Newmarket Era, 20 Aug 1915, p. 5

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r J- Robertson oniccMain SWNewmartet ilMto Loan on good Farm Frank Durvfcan AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR- or Wilkinson BB Terry and wards Livery Sell See Me If too want to Buy or Dr H- Clark DENTIST Office almost opposite the King George Hotel MAIN ST NEWMARKET Exams Two more High School boys are added to- the candidates J and Smith former taking ill honors hi English and the uncle TING PREPARED i i V It or circumstances hay crop will life convince us that the period quite above the average this year THERO of vol the United States is passed that Uncle Sam is tired lying awake nights wonder ing whether will shoot that are our safety in the future fies in the means of carrying on a and amount of well III honors in Mathematics finnn Composed by MrO lori and sung by a j thai no Quartette at big Patriotic patriotic tale the place Meeting in Town i Dr J- Graduate Boyd inMedicine of also Licentiate the Royal College of Physi cians and member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London Main and Newmarket Telephone 1 Confutation Hours Will Open Soon Mr J A Armstrong emphatically denied the report that the delay in the opening of the Newmarket is ow ing to the failure to name a care taker out of the list of forty ap plications for the position Armstrong states that the build ing will be opened soon New- of scientific expedients and careful and accord rig to reports wliol been received byv tie of Roots will be fan abuiiantcfop except been affected by tlie wet of this month of JfffrioSrAij range with pure enamelled steel reservoir one piece The market last Friday evening 1 M When my King arid Country call me and front shrapnel shells te bursting in the air When the foe in fury charges and bear training that lsao from recent dispatches and that bear on this point is as follows Secretary of the Navy Josephus were sent to S C WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Removed to Park Ave Opposite Methodist Church Bert Green FAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nT house from Queen Street Newmarket Red Cross QHV The annual picnic and dance of the York Radial Co was held at Bond Lake on the of last month and was attended by about people The Executive in winding up the business de cided to give from the pic nic fund to the Toronto Red Cross Auxiliary Family Gathering A very pleasant gathering look place on Sunday last at home of Mr and Mrs J Willis the birthday Those present were Mr Burns Mr A and J Willis Miss M Mad- all of Toronto Mr and Mrs F Willis Mr and Mrs Wilfrid and four grandchildren and Mr and Mrs John Williams of New market the roll is called for ser vice Ill be there Clio When the roll is called for service etc When the Kaisers lines ar broken and his armies out of France When Belgian desolation we repair When the final musters ordered and the bugle sounds Ad vance May lie God of Battles help mo to he there of the service From floating uni versity to give boys wider outlooa of the world the navy is totecome what it was intended to be a strong arm ot defense Secretary Daniels his summoned to his aid a corpse of the Avai press is paying but to her soldiers in the and at the front- ddyi or about uer year and appears to have radically at increasing A total of his views regarding his branch 000 per paid to the wives and families of married soldiera and about assign- At the Riverdalo Band tattoo last- week a crowd ofover people led by a massed band of sang lh J t seamless clean enough to use in cooking preserving See the SOLD BY J A W ALLAN CO ventors country headed war song it has never Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger aid House Decorator Niagara and Street New market A NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia las and Records Complete Slock Prompt Service Fall Fairs Following are the dates al ready set for this season Sept Oct Bradford Sept 2528 Oct Newmarket Sept Sept 30- Oct i Queens ville Oct Oct Jl15 Sept 2321 Aug 28Sept button Toronto Zephyr Jackson Issuer of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private re sidence if desired Chicken Thieve The opinion prevails that a gang of poultry thieves are op erating in the vicinity of New market but all efforts to appre hend the guilty parlies have so far been unsuccessful The last report is that on two occasions the poultry house of Aid For ester near the mill was raided and over two dozen valuable fowl taken A reward of is of fered for information that will convict When the roil is called for service etc When the Allies march through Prussia with the foe in full retreat That our hearts be kept from hatred is our prayer When the right of might is ended in a crushing last defeat And the roll is called in Berlin Ill be there I Cho When the roll is called in Berlin Ill be there I When for me Last Post is sounded and I