i E TV Si- I HP SB e a Enhanced By Perfect Health one to most women and dis tinctly en epoch their Uvea woman in a hundred Is prepared or un derstands bow to properly care for Of nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment stench times bat many approach the expert with an organism unfit ted for the trial of strength and when it is oyer her system has received shock from which it is hard to recover Following right upon comes the nervous strain of caring for ths child and a distinct change in the mother results Is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children and indeed childbirth under the right conditions need no tobealth or beauty The thing Is that with all the evidence of ahattered and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition and with tm- time in which to prepare women will persist in going blindly to the trial Every woman at this time should rely upon Vegetable Compound a most valuable tonic and mvigorator of the female organism In many homes once chlldleii there are now children be cause of the fact that Lydia Pink- bam Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthy and strong If yon want special advice write to He Heine Go coat- dential Lyon Mass Year letter will be opened read aid answered fry a woman an4 held In strict 3li WeESterS Tat wtMTQ In talk and at tone the tree Id the office hop the mew- and yea I rj word A tiki mortar baidcnr k the of or the of US What New all of ilcrjIoLaBrnafHUlor7Biorraphr 4 and Science The dictionary with the acteriKd Oo thin India piper What a j t to wn the Webster In a bo to One the thlcknets and of EeeJerEOUoes book paper fiiMiiMivKi fiiocbet Writ fee ax4mlT GC CO l The simple gift that lends the touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERE8 A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN ZURBRIQG Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photos at night by tho aid of Electric Light Studio open Saturday evenings and any other evening by ap pointment Studio On Door West of the New Post Office Roller Flour MILLS Manufacture ROSE WATER LILY BLEND FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA PATENT Those are second to Hone your grocer for a trial lack guaranteed or money returned Help the mill at home The Western Mills dont help you being respecting Schemes made as between Government arid four- degrees or instance under the private totally disabled gets a year or a For an average fariiiiy of five their would be a week On the band tinder the Art for total per cent of his earning capacity up to the maximum of a year Under the Government pension proposition a soldier disabled will receive SI per or weekly but if he has a wife the total will be increased to per week and if three child ren making a family of live will be raised Id weekly Third degree pensioners de scribed as materially incapable of earning a living receive a year 051 per month or per week Fourth degree soldier pension ers receive a year 050 a month or per week This class lias reference to those slightly disabled so as to prevent earning a full livelihood Under Government pension plan in case of death a soldiers widow receives a month and 5 for each child Under Work mans Compensation Act the rales payable are for the widow and for each child until a maxi mum or50 a month is reached A good many people entertain Hie notion that the Government scheme considering the sacrifice of separation and danger as be tween soldier workman is not so favorable to the former as the circumstances and possi bilities demand EDITORIAL NOTES A press despatch from Ottawa states that as a precautionary mea sure the movements of visitors about Parliament Hill are being slightly re stricted Cameras are forbidden to be used on the grounds visitors to the House Commons be ac companied by someone who vouch for their identity The outer iron gates are now closed at nightfall The Globe calls attention to the fact that the Government Press is preparing the people of for a domestic loan It is hut a month since every Tory paper in country was heaving the for suggesting that Canadians should have a chance to purchase their own national securities when issued so attractive rate of in terest as live per cent Militia officers reported last that they found married recruits families chary of assisting more thn a month of their pay to their wives Officers would like these hus bands and all wives to know that soldiers arc provided with food and clothing even to razors and hair brushes and have no expenses to meet except the cost tobacco More than half of their pays wives should he assigned to their THE WAR AND l The organ at To ronto has joined the Liberal aiu in giving To the Editor of the Era The fact that Canada a century ago was worth nothing but worth uiitold millions is due to Great Britain Had Iho flow of Canadas prosperity acreage uhdce exports jyoulpIali increaseiJ jporiion she could jiriore food tOGreatBriiaiii and her Allies and her contingents troops at front could liaye doubled The iatiiolisn and generosity of the Canadians have astonished the world and these should survive