Safaris I 5 J i fgw K- mm rf MR WHITMAN St St Montreal I was taken suddenly ill with Acute Trouble and dropped in the street I was treated by several physicians for nearly two years I was in constant misery from my stomach and my weight dropped down 225 pounds to pounds Several of my friends advised me to try atives and I did so That was tight months ago began to improve almost with the first dose other medicine I ever used acted so pleasantly and quickly as and by it I recovered from the distressing Stomach Trouble and alt pain and Constipation and misery were cured completely recovered the use of Tniitatives and now I weigh pounds I cannot praise enough WHITMAN a box for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa The annual meeting District Institute in connection Libraries will be held in fitouffville on Thursday the of August Therewill be sessions at and from lo p Also a from to pm BRADFORD ggft r 4 sft s ff tgta v Pears will prefer getting nay Preserving Sugar JO or pound I can get Sugar in pound also ftMlPv I or In or pound cartons Red BII I ARFK FREE iBKt Up to date twenty volunteers have gone from Bradford Id fight for our country Mrs Banting spent last week at Jacksons Point with her er Sirs Mr has secured the position of principal of Smiths Falls school with a staff of eight teachers under Mr Mattice has been in Bradford about- three years and has done excellent work He will be succeeded by Mr John Jordan of Lacrosse been boding last week On 1 Hie France is the won- chim Aurora Intermediate team played an exhibition game here with a Bradford hunch which included the well-known- rude Boli McKinslry Doc JrLAbeUprtatl gummed ready to put sparkle This Is why I Insist on having Lantlc j my Pears and Peaches and Refineries Limited buy It in or pound bags in order Montreal to get the genuine cane sugar m iMfi6 lie A Rebuilding Work Begins France In passage we found all that was left of home of a poor family The then derelict hotel housed some of the refuges villaees of and BRICK BUNGALOWS For Sale or To Rent On Grace St Newmarket Im mediate possession Apply to Geo Barker Box Newmarket FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket FARMS WANTED can sell your farm have clients ready to buy Send full particulars to Win Ground St Toronto 3rniS AND TO LET On Main three doors of King George Hotel Good stand for business House seven rooms with all conveniences Reasonable rent Apply to TO RENT Park two Park two Campbell Lome Church There was also a sprinkling Of element and a frequent call lo a sixfoot er was get it to your father as might be ex pected out on lop and the baldheaded veterans are going to Aurora today to play the return game Also we un derstand six of them will play with Aurora on Saturday against Weston for the Intermediate championship About two hun dred turned out to see the game last Thursday being given Society Side by side with the work of villages in we found- only of left The Mayor of work of recoustcuction has already entered into hind the of trenches where for possession of he fourroomed wood- more than a year the thoughts and hopes or the unhappy have centred there is a zone of villages some heaps of brick charred wood from which the onetime peaceful inhabitants have fled en house built for him and more than twenty houses in this place are ready for occupancy In we found a state of Here V returning fifty civilians had beciiinassacred have found in place of their charm- J and man buried alive The homes and gardens nothingness enemy had red down into the worse than nothingness liars Our people gave assistance Here the brave uphuilders have to one woman whose leg contained been busy those true optimists who a bullet sent into the cellar where without blare of trumpet or sound- she was concealed- We came to praise are doing what conclusion a forced one that to make something out of nothing to the destruction in these places did add to replace to restore In not represent he destruction of war lion to these material aids their aim but of organized demolition One is to bring hope lo the discouraged band of the Germans had devoted to leach the ever new lesson of the themselves we learned to pillage to firing the houses and another the net profits to the Cross NINTH LINE KING Mrs I Cherry of visit ed at her parental home here Sun day The rain did considerable in these parts causing wheat to sprout in the stocks Miss J Newmarket visited last week with her friend Mrs Fry Miss ot fcSchomberg is spend ing short vacation with Mrs Dan iel Stewart Linton Miss Coulter and the Misses Brown of are spending vacation with friends in this vicinity Miss J Milliard Laurence Mil liard of Ave spent Sunday Aug 1st with friends at Holland Landing Among th casualties recently re ported are Walter Terry prisoner of war at Horn on Wednesday Aug to Mr and Mrs Cable a daughter Mr and Mrs Luke Lyons spent Sunday with the parents Mr and Mrs J M Walton of Aurora motored over to town on Sunday Aug 1st Mr and Mrs Harvey an J family spent Sunday 1st at Jacksons Point Miss Myrtle spent a few hays last week with Miss Gertrude Black at Glcnville Miss and Miss Rogers were guests of Miss for a few days Mr and Mrs Adams Jutted a week with the parents Mr and Mrs Stephen Mr Skinner principal Business College Is spending at his parental home Mrs Dr and daughter a few days the home of Mr John Dillane near Tottenham Miss Mary tor Toronto on Thursday and alter visiting friends for month contemplates training for a The