cross the Silent Ford Ive a Pilot who of mine fields willbeware When Reveille sounds in Heav en and the Armies of the Lord Sing the Hallelujah chorus Ft be there When the roll is called for service etc Thomas A Edison is the pur pose to m available to the gov ernment the best brains in tie and to have the most discriminating talent pass upon ventlons submitted Such men as Henry Ford and Wright who have made names for- themselves within a decade as inventive geniuses are to be available in an advisory ca pacity been sung before- in this city The valley of the Don resounded with the strains of martial rau R is paying a divi dend of 10 per on common stock this year From the Street Railway Union a cheque for has been hand ed to the widpw of late Co who was kill- That some such board is by falling from the running the is shown by the declaration a hoard of a street car on the I of July last If it were not for the Union the family would be left in want At present the Curtis Aeroplane NEWMArtR II LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes Stock and made to Order GEO LUESBY FIRE INSURANCE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE me know your wants P MORTON Ave Box Newmarket The Home Guards Had it not been for the very muddy roads the Home Guard would have made a flue showing last Friday night As it was the Company in uniform turned out strong and the other two Com panies wore well represented The men are getting very efficient in both drill and target work and have been highly complimented by military officials According its population the town of New market Is said to have raised more volunteers and money than any town of its size in the Province A little girl who id a live tam presented to her was di-a- pointed at the of the first egg laid by the bird Her ideal egg was that of an ostrich a specimen of which was on the table in the drawing room One day the ostrich egg was missing from its accustomed place It was subsequently found near the spot where the bantam nested and on it was stuck a piece of papir with the words Something this please Keep on trying To the Public young man of J whose I invention- of a dirigible air torpedo to be steered from airships by wire less has been taken up by Germany The inventor says the reason he did Works have about swift submit his invention to the planes in various of con struction The biplane Cana da will soon be completed A youth of 14 years named Karl accidentally shot him self at his home in St on Thursday of last Week and died shortly after Rev Robert Pierce known as the Wall Evau- of New York conducted an open air meeting on St in this city on Friday last lie will continue to hold a number illustrated meetings during the balance of this month under directions of prominent business men of the city Steps have been taken by the authorities lo prevent unattended crying being left outside at Departmental Stores during the day Any mother who care lessly fails to lake advantage of the nurseries of the stores will he prosecuted An official inspection was made last week of the vacant lot gardens of the Rotary Club There are lots under cultiva tion The Club distributed to those who undertook the garden work 1500 packages of seed and cabbage and tomato plants The result is reported to be quite satisfactory Wright was arrested on Friday on a charge of obtaining by false pretences from a person in He was trails States is that in the past has been next to impossible to interest Washington In any inventions for de fensive purposes The second indication that we have entered an area preparation is shown in the explanation Secre tary of War Garrison why he has accepted the resignation of certain ordnance officers that they may enter the employ of private mu nition concerns At first blush it appeared mercen- and Unpatriotic for army to resign their commissions to ac cept more remunerative jobs ap peared so to Secretary Garrison and he was long won over Now conies reason These of ficers do not cease to serve their country because they are not in the employ of private concerns On the other they are aiding in building up grc munition factories which are springing up almost over night fac tories that at any time may be call ed into the service the government It is seizing the opportunity when the enormous war orders of Europe make possible the building these plants to make permanent plants that shall be a bulwark when the time comes if it ever docs when we shall heed to shoot The third reason for belief that we are coming into a period of prepara tion croppetT out in the news from Conn where a- strike has been En over the construction I to the latter place for trial DAVI8 Ontario Oxygen Welders of all kinds of Metals Cogs in gear wheels Aro dealers in all of threshing Outfits Sawmills Cut ting Boxes Hells Boxes Shafting and Pulleys AGENCY FOR f Implements BINDER TWINE PIANOS AND QRAMAPHONE8 OFFICE George Hotel OSTLEY