Newmarket Era, 13 Aug 1915, p. 6

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safe 1 MOUNT- ALBERTS v- TT mm a BASEBALL Mount Albert Baseball Team went to on Friday last and played the team town The result was a decisive win for score being to PUBLIC LIBRARY are requested to announce that the Library will be closed from August to Aug ust inclusive Members take out four books before it is closed Mount be well re presented at the Patriotic Picnic at Mussulmans Lake on Satur day Reeve is representing York County Council this week in arbitration proceedings re di vision of School Section No 15 York It looks as if the young furni ture- dealer will soon need of bis own goods The Excursion to Toronto on Wednesday under he auspices of the of the Methodist Sun day School was fairly well patron ized Farmers report wheat growing in the shock as the result of the wet weather of last week Li ISLAND GROVE There now some lages here and for Ivvo Sunday evenings divine service been held Mr They so heart ily enjoyed that an effort isbeing made to build a union church here J KESWICK There was a large attendance at the Methodist Church last and the sermon by Rev J- Simpson of Toronto was greatly appreciated There were four otter preachers in the congregation On the line or North Gwillim- there are three farms adjoining owned by and now Mr Will has the fourth one Merry town will be an- appropriate name for the corners PERSONAL Mr Byron Sister of the Ma chine Gun of the Battalion was in own on Sun day on a visit to his friends hers He expects to leave Niagara for England before Miss Peters a former teacher in our public school is visiting at the home of Miss Leek Miss Ida of Toronto is visiting Miss Ruth Miss Muriel Infant of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr Robertson Miss Ella Lakefleld Miss Thomas of Streets are visiting at the Par sonage Rev J Leggolt is visiting ibis brother at for a f Mrs Stewart son of are visiting at the home of Mr J Mrs Ross of Toronto and Mrs Glenn of Varna spent the Toroi- Civic Holiday with Mrs Mc- and Miss Thompson Mrs of has returned home after a pleasant visit here Miss Cook is visiting friends in Toronto Mr Stanley Cook of was home over Sunday MUNICIPALITY OK THE OF QWILL1MBUHY COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections ot the Ontario Voters Lists Act the copied required by said to be so transmitted or delivered of tile list made pursuant to said Act all persons appearing by the last Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to he entitled to vote in the said Municipality Elections for Members of Legislature As sembly and at Municipal Elections and that the said list Was first post ed at my office at on the day Aug and re there or Inspection Sectors are called upon to examine said list and it any omissions or any other errors arc found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said corrected accord- I log to law Aug A Clerk the of East POTATO DIGGERS farm dont forgot I hat I Bell the Digger made Be wore to see me if you want the Lest I Marled a number of the New and I toll you straight the are the King of Binders if you want a new Binder be sure to see the new If Ml Albert SHARON The heavy storms of did considerable damage to the crops in tins section Many of the farmers say their wheat is growing Mrs of Toronto is vis iting her sister Miss Mr Harvey Ramsay spent Sun day at Weston Mrs Graham visited the city last week Mr and Mrs has Montgomery- and family of Toronto visited at Mr A over Sunday Mrs McArthur and Miss Proc tor visited at last day Miss Emilia Terry is enjoying the Mackinaw trip Mr Thomas Lyons and sisters of Virginia spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs J Kilelyr Mr and Mrs Fred of Toronto visited his mother last Saturday Mrs of is visiting at Mr Clips Watsons Mr Walter Proctor of St visited at Mr Crones on Sunday Mr John Tate spent Wednesday in Toronto Stop I Listen Wedding hells will soon be ringing Sharon Hand will hold a Gar den Party and Illumination of the old Iemple oh Wednesday even ing the ooo t The best Garden Party of the sea son is to be at on Wed nesday evening of next week If is to be held at Farm the home of Mr John Moore and Womens Institute are sparing no panj to make It worthy of the cause of Patriotism Supper served from fi to for the usual charge of 25c followed by a good program Mr I Reeve of the Township will act as Chairman and give an address Mr of Newmarket will also speak and there will be solos duetts recita tions etc as well as of music by the Mount Albert Brass Band miss the gathering To the many readers of the Newmarket Era that read tin of Mr it Gold en Wedding anniversary in the Toronto Daily J lobe of August a word or two in addition might not he amiss There three West East and North Mr was born on lot 18 Con East now owned by Win about mill- south of here The farm that Mrs grandfather owned is now owned by Mr la Mr first school School Section East as Peii- of canine- friends poor dog so said little Green I think never heard of- anything bo mean etc separator has arrived It is a dandy enough oul thousand oats It means the boys- will have- to work ca pacious jaws A- Carnival of go