Newmarket Era, 13 Aug 1915, p. 4

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a i- r ME IB Ilk S Find Help in Lydia E Pink Vegetable Compound Cape Wolfe Canada Lt March I complete wreck I had given up hops of getting better or living any length time I was Rich a sufferer from female trouble Bat I took Vegetable Compound and today I am good health and have a pair of twin two months old and growing finely I doctors and nan J for they all know what a wreck I was Happy and hearty and owe it all to remedies You may publish this letter If yoa like I think If more women need your remedies they would have better health Mrs J Cook Lot No Cape Wolfe Canada Because your case is a difficult one and doctors baring done you no good do not continue suffer without giving Lydia Vegetable Compound a trial It surely has remedied many cases of female ills such as inflamma tion ulceration displacements tumors Irregularities periodic pains backache and it may be exactly what you need The record is a proud and peerless one It is a record of constant victory over the women ills that deal out despair It is an es tablished fact that Lydia Pinkhams VegeUbleCoropound has restored health to thousands of such suffering women Why dont you try it if you need such a medicine not give your boy and girl an opportunity to make their now and Give them the same chances to win pro motion and as the lad having the advantage of WEBSTERS Asa result investigation into the recent disas- J Dickson Vice- President and JOeneral Manager of tlie International Railway Company has been arrested aitd from information given by I Lucas AttorneyGeneral of the Province it is quite the range of possibility- that Railway Company itself may it under stood the verdici of the jury in absolving Ibe car crew from re sponsibility does not inthe opin ion of officials lie the the authorities should action be contemplated against the men The Mail and Empire slfejies that The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board will not take any action thejurys find ing of defects in the railway sys tem but the Board will proceiJ with its own investigation We are told in this connection that Vicechairman Ingram of the Railway Board who was present practically at every session of the inquest will submit a report to his colleagues Of course ac tion will follow as the Board will then be in a position to make necessary suggestions to the Railway Company and to see that the game are carried out It is staled that the arrest of VicePresident Dickson was made by Crown officials under general instructions from the Depart ment of the AttorneyGeneral and Mr Davidson has been ap pointed to conduct further in vestigation with full power to act as tlie evidence seemed to warrant In the meantime the AttorneyGeneral observed that everything that could be done was being done to comply with the law HEW INTERNATIONAL in his home new creation answers withnnal author ity all kinds of questions in history geography biography fxllinz ports sciences Colored Plaice type Is equivalent to thtt of a volume Mora Scholarly Accra Coot talent and AuiboriuUTf thin any other REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER I EDITIONS i WRITE far wjitrattoaSj U you ltl3 I- C CO 11 iff a The simple gift that lends the- touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERE8 A ER IN YOUR TOWN E Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photos at night by the aid of Light Studio open Saturday evenings and any other evening by ap pointment One Door West of the New Post Office Gtaille Roller Flow MILL Manufacturer of the famous HOSE WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR PRIDE FLOW fbeee brands make the most delicious Pantry Bread and Buns Alga ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Brown Bread and HEAL for Porridge All Mad From no am son EDITORIAL NOES The next annual meeting of tins Ontario Municipal Associa tion will be held in Toronto on the first and second days of next month The program includes papers and discussions in refer ence to Municipal Borrowing Assessment and Taxation Coun cil Procedure Problem of Un employment etc No doubt suggestive municipal legislation lion will receive consideration According to the Assessment Act section the 1 of August is the last day for County to certify to clerks of local mu nicipalities the amount of County rate to he levied for the current year What with law courts al most in continuous session in the Judicial County of York and special grants made when added to other municipal rales York County rates for will ha higher than ever before I the course of an ad dress before the linn Temperance Union in To ronto las week General who has only recently returned from the seat of war remarked that One of the successes of the war had been the lied Cross work and he added The mod ern motor ambulances had sav ed more lives than anything else because of the speed with which the wounded were removed to the hospital Furnace Work The following is an authorized method of addressing letters to Canadian soldiers overseas Private J Smith 1st Battalion Canadians 1st Canadian Division The- words British Expedi tionary Force should be added if a man is known definitely to he in Trance or Flanders and Med iterranean Expeditionary Force if he known to in the Dar danelles On Wednesday of last week Hon T Ontarios Pro vincial Treasurer left IVonto for San Francisco to attend the ninth annual