I j Eft A More Recruit As a big Patriotic Meeting last Friday evening it reported that about recruits were added lo the Guard and a few for Overseas Ser vice GATHERING MANS LAKE i Baseball Newmarket was defeated r he match here last Saturday against a Toronto team the score for the nine innings being to The attendance of spec tators was small A Very Fine Quality Pure White of DemiPorcelain with a Neat Gold Line Tracing Pieces Special Line at TOILET A Special Line of Printed on a Good Hard Serviceable Body Three Colors Pieces Ah Full Size at TIMOTHY SEED For Fall Seeding Special Line No Gov Standard at Bushel Patriotic The York Radial Go deserves great praise for the interest tak en in the patriotic movements of the town On Friday night brought the Aurora Band free of charge and on Wednesday night ran a special car to Orchard Beach after the Garden Parly without any guarantee It has been ascertained by ac tual figures that of em ployees of the Davis Leather Co have offered for Overseas I win Direct Importer of Staple and Fancy China China Hall Grocery Calls for Hie Best Sugar to make your preserving a success We handle that Qood Sugar Give us an order for Sugar and you he Satisfied We carry a full line of Jars in all Sizes Best Value in Rubbers at and per doz FOR SEALING When Pickling you try our Pure We have a FirstClass Quality Cider White Wine and Eng lish Malt Vinegar in bulk and in bottle Poultry Association A special meeting of the North York Poultry Association will ha held Friday evening Aug With the Annual Show less than four months away it is time for tin various Committees to be at work It is hoped therefore that there will be a full attend ance of those interested in main taining the high standard which Newmarket Poultry Show has set More people in this town are cou stantly becoming interested in the breeding of highclass poultry and these are urged turn out and assist the older members of the fraternity Meeting will be held at oclock rooms of the of Agriculture Botsford St Come and help boost New market Winter Show Com Aug no grudge against the banking BtituUons sible I will or public ly declaring my attitude toward them J- Without fear of being misL understood as a as a representative in the Dominion Parliament of the hanking interests throughout the Dominion to go to the very in extending cre dit to the manufacturers in order to keep wheels of industry hi operation during great crisis There is a feeling in Canada a feeling in some quarters most pronounced that the hanking in terests have not been as liberal in the matter of rendering financial assistance to employers of as they might be The result has been that many manufacturers have been forced- to close their doors and turn adrift thousands of workmen in a number of the large manufacturing centres in the Dominion Financially the banks are in a healthy condition and the course which the directors of some of these institutions have adopted has been the means of forcing many manufacturers to close their doors Some of these employers were quite prepared to assume a loss in order to tide over the war crisis but the banks posi tively refused to offer the much needed assistance Monster Patriotic Gathering Such was the declaration of the Hon George P Graham of Railways and Canals speaking Saturday at the patriotic celebration held under the aus pices of the East and North York and North Ontario Liberal Asso ciations at Cedar Glen Park Musi Lake The event was an unqualified success About I BOSW The Phone Quick CORNER OF Main Timothy I O The representatives of Pyramid Lodge who attended the OddFel lows Grand Lodge at Stratford last week were Messrs F Moore Geo Young and Morley Andrews They report having had a fine lime On Tuesday evening Pyramid Lodge No held a very successful evening part of the night toeing taken up in con ferring the Second Degree Af ter conferring the degree speeches were delivered by several visiting brothers in which the degree team captained by W L I worth P were congratu lated on the very able manner in Which they handled the work T ie lodge afterwards decided lo put on the Third Degree on Tues day evening Aug list AN NOUN OEM EN GEO Harness r a Collars Faced Harness Bags and Repaired NOTE THE Main St Newmarket South of King Hotel NEWMARKET Resident and Day School For Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Teachers Examinations IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department MUSIC ART I Address D8O ST NEWMARKET AND mm promptly attended to Prices reasonable orders CUT ON HAND PHONE Success About people attended Mil lied Cross Garden Party on Wed nesday evening on the beautiful grounds of Mr which were specially illuminated for the occasion Considering very catchy weather of late IJie ladies were greatly favored by a delightful evening There was ample room double the Crowd and many people were greatly im pressed with the suitability of the grounds for a Public Park Til a various booths were ally and the young lady waitresses decorated with of