend Mr Barnes attended the fun eral of his father who died sud denly at Woodville and hear Graham King and Walton The presents to the many readers of the Town Line Items a graphic discriptfoa of the battle of Langemarck he received from the pen of a young man- belonging to his native town in Scotland OnParthe says he went to the front in company with part of Canadas first contin gent called the Canadian Scottish in April when the saved the situation In- that Battalion we had of your native town men the two toys the two lads and myself You remember us all One of the former is killed one of the latter has been missing since battle We all went into the battle and three of us came through the whole business which lasted five days during which time we were under one of the most unearthly shellfire bombardments ever known Although we had to retire from the asphyxiating gas we charged again and again driving everything before us on the right there found ourselves on the extreme further end of a wood which had been held strongly by the Prussian Guards but who could not stand the silent work of the bayonet as we do our charging in quietness since they use so machine guns against the allies Now after making ourselves at home in the wood the Huns started shelling us again lost heavily all through the advance so we fell back our own first trenches and held them till reinforce ments arrived during which time we were under a heavy shellfire both shrapnel and high explosives The trenches were not deep In some places the bodies were two deep and we had great difficulty in crossing along The wounded were lying cry ing for water so we threw our water bottles to them AH our officers sergeants and Majors were gone Ev ery one seemed to he gone Six from our slipped across into an old trench fend there were only twenty left out of our and as the Huns were trying to cross over the wood these six men shot them down oneafter the other until one fell One of the Germans we had prisoner said he never saw men fight like the Highlanders They called us the crazy men and no wonder leause at one time the Ger mans were entirely around us and we were killing them on all sides fighting back to back They could not understand how their men fell in four different directions but such the for our shooting has really deadly We used the Ross rifle from which is considered splen did although the LeeKnfieln is the much more serviceable Held rifle We were relieved other regi ments hut we barred the way to Calais for our German friends Since then lb Canadians are considered their worst enemies on the western front Anyhow Arc we downheart ed No The Prussian Guards now us well Since then we made an other successful when time is a little more plentiful I will snl you friends in Snowball Miss TriveU has re turned from visiting her brother Mr Trivstt in Toronto Mr Brock of Toronto is spending his vacation at borne i ivrX London Aug An attack by German which flow over English was an nounced by ofiiclal press the airships was damaged fey British According to official women four- children and were killed and feeyen men five men and four children were wounded as result or the explo of bombs Zeppelins Zeppelin The official statement says hostile arsbipsyisi We at 12 IB- the east coast- last night and 1 v AS PINE APPLE Pino Apple Season Is now In full swing We good In them for preserving tbls morning between the hours of p and a fires were dropping of incendiary bombs but thesV were quickly extinguished and only immaterial damage was done One zeppelin was seriously dam age by the gun fire of the Ian de fences and was reported this morning as going toward Osterid She has since subjected to continued at tacks by the aircraft Dunkirk and has been under heavy fire and is now reported that after having her back broken and her rear compart ments damaged she was completely destroyed by an explosion British Airman Killed The night was extremely dark PRIOE BY THE DOZEN All kinds Vegetabfd and Flower Plant for Garden 2 FOR and skirling around in the auto an accompanied by thick fog In places which rendered living difficult It is reported Stewart of Toron to is spending a week with her friend Miss Mae Stark Qnceri St Miss of Grand Rapids Mich is spending a few eeks with her Mrs Hewitt Mr and Mrs of Montreal are spending a month with Dr and St Mrs K Lewis Churcn note about that fight o KKTrLKUT too VIVIAN t Uany a married i A paid