1 Only two more weeks v store occupied by Co the most valuable property in Newmarket s Sept6ifi is the next public holiday Col Lloyd is painting bis houses on Lot Street Accident On Saturday whose home adjoins Newmarket was helping Mr Herd of Mount Al bert draw in grain He was driv ing a highspirited colt that was only half broken and it ran causing Severe injuries to the owner and the driver of the team Mr McNeal was brought home to Newmarket on Sunday and it was found among oilier injuries that he had receiv ed a fracture of the heel This will mean a couple of months off work rinkswent Barrio ednesday arid won 5oii Bradford was playing here yesterday afternoon for the Trophy The Packing House at the North End is alt ready for the cucumbers A big crop is ex pected Minutes of East GwilUmbuiv crowded out till next is sue police Court Last Monday Police Magistrate had an old offender be fore him for being drunk in a Lo cal Option Town His name is Edward and he was fined 20 and costs in all Some charges of perjury are expected to follow this prosecu tion as Magistrate made it quite plain that he did not ac cept all the evidence heard before him His Worship believes that there are still blind pigs doing business in Newmarket More Accommodation Wanted Several times we have called at tention to the fact that Newmar ket has outgrown her public hall capacity and this was manifest ly apparent last Friday night Long before the time appointed for the meeting to begin theeat- capacity of the Town Hall was fully occupied and yet the side walks and road in the vicinity of the building were blocked with people Not only is more accommo dation required for local gather ings but the central location of Newmarket in the North Riding of York demands a building of capacity to meet Hie needs of the people and if the town is to maintain its position as The Hub it is to enlarge the Town Hall For years the political gatherings of importance have overtaxed the capacity of tin present- building and it is time provision was made in the public interests An extension of feet to the South affording more market accommodation on the ground- floor would be a very justifiable expenditure Newmarket High It a gratification to read in the announcement of Scholarships that one of our own High School Students figure among the successful ones nest ranked for two schol arships one of General Prdfichui- cy and the other for proficiency in the two departments of Mod erns and Science As the latter Is the more valuable il was the one awarded The value is pari in cash part in free tuition one awarded The value is 100 Is lh eldest son of Mr of Newmarket The success is creditable 16 and also to the staff and among the latter Miss Quail and Mr Kidd who had charge of the two departments In the list of Junior Matricu lants published yesterday Ihe fol lowing High School students have Jin honorable place Atkinson Win J Eileen It Thornton A It Mackenzie fipiague Entertainment Miss elocutionist of Toronto is training number of Newmarket children for a drama tic ploy to be given- in the Town Hall on Sept 2nd for patriotic purposes It will no doubt be something good as Miss never does anything by halves Death of Elder Very many people- this sec tion of country will regret learn that Elder passed away at his residence in on Tuesday evening his year Deceased had not been feeling well for a month so and the cause of death was heart trouble Funeral service will be held in Memorial Church atStouff- at oclock on Friday even ing and leave at on Saturday morning for- New market where another service will be held in the Christian Church on arrival about noon and interment in Newmarket Cemetery Elder Hairier was pastor of the Christian Church here for many years and has many warm friends who will regret to hear of his de mise He was a most worker winning scores of souls for the church He was President of lhentario Christian Confer ence for many years and was one of the most prominent ministers of the denomination Franco 3ist July Dear Sister- Just received parcel and was in good shape Those ginger snaps were good I had any for a long time and to bacco came in very good- them the first day we were out of the this were the trenches We can never what will be like Everything is about the same oyer They aye nearly all their grain cut now We have had fine weather this last couple of weeks The- nights art- getting cold when sleep out as we are in huts made for sleeping They hold aboultwepi lyftveof In your last letter you said Mr gave you a box of cigars for me havent got IheVn yet Hope I dofor guess they are good ones and say I would not mind if you could send me some Oil of Cedar ounces Would be enough to stop my shirt from running away Our