the allies England France Belgium Canada Italy fie together with the Red Cross emblem as they were scattered over the grounds gave added at tractiveness and were a constant reminder of the object of the gathering The music of the OddFellows Hand and the presence of the Home Guard many in uniform and carrying arms were great at tractions while the bayonet drill and physical with peculiar interest A- good program was also pro vided from a specially erected platform In front of the veranda which was well lit for The occa sion Ihe vocal by Mrs Miss Villa Williamson Mis Arthur Evans Messrs Dav idson Keyscr and Walker were heartily applauded The patriotic recitation by Master Maxwell Hatch was well done and the Male Quartettes did good service The Pond wan exhauste1 In the evening the pro ceeds amounting lo The Candy Booth was the next to out after taking about Booth about to the and the icecream tables were lib orally patronized The drawing for Bookcase wan the last Hem on the program Mr performing the duty and pro claiming that the lucky number was in The of this No Is requested to notify Miss or Mr Schmidt Near ly ioo tickets were sold for this drawing aL each The total proceeds amounted about and their friends includ ing a large delegation from To ronto joined in spreading the call lo arms for volunteers for service at the front Scores of letters of regret were received from many farmers in which they explained that their absence was due lo the fact that they desired to lake ad vantage of the sunshine after the prolonged siege of rain to gar ner their crops On the other hand continued Hon Mr Graham There are manufacturers who are in a po sition to assist labor but who ap parently are harboring the idea that to do so would mean a finan cial loss to them Consequently protect themselves they have closed down their workshops I know that I will be severely criti cized but I have no fear as to the outcome as I feel that during a crisis such as we are passing through it is the duty of every liberalminded employer of labor to give employment lo every man possible and pay the highest pos sible wages under the stances is hue that some manufac turers have doubled their work ing staffs turning out munitions of war They might have been forced Ho cease doing business had they not been given war con tracts Others say they have closed down because they cannot find a market for their products I think that if some of the latter would ponder and realize the serl loudness of the European crisis and the position of Canada after this great war is brought to a close I rather think they would follow in the footsteps of Ihe manufacturers large and small who are standing a loss financi ally to keep their employees at work Canada is very glad to send troops to British shores de clared Mr Graham There has been no division between the Lib eral Opposition and the Borden Government as to the prosecution of Canadas part in tins war The allies violoiy will be our victory citizen of Canada who has crossed the Atlantic to fight is a volunteer going freely with his life in his hand an of fering lohis mother country The Liberals are doing their share under the able guidance of the Liberal Chieftain Sir Wilfrid Laurier It Is grand to think that this veteran Chieftain who is travelling through his native Pro vince inducing young men to Join the colors is still nimble and sprightly and going strong In conclusion the Hon Mr Graham made a stirring appeal lb the young men to enlist While they will go to the fronl with the responsibility of great and of making a name for them selves the mothers who have sent their hoys are making great er sacrifices than the boys To mothers of this type Aid Ramadan to Aid J of Toronto the eJpeaerV some difficulty in keeping aloof from political issues ifter touching upon i Alderman that Hon W White Minister of Finance at at a recent Conservative at Craig to criti cize utterances of Right leader of the Liberal Opposition which he thought should not be allowed I pass along unnoticed When Sir spoke at banquet tendered the delegates to the Federation of Young Mens Liberal Clubs- he very carefully avoided discussing politics and remarked that under existing conditions he did not care to open the portals of of flee with a bloody key Hon Mr White had apparent ly found fault with the utterance continued Alderman because in the opinion of the Minister of Finance the the Opposition would shatter doors and break windows in order to regain control of the reins of power in the Dominion Sir Wil frid is not a man of that type he is far above that kind of thing The utterance of Hon Mr While lis not in keeping with the true principles of patriotism it is poisonous gas Mr W of presided and stirring speeches were also delivered by Messrs William Lyon Mackenzie King J Walton Aurora and J W Wid difield Unique PrlzeWlnnera in the special feature events the prizes were awarded as follows Oldest Liberal John Wilson aged oldest Liberal lady Mrs Peterson aged Vivi an oldest Conservative