Newmarket Era, 13 Aug 1915, p. 3

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J f ft Talent Sale The was very much against J Talent Sale under the auspices of Circle of the Sirch last Friday but the young ad about to their funds Done Whitchurch The organized movement in the Township of Whitchurch collected from residents for Patriotic resulted in obtaining the sum of Of this amount to the Belgian Keller Fund and to the Red Cross Fund police Court held court on Monday when a man of King Township Si charged Willi assault The Magistrate commuted him to To ronto jail for two months Duncan escorted mm tribe Hon by the next car War Tax correspondents and ionally a letter with copy for the reach us with war stamps containing for unsealed marked Printers Copy it be carried for cent the a as before the War Tax Stamps came into force Farm Produce the rain a good market last Saturday morning Butter vege tables and fruits in abundance flit ruling prices were as follows to to do Now Potatoes a peck and from to per bag- Harvest Apples to Arrangements are completed for the big Patriotic Meeting tne Brief lets S loyalty to EastGwillimbury Council meets at Sharon today Friday The Fair Grounds are lit by tricitv now for the Home Gu the British Flag by a packed house The Yorb Rangers Band from Aurora 24 strong will arrive here at p and parade the streets accompanied by the Home Guard which at the North End at J The chair will be at oclock by Acting Mayor Keith and those who want a scat will re- to go early Addresses will be delivered v Wake of the Princess Pats who his just returned from the battle field Mr Oliver Hazzlewood of Toronto an3 officer of York Rang ers and hear the latest news of the war Ha phonies to abac Ford Night There was a good attendance at the Moving Picture Show last evening and the making of a Ford Auto was exceedingly interest ing to the audience The extent premises and the daily output was a surprise to everybody The Ford is more popular than ever as tl of will tell when they get bonus cheques this mouth Methodist SS Picnic Methodist Sunday School was certainly favored with beauti ful weather last Wednesday ami the annual picnic at Orchard Beach was quite a success There three filled ears and every body seemed have a good linn They were delighted with the grounds and beach at and about half the crowd were in bathing Mr Morris did ev erything possible to make the comfortable and on ho other band the icecream parlor was liberally patronized The sports were enjoyed by young and old the following being the prize winners 50 yds Primary Hoys and Girls Bruce 2nd Kirk 3rd Marion Draper yds Junior Roys Top Kirk 2nd Karl Murphy yds Junior 2nd Keslra Kirk yds Boys years A 2nd Garfield Newton yds Girls years- Shirley 2nd Flo Crowfoot yds Men Harold Maw Church Boot Hill 2nd and Gents Coat Race Drill every Wednesday night I F On Tuesday evening Pyramid Lodge No decided to puton the Second Degree on Tuesday evening Aug In Bjfc siness was then rapidly dispensed with as there was an exceptional ly large attendance present and this enabled the members to chose some suitable entertainment for the remainder of the evening Carpel ball seemed to be the popu lar choice hence opposing teams were chosen Bros Bark er and W Clark- son were appointed skips the teams chosen by each skip being as follows Team No It Barker Lundy A Skinner Ayers Team No Draper A Richardson Jefferson A McDonald Team No J Wilson Williams Woodcock It was then decided that team No I and No 2 should play first the winners to play the remaining team Here- it was where Skip Draper showed bis class for after outclassing Skip IV Bark er by a score of to be turu- around and beat Skip son by a score of to is uj pi lead of opinion thatwhal the movement country needs is ideas and that the militia might be usefully employe at home thinking up few premier Borden and S George Perley arrange ail Canadian questions with the British Govern and that will leave Major Hughes free to mind his- own business which centres largely in a suite ofioffices on the groin J floor the West Block at Obviously two Cabinet Ministers which is one of Canadian Government transact all the this country has in Eng land so that General Hughes can safely the and come back to real work- The time for the Canadian War Lord to AGENTS Stock Carpets Squares of all Kinds and