Conference of the National Tax Association of Am erica to he held there from to Mr John T White so lo Treasury Depart ment accompanied him They expect to he away for a couple of weeks The above National Tax Association is composed of from all the statis of the neighboring Republic and the Provinces of Canada The Federal Governments of both the United States and Canada likewise send delegates These Confer cost money It is to he hoped that the result will be com mensurate therewith rather than an excuse for a mere pleasure- able outing In an address in Convocation Toronto last week Gen eral who has recently returned from the seat of war observed that German gas fumes were taken for evil spirits by the FrenchAfrican troops who deserted the line at ario the breach which the Can adians stepped into when barred the German These black troops fled in thou sands terrorstricken while the Canadians marched steadily for ward meet the foe The Municipal World com menting upon the action of To ronto Corporation in licensing jitneys has the follow ing observation The City of Toronto is taxing the jitneys SI per seat per annum Suppose there are jitneys with an average of five seats To offset this item of revenue the city will lose from the To ronto Railway Company per cent or approximately judging from the figures at present availihle This is offset a loss of So much civic financing Robbing lax- the benefit of the jitney Owners thats all The commemoration of the first visit to the Georgian Bay says a rie despatch began on the 1st of August by the flagraising of the Madawaska Club banner at GoHome Bay Mrs Kerr wife of the President act ed as flagraiser The cele bration of the was con tinued on Monday by an address on the Recoliet mission of Fath er Caron who preceded Cham- plain in entering the hay years ago The address was given with great eloquence Dean Harris formerly of New market who proved the truth of the saying that the best prepara tion for writing an essay is to write a book on the same subject The audience consisting for the most part of members of the Faculty of the University of To ronto and their families was charmed by the vivid narrative and the magnetic personality the Dean who had been specially invited by a committee of the club and had come up from To ronto to give the address A vote of thanks was moved by Rev Dr of Knox College seconded by Rev Chancellor Bur- wash of Victoria College and passed by a standing vole much more than establishing anew one In many cases it is impracticable to attempt the improvement of an old lawn that is in bad condition say the specialists of the department However if a reasonably good turf obtains it possible To better it materially by fertilizing and watering In the majority of cases desired in since at season many bare spots are the result of the pre- ceeding Winter If the areas to be small they can be handworked and reseeded with little difllcultv If they are largo it is usually advisable to spade them iip work thoroughly and seed as in the case of starling a new lawn- In any event reseeding should be done early in the Spring with a liberal quantity of good seed mixtures When stand of grass is thin the entire lawn or a greater portion of it a special seeder small disks has been found very satisfactory for culling the seed into the sod and thereby- producing favorable conditions fpr germination and subsequent growth In the early Spring however the soil is usually loose as the result of the freezing and thawing and is in sufficiently open condition to permit the seed lo be covered with little difficulty After seeding if the ground has become quite dry rolling is usually benefic ial Care should be taken when mowing or watering the newly deed ed areas to avoid disturbing he young grass Thjs caution always applies in a measure to Fall seeding allnougll there is hot so much dan gerof damage in this way at this season The management of the lawn after it is once established is an extreme ly important matter and there are a few general practices that should be followed carefully Beginning in the early Spring the first thing to do is to remove with a rake the top dress ing that has been applied the Fall before- After removing this it is usually advisable lo apply some fer tilizer even though the soil is al ready reasonably fertile One of the very best fertilizers for the lawn in the Spring is nitrate of soda but on account of its quick action and its caustic effect extreme caution should be used in its application Five pounds of nitrate of soda are suffi cient for square feet of lawn and if applied in solution with the watering pot and the grass then thor oughly watered with a hose there is little danger of scalding Bone meal is probably the best commercial fer tilizer to use on a lawn considering the danger from the misuse of nil- rate of soda Bone meal can be used without laking any special caution in application as it is in ho way in jurious to the grass Eight pounds to square feet is a liberal ap plication- Any commercial fertilizer that is used should bo applied early in the Spring when the grass begins to grow In fact bone meal can be used every month dur ing the growing season except per haps July and August Fertilizing through the season is especially beneficial in keeping the grass stimulated at limes when it would otherwise be more or less inactive Pulverized limestone as a top dress ing is very helpful and an applica tion of this