Wm Simpson aged youngest Liberal Master Harold Ross Baker aged months Stouffville largest Liberal fam ily on the grounds Patrick Coon Lemonville The latter family comprised girls and hoys Chairman announced that the young ladies who sold flags in the interests of the Red Cross Fund collected a total of Veteran Liberals Present Among the veteran Liberals who occupied seats on the platform and were introduced to the audi ence by Hon Geo Graham were John Wilson 93 years of Arelius years Mount Joy Lloyd years Aurora Hall Henry Folks Wm 80 years Toronto OBrien years Jacob Musselman years Wm Graham years John Parks years Arnold A years Mount Albert Samuel Hare 71 years years P Herman 73 years Robert Collin- I ra i j IN TAN PATENT AND GUN METAL LEATHERS With the growing demand for comfortable as well as dressy footwear the makers of the Invlctus have kept pace I Ictus Oxfords are made on the most uptodate footshaped lasts not mere blocks of wood but scientifically developed shapes on which are produced the finest of glovefitting oxfords tit Careful workmanship and the use of only the best material unsurpassed by the most expensive Imported shoes We take pride in selling Invlctus Oxfords youll take pride In wear them and especially so when you get a Oxford for i Jams The MensWear Examined and found correct Clark William Storry Auditors J Grove Aug 131015 THIRTY8IX SUBMARINES SUNK BY BRITISH NAVY Out Aug to players Only three bands Lindsay and Orillia ami the latter was distinctly out classed The prizes were years Matthew years Mount Al bert Patrick Kenny years TORONTO LETTER Newmarket and John Kirby OS years Rural Dean Woodcock Anglicairand and Lindsay j rector here Is home from an ex- the first and second money giving tended vacation in England In each speaking of the war he expressed the opinion that conscription FRUIT BULLETIN Niagara District Sea son now open and the favor ites Yellow John about ready Some excellent white flesh will he In The Plum season Is bringing in many good varieties tocs also ready patriotic Canadians say to the mother whoso sons are lighting for freedohl of the British Umpire Mr Hoggs Message Mr Fred Hogg Liberal can didate for North Ontario was given a fine reception said that the people of Canada should not forget that peace has its duties jtirit as war has its exactions Mr appealed to the young men to enlist because every man that enlisted meant a step In the right direction for the allied army In conclusion Mr Hogg said lliat he had been a farmer for many and that in a short time he hoped to bo able lo discuss political issues of interest to people demanding good govern ment In his opinion ad election under existing condition would result in a change of Government cheers Township of Whitchurch Belgian Relief rand Roil Cross Work In accordance with re solution of Council and Adver tisement Ratepayers and re sidents of the Township mot at Vtfndorf March last and organized for Belgian Relief and Red Cross Work as follows viz President Reeve VicePresidonls Ministers Of different Churches of the Township Poole W Clark PollingSubDivisions Com mittees For No J Forester J Monkman J A VanNoslrand For No A J Baker For No Baker For Noi W I Richardson J Dike For No For No Simpson It was resolved id canvass Die Township for subscriptions and divide the amount raised twothirds Belgian Relic and onethird lo Red Cross Work On Sundays March and Ministers of the various made special appeals lo congregations and on Monday the collectors ap pointed several canvassed the Town ship and obtained subscriptions amounting to of which there remains uncollected Amount collected Contributed by Polling Sub divisions No 7200 No No No No No Total 144205 Standard Bank al lowed interest on deposit 1077 145888 Twothirds paid per Toronto Hoard of Trade for Belgian Relief 07255 paid Noel Marshall Chairman Com Canadian Hod Cross Association Miss Margaret the second victim of the Kingston road automo bile tragedy last Sunday night in a critical condition at St Michaels Hospital The Hoard of Control decided this week that the heirs of the Pri vate Gillespie should receive insurance on his life Hewas killed by a all from at Niagara Camp Hon A Hudeoh eral in the newlyelected Liberal Gov ernment of Manitoba is in the City guest oIN a strange effect on wards this week While he- entered a home and carried oft a baby althoogh at his own home were a wife and four children awaiting him He was remanded for a week On Tuesday last tho first of a series of noonhour gatherings In front of the City Hall un der the auspices of the Recruiting inthousands Speeches were delivered by Right Rev Sweeny and others Music by the Body Guard Recruits are gathering at every meet ing- A dinghy capsized In the bay Tues day afternoon throwing two young who were sailing the craft In to the water Their plight was seen fiy the Life Savers who rescued them An influential deputation urged tnc Ontario Government to substitute a convalescent home In this Province for the proposed Hospital In Great During