Is Too cult for Us to Repair HAY WE DO TOURS Jewelry The Leading Paper as well as copies each week Circulation gyring- I JACKSON Editor and tor JACKSON AssistantEditor ARK each a MOTOR TRAGEDY i w j den parlyoii the roof deaths of An the Immediate investigation wil but llieir tears will be be made by Toronto Labor Council into charges The Lines Shown In Our Window Will be Sold at the Whole- Sale Cost All Goods Marked In Plain Figures Comprising HAMMOCKS REFRIGERATORS FREEZERS MOWERS FOLDING GOCARTS GRASS CATCHERS BAMBOO VERANDAH SCREENS CROQUET SETS SCREEN DOORS FLY SWATTERS only TENNIS SETS SOME SPLENDID COLORS LEFT IN S W P AT QUART six flays for or overtime After 7 of married life each being yip is of aire x days a week wiinoui j -of- hose yetunborn meals and for a will rejoice at the r- week and with lm fathers soiis and brothers bearing their laurels of victory with them ami will he anxious to Iheir Mr and Mrs J passea in no empty or com- lot The Place to Buy Good Paints and Varnishes for Every Purpose within one ether Two notable figures in the fly ing world in the person of Lieut of the Russian air service and J Lancing an aeroplane in structor in Italian navy paid a visit Toronto on the mon measure In either case belter form could be imagined than the institution of a Train ing Farm ami Distributing Cen tre especially for those Who have fought in the same war as those in whose honour they are created rarm training in AGO Aug The Sutton on Ife Jean wife of in her year -Messrs- Trent J Hunter I Sutherland and Jackson appointed by a public meet ing to to secure a brunch of the Hank in Newmarket Council met at on Saturday John of The 3yearold daughter of Mr who was playing with the absence MM ma to hew during her was liuraed to would only teach a lot that would li esstbe Canada of the flying boat at the luL of such farms 1 Island The HI Hon Bishop in Mid Japan is visiting relatives in this part of Ontario and will be here for General Synod Women wageearners of lhis ami centres in- the Dominion would be of the greatest possible to the people at home and to llie prosperity of Canada The Only Government having Training Immigrants who it PHONE NEWMARKET tiers i that of Nw Wales are making an effort jj motor la he of a Hire- Floating Bridge Over Long Lake llie above picture represeutrf the- fool floating bridge over Long Lake one mile upon which the motor accident occurred recently The picture was taken fty Mr Smith of formerly Inset is a pho to of Mr John Clark the chauffeur who litis been from ail blame by a Coroners Jury South End Lumber Yard presented the force the front The York County Highway en gineer reports thai about miles of Toad have been built this year fin the southern part of the County and he expects as much more will be constructed I before winter sets in from an unknown cause months free training in the ru diments of agriculture fruit poultry sheep pigs dairy and other forms of farming is about lye shillings a head p r week after allowing Tor the value of their labor but the lo Hie State is an greater This affords the lads an opportunity of recovering their migrants is an endowment of the place they go to Local tioh could be established lo be advanced for Farm Work Widows and other desirable classes of immi grants to specification The cost selection could be left llie Can adian Government officials London and the money when col lected hack could be used again which is not the case in any oth er form of benevolence Then applicants could be selected for RICK 1 CEMENT LATH SHINGLES t LUMBER m fully than if a largo party had I Iwenlyhve families totalling I P PEARSON Order from Cartel Alf Bishop John Murphy Office Phone 18 of Paidup Reserved Funds I his ye of llnl mini- lrlil lills larded as K farmers will I Hi- top I large gas lllPee m fr fcMdoald wages lliroughou is Meter Company some of the ace yen gas left lo in nk x and and all will dial I was urled some en fee and miir was lritl lh a ids and face No one else as te hurl 1 1 explosion mml arrange f of llil in the IjiiiMiml ei765T8 I Business Accounts of Toronto Invitee the Accounts of Men Its ampk exten sive connections and complete facilities as sure customers of the Hank of Toronto a per fect service I Those who cannot arrange boys ran found Domestic ftnd Branches In Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A Manager A J 1 till IWIM1 tictll A Ims f1 imniigranl women ml Or is Ayial011 notice lhe hffereiee f Hip learn ley a In said a wv I 1 lB Wilr the of poultry mi Ilia long line of women apply- and general that wouldbe artistic efforts in churches and elsewhere are not included in the acts of mercy mentioned in the gospels- These rather advocate practical works of true charity such me morials