Newmarket Era, 27 Aug 1915, p. 3

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i ii f r rfBtagv sate V- itfra V 3ra i I men t I V Weeks Mothers Meeting Will be held in of Mr Lund Queen St cam- pm on ThUM- the of A turnout of mothers is reu Methodist Church ill he resumed as Fop Sale The store- occupied by Roche A the most valuable properly I a l ic on Wednesday nnatWiiooxIakeUcnen talent Sale Ladies Aid of Ihe intend holding a Sale in School on tin- 3rd of Sept Reserve this data as the ladies are planning of pood things for sale Bowling Bowling On rinks went Jackson bowl villc and skip two Lake View green point for a friendly Messrs Lyons jf Hiiinsand Messrs A a Smith Rev Four Newmarket Rinks went to on Wednesday and were Three rinks and the other was up i leaving a defeat of points Picnic attendance the Lake oh Wednes day Good program of for IhV cinldreu very nice time enjoyed by aU present Farm Produce Good market last Saturday Ruling prices as follows per Butter per lb Potatoes per bag tomatoes 35 to Plums 20 to and to Cabbages Ho to Apples Cucumbers 25 to and family Sunday a number were at last Sunday Mr the evening also brother Harold and daughter the weekend in JV ftOESTS OT PATTERNS ALL USE BRUNTONS V BAKING POWDER 3ha Sz s vf iSS r a- The latter by a- I hey were loyally by the Pont bowlers jail Sentence Imposed On Monday morning gave J Mel omld like Oclock to pay a board bill or IH owing to Mrs Adams or to go down for days As amount was forthcoming Red Cross Items next Knitting will he held in Sunday School- Room of Church oh the at President and of the Red Cross Society wish 10 exprtss to Mr for albwin his grounds to used foe li lted Garden wish to than- CoTnmilte ot ami oil others who ivilRngly and y assisted in making be Party such a holder lucky for the Hook Case not yet and buy a ticket for Mo Rod Cross Comfit next Iues you go or not Dont miss the Red Cross Con cert- in the Town Hall nest Tues day night About of the Boy Scouts are camping at Wilcox Lake under command of Rev A P Addison Division in Newmarket On Friday of next week About Newmarket people who attended the Garden Parly Sharon on Wednesday came by the special Met car The are making arrangements for new moveable seats for their Hall av arreted evening anil will serve Hie sentence Mc Donald was formerly a baker here a short time ago left for To when- lie was located and brought trial New Factory The Town Council has under consideration a proposition for w Factory in Newmarket bo far as we can learn the lioll good Details will bo made known as soon as the Iit takes a definite shape Our new electric power facilities already attracting attention- Newmarket is now in position give cheaper power to mi than any Town in the Province of Ontario Union Services Besides Ihe Anthem by Ihe Choir in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening Mrs and Mr sang a very hue duel Cricket Si Pauls play of Toronto a league gamV on the local grounds Second St north Ipniorrmy Saturday at pm Admission to all games here lias been free but as this is important fixture a small admission fee of ten cents will be asked are now only one game behind the league leaders Si Cyprians and a win for tomorrow will tip up till series but locals will never theless endeavor to defeat vis itors The proceeds will go lo- the Sportsmens Patriotic Association Machine Gun Fund Show your appreciation by be ing present also read article in another column Cricketers Ex pect to Subscribe a Gun Let there I ho Light and Mr Davidson rendered beautifully the sacred olo Jesus Lover of My Sow The latest addition to Choir is an alto soloist in the per son of Mrs Last Sunday evening was tlie last of tin- union services be tween the Methodist and Presby terian congregations for another season All through the summer both churches have been well attended and the services have been productive of much good feeling and very satisfactory to Ihe pastors Union Services The interest ami numbers of flic congregations at the Christian and Friends Churches continue to increase last Sunday witness a considerable growl h Rev Alfred Young of the Friends Church is filling the pul pits and on Sunday gavft Hie second discourse your own business Red Cross Acknowledgment We print below the letter from Newmarket Red Cross Society to St Johns Church acknowledging receipt of of the receipts of Garden Party on the Separate School Grounds July Tlie total receipts The expenses were leaving a net balance 25 of amounted to Orchard Reach Aug 7 IS 1 McCaffrey Esq Dear Sir On behalf of lbs Newmarket of the Cana dian Red Cross Society I wish thank tin- Officers and Members I Of St Johns R Church for the generous cheque of you go kindly sent me today Yours truly Florence A Robertson Pre Newmarket Branch of Society metropolitan Railway A change of time on the line between Newmarket and Sutton goes into effect on Wednesday next The oclock car giitg north in the morning is to be dropped out and the car leaving Sutton at a in will he can celled Several Sunday cars are to cancelled and also the extra Sat urday service The IslandGrove Monday mor special to Toronto will he can celled after Sept Extra cars leave Toronto for Newmarket every night from Sept to I at It and for convenience of people attend big the Exhibition Cricketers Expect to Subscribe a Gun There is