Newmarket Era, 27 Aug 1915, p. 2

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A i8 H- FofPickeHngilegiVAPP immediately WAITED To Bay or Rent iiunVfWd fr- House with conveniences in a good location Apply to Box Newmarket I f a f CARD Mr desires express the thanks of himself and the family to the friends at New market and for sympathy and assistance during Hie illness and death of his and also in connection with Hie funeral CARD Hayes and relatives of I Speaking of the and its duration the world makes these observations next few weeks may see crowding Close op the other events more fateful to the Germanic peoples Who have attempted to defy the and Germany has become and in- vojved that it is impossible forany ordinary minds to think of any kind of triumph to so has a causeV An Ottawa despatch dated Aug stales that damage the that Meredith said he would La rig ton for Fire given tons Hot time these days at the City Hall Aid an affidavit made by him contradicting the charge newlyelected head of ln Latter Day Saints Smith Mr Alex was visiting in Town Aft week Ilia mmmmmmi Mrs A ThdjnVacJn and son to Mr Frank is the new spent the weekend with Mrs a pike long anJ in e House of Commons by the heavy rain at the weekend The despatch says Workmen Were engaged rewiring the Chamber and a section of the glass ceil ing was left open rain through in a deluge on Sunday spoiling the big green carpet and causing considerable damage to wish to thank the and the desks of members of the neighbors for kind help and sym- House pay the loss of during the illness and at the his carelessness time of death the formers wife Also tor the many beautiful floral by which she was kept sur rounded during her life and after her death of about was weighing pounds or dinary bass hook and National Exhibitibn RETURN TICKETS reduced fares to Toronto all statio is in Canada Special train service and low rate excur sion- from all cerlu dales Ask Agents for full pari larsl HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS to Winnipeg August from stations To ronto lo North Hay inclusive and Hast not Including Kingston Renfrew thereof Aug from stations in Ontario North and West of Toronto but not in cluding Toronto lo North Hay For particulars as lo tickets of etc apply- to any rand Trunk Agent J GALBflAITH Depot Agent Phone J Phone 14 Agent TO LET i Two Houses on Lot SI Mod ern Conveniences a month Apply lo MRS A EVANS FOR SALE Two almost new Bug gies One steel and one rubber tires Apply to 3w28 Newmarket An Ottawa despatch near close of last week gives an official statement for Julyof the Canadi an trade and states that it totalled as compared with month of Domestic exports reached i5600000 and foreign broods exported from the Dominion totalled lfi000000 as compared with Si 1000000 domestic and foreign for July During July animals Iheir products reached and a paragraph in the city press we notice a successful meet ing of the Womens Institute of was held last week in the grounds of the President Mrs Slocking where members and friends assembled to contri bute to a soldiers comfort The District President of East Mrs WTodd mo tored from Orillia and gave short address Mrs Gurnet of Toron to also made an earnest appeal on recruiting A handsome contri bution of comforts was made ard a handsome sum of money donated for patriotic purposes of were visiting in Town last week NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVOROZ Is i Given That of of Toronto in trie County York andjrovince of Ontario Broker will aPIlv to the Parliament of Cana da at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from bis wife Ida Thompson of the City New in the State of New York one of the United States America on the ground of adultery and desertion DATED at Toronto tips of CLARK Street Toronto Solicitors for th applicant According lo a press despatch from Ottawa Ibis week since the imposition of the war lax on let ters ami post cards the volume of mail on Canada has decreased about per cent was expected the war lax would add a little more Jhan per cent lo the postal revenue when it was proposed but in conse quence of the economy practiced since the war the revenue has boon less than anticipated The despatch states however that for the first four months of the operation of the war tax the Post Office Department revenue in creased or about per cent oyer the corresponding months of a large partol the increase due to the sale of stamps for chcqucs money Representative airmen and have reached Toronto to inspect the aeroplane station at the Island Exhibition Park grounds of Bishop School Old era Hospital and Knox College have