RK mm sift i fej Pis V if 3 tfra S IV- IP Three lints StickPin Reward of Electrician pearls Walker I CARD Mr Hiram and family wish to thank neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of and mother Hiram Holt Aug passes Great Britain her- for bringing the war a successful result During the past week 1 was paid on behalf of the Boat Co of the United Stales oh account of a contract for armed boats with a speed of oyer a mile a minute and capable of either ramming or shelling German submarines The full order calls for of these petrol boats They are real gasoline launches of the has yet been arranged it stood l plans are made for the disposition the iropps when they came back id Toronto which be of October and men will be housed on the Exhibition Grounds This double number of last year Already have been gathering in suspicious and the Magistrates are ling them out of the way till after the Exhibition oyer MSSfSS On Monday last was FRUIT will be at their best the lost two weeks in August The to gel to market are the Sages and The is the best Japanese plum Everybody knows Iho preserving qualities of the Gages The quality this sea son is unusually line and it will be well to put down an ex tra supply Early River and Alexandra peaches are also ready They are both su premely delicious sliced With cream The Triumph is the first yellow fleshed peach and excellent for canning Better quality will be obtained both in peaches and plums if orders are placed early already been delivered to the Bri tish Admiralty and fully meet ex pectations TOLET Two Houses on Lot St Mod ern Conveniences a month Apply to MRS A EVANS Two almost new Conboy Bug gies One steel and one rubber tires Apply to Newmarket NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR NOTICE Is Hereby Given That ROBERT WILLIAM THOMPSON of the City of Toronto in the County of and Province of Ontario Broker will aPPlv to the Parliament Cana da at the next session thereof for a hill of divorce from Ms wife Ida Lois Thompson of the City of New York the State of New York one of the United States of America on the ground of adultery and desertion DATED at Toronto this of August Mcpherson Yonge Street Toronto Solicitors for the applicant The Ontario Railway on Saturday last administer ed a marked rebuke To the Mayor ind municipal authorities for 111 inconvenience their action n tearing up the track of the Met- at Railway on Street has given to the people of Hie County as well as the travelling public The decision of the Board reads as follows The Metropol itan Railway Company is entitled to connect up its tracks on Yonge Street with its terminal on its ad joining properly south of nam Ave Indeed upon consider of all facts and in view of the and embarrass ments suffered by the public the board would rather have antici pated an application by the city to compel the company to provide a terminal such as that pro posed Mis Greta is visile visiting- ip relatives in Aurora this Mr and Mr Hamilton had ani spent the Lake is MrA Shaw of Head- is visiting friends and relativri Mrs and fiosts days for carrying a loaded revolver was intoxicated Canadian National Exhibi tion prize list this year amounts lo praetically all goes to the Agricultural classes Oily authorities are indignant the decision of the Railway Johns is Miss Blanche Osborne ffi her vacation MrsVKred Jones of of Major Hays at feat Mrs I Hamitions ijkii of spent Tuesday in Town her fr I We are now In pur busiest season handling fruits of all kinds and Varieties Foreign and native handled In large quantities The berry season will soon be overhand plums peaches and pears will be the leading fruits on the market Mr Fred Sherwood spent wife of speWa few days at Orchard The with his Druggist Patter- guest of fiKanaran Harvest Help Excursions TO WINNIPEG August 18 and Stations Kingston and Renfrew and East in Ontario and Quebec Vi August and From Stations Toronto to North Hay inclusive and but not including Kingston Renfrew or East thereof August and 28 From Stations in Ontario North ami West of Toronto but not eluding line Toronto to North Ha For particulars as to tickets West of Winnipeg etc apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent J Depot Agent Phone J Y Phone DpTown Agent From an estimate made at the Canada Pension Office at Ottawa at the end of the war this Do minion will have 5000 or pensions to pay thus adding lo the annual expenditure of the country a sum equal to at least per annum for pen sions foKthe wives and families of dead soldiers and for disabled men Up to the present date the number of Canadian soldiers re ceiving pensions is and the sum paid out up to July last reached The- Militia authorities slated that each appli cation for a pension takes three or four months between be time the soldier falls or is wound- and the date on which the applica tion is finally passed hence it altogether probable that the set apart for pensions