Baldwin forever anil a day after I On Friday Baldwins lucky Red Men fro ni Island came here to demonstrate their skill at baseball Our boys were too for them There was a great throng of Badwiri Bellas and sweet lassie amongst whom were numbered the elegant Miss Sweet herself seated on the grass at a safe distance takings keen interest in the mimic Our boys knowing this were spur red on to do their best After a long and most stubborn con test the Red Men gave way The score Men Baldwin Id I suppose those double twisted spiral curves of Jeff Pringle proved a conundrum that gave the visitors the Certain it is they gave way to ex citement and thus lost the Our boys gave the visitors a sup per and sent them home in good humor and say theyre a nice lot of young fellows Return on Island on Aug at the annual Indian After the departure of the Island ers the Brownies thinking to di a little cheap advertising desired a game Our hoys though pret ty well tuckered out accommodat ed them with the usual result a disaster to the Brownies Any more worlds to conquer If so come on 1 Pringle after a severe with his injured shin is getting OK again He observes it takes considerable to knock him out Some years ago while a deeply interested spectator of A hockey match a stray puck gave him a vicious clip at the butt of the ear and smashed the bone Our poultry raisers have with sad reverses and disaster have decimated their flocks Prospective wealth has dwindled low Brer Fox should tie fat lie is well fed An observant lady says Em ory deserves credit for the quiet manner in which he motors along- Just a nice easy lope I have no them boozy beggars who tearing along in a reckless wild fashion repardless of life or limb Gaol is none loo good for The Learned Doctor and Hi Automobile Sometimes I go out in my auto for a spree And I spin at a high rate speed dangerous I know to riile o and so But its mighty little care deed It may he perhaps Im pulled for- the beck PM For causing such a horrible row But of course I dont mind as I only gel lined And Im gelling a gay hoy now have positions at ton- Minoie Bell- are- spending months holiday at home Mr James Morris Intends leaving for the Mrs is- Miss visiting with her sister at KitcKing w spending her holidays home here the city on Mr arid West left lor Port last week secured with th3 of the Repository have engaged load ing cats of Tan Batk for the Ex hibition grounds at -Toronto- J Mr visiting with Mrs- Mrs Stork of who been visiting with her mother Mrs Walters Returned on Saturday last Mr John is- visiting friends in Town The Misses Minnie and Jessie Bell o Toronto are spending their holidays at home Mr and Mrs of Montreal who wpre visiting Mr JaS Scott rned on Saturday 1 Gray of who was isin her Mrs ft For- r returned on last limhury better known griues Section Mr Harry wife Glen motored down and spent the week end with his cousin Mrs Wil lard Cole They liuohd by Mrs sister and her husband Mr and Mrs Ivan of Visitors at A last Sunday were Mr am Mrs Homers Messrs and James Rlonhenson and Mrs Dr an application a rural hamlet to Youll find tills story in North York The showering of the bride elect Violet by a very numerous throng of lady friends amounted to something worth mentioning a handsome lot far loo numerous to particularize Near ly seventy ladies present Mis Hoy Tomliuson and fam ily of are at papas pon aid lUddcl Arthur Smith Thomas Smith Waller Green and Draper represent our burg in lie huckle berry plains work hard all day But twould hardly di If we can il pay oh thou huckeberry Im no longer much of a racer HO bothers me seriously to catch up with my news budget I ay Mr Grant and lady friend were visiting at Mr on Friday Mr James Phillips and three children of Indian Head have been visiting friends here for some time Quite a rush at the icecream par lor on Saturday night Private Stanley Draper Niagara amp was visiting his aunt Mrs and other friends on Friday and Saturday The Methodist Ladies Aid me it was at Mrs I Stevens on July Quite number present The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Wylder on Augist Everybody welcome Mr and Mrs Pollard of Bethel spent Sunday at Mr Miss Hell Phillip is her vacatun with friends in Pansy o BEACH- Another hayrack ride passed through the Beach on Thursday evening if last week Mr and Mrs Win Voices of To spent the weekend with his brother- Mr John Yokes Miss Yokes left on Moniley for Honey Harbor visit friends Miss Campbell daughter of Thos Campbell who has been on furlough for a year will leave here on Saturday to resume her labors as a missionary in Ja pan She goes by way of San Balfour gave good service last Saturday The large con gregation in he morning con tained six or seven preachers Next Sunday he in charge of both services During I he past week several have been successful rolling line Mr J It Thomp sons family have caught two Mr Thompson two Mr Andy Wright one Mr Walter Wright and Harold a fl pounder and some ill the South end ihe Beach Zephyr Villa re- freshed by a now cadi of paint look from verandah of ami to return it Tin Beach was lively on Wed he big picnic from Newmarket Mr Anderson of Toronto one of the flrst Contingent that suffered from