fiaen secured to provide ac commodation for troops during the coming winter The Board of Railway Commis sioners have issued air order that men in charge of steam engine owned by the different railway companies not blow their whistles within the city limits except where it is necessary to prevent an accident Penally 50 for each offence A man named Arthur J Nich olson formerly of Toronto was arrested at Vancouver last week on a charge of stealing from a firm in this city He will be brought back to trial On Friday evening last the first drill of the Toronto Women3 Guards at Heights look phice when 100 women were in line although re had only been proceed ing for the previous three days The corps drilled for two hours A sensational robbery look place last Sunday afternoon at Street jewelry store The crooks got away with diamonds rings and a large number of watches The robbers tore away part of a wall behind the safe it is thought the robbery was made by American crooks who cairn lo be on hand at the Exhibition The goods stolen arc valued at 5000 It is staled that between Anderson came home last week from Ottawa or a three weeks vacation Miss AlelaBrodie left i spend- a few with friends hi Toronto Rose of ville has been visiting relatives and friends in Mr Garnet Kirby leaves M Hastings 1 MrgahdMr3 Oscar and daughter- ar visit ing i Mrs i Orchard fpr a couple of weeks and daugh- and of I- have fioriie aftr spendihg holidays in and around Newmarket Mr and Mrs J EugeniCa anhbuncene eldest daughter Florence lo Mr Geo A Beck youngest of the late Beck of marriage take place the middle October BROKEN EYEGLASSES Mr J and Mr- Gilford are guests of Mr J Mrs John Moss and Miss Ruby are visiting Mrs at Detroit another daughter Mr P Belfry of Sound is spending a few days with his son Mr Will Belfry Ellen St Miss Lillian Forfar and Miss Louise Roberts of Toronto were the guests of Miss Ethel Maw oyer Sunday We are now In pur busiest season handling fruits of all kinds- andvarletles Foreign anti fruits handled In large quantities The berry season will soon be over and plums peaches and pears wlllbe the leading fruits on the market We select our fruit at the Toronto Market and there fore can halve a large variety to choose from and at lower prices Repaired Within 2 Hours Simply Send Your Broken Lens the OPTICIAN bLoor street east TORONTO Phone North 2824- FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 18T Toronto does not for a bel ter reputation than it already possesses We get positions for many students each year Cata logue free f J ELLIOTT Principal St Yonge The Canadian Liberal for Au gust makes a comparison that the people of North York should remem ber It says Place any construc tion you like upon it give credit to the Liberals or refuse credit call it coincidence if you will it is hard for the ordinary man to resist the monsense conclusion that the arc in large part responsible for conditions affecting the welfare the people when he fe asked to con sider the plain outstanding facts That for years prior to un der Conservative rule the country was In a ruta rut almost of de spair little if any progress being That under Literal Ad ministration almost everyone pros pered that in short it was an era of the full dinner pall That when the Conservatives came back Into of fice late In they succeeded in keeping the prosperity machine going about a year only after gloom hut gloom all over the country IT MEANS SOMETHING A BLAZE OF LIGHT Electrical Arrangements for Can adian National are on a Magnificent The electrical arrangements for tin Canadian National should prove a plcaaanl surprise for visitor lolhc ground The faaudHOJne ban been equipped with colored lighltf merged in the foun tain that will flash and play op ihr falling water in a manner that enhance the beauty of the of the Allies in will he stretched the roof the Manufacturers Building and at vill be brilliantly illumio1 ated Another new feature will be the firings of colored strung about the grounds in all while an artificial moon ban been erected north of the grand the outdoor agricultural fiectiou The sphere in eight in dlametei- contains globed and when the fiUppOrlJng column be fnvfHSblo giving the effect of a huge ball of lire hanging suspend de in mid air The interior of the building have been equipped vacuum or nitrogen lights of high power and will add greatly to the brilliance of jllumlnatiou The floral are while the lawns are a deep and show no cation of the tills of Hie significant sign of the ris ing tide of public opinion in Columbia against tin traffic to be found in a State ment Issued by John Nelson fisher of the