alimony at leisure The fanners are glad to have a dry days that arc not shocked up are growing to tin ground A good time is expected at Liberal picnic at on Saturday Miss Violet Davis is the guest of Neva this week Chris Decombe has left town to join Urn transport service for front Mr of Toronto is upending his holidays at llollidayes Miss Jennie her brother and lady friend spent tic weekend with their parents here T Lewis and are visiting at L Dunns this week Mrs Matthew McQueen is visit ing friends In Pickering Pete and Myrtle report a pleas ant lime at the dance on Friday night we afford the trip to Toronto but we enjoyed it just the same Mrs Hutchinson and daughter of spent the week with Mrs Mr Mrs Wilfrid Lazenhy are visiting friends In Newmarket his week Mrs McKay and daughter Burlington are visiting her parents at Ira Frosty Mr and Mrs J spent Sunday with Mr and Charles Stephenson of Aurora Mr and Mrs M Robinson were guests at Mr Skinners of on Saturday Miss Bcrnice Charles of Aurora is visiting friends here Miss Beatrice Smith of Toron to is spending her vacation witli relatives here Mr McMillan of Maple was the guest of Miss on Sun day Rev Dales of Toronto will have charge of the service in the Meth odist Sunday evening next in the absence of Rev Fox The Anglican Guild at the home of Mrs Ed West on Tues day Miss Mildred returned to Newmarket on Sunday evening after a week at her home hero Mrs Geo JJtark and fiwo daughters and Velma are spending a week with friends in Sutton Hey wife and daughter of Fall River Mass spent over Sunday with his broth er Mr Private Proctor of the Battalion 3rd Overseas con tingent at was home over Sunday Mr Robert Harrison who is with the contingent at Niagara Camp was home for Sunday visit ing his wife and family Miss Dora and Mr El mer Gutting were visiting at Mr J Jeffersons on Sunday the lat ter her home Mr Geo Smith who is with the 3rd Overseas Contingent at spent Sun day with his sister Mrs Herb Rev J Hall arrived safe ly at his old home in Plymouth Union Vermont and sends us a glimpse old Green Moun tain State Mrs Lloyd has returned from Cobalt Mr Bert Lloyd With whon she was visiting is moving to Toronto this week Mr Irwin Lloyd is hack from the States and is now at Mr James Barry of formerly of this town was here this week renewing old acquain tances notices many changes in the town he left here some nine years ago Mr and Mrs John Keswick Out announce the engagement of their laughter Alice Gertrude to Mr Rhodes of Howell Michigan the wedding to lake place quietly third week in August The Rev P A and Mrs Jourdanof formerly of Newmarket announce the en gagement of heir daughter Alice Louise to Mr F Aldridge of Midland The marriage will lake place very quietly in the ear ly fall Mr J Collier the active and accommodating assistant at the York Radial ticket here for the past nine months leaves tomorrow for Buffalo where he has accepted a situation as translator of the Servian lan guage Mr Collier is a re markably clever young fellow being able lo speak seven lan guages and no doubt will make his mark in the States where there is much opportunity in that that Flight who was one of the pilots sent up to en- the enemy was killed on landing in the dark THE LEADING Undertaking can bu your For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence the Era to absent Aug A terrible drowning accident occurred at a lake one west of In the district at this afternoon when five Toronto people lost their lives and three others two of whom were boys and a third the chauffeur narrowly es caped They set out in an automo bile to make a trip through tbe coun try The Jake Just west of Uttcrson Is crossed by a floating bridge about 200 ya long a driving rain storm had up Justus the auto mobile crossing it The car when nearlng the shore apparently to one side and crashed 30 feet of water i BROKEN Repaired Within 2 Hours Your Broken Lens PERCY THE OPTICIAN BLOOR STREET EAST CO AH TORONTO Phone TEN THOUSAND HONOR WILFRID St Lin Quo Aug Ten thou sand people representing all of opinion including from Mon treal took part in the big demonstra tion tendered Sir Wilfrid Lautlcr at St Lin yesterday quaint FrenchCanadian town the Liberal Chieftain was bom on Nov An address of welcome was presents to Sir Wilfrid by the mayor referred to the attachment of tbe people for Sir Wilfrid aatl detailed some of the latter s principal achieve ments The Liberal