the leriniin gas and who is hoiueoiifurlouuli for two months was the guest or Mr Livingston on Monday- Air ami Mrs 1 Thomson had more visitors for thai Weekend market a4 and Mrs Milne from other side Sunday the Sutton met last Friday overling arid passed a acQdunls through Society vlt di- each dav of the Fair It that if possible arrange ments could- the Highlanders Band have them here for the second day- and have them on the concert at night Some arc also to be h6ld lo the rounding schools ill regard to at of this be made known later ihe dates of the Fair this year are and Furnishing Store now have in their fall and winter sam ples of clothing See them The following pupils of pur School here passed and are ready for Normal and Mamie McLaughlin Maud Basil Cross The promoters of the Patriotic Celebration at Sutton on the drew bad weather for their races However lite weather cleared dur ing the forenoon and it was decid ed to put trot or pace and a freeforall cutting out llie class The- following were events l MATTHEWS VJOEPflESEDUfT A BOGERT General Manager Off Farmers p cornpietond Notts collected on favorable- terms and advances made on such at rates T1e Savings Department Is a safe and convenient depository for your money Interest at current rates Is paid on deposits of one dollar and upwards One dollar opens an account In the Savings Department m MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S D TERRY Manager i J A nizin l pay Express me a Send me your Auto Tires I one way Charges Moderate trial All sizes of Tires in stock New and Rebuilt Gasoline Oils Accessories General Repair Work Main Street Garage Sutton STANLEY A Prop A 3 Billy Sims J F Lavery Sutton Brown Hal Williamson Toronto 2 2 James Albert Culver- well Sutton 33 3 Time Trot or Pace Eel Jr Jas Smith To ronto 5 Wright W Toronto A Kenzie Fortune verwell Boy Ira An drews 4 Time The allendahce was fairly good but if the weather had been at all promising there would have been a bumper attendance Three more horses were to come from Toronto three from Newmarket and one from Sunderland The concert at night was a good one and the was packed The directors have decided to make this an annual event After all expenses were paid was left for the Patriotic Fund divid ed as follows To local To Cross To Overseas Club Cigarette ami Tobacco Fund The Ladies Aid of the Sutton Metjiodist Church are having sale of homomade cooking flowers and ice cream on the lawn of Mrs sons Point on Friday this after noon and evening Proceeds in aid of In- British prisoners of r F former minister of Knox Church is here for his vacation Sir and of Bur- fain spent the past week Mrs Dr here Mr and Mrs f F wer his parents in during the past week Lady became separated from her husband while In town She asked a friend whore she would be likely to find hirm What was he buying asked the friend Well he was looking for a Suit of Underwear and a Shirt Well then you will find him at as there Is where he would go for the best She went di rectly there and sure enough she 3RUS GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses 5 SUTTON WEST Hot and the Misses May and yet record Hunker all of Toronlf Miss Master M and Misses Bunker are their holidays FarView arm wish some demon would spit it away soon of our bad hoys Im to report thai LETTER The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Cru GoVt T O Ry Grmnd Trunk System TORONTOWINNIPEG Vik Cobalt end the Scenic of Ontario New Ontario Route of innumerable Marvels Finest Equipment Splendid Commencing Tuesday July 13 pm Tbu Sal Winnipeg pm dally Wed Sun Cochrane pm Wed Sua- Saskatoon Winnipeg 350 Sat Moo pm Thiough via the Canadian Rockies at belt to Prince Rupert Yukon Vancouver Victoria Seattle- 9 fcJeciric lighted dintnf tourist standard sleeping tables car tickets ard other in from any Grand Trunk Can Govt or on application dmda t o NOTICE TO purchased a Well Outfit arc now lo do work at regular arnl satisfaction guaranteed SON FARM FOR Lot 34 Con 2 JJxhrlrJge mo cleared of hush remainder pasture well watered brick house and Tor apply to Cook- mi Albert FARM FOR ALE acres or North half tot No In the Sixth acres lan4 clay loom and fruit and lots iod water fair end fair Kmj For parti- eu4r apply to Henry HBjftnhot p BALDWIN Too rain I bay ha a many f hay accompanied great blow played lh with Ihe corn an well as other graljlH Oh well we cant expect lo ways have daft clouds world a good many in guiBA Mas ter Murray Corner met of Ihe highest rank at picnic Master Murray found a watch and whilst laklg a good of his find a fellow stepped up and said Here hoy watch The little fellow gave it up I dont for a suppose It Ilia watch or that hed ever seen it A gentleman would have proved conclusively that was life property he took it away Borne more meanness Borne merchants have watch out I shall no say il for HOLLAND LANDING Preparations are made for the annual Garden Party the Methodist Church and those In charge are OitbiK to make it the best It will be held on the church la yd on Tuesday evening Aug Sharon Hand has been tor the oc casion and a good program provided Usual admission charge a which Includes the supper to be serv ed from to Icecream and