Sizes Less than Prices Linoleums 2 3 and yds wide- Oilcloths In all widths j Bungalow Nets and Scrims In all prices and qualities Cretonnes Damasks and Art Sa teens in Endloss Variety visit England in search glory arid Cocoa Wats a floral tributes from Sir Max Cocoa tor Churches and Picnic The annual Picnic of the North York Womens Institute will be at Bond Lake on Wednesday Aug It is expected that the the various branches will in cite their husbands and friends Arrangements have been for ail to have supper logilher in the Pavilion Dishes for the purpose will provided by the District Scretarv Any wishing to privately may obtain dishes on the grounds on payment of a small fee Killed in the Dardanelles Another Toronto boy has given his life for the in the Dardanelles Mr John P Eaten Albany avenue received noti fication from the British War Of fice Tuesday night thai his son Lieutenant Gerald Philip Eaten bad been killed in action on Aug ust enlisted with the first Canadian contingent and wen l- to as a Sergeant in Hie Third Battalion While in be secured a commission with the Queens Royal West Regiment with which he wnt the Dardanelles When kill- hi- wis attached to the First Regiment A brother John is in Belgium Third Canadian Battalion was but twenty years of age and was Toronto Me bad been wilh in surance companies for several year- and at the lime of bis vt- fof overseas with the thrown Insurance he had been with toe family formerly oil the ilh Con about miles from market evenings entertainment was then brought to a close The officers expressed a wish that all members will make a spe cial effort to attend next Tuesday evening Visiting brothers wel- LIVE STOCK MARKET Highest prices in Toronto this week Choice Butchers and Feeders Williams and Stark 2nd Lyons Inch and Shirley Ladies Ball Throwing Contest Shirley Wheelbarrow Race Boys Maw and Biscuit Eating Contest eat biscuits step forward and whis tle God Save the King If 2nd Needle Threading r Church and Stark 2nd Wil liams and Margaret Perkins Everything passed off satisfactory except the fail- ore of the Railway Co to provide Hie last car on time It was no joke for a big car load to wait for an hour in the dark whim women French troops have completed rind children were compelled to conquest of all ot the stand in the long grass beside to Germany in Alt her colonies the track wet with heavy dew except one in Africa are gone Milkers Springers 7500 Veal Calves 1060 Sheep J Lambs 1125 Hogs off cars Under the Auspices of the Fas ami North York and North Liberals at On CEDAR GLEN PARK LAKE August FOOTBALL Seniors Only Open to Fast and North York and North Ontario Clubs ho A very wedding took at tin borne Mr ami Mr Walter Ave tin bride on August The df-cor- aled for the Miss Victoria daughter of Ihe of became he liil- of Mr our ley of The bride who was away by her brother Mr Win was and to the Secretary to start at pm sharp TO Till WINNERS RACES AND SPORTS SPECIAL FEATURES PATRIOTIC ADDRESSES At ISM pm by Hon Bon Mackenie King Hogg J W I Walton Aid 1 and Prominent Speakers Stouffvllle and Mount Albert Bands In Dancing in he and evening on sale Meals for those slaying in the evening will he served A Jitney Service to ami from will be in operation lo W Secy meet tin- after noon ami evening OK DALES Chairman trains Ave THE JEWELRY LINE 1 charming in a gown of Ivory made in military ef fect carried a bridal iisen and of I he valley Vivian of bride made a girl ami carried pink Taylor of an old friend he fam ily performed tin- marriage in of the which a dainty supper was Mr ami Mrs our ley lift Immediately afterward by the for a honeymoon trip travelling In a suit of i the has and will ways continue to be THE POPULAR LINE from which to make Selections for Gifts No oilier line affords the variety No other gifts afford the de light the satisfaction Always in evidence useful and durable Make Your Selection Here navy cheviot will cream sa tin waist and hat to match After their return Mr our ley his regiment Hat Their many friends wish them Why days of married life ATKINSON COM Jewelers and Opticians Cfi AGENT LICENSES is after Canada has done her- full duty in the war and helped to bring it to a triumphant conclusion- Mean- while if- Canada 4b to equip and maintain an army which will never he one hundred and fifty thousand men at any period of the war