ladles of vicinity in the Masonic hall every dv alter boon for the purpose of I sewing and knitting for the a ill A fl Pla to many out evening at the united In Land the man who it Scott- of Philadelphia occu pied the pulpit the Methodist church or Sunday and will also preach Sundays evening Mr Scott is a brother of the pastor Smith a -shop- leceper to town to buy Good House corner of and Lorn Avenues also Building Lois for sale on and Lome Avenues also Mrs McMas- Ave Toronto or lo Newmarket FOR Acre Farm valuable land containing gravel and Good buildings some and some pasture possession Phone or write Armstrong Newmarket WE HAVE FOR A desirable property situated on Ave A largesied dwelling with all all in first class shape of an acre of grounds with apple and email fruit trees Frame stable and hen house This re consider the best buy in so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit Apply to Morton box superiority of he spirit over the discouragements of the flesh- The pioneers of this work are strange to say the Society of Friends in England who did similar work though not on so large a scale after the Balkan War a few years ago They have already raised and have received some contributions of money and clothing from the American society of the same faith Conscientiously opposed to war and knowing that other organiza tions are doing all that is possible for the fighters and the wounded they have chosen to give their help lo the noncombatants But in this society as in the ranks of the clergy so unprecedented have been the circumstances that there have been many individual lapses from the creed of nonmili tarism In other words several of the Friends are at the front The society commenced its work last November obtaining at that lime from the French Government ofllcial recognition of the badge formerly used by Friends working under the War Victims Committee at the time of the FrancoGerman War and now used by all their workers The Paris agent Bellows is following in the footsteps of his father who after the siege and the Commune came to France and helped in the reconstruction work going on particularly at Met and Paris The French Government which has been in cooperation with the society since work commenced pointed out the region of the famous Baltic of the Marne as the one most sadly needing ils help and the first centre was established at Here and in the villages round there had been much damage by flro and Other centres were soon located af Fere Ghampenoise VitryleFrancois maize Fontonellc in the region south where a head quarters is established at itself being too near the fighting line to he considered safe for reconstruction purposes and in many other places Bui ad vance is continually eastward The society was the freedom of the Customs House and others for the receipt of money and supplies have been locat ed al Avenue Paris Bis- one look care of the people The building of houses and repair dwellings although our principal- work has had by the na ture of things to be supplemented by other sorts For instance al the Prefect of the begged us to organize a maternity hospital for the refugees from Ardennes the many of whom were living in barns A wing of the Department was given up and many babies have been born there since it was opened an average of twentyfive a month Many of these mothers had come from and even further We do not lose sight of these little families when they leave the hospital They are outfitted with clothing and necessaries and help is given them in a systematic way v sanitary conditions in many of the villages have been terrible The work has devolved upon us be cause he local authorities were of ten unable to cope with it The majority of doctors have been mobilized and working in mili tary hospitals mejlical attendance if it existed at all was This we have supplemented The district in which we have been working is an agricultural one beet root being one of the products Naturally the gardens went with the rest into the chaos to lived the dukes of Masovia In the dynastic line became extinct and Warsaws real troubles began being no legitimate claimant for the deniesne a dozen pretenders laid claim to it and it became the object of war Eventually it was lo Poland and later oil when Lithuania was alsoannexed Warsaw became the royal residence and some time later the capital oftho kingdom in Swedish- and Prussian Hands In 1656 the Great Elector of Bran denburg and Charles of Sweden captured Warsaw and though the Poles recaptured the city before the year was out they almost immediately were driven out again and Warsaw had her first experience as the prize of war In the years that followed many of Warsaws architectural splendors were creat ed though some of these were de stroyedby Charles of Sweden in In began to make itself felt in Warsaw for Augustus III having died Russia secured the election of Stanislaus and this move was fol lowed in 1773 by the- first partition of Poland On the third partition which was effected in 1705 Warsaw- became a Prussian possession It was as a Prussian city that Warsaw figured in Hie resistance to Napoleon when Ihc was advancing to ward Tilsit and when peace was sol- tied after that famous battle the Oily of Warsaw was made the capital of the independent duchy of Iho same name Short Independence Shortly afterward the city was en tered by the but they did not remain long and there followed a few years tranquility It was in that Warsaw passed finally into the