substance can be made either in the Fall Winter or Spring Lime corrects the acidity of the sur face soil and is useful in checking the growth of moss and various other plants that are detrimental lo the grass Prairie Farm and Home aid Reap Italy Is Latest Power to Jolt for War Use I Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit THE LEADING TINSMITH pig OSBORNE SONS mi Manitoba Provincial Flections held on Friday resulted In a com plete route of the Conservatives Liberals elected 39 Conserva tives Social Democrats The result indicates that the citizens have declared ably for honest Government and a clean Province When it Is remembered that the standing Of the Legislature last May when the Administration resign was Conservatives as against the charac ter of the change In the senti ment of the Province politically can he readily comprehended Hon T present Prem ier of Manitoba is a native of Peel County years of age and farmer by occupation Cabinet colleagues were all elected by decisive majorities It how Ontarios turn to fall THIS One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrh caanot be cured Halls Catarrh Cure J Co Toledo O We the uaderaifrned P J Cheney for the last 15 years believe him honorable all busiaess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is a- acting directly upon blood and mucous surfaces of system Testimonials sent T5 cents per bottle Sold all Take Halls Pills for Garden Parties Lawn Band TAKE NOTICE I Soda Water Works prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Soft Drinks at short est notice and delivered free to any place you wish Bell our drinks are Money Makers We Manufacture Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Raspberry- AND MANY OTHrJRB Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and Our Prompt Careful Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Soda Water Works E Prop NORTH END OXIDIZE WELDING AND MA CHINERY FOR 8ALE and Davis East of Toronto Bank Newmarket Aug 28 Sept Canadian National BITI01V TORONTO 150000 150000 PATRIOTIC YEAR Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF THE Farm under Cultivation Millions In Government THRILLING Naval Spectacle OF THE FLEET Art Treasures Creators Famous Band Bluest Cat and Show Ail of the carefully formulated re- that used to the purchasing of horses for armies of gone by he boarder There was a period during ine ttrst month or two of the great cavalry officers of the allies detailed the United States to secure animals for use- on the lighting front made a brave effort to maintain their oldstauaards A horse weigh at J east pounds many hands high be free of blemish both internal and external have a showy foot action and show evidences of high spirit but how all that sort of thing is of the Anything that can weigh up to pounds and walk on four ostensibly sound can get past in colors And for this class of the allied Government are paying an average per Horsemen Reap Fortunes Never the history of American horse raising been such a demand for animals as exists to day Breeders and buyers alike are reaping One linn located in Missouri is shipping an- average of horses per month to the Can adian border and is employing buyers lo scour the central and mountain western Slates to secure animals High as is the price lo- breeders are holding back and in confidence buyers themselves tell you that by winter time they ex pect to see the average price rise to 200 The demand is becoming more pressing every week Italy within the last few days has contracted with an Oklahoma firm for 25000 while Great Britain and France have lifted the lid on previous limita tions of their contracts They will take all that are offered The average life of a horse at the front to be just ten days Some of the best bred horses of the west have already been sold and before snow Hies many more are going I bought a pacer today said a young horse buyer who makes Mis- soiiri and Kansas his territory for the English army horse had a record of on the Grand Circuit and his pedigree went hack as far as you colild sec If this war keeps up for another year it will take American horsemen a decade to build up American horse lo the standard it kept before this war broke out At a Head We buyers get five dollars a head for every we buy There are 7 men buying horses for my firm In all there are about buyers how tripping about the West looking for stuff to feed the machine guns in Flanders average about eighty horses a week although I bought one week not long ago Thats mak ing a fairly good salary for inc Be fore this war broke out thought that a week as manager for a Missouri livery stable was great business All of Ibe old gang that used to follow the strings about the tracks in summer and hang out around the yards in Chicago and St Louis and Kansas City in the winter are in the horsebuying gametoday and living on easy street Why say I met an old pal of mine in Moines who look me up to Com mercial Savings bank and Showed me a balance of in his favor He hadnt been making real good living for the last ten years and now hes fixed for life on what hes clear ed on the market in the last ten months July 1st my firm made one of the biggest single shipments of horses ever nut on cars We got hold of head on the Mexican border ahead and sold them to Great Britain for about each The British Government has two horse Vesting stations in the United States One of these is at Boone Iowa and the other