after ibo war It will be work and nut The Dominion of unemployment is- to be oxpectV edviij Great Britain the last observes Governments commissioner in- n vestigating the war contracts scandal Sir CharlesDavidson ffi Wi Scotia looking into the gainst starvation poverty horse deals that indirectly the cause of the resignation of Conservative member for Kings Nova Scotia So horrified has Sir been at revelations of cheating that he lias or dered that no be paid to many witnesses A press from Ottawa on Saturday last states that Sir George Foster Minister of Trade and Commerce had issued a de nial of the Toronto report that on account of Canadas customs re filrictions American grain lour instead of Canadian are finding their way to Great Britain The Hon Minister states that tbe prohibition of the export of grain and flour to certain coun tries was made by the British Government so we prohibited the export of Canadian grain grain products to other than the British Empire Provision then allow shipment through the United States under such precautions as would insure that it did not go from thereto any countries not proscribed in the order tand physical deterioration Then the best and most enduring way for Canada to aid the British dis tress otherwise will be in evitable in that comity of nations known as flitf British Empire will lie to take some of our surplus labor to work on vacant acres so both may he employed to the fullest advantage By this means she can increase our food supplies and keep down our poor rate and at the same time pro vide for her own defence by thy introduction of efficiently trained troops and reduce he burden- of our war taxation by increasing the number of shoulders to bear it The only way to avoid a war in the Pacific is by being prepared to defend the empty areas of productive soil in West ern Canada and elsewhere As Sir Wilfrid said in the Ottawa House of Commons on December last No nation is worthy oil being a nation unless it is the of the at all limes to defend its Canadian ling acres and rover of land I anlexrsoldier boy dur ing the two aftertbe war is over some and fif teen and had repaid their fares could as gr a on thus secure tfie destiny of also a year alone- winch would to they they Will all tiielinprovemen wrought Jo them by their the col will be ahd In the towns will suffer con- sequence of lack of consdiuers Is IherEmpire one in peace as well as in war Vhat is Canadas reply Those Cana diarisvAvbo cannot join the active forces at the front should ready to help to receive the of our troops so th it the of Sir Robert uttered in the House of Commons at Ottawa on April 10 may- apply to the Canadians answer to the clarion of Peace as it did to the tocsin of Var Sir Rob ert said No one of us doubted then when the cud came the peo ple of Canada would be ready to respond to the call but We re joice that in every Province in Canada the response has been so warm so loyal so splendidly pa that every one of us feels today more proud than ever lie did before of this great Domin ion Yours faithfully THOS K Oriental Street Poplar London July Ply Store Electrical We Sell Made in Canada lfZ Electrically Operated V MOTOR Vertical type a horse power fully guaranteed t stellfan especially designed for cleaner v DUST BAG Made of heavy drilling treated NOZZLE Ten Inches long with slotted tip WEIGHT Nine pounds HEIGHT Seven THOMA8 A Electric appliances make household drudgery a thing of tho past and that soon as woman pleases FIVE YEARS Canadian National Sept TORONTO 1SO000 150000 PATRIOTIC YEAR Model Miliary Camp Destruction of Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display march of allies Sole Agent for CADILLAC VACUUM CENTURY MOTORS WAGNER MOTORS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCF Building ALFRED Electrical Contractor THE WAR AND MIGRATION TO CANADA i Letter II Female Migration War Widows and Orphans Phone 1810 ROBIN80N Proprietor Furnace Work A despatch from Ottawa states that patriotic mementoes Eons who fallen at the front and now lie buried on the bat tlefields of France and Flanders arc arriving at Militia Headquarters here They comprise the personal effects of the dead Canadians articles of cloth ing photographs letters bits of Jew- ellery Bibles and of all kinds The have been forward ed from the Canadian base at for distribution to next of In Can ada All the express companies do- in business In Canada have to forward packages free of charge to the families of the dead An official announcement by Hon Senator Acting Minister of Militia says My wife wont let will be a harrier to In Canada It has been decided that the regulation requiring married men to obtain the consent of their wives or of single men between the age of IS arid the consent of parents or guardians be abolished We are told that tho order will also he wiped that enabled man in the overseas forces to purchase his discharge for This new ruling will no doubt a actor in recruiting Farm under Cultivation Millions In Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF HIE FLEET Belgian Art Treasures tores Famous Hand Biggest