possession of Russia and there she has remained until the present time More than once however Warsaw as flic centre of Polish sentiment has sought to free herself from Russian control In 1830 an insurrection occurred that continued for nearly a year and was only put down When the city literally drenched in the blood of her citizens For the next quarter- of a century Warsaw was administered upon the lines of Cossack militarism and it was not until that Russia slight- N KET i TERM8 FORESTER Phone cl iron grip have paid particular attention jaunted however the citizens of the reclamation of these plots of Warsaw attempted in and ground The French Government head a movement for freeing sent seeds we have provided and and after those unsuccessful at- rich ladies forming a Gilo which wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay Tills has all uptodate JJuild- consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Roof Main built all new material with modern labjos together with all other Outbuildings In good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We ask you lo go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to and We will satisfy you as to the amount given away We must wind up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for ton years with a email deposit down You must act quick in his matter or chance mile East of Mt Pleasant on the Centre Road as the Tommy Glover Tp of North farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Ave Building Co Newmarket WOOD goods They sent homo before him When tin- boxes ar rived Mr Smith who was mind ing the tore uttered a scream seized a hatchet and began Mi force off the lid of the largest Whats the matter with you asked a I Pale and frantic Mrs pointed to an Inscription on the lid It re Mill inside Landlord Good morning sir I just dropped in to if its con venient for you to pay the rent Tenant Glad you called want to complain about the doors none of them will shut Landlord house you know Mir Takes lime to set tle Tenant Ah then I Ill follow the houses example Gall again flood day sir Hemlock Slabs and Hardwood at reasonable prices J A CODY Ml Stei SI SEiftf to friends Infanta and In For Years bears and House ill lionsgale One the officials for the Sun spoke wilh much feeling of the beautiful little villages so a pari or this part of the country now absol utely destroyed in some cases mere ly heaps of hits of twisted iron an angle of broken wall re maining as Jin- sole thai once life had been here life ami happiness Our method of work he explain ed is this Workshops are estab lished in various places consulta tions lake place with local au thorities and where is possible Iho local carpenters anil masonsare employed help workmen brought from It lakes six men about twenty hours to erect a tworoomed house and in some in- these finished products are conveyed by motor truck I heir destination up In the we tried to repair and rebuild Substantial walls had beep left which could be used A roof only was needed here and there We found I hat a onestorey building could he made by roofing in ami existing bits of masonry Oc casionally even a leanto building could be erected against an outer Wall as we have advanced eastward we are now near Nancy the destruction is so complete that wo have decided lo build outright The French Government gener ously siilies and the local give what they can With this assistance we can erect a small bungalow or as the Fnglish call hut for Iwentyfive dollars This of course only the shell Then comes Ihc question of furnishing of clothes of food for the villagers who have lied to neighboring towns or remaining because they could not gel away arc In even mole pitiable a state for example a few mouths ago It was a prosperous little town of about Inhabitants It had a sugar factory a health re- sort hotel and it contained those artislfc little homes with which wo are all so familiar and which wo regret so much from a purely aesthetic standpoint When wo wont there we found only broken bricks and twisted Iron the founda- and twisted Iron the foun tain In the Place by some strange coincidence being loft Intact Hero and there a coil of smoke led to a ruined cellar precious as a dwell ingand wo crept down a staircase and groped along a black what we could and have put the children to work making cot tage gardens which have proved very successful Several Frenel society called is under the patronage of the Prin- do the Marquise do lueil the Marquise de and Mine are sending the furniture for the houses of the very simplest ami most pract ical kind Although it is very little that we have done concludes the of the society anil counted by houses possibly averaging ten to a village it may seem hardly worth talking about it is safe say that the psy chological cannot be estimated Put one house in the of these ruins furnish it bring some cloth ing start a surmised flu soul hat follows And such gratitude l Our mail is filled with ranging from those the local authorities lo the scrawls from the children the recent mothers old people who never to see native grounds again The Society of Friends in England was founded by the famous George Fox in he seventeenth century Al he present limy it numbers ap proximately members only out it is a very wealthy and very organization Ml and you would he of heart and tempts Russian severity was inten sified In Hands The Russian language was made obligatory in all official acts in all legal proceedings and to a