Opposite King On Mar ket Newmarket COAL FOR Anthracite Coal at bar gain price Orders filled at all hour Telephone No Millard Aye Farm Produce Not very large market last Saturday and not much change in prices Following were the ruling figures per do to Butler per Dressed Chickens per lh Ducks per Apples per bskt Potatoes per peck Potatoes per bag Green Peas in pods gal Onions picklers per pk Cabbages 5fOc Cauliflowers Cucumbers basket Beans Tomatoes basket Celery 5c each or for Chickens per Old Hens per lb 12c Live Ducks per lb Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair 20i0c Hides per lb Calf Skins per lb lie ore eh ides Sheepskins Tallow lb From Bank to BattleLine Mr Allan a former teller in the Bank of Montreal at Newmarket is we understand in training at the Camp Kingston as a Lieut attached lo the fist Regiment Most of our citizens will re member- Mr affable personality and we wish him a safe return from the front with full honors as a hero at the close of the war and we ffcelno doubt regarding Lieut ca pacity for winning out as a cap able and popular officer His advent into the ranks makes the sixth young man whom wo re member in recent years as hav ing worked in the money- shop next door to this office who has enlisted for overseas service Of these Mr B found a grave on a Flanders battle field and Mr Mllchell received ft wound in one of the spring bat tle fought in Franco Men actually employed- In the various branches of the Bank of Montreal at the lime Of enlist- menl numbered three hundred a month ago and one hundred and fifty thoroughly equipped by the Institution from Its Montreal staff are In constant training and await the call Militia We Sell Parisian Sage and we Know the Guarantee is Genuine PARISIAN SAGE the quickacting hair restorer is guaranteed To stop falling hair To cure dandruff To cure itching of the scalp To put life into faded hair To make harsh hair soft and luxuriant To make hair grow or money back It is the most delightful hair made and a great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and luxuriant hair Large bottle only SO cents J Druggist Newmarket Out St Jeromes OUT Excellent Commercial Department Excellent High School Department Excellent College Department New Buildings with latest Hygienic Equipments The in Canada Running Track Swimming Pool Auditorium Board Comfortable Sleeping Rooms Dates Moderate REV A President OXIDIZE WELDING AND MA CHINERY FOR SALE and Davis East of Toronto Bank Newmarket AQENT8 WANTED For Private Cards Ladies or Gents Samples Book Free Large PrdtV0 Darlington England OVER VCARS EXPERIENCE of new buildings for an arms ammunition concern TJic size ol the strike called atten tion of the of the un dertaking It passed belief that buildings so vast and of such an en during character would be put up at tlie cost of millions and equipped with expensive machinery by a pri vate concern to turn out arms and ammunition merely for the present war which no one believes will last longer than two or three years more buildings arc fourteen in number lone hundred feet high of the latest construction They will house eighteen thousand workers and form a city by themselves They constit ute one of the biggest munition factories the world When it is commonly reported that the new structures will In opera tion when beardless boys working there Arc grey old men when the per manent nature of the work Is taken Into consideration the Inference that is most natural is that the plants some may possibly he used to lift the United States out of the ranks of the unprepared There Is another reason for the be lief that the country Is awake to Its present At the student and citizen Camps through- out the men of the highest type are undergoing preliminary training in the rudiments of strategy and the making of war so that we may have corps of tolerably well trained cllllln to call to the colors when the tinc comes when dawns for us our Day Nobody wants that Day to come but it Is becom ing generally accepted th the surest way of deferring It is for Uncle Sam to have the old gun oiled up and enough powder and over the clock shelf to do effective business His name was Taugh and he came from and now he has a tough reputation He issued cheques to pay expenses here on a bank in hut he had no funds on deposit lo meetjho same at least so came hack word from the north Ho also bought an automobile but it was notdelivered had not been received Ihnl he had funds on deposit to pay the check ho gave for the car Two men were struck by on Friday and each had a leg Trade Marks ftn4 V ion I fry iAtx Co lu Anone Scientific IWqh HOW8THI8 Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured gy Malls Catarrh Cure J Co Toledo O We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm NATIONAL RANK OK COMMERCE Toledo Malls Catarrh Cure Is takes in ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of system Testimonials tent fie