rations are about the same as usual bully beef and biscuits every other day and fresh beef in it is not so bad as it might be in Jack Canuck about the Ross Rifles We have all got English Rifles now They are the best service gun When was in one of the old trendies that were taken by the English I found a German Rifle and I be lieve they have the best rifle all had a parceLfrom Newmar ket It was a song Mr Miner wrote am sending him a let- telling him it was got up well We are all learning it now and have nearly got the tune of it Well will close now Hope Harry and the Baby are well as I am the So long Jack ANOTHER LETTER FROM THE LINE Town Councfl Council met on Monday evening Aug Acting Mayor Keith in the chair Members presenl Messrs Keith Pearson Tench and Eves Minutes of last meeting read and adopted The following accounts ordered to be paid Co G2t Northern Alfred Starr 1 Murphy were were 50 05 50 20 J W Caldwell Inland Revenue Newmarket Era Can Express Office Specialty Pay Sheet Pay Sheet to it Pay Sheet W Pay Sheet Pole Wire Pay Sheet Pole A Wire Application for light from and Burrow grant Application for water from Val Jlrooks granted when bylaw is complied with A communication was received from the Unique Shoe Company referred to the Acting Mayor arid Property Com Communication from- Phillips referred to the Acting Mayor and the Properly Com Council adjourned This letter was received by Mae Storks from PteG Smith who formerly resided on Queen St France July Dear Miss Storks I have just received your kind letter ami am very pleased to hear from you and that all are well in Newmarket I expect the people in Canada are wondering when the war is going to finish Well I can you it looks very lively some times especially where my regi ment is You asked me if I was in the Battle of Well no I was not there but 1 was in the Battle of and Pittsburg We lost between two and three hundred men and nine officers at that engagement on the of May I wont forgot that day for a while I was fed up by the time another brigade came and relieved us at nightfall Still we take it all in good War is war out here I was wounded at and in Hie hospital for days Mr and Mrs of Zephyr and Mr and Mrs Moriey Of KeswieK were guests at on Sunday Aurora her- cbusinf lh arid over Sunday Baldwibbaseballboys to Island Thursday Hark 1 a question of drop our drop the game Mr Guy Taylor sec tion foreman was up on his Bsily on mothers Mrs- Tal0rW at Swamp On return he took Aimer Foster who is to he his assistant The a fortnight ago made of the silage coriivIayinfe flat as pancake A was looking terribly blue His ten acres was a sorry sight It has arisen- fthd looks more magnificent than ever which nobody can The ban crop of North York See it for yourself Mrs A has lost her and cant tell whore to find her Leave her alone and shell come home With a little brood behind her Mrs A was looking verysad Her face bore a look of meek rsignalioii She had her turkey up as a goner Mr A day or so ago met and could see by her eye that she had some good -newf- She had found her- wayward turkey- hen incubating a of eggs in a sequestered spot in Hiding their nests is turkey na ture Long years of domestica tion cannot break up natures laws Miss Myrtle Foster is of a most adventurous and fearless disposi tion She seems to be in her ele ment in the midst of danger Last week I saw her out driving and giving a coll its preliminary training It- does kick like the very old Harry she laughinglv explained Leap year will soon he along She will be privileged to take the young men or a drive Myrtle has lately received a handsome kodak as a present and now I suppose in a sense she will be an imitation of the great George Washington and his little hatchet The Wardeil automobile with their load of living freight young ladies and kids reminds me of old Young his sixty wives and their innumerable progeny The chauffeurs seem to the smoothness of the Owl- town racecourse when they reach it for they pull open the throttle and shake her loose Let go Ann Oh its just Young Law of Zephyr about the slickest and most ex pert handler of a machine I have seen mteBBHU v- Complete Stock of Koeo-Fuf- I Carpal Squares of all arid ii Us than City Linoleums 2 and yds Oilcloth fin all widths Net and Sorlms In all prices and qualities Cretonnes Damasks and Art Sa teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats in all sizes Cocoa Matt ins lor Churches arid Outside Verandahs all I 3 and Workmanship on Pair Guaranteed and to Fit i wear Sugar Is a little cheaper Canned Vegetables 3 for Good Teas are getting very scare and higher in lay In Ladles Dainty uptodate J our low price Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds III JM ax