above mentioned also diffuse the intentions of the giver over a larger area than do tablets windows or ami the naming of them and their ben eficiaries keeps fresh and fragrant Hi memory of the founders and of their objects after metal stone Or glass have become worn mu tilated and defaced The wellbeing ami employ- men of llie exsoldier and of llie dependents of the fallen is one of our outstanding duties ros- to lhe Publications Branch of Agriculture Ottawa The statistics given in the pamphlet are both phenomenal and interesting No other ar ticles of food have shown such an increase in popularity the same time prices generally have increased and been well sustain ed Mr Brown does not under take lo explain the phenomena but contents himself will prov ing lo all the provinces He also gives particulars of imports of poultry into Britain in 1013 amounted in value to 5 i of which Russia supplied the United States AustriaHungary Italy 110002 China Egypt Holland Belgium 108268 Nor way Germany and Canada seemingly nil Prop the foregoing figures and general condition of things in Mr arrives at the conclusion llial Britain wili this year be short of eggs and poultry the amount of a million and a half of dollars or of eggs the sum of one bundled mil lion dozen Every Canadian pro ducer should endeavor therefore to produce this year more and bel ter eggs and poultry than ever before The Railway from Aurora do and thence by was alolal failure for lack of proper ly advertising it Simpson A Hodge and Dr Ben ley New market Aurora and fas Nixon Sharon are the prin cipal advertisers in this issue Uncalled for at New market and Aurora Post Offices are advertised in this issue The steamer May leaves Belle every morn ing on arrival of train from To- for and other- point returning in lime for evening train Smith A SEED All the leading varieties from per bushel up also Mangel and Turnip Seed Are you satisfied with your FLOUR Then Leave Us Your Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED a l 1 Leave Your Order With Us Nov for the Best Coal In the Market Every Ton Screened H EVES Order by Phono or Carters Ben Manning Miller- or Waller I for membership jn tbe mens Home at In augural at Duiidnrn Heights one evening last wee According a is sued by the Canadian Bank of Commerce 180 of its employes have enlisted in the forces and of them have already llieir lives in the struggle An inspection of the premises of dealers in the Ward made by Tor nip Humane So ciety officials last week disclosed ducks hi a shack six feet The ownerswere fined The consolation match in the lawn howling tournament was played off between It Slivers rink from and rfiikfrorn SloufYvilb skipped by Burton week The former Won by the score of has been awarded prize Agricultural College in that dilrjct IM- the heal allround field of oats judged in miik bis reports staled hat be bad never been railed upon lo judgi a eh college or centre would be used also as a dislriliulion base ami as a home for the immigrauls in case of change or sick ness Deeds are be only worthy form of memorial those whose helped lo mould Can ada and to make what sin may extend through tin Empire as well as Liu world in general Yours faithfully 15 Sedgwick 33 Oriental Street Condon July o a THE POULTRY BREEDERS OP- FOUR HUNDRED LOST IN THE GULF STORM Houston Texas Aug 20 For the Era Canada in past years has im ported more poultry and eggs she has is The has Cniversitv College failed lO keep and- Aberdeen with the consumption In lire examples lo years th egg production capita to I 39 Jhat is to say tin are examples to be generally followed at present dozen lime only by Individuals the loin in ion Who should also lectively consider such works as the force- to their honour to I In- glori ous country they dwell In Tills would have the added advantage of migration niaeliinery and so make fur perfection The mighty majesty of Cana da be improved ran railed upon O a Held being lb from weeds of man bulk of the grain ff ttlid I f wasaalbereddm- III- Past week and V ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH ETC ALSO I MOULDINGS AND TRIM j Our Trim Is Put Throuah Our and Will Not Shrink After It is Put Up 1 i NEWMARKET the past week and consider ing the weather in very good condition Board of week that a mechanic having a wife ami three children in lhe employ of should receive a wage Of per week hot order not lo take effect till May ID Peaches plums and grapes are in excellent shape according lo the growers and shippers The trees and vines have not borne as heavily as usual but the growers find compensation In the extra high qualify While attempting to light rt fire In a kitchen range with coal oil Mrs Mary Phillips aged Of II St was- terribly burned