Cat and Dog Show WAR TROPHIES Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acre of Manufactures One Thousand and One New Things to See REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at Shop Tilt TINSMITHS SONS A by the De partment of at Otta wa last week Ik in regard to the crop of the Dominion thi year The bulle tin reads an follows The har vested area of fail wheat in the five provinces Of Ontario Mani toba Alberta- and British amounts In to as compared acres In the tola estimated yield to bushels as compared with bushels in an hie re a go in total yield of per cent in area harvested In average yield per acre and in to tal yield fall wheat harvest of is therefore expected to he Lite largest on record In Ontario the total estimated yield bushels from acres an average of 2790 bushels acre and in Alberta the other large fall wheat province to tal yield Is bushel from acres an average Newmarket Soda Water Works Is prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Soft Drinks at short est notice and delivered frcoto any place you wish Sell our drinks They are Money Makers We Manufacture J Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Soda Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer AND MANY OTUEUS Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and Our Prompt Careful Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Newmarket Water Works Prop NORTH END NOTICE Removed to West Cor ner of Market on Timothy PAINTER DRAINER ART DECORATOR ETO Wall Supplied from 3o per Roll and Hung on Reasonable MA I ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED ESTIMATES SUBMITTED I dependence and light for it if need be The Canadians are fighting nobly and showing themselves worthy of llulr British slock but can Canada be said to bo ready for aggression especially in the West before her is doubled Had this happened before the Hon J in his last New Years message could have cabled home the vast resources of Western Canada will furnish an nually 400000000 bushels of wheat for the Motherland As it was lie could only mention half that quantity The transference UK Europe of of our home labor has led to older men being employed and to work being for nil those who are left at consider ably higher wages than prevail ed before the war The effect on the physique appearance of the people adults youths and kiddies is a conspicuous feature of the times It is for Canada and the other Dominions to sy whether this is loconliiuie after lie war or whether employers are to exploit our boys and at low wages to the exclus ion of those other men and of thousands of maimed and wound ed who will be seeking for work The latter if wounded in the arms or body would be abb to serve as messengers lift attendants porters and the leg wounded would act as bottle washers pack ers clerks and shopas fiislnnls and in other sedentary or stationary situations but these jobs will be taken up by boys who Mud no other outlet for heir energies unless they are absorb ed overseas for employers will not employ a man when they can get boys or girls to do the work more cheaply The first duly of the of Canada is obviously to provide work for all of their own forces who return to civil life but surely they can arrange that all vacancies by death in ex peditionary forces are filled on the return journey by fit men who wish to migrate from Lord Kit cheners army which is to be discharged as soon as possible after the war This would pro vide labor for the land and their consuming capacity would in crease employment in the towns They would willingly undertake to pay their fares out of wages after arrival but cannot save any thing out of their shilling day pay half of which in numerable cases is assigned to their rela tives so as to qualify them for a Government subsidy Canada was one of prizes the Prussians coveted Arc her saviours to he excluded because they were at home The Hoys The Imperialism of the boys is unparalleled All the beet who could go at age of sixteen and upwards have enlist ed by overstating their ages and cases of boys joining ranks at age of fifteen are frequent None of these wish to return to their former occupations and narrow lives When therefore there are situations for which local labor is applying will nil fares be advanced to help out such boys from home Thou sands of those who came out In the past enlisted and proved the sterling worth of their class The Future of Canada The one thing needful for Canada to become a truly great nation is to double or treble her population Now is the great opportunity to do so and at the time to prove that the Empire la one not only In Arms but In Labor also and the opportunity will wo hope as It Is due to the war The extension of Canadas urban employment depends on expansion of our rural population If one in In further reference to my last letter I would now ask you to find space for an appeal on behalf at once of the wives of the farmers in Canada ami widows of those who have fallen and will yet fall in her defence as one of the prim ary intentions of Prussia wus to transfer the Dominion to the Ger man