A- wear Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds A J Mrs Lush Jr of Toronto and family are visitors at Sun Grove Farm of Mr and Mrs Work progresses slowly on the new bridge Mr of the Line has erected a new silo i 1 was a good attendance at the Methodist on Sunday last The pastor Rev Honey occupied Mrs and Miss Edith of Toronto arc guests at Mr Cooks for a time Aid meeting which was hold on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mr Lemon was attended and a pleasant and profitable lime was spent Master of Good wood is visiting his aunt Mrs Grove Miss Bella McKucn of ville is the of her i J J if ii3 NEW MA 1 A I in the chest with a piece of shell It hurst fiver our trench I shall have a lot of news to tell you when come hack to Canada again I should have finished my years last March but I have got to serve another extra months on account of the war There are some awful sights out here The Germans were driven out of lu place where I am now five limes by the French They wwe light ing in the French on one and Germans on ihe other It was once a small town but every house is- knocked down in the ground There Is hot a house left standing so you can picture what it is like there Graves in all yards and gardens of French arid soldiers The is knocked and even he poor bodies ii the coffins are knocked out of Anderson and has been a trip to Union Services Larger crowds than ever wen ground Is awful In see I hem I am Used In looking at ii thin now A present at the Union Services of the and Churches on Sunday was preacher and both sermons gave evident Of considerable of and careful The subject for morning Mffid your business was deal with in a very aide and mamir pro v 1 luiwever all too full for one discussion The preacher Ihcrefnrfi divided Into OioiiK second of which be proposes to deliver on morning to Service a short praise Service was IjebJ Tlo- a feature of ihe in future Popular hymns will stills and the are inviled lo along and yufst Tlie suhjecl for the are yon IbfnkinLaboul was taken from ami he speaker held hi large audience In close grip ii while he upon Ho- theme At the was aforded all who wished to re main for an oldfashfoned and maiiyavail- of afterward testifying to blessing received during day under the inUy of the word Next the subjects for consideration V be Morning Christian Church- Sermon on Mind Your Own Business When Where Why at Friends Church A Man with Four Ions Preacher Rev Alfred Young Com GERMAN GAIN Kovno and Novo Fort resses are still holding out against the violent assaults of the Germans A Berlin official despatch records the storming and capture of lying forts at places and the faking of prisoners and 240 The Germans are confident that the of no cannot he delayed the rent the enemy has within Aug ffl list mile of the fortress according to an who signed up here yesterday Austrian statement The next Patriotic Day was days decide the fate found that the I hi and Mrs Smith is well in and we both hope he in Canada again I will now with best respects to your moth er and and yourself Smith Lennox were town last week Mr Anderson and your Uncle always been on good terms He piirjJs a good friend but a relentless enemy For long I was down on Mr Lennox as lie was pretty raspy with my friend Hon J Hut the Omnipotent and Law Giver has said Forgive as you are forgiven so have buried hatchet and shaken hands with L Hut I havent voled Tory yet Not yet Oh No The Owl much disappoint hie as the threatening look of the weather prevented him from taking part in the Liberal parade at Mussulmans Lake on Saturday I hope those who were present had an enjoyable lime We might have- seen Uncle Johnson and Aunt Sally as th- oldest couple of berrypickers and John Hi as old est Liberal Miss Stella is away a short vacation shes In leave us thus dear its Weil we have other young I OS hen- and lots if Oh burl shes buck Mr limiuie Daly the Ave Irishman baa lots of com any He has been batching for long Some ago a ter arrived from he Emerald and a week ago two brothers ar rived from Ihe Sod The Presbyterian Church closed for a few weeks Mr las Merchant took Toronto last week Sorry to report the death of Mrs Hiram Friday Aug 13th The funeral took place on Sunday at pm at the house service being conducted by Hew The re mains were taken to Mount Albert Cemetery for interment- Our Walter has been very busy late ly enjoyments Mr took a trip- north this week Some of our have been foolish enough to be hit by purchas ing lot of coal oil from a Yankee Harvest has been delayed very much lately Hope the weather will dry up Sleeping Beauty Ladles House Dresses in good quality of Print for Ladles Silk Lisle Hose in Fine Ribbed also Plain Tan and Brown Reg 35c and Sale Price 19c pair Fancy