during the present year will be sufficient lo meet all claims this connection however we may observe that it is estimated that already about Canadian men having families have fallen in ac tion but clainis of only a limit number have yet been passed upon by the militia department 15000 CANADIAN TROOPS FOR THE DARDANELLES DRESSMAKING Miss M Sibley is now back in and would be pleased resume dressmaking En quire at Mrs Louis Arm Rages Niagara St w Vancouver BIG Aug Hon T Chase he Canadian Club banquet in Vancouver loda that had officially advised by the Minister of Militia that fifteen thousand of the Canadian soldiers now in Britain will be sent to the Dardanelles FALL TERM OPENS YORK RADIAL GIVEN POWER The efforts of the city to ob struct the Toronto York Radial Railway Co in its proposed erec tion of a station and freight sheds on land owned by the company on the west of St just south of received little Sympathy from the Ontario Rail way and Municipal Hoard The Hoard issued an order Monday giving the company the power to erect the terminal and connect up with its tracks on St The order concludes with the statement that The Hoard will approve plan bled subject how ever to any modifications that may appear proper lo be made after hearing he citys objections on engineering grounds The Hoard strongly disapproves of the attitude adopted by the city towards the company LET ONTARIO VOTE Toronto does not ask for a bet ter reputation than it already We got positions for many students each year Cata logue free J ELLIOTT Principal St I LIVE8 L03T The Unking In Aegean Sea by a Ccrinau on Saturday of the Royal with heavy loss life has al ter a year of War broken the record the British navy of having trans ported hundreds of of men across the seas without the destruc tion of one trooladen XYh text of the announce ment Is follows The British transport Royal wan sunk an enemy subma rine In the Aegean last Saturday According to the Informa tion at present available the trans port had on board 32 military Offi cers troops In addition to the fchipn crew of officers Sand men The troops consisted reinforcements for the Division id details of Royal Army Med- corps Full Information has yet been received but It la tltot about been saved According to Berlin the was by a torpedo and in seven minutes Mr Howells proposal on the question after bis return from the West where lie saw the marked development in ancb feeling and legislation has aroused keen interest and is sure to reopen the definite what to do with the liquor traffic in Ontario Mr Hoyells proposals aiv is follows Let the Ontario Govern ment at least give the people of Ontario the opportunity lo say themselves whether or not lliwy do want the liquor traffic abolish ed as the people of Alberta have done Let the Government act quickly instance the people could vole on the question at the same lime as the municipal elections The Government could call the House to nit in November and the legislation could be passed at that time Commission in regard lo the Met ropolitan Railway at North Mayor Church says an air peal will be taken to the JUeanwhile- however temporary service is to be arrang ed by the Board of Control from Ave to the tracks This will be welcome news to the people of York County Mr Andrew Gordon aged IS years is the winner of the of Wales prize for general profi ciency at the University of Toron to s matriculation examination this year He received all Jiis training in the schools of Toron to The campers at Grimsby held a big picnic and on Wednesday The event was it- tended by a large number of To ronto citizens Hon Geo P Graham wriles llic Globe that he was misrepresented or misunderstood in his at Cedar Glen Park last Saturday as be did not say that the action of the banks bad caused any man ufacturing establishments to ho closed- While Ihe remains of the Rev Joseph J lying in slate during Sunday af ternoon and Monday fully people tribute to the depart ed Mayor Church narrowly escap ed being run down by a lender on the Street Crossing on white witnessing the em barkation of soldiers He was hit on the shoulder in an automobile accident on Sunday Albert had his legs fractured and is now be ing to at- the Hospital Along with his mother lie was on the eve of his departure for Eng land to be near bis father who is at present connected with the Canadian expeditionary force Announcement is thrf Provincial Department of Lands and Mines is preparing a general scheme to attract and assist set tlers taking up farm lands in Northern Ontario The relatives of four Toronto soldiers who have fallen receiv er the Insurance Co on Saturday Total insur ance paid to date It is officially announced that one hundred rank and file of the Canadian Artillery also two of ficers of the A and Ve terinary Officers have arrived safely in England An automobile driven by Miss Wilkinson of St Johns Road was struck a street ear on Sunday on College