Vancouver World Independent in which lie an nounced that his paper will un dertake a definite campaign against The traffic DrftlSll Columbia the statement begins shortly to be asked to prohibit I he traffic during the war A convention is be held in Ibis city in a few dayvuid a campaign will then be outlined and plans for prosecution made If adds Tin present move ment springs from causes class es and interests which in the main have been Identified with temperance re- form One has only to move about in the business of this city and province to be convinced how comprehensive is the extent of the present meut Undoubtedly the war re sponsible for many accounts for the conditions The present campaign will be an economic one Throughout the Province it is being fathered shopkeepers miners profes sional men mill bauds lumber men farmers and businessmen of and harvesters left The Union Station on Saturday the Western Provinces A pair of boots was stolen from a residence St The owner had written lire name in the inside of the boots- and this led lo the arrest of the thief the fall exhibition of the Toronto Horticultural Society la Friday night wo new and dis tinct varieties of glad fall were shown They were produced by Mr Gilchrist of Ouelph and are named Lady and Lady Eaton respectively Gold medals were awarded Mr P Green for perennial plants Sir Osier for vegetables and Sim mers Limited for fruits Vege tables and flowers Willi less than half a dozen eases of typhoid fever in months it looks as if all pre vious records for a couple of decades will be beaten this year This evening a recruiting ami patriotic demon- will lirfe at Scar- Beach A number of Holed speakers will be present includ ing Sir Wilfrid Sir Foster ami Hon Senator A burglar named John Wilspi aged years was founrl sound asleep in an office by his loot embracing a number of revolvers knives and carridges line he of I lie announces the Can- has been ap pointed President of si College as successor of Rob During the retreat of Toronto priest last week it was announc ed by his grace the archbishop that Dean of Out Is parish of St Marys Toronto Rev Andrew of SI Marys Toronto lo be dean of The girl of who was so badly at her home by an explosion which followed when she poured coal oil upon a lire last Friday died at tile Hospital on Saturday after noon On Friday night hist Bryan was struck by air automobile and so seriously hurt that it means a long confinement left Toront on Monday last on his return journey to the mission fields of China The pickpocket who- relieved a woman of a roll of in De partmental Store on Saturday was identified later and arrested Blueberries from the Island of Muskoka and Parry Sound Miss Jennie and brother Basil spent the weekend with their grandmother Mrs Rachel Barker Mr It Merrill and family moved to last week whore he becomes Principal of the Institute Mrs Dr Hill of Bancroft Mich and daughter Miss arc visiting the formers brother Mr J Miss Gertrude Weir former ly of the ExpressHerald staff left on Tuesday lo accept a posti lion in Mrs Harold V Armitage of London is spending a month with Mr Armitages moth er and other friends Miss Louie and Miss Wickett returned on Wed nesday from Windsor where they spent two weeks with the formers brother Mrs L KKarr of Aurora who has had such a severe illness returned home from the Hospital about a week ago and is improv ing nicely Tottenham Sentinel Mr Harry motored over from Newmarket on Sunday Mrs and baby returned home with him Kansas farmers who have lost a million and a half acres of wheal by flood have put a iion head of sheep on their farms and will convert ruined wheat into mutton and wool This years Honey Just arrived In and 10 lb palls Also In the comb For a nice cool drink try some of Daltons Lemonade Orangeade or Raspberry Vinegar For a good cup of tea you cant do better than try some of our own blend THE LEADING Undertaking House can buy your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John H Millard 17 and TV PHONE PURITY AND QUALITY OUB MOTTO The Cradle At Lloydtowh to Mr Mcltain a daufrhler Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes oh July Mrs a mm NEWMARKET ONI all kinds The candid opinion of most sensible men today is unmis takably In one direction Mint that is at war has permitting the limjaiice of a trade which imposes burdens on who were encamped over the and and vrinW than war tUelf as children used to call them a couple of decades ago have found their way in ConsMeraWe at the St Lawrence Market during the wei-k- Vm Banks addressed the Hrolherhood Meeting at Woodreen Church last Sunday afternoon on The Causes of he War