other refreshments at the will be extra A large crowd 1h expected and good time anticipated wretch last week cut come the Mrs little dog The guilty culprit deserves a similar treatment The dog ifi Mr Shields week end at home Miss Mae and Mias A few of our sportsmen look in Ihe Patriotic Picnic Button on August Mr lias rn Ihesiek this week he will 90011 he around again match came last week the Indians and is reported that won hut it was not fair play Untie Owl had heller a professional rtryl give Baldwin a good Johnson did not like llkj way the game came off Hes all right and hie cigar lie looked quite familiar Tomlinson of Baldwin unloaded- Ills threshing machine in Monday Mr Bole conducted the service Inlho Presbyterian church hotli afternoon and evening Berrypicking the order of the day Some of our young sportsmen have been very idle lately They had heller be buttering their bread for winter Miss Myrtle Traviijs of has been spending a few days With Mr Hiram Bleeping Beauty Send the Era to absent friends Ontario crop loss may aggregate- twenty million because the had weather of lha past two weeks ac cording to the official statement giv en out by Hon fames Dun Min ister of Agriculture The Inhibition authorities will tak special precautions to prevent ac cidents on the lake front during the Kali Military from Nia gara camp are to demonstrate the of torpedoes and hidden mines each blowing up min iature battleships some distance from shore Toronto postal employes will aaia give one pay be devoted pi The step was de cided upon at a well attended meet ing of the postal clerks in office The amount given will total about The military tattoo oft Monday ev ening under the auspices of the City for recruiting purposes at Bark out a crowd equalled for any purpose In Toronto All through Ontario reports have reached Toronto that considerable fall wheat has been damaged by Hon Held Acting Minister of Public in the Govern ment passed through Toronto on Monday en route for here he had a short conference re specting harbor construction here O Bluffs during last weeks gale is now A chief engineer believed to he a total loss together of work reports that ex- with a large cargo of freight cedent progress is being made in Quite quantity of goods pi construction of good roads in the have been rescued County of York six seven of Toronto Council has contributed a men being employed hi the Town- million dollars for purposes ships of The Post Office one of the and chief obstacles in the way of the Union Station been according to a message New York Aug IL Army from Ottawa Navy louinil organ of tbe The annual convention of the W Grand Lodge Independent J W lows of Ontario bell held at Stratford this week A number from Toronto arc la attendance A petition is in circulation praying the City Council to repeal the early closing bylaws in so far as the bar bers arc concerned it on would carry liberty to authority were conviction mention it that we at nearly is Win contractor is the Telegram for an alleged libel ami claiming damages The prosecutor claims that his client was called a crook which he denies The name of avenue been changed to avenue Is wipliig out everything Oerman submarines have sunk captured or destroyed by allies up to the many ia now building subs at rate of one a week the Aug J What plight resulted in the drowning of Lawrence at Point Lake narrowly averted timely arrival of Dr of has Many young people were bathinc fifty out when Dr motoring by heard lor help The man The names of several streets changed p a hole ten Albert Moore head of the Methodist Church Service much the tor succeeded hi extricating the boy i ill lias iiurn iiwui an extended trip throughout the Western J He docs not believe that to he but after the use he revived IT NEARLY KILLED HIM partment has returned from ex Manitoba elections was a- surprise to the residents the general opinion being that the not often would make lie believes the whole Province will vote prohibition Medicine help any The Hoard of Control on a vote of the doctor told his patient three to two Instructed Street Com- you need Is complete change of misslcnor Wilson that he must not let away to some quiet a- work men more then nine hours try place for a month to bed early eat more beet The Ontario Government has placed plenty of good rich milk and an order with the University of To- smoke just one cirar a day calling tor delivery of A month later the patient syringe packages of tetanus antitoxin into the doctors oflicd He locked Tuesday i employ received month The order also calls for like a new man and the doctor tod in back pay The rainfall in Toronto the storm of Tuesdav the heaviest on record It amounted to Inches in show would have been feet freighter Alexandria which wrecked em the shoal near immediate deliver so worth of the material Yes Doctor your advice The International Railway Co it did the business I went to bed Is alleged are working hard to fettle early and did all the other damage claims for told me But say Doctor that one by Railway cigar almost killed me firs cident has that claims in are now nettled my time of life A A I a f J I v- A

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