great ex tent even in trade The name of Poland was expunged from the of ficial writings ami every Pole was almost disfranchised from taking any part in the government of his city Yet in there insurrection also bloodily subdued Despite its tragic history Warsaw has maintained an outward sem blance of gaiety that has proved a great attraction for tourists in Cen tral The Warsayans even boast that Iheir city is much like Paris It possesses many beautiful buildings and it is to be honed hat will escape the Vandals who are now in possession of it If so the reason will he that Germany de sires to well wilh Poles some of whom dwell in own territories I I New Goods are arriving so we invite you to take advan tage of making an early selection Brown shades will again be popular AN INSPECTION IS SOLICITED MERCHANT TAILOR Phone J St NEWYIARKET Hi MAIN SOUTH uttinir fa NOW ON STUFF OFTEN CAPTURED BEFORE To be captured by an enemy army Is no new experience for Warsaw in fact lie history of few cities re cords Mure hostile occupations Warsaw as a rule does not slay captured and the present German possession of the City of Heart as Warsaw has been picture squely called is lilcely to be calculat ed in weeks rattier ihau in months Had not been for the Czars recent promise or greater liberty for Poles in ins empire and the prospect that pile of the results of the war may be the reestablishment of the oh Kingdom of Poland in which will he joined Austrian German and Rus sian Poles under the protection of Russia the- citizens of Warsaw would care very whether they were captured by- Gcrmanv or re mained Russian It would be Idle to assert that the Poles have any love for Russia or that they have any reason for loving the coun try that helped to destroy their in dependence aiid that has suppressed their national asniratfoiis with a ruthless hand This war however is likely to he a great blessing to the Poles and to other foreign elements In the Russian Umpire and Russia will yet atone for the long martyr dom of Poland A Fortress The City of Warsaw was founded some thousand years ago by warrior Duke of who erect ed his rustic on the height of terrace overlooking the left bank of the Vistula Gradually other build ings clustered tho foot of the fortress and thus Warsaw began In the following century the ducal cas tle was made an almost Impregnable Good live slock makes farming permanent Growing chirks need shade during the hot weather- Spraying for a fourth lime is ad visable hi a wet season The heavy storm last week nearly ruined the raspberry crop A sample Of timothy five feel two Inches high was sent in from lfailey- Serious reiorls of damage done the potato crop by soft rot are com ing In Crops were never looking in the farming district of New Ontario than this year rarmcrs are warned nor In thrash their wheat loo early Millers will not buy wet grain Why risk your reputation My sell ing doubtful eggs Candle them be fore hey farm EXCELLENT CAN BE SECURED AT OUR SALE COME AND IN8PECT OUR YOU WILL SEE YOU NEED 3 Doors South of King Hotel Main Street Newmarket A very one day with an insiuual Ion is bed friend by announcing have still an old that he was about lo get married ledger win Married exclaimed hist ing smile account hall very r Willi early Canadian peaches at when cents a basket already looks as if later fruit will a friend An old man you Well you see the old mail explained its Just because an oiild now Tis a fine thing Pat to have a wife I near ye tit close lheoyes of me to the Ind now ye ex claimed PAL DoiVl he so to show to you He did nut more saying day need lo The lady left he would call shu III in my gladly a t simp other rock the canoe sufficiently vicious when it an even keel It is in poor market The cooperative society in What do ye Know community needs Void assistance Close eyes iudade about Ive had and you will be helped by it Why a Couple faith not joinnow both of them opened mine Growers of vegetables are advised againsl shipping cabbages beans green onions etc onto the Toronto le There should be a careful over- and the end of that linio bant of the bulls In use in herds she asked sweetly The excuse Is rather a poor one that Are you unite sure you have i ho many bad calves We dropped everything you have lhal ll that they should be killed on the said tin draner of the threshold of lift Thai is rather a ftl City of Toronto in the County of PROMPTLY SECURED in all countries Ask for our TORS will bo sent fret St Montreal NOTICE IS THEREBY GIVEN rellcclion on the breeder Any bull is not good enough slro needs to be more closely scrutinized than the dam A field of corn on sandy land aver aged five and a half feel last- week gome in the corn field stood si can only be enjoyed by thoe organs work nearly ten feet This field had been T and cultivated regularly yet for Irregu- It Is advisable to use separated milk in the production and bowels known the world of starter for butler or cheese in the process of separation the milk thoroughly cleaned the matter adheres lb the in- lorior of too bowl grows hotter in skimmilk as the is a constituent on and lx cnlurta York and Province of Ontario a married woman will apply lo the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband Ar thur Jackson of the City of To ronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario on the grounds of adultery and cruelty DATED at Toronto this 5th day of June A NOMA LOUISE JACKSON By her Solicitors Bobinette Godfrey Adolaido St West Toronto 3mi9