Me said was due to the nations for getting Christ and one making armaments its God Four men of Toronto trained at the flying school here arrived in and are now on duly The new Technical School will be officially opened Tuesday Heiirdie will John of the County Court pa8t Mr the new Prin cipal of Newmarket High School commenced moving to Town on Wednesday and fcpccls to be lo cated here the beginning of week Mrs John Mitchell ami her daughter Miss from De troit- Mich also Air and Mrs Jas Mitchell and daughter Mixs May of spent Thurs day of last week with Mrs Ah Trivell Mr and Mrs Norton of in town on Satur day on their way to spend two or three weeks is Id years since they left New market Mr McMillan of Dakota writes The is a Very welcome visitor at mir home Crops promise Family all well regards to oldtime J Mrs Dr Lewis will receive for the first lime sinCo her mar riage at lieq home oil Church St on Wednesday Sept 1st from till oclock in the afternoon and from lillti the evening For years Mr l Moore has continuous ser vice as editor of the Free Press and we sincerely hope I a may live lo give 17 years more lo the prosperity of Anion Mr aifrl Mrs J and children of Kipling who were Mr J In King wore passengers on the from to Port Ar thur en route to their home Aurora Miss received much com mendation for her rendition of Let us have Peace at the ser vice in Newmarket Methodist Church on Sunday evening last Geo of Company 37th Hal came hero on lo visit his molher who has been poorly for some time ami while hero she passed away In Newmarket Aug 1915 to Mr and Mrs Eli her a son The Altar At SI Pauls Church Aug by Oaiipii Hill Miss Florence Downing daughter of the late 1 Downing of John Nova Scotia lo Mr Percy Ilea of formerly of On day Aug by Key Scott Alice third daughter of Mr and Mrs George St Aurora Mr Hoy- Pal- youngest son of Mi of Aurora At Toroiu 10 on Aug Gill by the of Hal bur it Street MHhodisl Church Mi Frances Armstrong eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Armstrong i St West Mr New- West The Tomb Gray On Friday morning Am Mary Gladys dearly beloved- daughter of Alexander and the Into Sinclair flrdy of King Out aged years Funeral Sunday to King Ceme tery In on Aug Cecilia beloved wife of in her year The funeral took place on Wednesday ftoin Ihe of her daughter Mrs Prospect Ave and in terment at MAIN STREET Agent for Camera- and Photo Supplies Fresh Chocolate G OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No r1 Fall Goods arriving dally and we need room and money Hero Is a chance to stock up with High Class Mens and at our expense Piano with every dollars on this Salo Mens Lisle Socks 300 all colors and clear at n III to Men Silk Ties in all lat est patterns lo clear at 35c or 3 for 100 lYouseis Mens Shirts some Silk Shirts in this lot Regular up to to clear at ft At Oakland King near on Aug 1 mas While son of Hiram White Interred at Aurora Cemetery At Concord on Aug Mrs Geo Coher sister of Mr Michael of New- died with dropsy and paralysis In her year Interment last Service in Church and burial in grounds adjoining Forsyth At on Aug Harriet wi dow of Wm Forsyth in her year Mens Shirts some with separate soft collar to match Reg lo to clear at or for Mens Pajamas up lo pr to clear at 125 200 Mens Silk Socks In all colors and to clear at 36o or 3 for DONT FORGET TO GET YOUR PIANO VOTES 20 Mens Duck to cear at 30 prs Minis Cream with stripe Trousers to clear at 105 160 Men and Gray Hells in Black Tan Reg to clear at 300 prs Mens Hoots in Black Tan and Patent Leather in all latest shapes some with rubber soles and to clear at 395 30 Mens Oxfords in Tan Patent and Gun Metal Hog to clear at QVz and 7 only Bal ance of Straw Hats to clear at i The Mens Outfitter i The New Transcontinental Mr and Mrs Howard of the- en gage me nt of their daughter Maude to Mr Doyle son of Mr Doyle Newmarket the marriage to lake place yesterday morning Harrle Mr and Mrs of Newmarket spent Ihe weekend Mr and Mis Hoy Andrews arid Mrs St and Mrs Knowles of Aurora and York County Clerk and Mrs W Phillip of Toronto recort Hoover At on Aug Jacob Hoover in year At on Aug Jane wife of Godfrey In lier year i4 Funeral Thursday in ville Cemetery NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Cn Govt O Sytera TORONTOWINNIPEG or Mr v f ft f I 8 J ROADHOU8E Main St North All Orders Receive Careful North and Coctiiaae Through the Acrou New Ontario Route Maivels touiproent Splendid RodbL Tu4dy July Toronto pm Thu Lv Winnipeg pro- daily Wed Sun pm Wed Sun Saskatoon pm Thu Sat Moo Edmonton pja fl Thru via the Cochtno Winnipeg 9 i

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