Tuesday last In the tem poraryessence of his t a child under months old fell into a tub of water In the Kitchen and was drowned On Tuesday the first completed To rontobuilt biplane for the au- stood at the door of the Curtis workshop Ave The Canadian Northern head quarters staff In Toronto have pre sented the Hat with 35 pieces of the finest British brass band In struments worth John Hunt of the- Highlanders has been appointed The St Andrews Society of Hamilton has presented a field to the battalion The of the Sportsmens Patriotic Association re cently presented a report that campaign they Inaugurate lively result In thir being able to present 30 machine guns lor use Canadian soldiers at tiefroit It was rumored at the Parliament Buildings this week that Mr Thos Gibson Deputy Minister of Mines would receive appointment of Deputy Minister of Lands- and In succession to the late Aubrey White bound to come both in Great Bri tain and Canada In the old land there ore sufficient men for the present needs but six months hence heavy drafts will be neces sary lo fill the ranks and Hies must be trained The England ho says are no THE HANDY MAN I was talking to the handiest man 1 know If anything were the matter with any of the family belongings the automobile to the tXmdlsink he could find the trouble and over the German submarine remedy it before ordinary blockade and in this connection lie plumber mechanic had even that of the enemys under shop In camp he was a sea craft had been caught in wonder cooking and of course iney North Sea and destroyed His in- never needed a carpenter for odd formation came from a naval officer with the converted cruiser Clan a relative of is serving ensile Dean Woodcock that the Canadian soldier in land is treated splendidly at his house How did ever learn do many kinds of work I Inquired adds miringly I have yet to hear of the job that you cant turn hand to besides being a great your own particular line of business which- doesnt require any manual dexterity at all If I had a During the progress of heavy electrical wind and rain- term which passed over York and I apparatus or a dying machine and Ontario Sunday a barn on the farm belonging to Jonathan Calvert and lonnanted by Will concession I first man I should tome to The handiest man laughed And I suppose I should dash right in and Mnrklinm Township near the vIL Its the way lege Of was bought up There were live lightning ami burned lo the ground All the other outbuild- Iwhen mother and father wanted any- adjoining the born wore they just picked out the stroyed and the content consist- 1 nearest boy and said Sam or iiVgofulnrge quantity of hay Joe or whatever it happened to pigments poultry and hogs Barrio Aug Mela Clark daughter an Oro farmer this before en tered a plea of guilty lo the charge of selling lire to her fath ers house The attempt was made one night when all the rest of the family were asleep She gave as the reason for her act anger against her mother for re proving her Dr Jail surgeon who examined her as lo her sanity declared that she sane but is a criminal pervert She was remanded until Wednes day Aug Fortyseven recruits enlisted hero luring past ten days and they will leave for Niagara Camp tomorrow morning in of Lieut Jack Powell Of this number aro Canadian born ll are Scotch and Irish The single men number and married 1 Sixteen of the men resi dents of from from Midland and remain ing It from various parts of the country For the thftdtimc in succession the Citizens Hand demonstrat ed their right to be classed among the firstclass musical organizations of Ontario when at the Midland tournament on Thursday last they were declared a tie with the Regiment Hand of Lindsay he com petition was open to any amateur baud in Ontario but was restricted be you go and do that And it didnt make any difference whether wed ever done It before or not we had to go and wc did it toothe very best we could These parents of ours didnt have many rules about bringing us up but I there was one good and plain and understood it Never to say the word cant If we did dis obey and say It the biggest hardest job was saved for us next time if mother had to send a mile to find us I said I couldnt dodder a tin pan once I remember and as a result got the job of taking dowi Intr the next stovepipe I learned my lesson right there aiid then Puppies suppose think cant pretty hard when they are being thrown Into the water but they strike out and learn to the same and its the same way with boys and girls they learn never to say Cant begin to stop thinking it even and by theyve forgotten it entirely Pro sure whatever success 1 fit Ive had In business has come from that habit- of tackling whatever came along to be dons and expecting to do it somehow and the thing thats a constant surprise to me stilt Is how few impossibilities there are in life after all 4 fefi I ok 1 1 Tho law is disposed lo every man as innocent until giiill is proven but llio people arent anything like that the Era to absent T Ti- J At