is at III near Chicago most of our ani mals To Vancouver BC where the English take them over I under stand they are shipped via the Suez Canal The American army is getting in to the game now and I have an order for both horses and mules for USA However the American of ficers maintain the old standards and we take care that our best stock goes to Uncle Sam Star Weekly Canada type power fully guaranteed designed for rt tsv cleaner t DUST BAQMada of heavy treated NOZZLE Ten long with slotted tip ErpHTHne pound HEIGHT Seven inches y rf ft Electrlo appliances make household drudgery a of the past and that as soon as woman pleases ri- PRACTICAL EXPCRIENCF Sole Agent for CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS CENTURY MOTORS WAGNER MOTORS ALFRED Market Building Electrical Contractor j A t j sure to M DBE83MAK1NQ fl the Era to to the Liberal line MISS MILLER Elm St Newmar ket Is now prepared to do Id latest at A call P O Box 3w23 WAR TROPHIES Grain Greater Poultry Show Aero One One New Thirds See REDUCED RAILWAY RATES mm ALL For eixty yewe the Refinery has led Canada in modern equipment date and the pursuit one ideal absolutely pure sugar In the Packages introduced by the 2 and 5 lb Cartons and the 20 50 and 100 lb Cloth Bags you get Canadas favorite sugar in perfect condition Sweeten 143 NOTICE to Couth Cor ner of Market on Timothy Street prices WANTED Private Cards For Ladies or Samples Hook Free Largo Chlpchase Darlington England OLD NEWSPAPERS For at tiiia Office PAINTERi PAPERHANGER DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper Supplied from 3o per Roll and Hung on the Koet Reasonable ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED ESTIMATES CHOPPED Spray the potatoes Keep the corn cultivated Fungi thrive during the damp weather and barley are beginning to he cut around Toronto The wet weather Is seriously re tarding the harvesting throughout the Province will be only a light honey crop this season Corn is going lo be short The last of alfalfa If cut green and mixed with the former will help fill silo If you are thinking of putting up a now poultry house this summer investigate the openfront type he- fore you build Wheal is declining In price The farmers who refused to he deceived by abnormal value- of last fall show ed their good judgment A summer school for rural leaders was recently opened at the Ontario Agricultural College Bee that tho separator is set on a firm level foundation A concrete base Is best The recent rains have Improved the rather backward root and corn crops around Guelph Ducklings for fattening purposes should not have unlimited water but even are better for a quarter of an hours wash daily Pick out the of your voung cockerels and put them up lo fatten Chopped grain and buttermilk a good fattening mash The wet weather proved disast rous for the raspberries fruit that camo In last week was quite soggy Does your land need Lime loosens up a heavy clay soil aids the growth of bacteria and neutralizes sour soil With opening of the Argentine ports to English stocks shipments have been sent almost Immediately Some of the animals that have gone were purchased months ago and naturally tho owners were unwilling to take the risk of even a day longer than was The trouble of butter having a cheesy is met with more- dur ing summer than in winter This is tho result- of koeplng the cream loo worm and in a place it can absorb odors Cheesy butter Is CANADA SUGAR REFINING CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Harvesters Wanted WINNIPEG THROUGH- SERVICE between Quebec Toronto and intermediate points giving good connection It Hie Choice of destination left lo the excursionist a mile from Winnipeg to Saskatoon Swan River Calgary Edmonton Red Deer and all points on the Canadian Northern Railway Reluming a mile from oil points on It to Winnipeg from Winnipeg to original starting point GOING DATES and From Kinmo ml Jet and all inter mediate stations on the Canadian Aug and From onto and all stations west and south in Ontario The country In the West la served by the Canadian Northern Railway The for Harvesters along it Is very heavy the high Write for and Settlers Guide showing free awaiting Ihe For full in- formation apply to nearest Agent PACIFIC TO0U LABORED FOR HARVE8TINQ IN GOING TRIP TO WINNIPEG ED WESTERN CANADA RETURN TRIP EA8T WINNIPEG I August leth and Tichbornc Jet Lake Renfrow and East in the Province of Ontario and Quebec including intermediate stations and branches August Met and Wth From Toronto Mario and East in Provinces of Ontario includ ing stations and branches but not East of or including Kingston Tichborne Lake or Ronfrow August and 28th From Toronto and stations West and North in the Province of Onlario but hot stations on line north of Toronto to Sudbury and Marie Ont For full particulars transportation West of Winnipeg etc see nearest Agent or write M MURPHY District Agent TORONTO ATKINSON AGENT NEWMARKET found at farms where good going August here is nol a proper place for stor- and return limit the cream and it kept in TO MAINE house p Portland Old Orchard etc SEASIDE EX0UR8IONS VIA CAN- Tickets good going August and return limit Sep- 13th 1915 Particulars- r i ADIAN various from Canadian Pacific Ticket Attractive trips to points in Quebec New Brunswick Agents or write M Nova Scotia Newfoundland and District Passenger Agent Prince Edward Tickets to

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