last Friday morning when the oil can was taken lo the Western Hospital There Is little hope of her re covery- Individual fondness for ifn bad increased over fifty per cent The population grew in those twenty years or from ac cording to the census from to an Increase of and he egg Lion mounted up dozen Ilu spite of this faet and llllmugh f lo rrli of v ly servo llo J i fere again although lie increase was close upon thirteen millions lhe im ports exceeded the exports in value the amount of 11 1 ami death list in the Culf Storm in creased today despite facl bat nearly a hundred previoUsl counted as missing were found aljye The of known dead and missing stands at Hat Only three nouses were left standing in A delegation of rillens from chambers County arrived here today ami said besides oilier greit damage 10000 head of I slock had been drowned He- ports from oltrer towns show I hat til worth of stock was killed large steamers today are high and drv on Island ami llieir will be a problem Only eighteen blocks f tin- sen wall boule vard remains o per the rice crop has been ruined just when harvesting had her sons have slaked and often given I heir lives depends upon such wort by memorials being created to develop her resources d fend her destinies ami lb replen ish Tier population and increase her Canada has been largely made by low wages a Last year lhe excess of im ports of eggs over exports reach ed lhe virtually enormous total 1 1 1501 Oil while of poul try I ill A we in value but we imported i00 30G a difference against us of In In Bible as they seem are vet SPECIAL TRAIM Toronto 1045 pm Each Tuesday Vpr Houieseekiis and general sleepers and colonist ears will 1045 p m each Tuesday until fUrllrer notice Iliniiuie through Winnipeg leiiiiii is reeled lo the re mukrbly low Trip fares wilh excursions In Western via Canadian Pacific Railway ar on sab each Tues day until October- Inclusive and are good to return within months date of sale Apply 10 any P Agent for roll paWieulars or write M Murphy district Passenger Agent Toronto- 25 YEARS AGO From Kyle Aug The Altar On the by Low of Toronlo Miss Maria Terrell youngest daughter of Mr Win Terrell of Newmarket The Tomb On inst daughter of Mr las Bar ry of Newmarket in her III year Newmarket young ladies with a picnic party of at Lake had a lively experience in a swamped boat but Major Lloyd effected a rescue While a picnic party of worlh Leaguers from Newmarket vere enjoying themselves in boating and bathing at Orchard each some pigs possessii f baskets and had a royal Mr of Newmarket has contracted put 2r arc lights along he streets in Lind say The Junior Lacrosse Boys of Aurora came here last Thursday and got left with fine straights The boys who scored were Walt Cain Charlie Flood Willie inson and John Mr is putting lights on Town streets Mr Stewart had collision on Monday evening lis was riding a bicycle on Main SI and was run into by Capl horse anil ri owing o lhe darkness He landed on lop of horse A new Town artesian well was struck Ibis week at feel deptii which adds gals a day to supply Last Tuesday Norman son of Timothy Rogers fell in bis driving shed and was caught on a under the jaw just missing the vein Dr Howe dressed the wound Mr J It on a trip to Parry Sound Deputy Reeve Woodcock visit ed Sutton am other northern points of Hilling on business Ibis week Miss Ada relumed In her school in King on Mon day Mr las is Inking a ten day trip Ohio Miss Blanche is visiting Miss f Hi i of the friends and relatives of persons already the The low rates of pay at homo vent folirfiftlis of workers to migrate especially the younger and ones from coming over because no money lo pay their faros introduction of a party of the war upon the Development of the Industry by A Brown M and can bo verified on application for the pamphlet Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA extended very chance for anyone to pull off a goldhrick game successfully Rough on Rats clears- out Hals Mice Dont Die in Ihl and at Drug and Country Stores try Mr EL A of Winnipeg formerly of terribly wilh grief over death of his little daughter years of age A swelling on Hie side of lnr neck was by a doctor and she bled Bros Brunt i Bros x Co Davison and J J Belfry are f Belfry are the chief adver tisers in his issue ONE ON THE MINISTER A preacher was pedestrian excursion in a wild rural district Feeling rather hungry he looked at his Watch to scp if it was dinner time hut found the watch was stopped Just then to meet with a country toy he him What time is it my boy dust sir Only the minister thought it was more 5 I 1 m t It never is more round the it I parts said the hoy simply agalp at one The man who makes at home the applause thats really worthwhile