Major General Hughes will find plenty to keep him busy a Ottawa As the chief means o publicity is the printed appeal pictures and post ers It follows that such a might he chosen from the newspapers Canada whose business is publicity Halt a dozen reporters a couple Of newspaper artists would do the re cruiting movement a lot pf good They would not only produce copy with a pull but they would give the fruity old colonels i the Militia tips on human interest that might be worked out to the im mense advantage of the British Hughes has his own press agent who blows the Generals horn on the pro vocation one agent and he semidetached a th is not enough for the Militi Department It should have a dozen press agents blowing bugles for King and country That the place toy get intelligence of the particular quality required- is among the newspaper men is by a little incident in Toronto where a verv young lieutenant with a brief newspaper training had a dream that he acted upon at once He dreamt a street car fitted out with flags and soldiers In uniforms and buglers would go into the highways and and scoop the recruits in He interviewed the street railway Mana ger next morning and that afternoon the very car he dreamt of was on the rails and doing tremendous busi ness A few practical dreams like of ts long sleep out of its long sleep Another point the recruiting move ment seems to have overlooked is that the recruits wont come to you If you want tbem you must go out and get them The cherry isnt worth reaching for isnt worth pick ing It is not to open an office hold down an armchair wait for the recruits to come in and sign the roll A bcrlbbomu sergeant outside the door helps some and brass bands do good work loo for youth Is ever by and color- hut more active measures than that tobe taken if an army of one hundred and fifty thousand Is to be kept at full strength The recruiting must get out and circulate If he would the football and hoc key heroes who decorate the streets corners of most of our small towns lie should ho to point out to them how much better it to he their bit tor Kin and Country than loafing at home The Canadian army would look tetter for the of many of these athletic young idlers who having won glory in the newspapers for their lighting qualities In the sports of peace have now a to display their prowess In- the stern tasks war For credit of Canada the recruit ing must pet out the Canadians who have no IHtirs t bold them back No- he able to say that on ly the outofworks went from Cana da fallows who had choice fight or starve Another matter the Militia Depart ment should take in hand is speeches arc a fine thing If they are not too long and if they are spoken by the right man In the right place Statesmen are a good drawing card but it may be laid down as a general rule one lhakt that has been at the front Is worth a carload of pell 1 clans It follows that recruiting should make play with returned heroes from bat lie front Their splendid example Is worth wilderness of brave words Moreover meetings must Im properly managed so that the right kind of audience listens to the speech es and applauds the heroes The right kind of audience Is an audience of possible recruits and consequently any recruiting meeting that Issues so many platform tickets to patriots that there la no room body of the hall for the pros pective fighters fails of lis purpose Such a meeting took place In Hall Toronto not Ion ago a converging- bauds drew the from all parts of the city but when the crowd got their found Hull jammed to the of the speakers It Was a highly successful and fathering but It did not do much for recruiting The Department should promulgate order fh recruiting meet- Inns are for recruits and that pas sive can help things along better with their own rooiiN company The Mllltla Department will also find that it hips recruiting to put the recruits into uniform at once A old Outside Verandahs adles Dainty uptodate wear Tha Workmanship on Guaranteed and Prices to Fit all Purses J i i I v Sugar Is a little cheaper Canned Vegetables for 25o Good Teas are getting very scares and higher In price lay- In a stook at our prices Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds 30e J W A i chance to be proud of his colors be fore hustled off to war A lit tle preliminary glory at home among his friends is small