Street The car was badly smashed hut occupants were not very serious ly injured Without warning an automo bile struck down a man on the Kingston Road last Sunday kill ing him and it is feared fatally injuring a lady he was escorting Something new in aquatics was staged when Balmy Beach Tenuis Club held their first annual re galia All the events with the exception of tile ladles and gents tandem Wei for ladies only The feature event was ladies war canoe race This is the first year that ladies war canoes have met in open competition in and Judging by the interest tak en by the large crowd assembled on Saturday it will be a perma nent fixture in Toronto aquatics In the future The island A A sent down a crew attired in while middies and bloomers The Balmy Beach girls wore khaki bloomers and middies While endeavoring lo striking a pedestrian on St Sunday morning Geo Murray St fell from his mo torcycle He received an Injury to his leg His brother who was riding with him was unconscious for an hour from a slight concus sion of the brain Sundays storm played havoc with the crops In Board of Railway given permission lo the Toronto Railway Company to appeal lo the Supreme Court- of Canada connection with an or der of board directing thai company to contribute lo cost of a subway at Avenue Road two weeks vacation with Irela- at Dicks of Toronto spent a few days last week with Collins on Park Ave Gordon Wright of To- was calling on old friends in town on Tuesday Miss Kale Anderson is spend ing her holidays with her friend Miss Flossie Collins I Mrs Atkinson and Manning spent yesterday with Mrs G Jackson at Orchard Beach Geo and Mr Edward of New York ami Mrs J A of ijoronto been spending the week with Mrs LBastedo We select our fruit at the Toront Market and there fore can have a large variety to choose from and at lower prices V Hi Mrs Robert Harland daughter Helen visited in Toronto last week Misses Bessie and Jones spent Sunday at Mr Hamiltons Roachs Point Delia Wade of Maple spent a couple of days with her cousin Miss Gertrude Moody J I Simpson and family of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs R Manning last Friday Mrs J R Anderson of Nebraska is spending three months at her old home near Sharon Miss Lewis left for Sas katchewan on Tuesday to re sume her duties as public school teacher Mr and Mrs W Lynn of Toronto spent a few days tins week with Mr and Mrs John Bolton Ave Mr and Mrs St Clair ac companied by Miss visit ed the past two weeks with frienos in Belleville and Mr and Mrs Win Bell who have been visiting her sister Mrs J Collins left for home last Saturday at Fort William After being ill for some lime Mrs Bert Hunt has gone to Toronto General Hospital We hope for a speedy Mr and Mrs Paxlon of New market visited recently at the home Of the sister Mrs Tims Holly Park Co i Miss Violet Robinson has re turned from Port Dalhousic where she spent two weeks vaca tion with Mrs Coombs their summer resort Mr Fro who went lo Burks Falls years ago at the old home in Fast Cwillim bury this week attending the funeral of his mother Mrs J Wright also Mrs Geo A Thompson daughter and son motored to Trenouth Farm Lake for the weekend Mrs Walter p Rogers of Toronto lire funeral of Mrs St last Friday Toronto is spending a week with friends in Pino Orchard and Newmarket Shaw of Mount Albert and Miss Ada Clarke of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr P Morton Lome Ave Miss Jean Evans and Master returned on Tuesday from a fortnights vacation with her sister Mrs Joe in To ronto Hi Mrs of Jo with little Beryl and Fraik have been here for the past few days oil account of the illness of her mother Mrs J as many friends of Mrs this years Honey Just arrived In and 10 lb pails Also Honey in the comb For a nice cool drink try some of Daltons Lemonade Orangeade or Raspberry Vinegar For a good cup of tea you cant do better than try some of our own blend PHONE Arthur Nolle will be pleased to that she Is able Jo be up after lo her bed under the Doctor care fov the last InVi days Mrs David Hamilton Libra rian at Public Library also A Cornell Secretary Public Library Hoard attended York Dis trict Library Institute at Ibis week Miss Bender of Stratford Mr NEWSPAPERS For Sale at Office Roy King and Miss King of Ayton spent a few days with Mr and Mrs The latter will remain for a cou- of weeks with her sister Rev and Mrs English Mass left Ibis week after visiting her mother Mrs Morton Joseph Ave for Wood stock vt where Ihcy will visit for a week previous to their re turn home Mrs A J leaves f next week for a few months Mr being ployed there Miss Kidd has been visiting her lately Miss is spending a week with her school chum Miss Atkinson at her summer home near Miss Margaret of Cal gary Alta spent a few days with Mr Simpson St on way home from an extended visit in Quebec Mrs of George town mother of LteutGol Bal- and her daughter Mrs Maine of Winnipeg spent last week with