Striped Reg for Fancy Stripe Gingham- Reg 15o for Large Size Hair Nets 25c dozen Reg each 1 r J i l II a t a Sale Register reveal the mander plans of the Era to absent friends I joys the Home Guards and four from Villages had call a total of and bringing OrEHIas contribution to the forces nearly to THE JEWELRY LINE has been and will al ways continue lo be THE POPULAR LINE from which to make Selections fo Qlfts No other Mm affords ihe variety No other afford llo- d- the Always In evidence useful and durable Make Your Here r a Tuesday Aug 24Mr Hughes will have a sale of Household Furniture etc at the house on Millard Ave Terms cash Hale at pm J I jucl LIVE MARKET Highest prices in Toronto this week Choice Butchers Oat He Blockers and Feeders Milker Springers Veal Halves Sheen 700 Lambs Hogs off cars Newmarket Markets r Wheat per hush per hush Oats per per ton liran per ton Butter per lb it in TOWN LINK Not wry encouraging weal her Wheat per bush per hush farmprs yet oats per bush lUth 12 0 5U 23 00 20- 21 25 Potatoes new per bag 0 potatoes new per Toronto Markets Jewelers and Optloians P TICKET LICENSES up in hurry 1 i Thanks to the Sixth Line for in weeks Issue Quito nil array of new buggies in this district Herb and Mary and and Leila were two dandies on the Slid Line on Sunday Miss Maggie Robinson of New market was the guest of Miss Leila Webster on Sunday Mrs David of the Line dud her son Tom were vis itors Lloyds New market on The threshing whistle Is again lo he heard SI and Ids brand new outfit engine ami sepa rator started on Tuesday at the farm of- his brother Oscar SI deserves patronage for his enter prise and hustle Wonder where Harry was on Sunday The young lady who rode In the redgeared was high ly honored as the turnout looked Mr and Mrs Myron Donne of the 3rd Line were guests of Mr and Mrs Isaac Webster on Sun- t per bush Hay per ton Mutter per per Chickens per lb Potatoes per bag Ducks lb Aug 1015 00 0 li ID 15 280 30- 0 0 i 0- 0 0 20- 23 Fori The following prices fob Ford Out effective Aug Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car Ford Town Car No speedometer included in this years equipment oth erwise cars fully equipped can be no assurance given against an in those at any time We guarantee that there will be no reduction in these prices prior to Aug 1011 CALL AND SEE K ROBERTSON Deal or Newmarket There M 1 j r 1 1 i GRAND TRUNK TIME TABLS I Leave Toronto pm pm pm GOING NORTH Newmarket am pm I 714 pm pm going south am Newmarket am Toronto am ain pm 137 pm pm pm I 1015 am 340 pm 1050 Arrive am 1018 pm 815 rfl pm train does not leave leaves Sunday f on Saturday night but night BIG AT OSHAWA Aug While aud poller departments were call ed to rope off he dangerous district and hold the people in safety While the damage done here is great it is feared thai the outly ing districts near Columbus and Brooklyn have suffered far worse Cattle grazing in the pastures were swept Off their feet and some were carried destruction Fields of grain and orchards washed out and outbuildings though the fullest particulars be hail there is no doubt that the loss will run into thous ands of dollars CANADA BUYS THE Philadelphia Aug Acting for officials of the Canadian Acmilius of ronto has purchased of Morgan the steam said by Shipping men lo be one the largest and speediest pleasure craft flying the American flag- The will be added lo Dominion coast patrol which is the mouth of the St worshipped till gathered in its fold and washed town was plunged Into darkness miles- away from original Congregations going home found of lodging lite streets impassible owing to Seven hew cement bridges torrent of several feel lu which were built at a cost of over depth rushing along The away ami rapidly gtew worse crossing the the only cause of the old bridge dip in the main street It flood- J over Creek north of the banks off Newfoundland She will out all the houses In its path town of standing still make the voyage to Quebec uiiuSr ami the factory of the now is the fact it hut the new who has been Canning Company bursting tho erected by the commander of the for doors and windows in Ihe lower Id Eastern Hallway somewhat some years stories and carrying all the it has shielded it from the tents on with 1 full force of the trees and Barrels of canned produce pi- age afloat hi the stream The was builtin Lei iScotlandin She is feet anos furniture and articles of Telephone and telegraph description wore caught in muniealion is cut off and lid flood largo its size roads are impassable Hence al and the danger of spectators bo- drowned that the local lire Era to absent friends t I I r with a foot beam and has a depth- of hold of feet speed is rated knots and she has a- registry of tons net 1