enough glory for the dangers and hardships he is about to undergo at the front Such a rule would do away with the ragged ades of new recruits which are now feature- in our big cities As for a regiment or any part of a regiment going abroad that should never be allowed to happen that tha uniforms should be taken from the staybehinds who will ge others when their turn comes The militia Department- will also stimulate recruiting by giving definite that the soldier and his family will be looked after not only in the way of separation allowance and pension by law provided has also- in providing for his future as a useful working member of the com- he is not permanently ant totally disabled Some scheme of vocational training should be already afoot Membessof Can state as Mr his already done that a man with one arm can keep a lighthouse as well as a man with two a that other things be ing their patronage in regard to Government will go to the who has done his Lit rather than to the hunter who has re mained au home It goes without saying that the veterans will be en titled to land scrip as were the vet erans or other much smaller wars but it would do no harm it such an announcement were made right now Much has rem said to the recruits of their duties It will help the move- to dwell a little on their rewards NEWMARKET Ladies House Dresses in good quality of Print Reg for Ladies Silk Lisle In Fine Ribbed also Plain Tan and Brown Reg 35c and 25c Sale Price pair Girls Fancy Striped Reg for Fancy Stripe Gingham Reg for 9c Large Size Hair Nets dozen Reg each r p PINT meeting of the Wo mens Institute at the home of Mrs Jesse on Wednesday Auk Two topics will in troduced for discussion Frozen Dishes by Miss Hope and Disposal of Garbage and Waste by Mrs Ashton All dies are invited -OOO- j picking is the order of the Miss Gould is visiting her bro ther Mr Gould at Bond Head Mr and Mrs Jake Gould have re turned to their home in Toronto af ter spending few days with his mother here Mrs Dove spent Wednesday friends i Toronto Mrs Wilson has returned home after spending few days with Mrs- Mrs of spent the weekend with her sister Mrs J Cutting Mrs I ol has returned home after spending days with her parents here Canadians at the Front Ottawa Aug a 80000 now been sent from for service at the front There about casualties and there arc still fighting mm In Eng land and Prance This makes two army divisions with their reinforce ments There arc nearly men in at the present time a the various camps In Canada and there Is a proposal U neer by the mllltla authorities to create four Canadian army divisions two to be at the front and two to continue training In and to act as reinforcements for the two In the fighting line iil MADE IN CANADA- 1 Ford Touring The following prices Ford Out effective 1915 Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car 53000 Ford Town Car No included in this years equipment ears fully equipped There can he no assurance given against- an ad vance in these at any lime We guarantee however that there will lie no reduction in these prices prior to Aug J CALL AND SEE N ROBERTSON Newmarket i Newmarket MarkeU Aug Wheat per bush per bush Oats per 0 shorts per ton 30 Iran per ton 00 per doz Butter per lb Potatoes new per bag Potatoes rew 20 Chickens lb 0 15- Toronto Markets Aug 12th Wheat per bush JO 00 Rarity per bush 0 PERRINS GREENHOUSES STREET FUNERAL AND WEDDING work promptly attended to Prices reasonable Outoftown orders solicited Plants for winter should planted now Leading varieties ready CUT FLOWERS ALWAYS ON HAND PHONE 135 TRUNK TIME I Leave Toronto p in p in CO pm Leave GOING NORTH am pm p in pnij GOING SOUTH Vu am ttUU am pm to am to pm pm Arrive 730 a pm pri rtlll pm uio in train dues not leave on Saturday night but Sunday J v Port Aug The Oats per bush 00 City ot Sheboygan left per bush Is Sunday morning coal laden for Hay ton Kingston and luufnot yet arrived Butter per lb 30 thought she foundered la tb 0 0 storm on Monday night as the Potatoes new per bag 0 GO the steamer Major reports an Wilffft ih ft ot I i my Erie The schooner was owned McDonald 0 Owen Sound waft also master o the vessel HU wife also was on board and a crew five seven men clerk needs tally hes pretty apt to borrow it whrre its easiest to get I HIVES OF ONTA

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