cent Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family pills for While all are created equal do rftuiain TORONTO Include the Ontario Business and Shorthand College and Seven City Branch Schools All give high grade courses and qualify young men and women for business appoint ments which are secured for graduates through our well organized Department- a f Is our record on July when this copy was writ ten Dull times effect but little as our records show and prospects for the brightest business period in Canadi an history when the war is over make it advisable to get ready to earn a good salary I Autumn Term Free descriptive catalogue mailed on request Shaw Head Office at and Toronto ESTABLISHED BOARD or DIRECTORS Sir R A Ei C B I- Sir Frederick feUuctr CkptUlPfiidup Total Savings Department Deposits of upward received and Interest allowed at rates Savings Department accounts given special attention 1 1 J G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch Mm Tin Main St r Hill years of Ave was injured Fri day morning by falling a distance of from a balcony at the front of her home She was re moved lo the Hospital for Sick Children Fortytwo boys born in this city gave band concerts on Saturday afternoon and evening and also on to delighted crowds boys are members of Toronto Public Schools and preparing to make a tour of the United States The dismissal of John Welsh from the City Police force was contrary to the elementary prin ciples of Justice This was the decision enables Welsh to draw pension equal to onehalf his yearly salary as he had been on the force for years J J McCann Vicar General of the Toronto Roman Catholic Diocese passed away on Friday During last week Mr W Howell K submitted a pro posal lo the Ontario Government lo lake a vote in this Province on abolishing the bars next Janu ary municipal elections At the close of tho Summer Art School Classes of 1915 at On College of Art on Friday 200 students who consisted of high and public school teachers throughout the Province the course which they have been taking since July 5 If Hastings aged years a city letter carrier was arrested last week on a charge of steal ing containing money A young man in the employ of Gage A Co named Alfred well was presented with watch and a sum of money by his fellow employees ono day last week prior lo his departure for special naval service He bad years experience In titer navy WE ARE BUSY WITH PLUMBING HEATING a ELECTRIC WIRING IF YOU THINK OF DO- ANYTHING IN THESE LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE J N WRIGHT A drop of nk Is black but it serves to enlighten many Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA COMMEMORATE PeuelaiiguisheneOnt Aug 12 three hundredth anniver sary of the celebration of the first mass in this district was held at a small village some seven miles from here this morn ing The party from Toronto and other arrived yesterday at noon and consisted of His Grace Archbishop of Toronto and numerous other representativeu of the Catholic clergy Conspicuous Among the clerics were two friars from Montreal A tremendous crowd was pres ent at the ceremony and the ser vice was carried out as arranged in spite of the weather which was anything but pleasant as a ribto rain and wind storm came and made things generally miser able Some hundred odd automo biles together with many horse- drawn vehicles were present and made a very imposing array Sev eral of the professors from the University of Toronto who have been summering at their collages at Go Home Bay were noticed in crowd as well as numerous visitors from Victoria Harbor Wnubaushoiie Midland and other nearby towns and vij- still nearly 3000 horses in Canada in spite of number sold for army pur poses an increafeoof over last yearaccording lo a report of and statistics branch MANY THOU8AND MEN REQUIft- ED FOR THE HARVEST IN CANADA Thousands of men will bo re quired from Ontario lo help in the great work of harvesting the Western crop and practically entire task of transporting this great army of Harvesters to the West will fall to lot of the Canadian Hallway Excursions from points in On tario to Manitoba Saskatchewan- and Alhorta will be run and spe cial trains operated making the trip in about thirtysix hours and avoiding any change of cars transfers Going Trip West Winnipeg Return Trip East from Winnipeg Consult Agents regard ing partiouars inconneclion with transportation west of Winnipeg GOING DATE8 August and From To ronto Marie Ont and East in Province of Ontario including intermediate stations and branches but not East of or including Kingston Jet Lake Renfrew August and From To ronto and stations west north in Province On tario but not stations on lino North of Toronto to Sudbury and Maria Ont For full particulars regarding transportation of nearost Agent or write M Murphy Passenger Agent Toronto I A i ARCHIVES OF

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