leader made a very happy speech and was applauded John Millard in sad The Cradle Lehman In Whitchurch Aug lo Mr and Mrs Earl man a daughter B rough ton In Newmarket on Aug to Jut and Mrs Arthur Brpughlon a son Newmarket on Aug to Mr and Mr Elmer Cryderman a daughter Nightingale In Newmarket On Aug to Mr and Mrs Harry Nightingale a son Winter In Newmarket on Aug 16 Mr and Mrs John T Winter a son The Altar On Monday Ju ly in New Ydrjt City by the Rev M Spencer Laura only daughter of Mr p L Lepanl of Newmarket lo James N Stokes of Norfolk Va At St Georges Church Newcastle on Friday Aug by the Canon to William Hoe both of Toronto and formerly of Newmarket In Newmarket on Aug by Tay lor of Barrio Miss Victoria ly daughter of the lata of King lo Mr Geo of Toronto In Newmarket on he of August by I at his resi dence Prospect Ave Mr Chapman of lo Miss Violet A of North The Tomb At Thursday August 5th Jacob Hoover in his year Funeral on Saturday August the McMillan On St New market on Aug nth Eli za Ann wife of John McMillan aged 71 years Funeral on Friday morning pi 10 oclock to Newmarket Cemetery IN A In sad but loving mem ory of Varley beloved son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Cronln who departed this life on Aug ion One year has gone Oh how we miss youi Never shall your memory fndc Loving thoughts will always ling er Hound The spot whore Varleys laid When days arc dark and friends are few Dear Varley how Wo long for you Though earthly fas are broken In lire wo meet no more Our hearts are with you On yonder distant shore Father Mother and Sister DUTCH PER lb FOR THE TABLE Tomatoes Onions and Cabbage From we will have Fresh Strawberries now on Canned Vegetables All kinds of Canned Vegetables Peas Corn Tomatoes or Beans 3CAN8FOR250 Try our Fresh Ground Coffee at A Teas have all We are still selling at the old prices PROMPT 8ERVI0E OUR MOTTO I a PHONE z- PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET I NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Camera and Photo Supplies Freeh Chocolates Weekly TELEORVpTT OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No ft Fall Quods arriving dally and wo need tho room and money Hero Is to stock up with High Class Mens and at our expense 1000 Piano Votes with every purohaso on this a 300 prs Mens Lisle Socks in all colors and to clear at 300 Mens Silk Ties in ail lat est patterns at 35c or for 100 20 Mens Duck Trousers Reg at 30 Mens Cream with stripe Trousers Hog to clear at 150 Mens Bells in Black Tan and Gray Reg to clear at 300 Mens Boots in Tan and Patent Leather in ill latest shapes some with rubber soles lleg and to clear at 30 Mens Oxfords in Tan Patent and Gun Metal Reg to clear at a and only Bal ance of Straw Hats to clear at 30 Mens Shirts some Silk Shirts in this lot Regular up to lo clear at I Mens Shirts some with separate soft collar to match to lo at or 3 for prs Mens Pajamas up lo to clear at Silk Socks in all colors clear Reg and or for 100 to DONT FORGET TO GET YOUR PIANO II The Mens J ROADHOU8E ArnitaFeAUDdartaking Main St North Newmarket t All Orders Careful ftRCJH HELPLE88 ARMENIAN8 BY Aug 10 Via and London Armenian Bishop has received infor mation that Armenian have arrived at tho principal outlet of Vilayet of Van It is expected that fully will bo driven from Van alone and another exodus of Christians from Persia is feared Kurds are reported to have massa cred Armenians in the Vilayet of throwing the bodies of vic tims into the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers The war on this front has reached a degree of inttnsRy hitherto Un known except in period Just pro ceeding the Russian victory at Children Cry REFUSES PEAOE OFFER i London August cor respondent transmits the following Bourse Gazette learns from an unimpeachable source that the Ger man Emperor made an offer of peace to Russia last week through the King of Denmark The answer sent to the king stated that the question of peace negotiations could not be raised at the time London Aug 10 The British tor pedo boat destroyer lynx was sunk in the Sea on Aug the result of striking mine Four of- fleers and the crew were saved out of Kingston Aug age a son of Mrs a widow residing In the village of met a terrible death today lie was employed at cheese box factory there and while engaged around some shafting gob caught on a wheel He was torown on to a saw and his body was literal ly cut to n rcir v-