the formers brother Mr Allan Mrs A Norris and Miss Morion have returned after spending three weeks in Owen Sound and other towns accom panied by Miss Vclma Winch f Paisley and Mr W Wincli of Owen Sound and Mrs of Toronto Miss Helena a New- market girl who is now a profei- nurse at Rochester sends a coulrihuliou to the Red Cross Fund this week and adds that she is proud of the way Ihe town is working to relieve the wounded soldiers in the great Hon L Mackenzie King together with his father and mother are spending a month at the farm of Mr Win Ferguson at King Township Both his parents are over years of age but still active and much tcresled in public affairs This being the Riding represented so long by his mothers father Win Lyon Mackenzie it is a I pleasure to her be among those who are the descendants of her fathers closest friends It will no doubt interest the readers of the Era lo know that she is the only surviving member of the Mackenzie family being he youngest daughter is also worthy of note to mention that a great grandson of Wm Lyon Mackenzie Lindsey a son of Lindsey of Toron to is lighting in one of the Can- Contingents in the trenches in The descendants of such illustrious personage is Win Lyon Mackenzie will receio a warm welcome in any part of North York PURITY I- AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes C2D MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Camera and Photo Supplied Freeh Chocolates TELFLPTT OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No Fall QOods arriving daily and Hero is a chance to stock up with and at our 1000 purchase on this Sale BROKEN Repaired Within Hours Simply 8end Your Broken Lens PERCY THE OPTICIAN BLOOR STREET EAST COIMIKOP TORONTO Phono North Mens Shirts some Silk Shirts in this lot to to clear Regular up Mens Shirts some with separate soft collar to match Keg lo to clear at 88o or 3 for Mens Pajamas Hog up to pr to clear at 125 prs Mens Silk Socks in all colors and to clear at or 3 for DONT FORGET TO GET YOUR PIANO VOTES we need room and mono High Class Mens Piano Vote9 with every dollars 300 prs Mens Lisle Socks in all colors Meg and to clear at 16o 300 Mens Silk Ties En lat est patterns to clear at 3Bo or 3 for 20 Mens Duck Trousers to at 30 Mens Cream with stripe Trousers to clear 1B0 Mens Hells In Black tan and Gray Reg to clear 300 Mens Hoots in Black Tan and Patent Leather in all latest shapes some with rubber soles 600 and 660 to clear at 30 Mens Oxfords in Tan Patent and Gun Metal to clear at and only Bal ance of Straw Hats to clear at BOo i THE House buy your For Cash UNDERTAKING J A SPECIALTY attended to at John Millard 3000 GERMANS ANNIHILAT ED BY THEIR OWN GAS Aug Theer mans attacked Ossowetz today preceding the attack with a bom bardment by asphyxiating gas bombs The wind suddenly changed and the Germans in escape poisonous Three thousand Germans who caught between the of the fortrcflsofld that of own artillery overtaken by gnu and practically annihilated- Send tho Era to absent friends Millicent Truman late Principal of King George Public School in Newmarket was married lo Mr Mitchell on 1 of August at Out After the 1st of October they will be at home Sash Mrs Geo Brown trained nurse of London Hug has been appointed by Ihe Metropolitan Life Insurance Co as District Nurse for Newmarket This service is quite free for Metropolitan Policy Holders Further Information can be obtained from Agent Newmarket Or L Hughes Toronto was the guest of Mrs Morton Joseph Ave hist Saturday It will be remembered that took the parly of teachers for a trip to and the con tinent two years ago Miss pes sie Morion and her sister Mrv Collins were two of party Tho Cradle In Newmarket Aug to Mr and Mrs Leslie a son Holland In on Aug t3 lo Mr and Mrs Thomas a son In Aurora on Tuesday Aug to Mr and Mrs Arthur Cocker Hi son A Ins ley In Newmarket on Au lo Mr and Mrs Ar thur a son Goldsmith In Newmarket on Aug lo Mrand Mis Alf Goldsmith a son Graves In on Aug 1 to Mr and Mr- Walter Graves a son The Mens Outfitter Many a man what is right lacks the courage to do At Keswick on Aug to Mr and Mrs Merrill a son Walsh In Town on Sunday Aug 1915 to Mr and Mrs J Walsh a son Large On Aug at Port to and Mrs Largo of Port Simp son B formerly of Queens a daughter i The Altar At Mount Den nis Aug 2nd by Marsh Annie daughter of late An gus of King Township to Mr John of Gull Lake J ROADHOU8E Main Newmarket AH Orders Careful The Tomb At Slouffville on Auk 1915 Elder in his year Funeral at Christian Newmarket on Saturday noon Travlss In on Friday Aug 13th 1015 Elizabeth A- beloved wife of Hiram Travlss in her year Funeral Sunday to Mount Albert jfiemeteVy Hayes In Mount Albert oh Sun day Aug loth 1915 Ethel J Mackrill beloved wifo of Tlios Hayes aged years and days Funeral Tuesday to- Mount Al bert Cemetery In Aurora on Tuesday Aug 17th 1915 infant son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Cook r A r-ri-