Empire Before the outbreak of hostili ties we bad widows or rather more than the excess females over males inhabitants at home and the number will be terribly increased beforePeace is signed Many thousands of the civilian widows were young women of the working classes hardworking thrifty and domesticated and practically whole of the war widows will bo equally desirable as home helps especially on farms where loneliness of the life discourags girls Id go to undertake domestic work and the difficulties of In spection deter people from send ing them but The farmers wife also prefers to have the as sistance of a reliable woman of her own age to that of a girl re quiring instruction and control The experience of a score wiilows each willi one child has been so satisfactory in New South Wales that Such women are now regarded as potential do mestic servants and given reduc ed fares as such with a EXTRA GRANULATED the fruit you preserving Tell him too that you want it in the Packages originated for Sugar or 5 lb Sealed Cartons or 20 50 or lb Cloth Bags Then you will be sure to get theGENUlNEREDPATH- Canadas favorite sugar for three generations the sugar to whose preserving purity you can trust good fruit CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO LIMITED MONTREAL ponding reduction in the fares of he children latter act an anchor to the mother who consequently does not want to out at night or to leave her situ ation at short notice Her in terest in her child also removes much of the loneliness women otherwise experience in the coun try districts especially on- Hie fringe of settlement Will not Canada also after placing all her bereaved women come to the assistance to lhose who arc left alone from their husbands having died for Canada and for the at large Receiving centres and- districts for distribution can now be ar ranged In advance and enquiry will sliow how many widows with one or two children can be receiv ed It would also be a great ad vantage to those from each dis trict at home could be placed out in the same distributing area in Canada and Such a transfer of population would be even moie Imperial than an exchange of flags Many of the place names in the Dominion are tbe same those In the Motherland countries of Essex Kent Norfolk Middlesex Northumberland and Surrey our cities of London Westminster York Bristol Car lisle Newcastle Peterborough Liverpool and Hull have place namesake In Canada and boroughs and towns such as Windsor Falmouth Brighton Hastings Richmond and Inverness are like wise commemorated in names In the Dominion May these and other place names soon be unit ed in population across tlio At lantic Such systematic flow of from one place to the other of the same name would be of mutual advantage Such a movement would make for a United and reduce not drily our own femininity of population but also CanrfoVs ex cess of Males who In time would thus hope to become if 0000 fathers which at pres ent Is Impossible- Surely the women of Canada will do their sisters at home Yours faithfully Oriental Street Poplar London Aug Era to absent friends 30000 Harvesters Wanted TO WINNIPEG TllilOUGH SERVICE between Ottawa Toronto and intermediate points giving good connection to the Choice of destination left to the excursionist mile from Winnipeg west to Saskatoon Swan River Calgary Edmonton Red Deer ami all points on the Canadian Railway Returning a mile from all points on CN to Winnipeg from Winnipeg to original starling point GOING DATES Aug and From TomKo Hit Jet am all inter mediate stations on the Canadian Aug and From Toionto and all stations west and south in Ontario Tho rlohost country In the Is served by Canadian Northern Railway Tho for Harvesters along Its linos Is very heavy and tho high Write for Settlers showing free homesteads awaiting the seUlcr For full in formation apply to nearest Agent 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC MANY THOUSAND FOR HARVESTING IN GOING TRIP WE8T TO WINNIPEG WANTED CANADA RETURN TRIP EAST 1800 FROM WINK3PEG GOING DATES August and Jet Lake Renfrew and East in the Province of Ontario and Quebec including intermediate stations and branches August and From Toronto Marie Ont and East in the Provinces of Ontario includ- ing stations and branches but not East of or including Kingston Ticbborno Jot Sbarbot Lake or Renfrew August and 28th From Toronto anil stations West and North in the Province of but not in cluding stations on lino north of Toronto to Sudbury and Marie Out For full particulars regnrding transportation Wesl of Winnipeg etc nearest Agent or write MURPHY District assengor Agent TORONTO ATKINSON AGENT NEWMARKET Chicago Aug For the Aug lire in time in the history of Illinois wo- the pattern shop of the men employees of State will Bridge Boiler Co works here receive tire same pay as men do- did about 815000 All same class of work patterns for new munitions ginning with Sept 1st I machinery which rm was Nelson Aug 10 A explosion yesterday caused a flro on which destroyed eight launches and twelve with a loss of 9 V J m installing were destroyed Children FOR FLETCHERS fir