every reason to be lieve that the Cricketers contri bution to the Patri otic Association which is made up of all legitimate linos of spot and is provincial in its member ship will reach a respectable amount a sufficient suin to pro vide a Machine Gun All Clubs have been supplied with collec tion sheets many of which have been- returned well up and the members are wearing the heaver button issued by the asso ciation An important match will he played on Varsity CampusTo- roulo under pat ronage of the Mayor ami other wellknown citizens St Pauls Club will have liberal supply of these buttons for sale on Saturday to-inor- r6w at I heir game at pm against Albions of Toronto on Grounds opposite the residence of Hon J Davis corn- BALDWIN BREEZES Quite a number from at tended he at Island on and unanimously report a most enjoyable lime The supper to lie elegant a special feature of which was the of the brewing of the lea and coffee Many misfortunes red voyage oyer but all tears were wiped from their eyes whoii they reached the Indians Para dise The promised game of baseball Baldwin vs Is landers did- not maleralize In explanation thereof I shall only say that is bad enough to be a desert island but it is much worse to be stranded den of iniquity the that is if your besetting sin be tippling Mr and Mrs Geo Crittenden and family and Mrs Amos Crit tenden spent Sunday at Mr -Will- addons Virginia They slunc on in auloini- They enjoyed it immensely About I miles in minutes Gee whiz Elder was here last week like lhe Good Shepherd looking after the lambs of his fold the Christian Church Mr Fred accompanied his fa ther Stock of Carpet Squared of all Kinds and at Less than City Prices Linoleums 23 and 4 yds wide Oilcloths In all widths Bungalow Nets and Curiam In all prices and qualities Cretonnes Damasks and Art Sa- teens In Endless Variety- Cocoa Mats In all sizes for Churdhea and Girls Bestwcr mm Mens SureRt Footwear- The Workmanship on Pair Guaranteed and to all Purses GROCERIES 1 Ladies Dainty 8ugar is a little cheaper Canned Vegetables 3 for 26o- Good Teas are getting very and higher in price lay in a stock at bur low a 1 wear w Quaker Bulk Tea kinds 30o A Mrs J Allan and Mrs items of interest concerning absent hi in the I am interested in their welfare Art unknown friend probably Guy on a vacation tour says there arc great times in North Porcupine Out ami gold rolling out may make happy the More than naif my news shelve for lack of- space TURKS DIG TRENCHES AROUND NAZARETH Paris Aug It is learned Turks preparing for an allied Invasion of Palestine Big Red Cross Concert ore digging trenches around Tin- program for the areth ami other places Cross Goneert the Town Hull WKl Tuesday evening will consist Daniel has some little lambs Their wool as black as jet They follow him all round the town And love him too you bet Mr and Mrs Alex Scott Auro ra spent some days here They are a nice young couple and well be pleased to see litem come again Tomlinsons thresher is great demand Everybody wants it Wait your turn my friend Charlie is popular Some tickled boys but not with a big strap Some lime ago Mr and Mrs A prom ised the little gentle men that they should llflVe some thing pretty nice if they passed their exams Entrance and promotion to Jr They suc ceeded admirably So an order was given the Syrian pedlar to purchase each a complete uniform cap etc In due time hey arrived and the boys were abundantly Master Johnston rigged himself up set the mirror in li suitable position and you may depeiul upon it there was some great nosing such as a bride trying on her Irosseau envy The to have been abundantly satisfactory Mrs Walker and daughter Miss Julia or Detroit are visiting relatives the here ami hereabouts Our Mr lakes an outing along the Lake Shore resorts it seems to afford him I The residents of School are invited lo Sunday School at next Sun- day afternoon Special music and III bible history means of these trenches iiimr UK ling was to as follow of four plays rendered by I hey are also drawing away the of under the in of Mis The largest yet held scarce a doz seats in Hi church being vacan The preacher gave ad dresson A man four occupations to which listened wick marked attention Tin- closing services or the series will be held on Sunday Aug Christian Church 1 1 am Subject A World Tragedy Friends Ghurch pm Small fiong Service Popular Hymns Come early to ensure a sal f ll vicinity of Tiberias Iher this is for the purpose of by Wil bur Alls Well hat Well a Melodramatic Jairy Play by Kipling Scenes from MidSummer Nights Dream by Shaken pea re In addition this Ihe follow ing artists will lake part Miss Mary of Brooklyn Miss Twia of Mrs Walker of Toronlo Misfl Gillman of Toronto If you cannot go to the front help hoys In the trenches by buying tickets for the Concert and thus Do your bit is defense Ih not clear Many historic buildings have been razed to make way for artil lery lire among them being Tiirasaula Convent near Tiher- ias AH the inscriptions walls however old- in whatever language have heoir erased for fear that they may af ford useful Information to the enemy pleasure a minimum of expense The other day he re I timed from one of these expedi tions his face radiant with smiles and eloquent with praise of the Shore belles Were he to consider a moment be would see thai his own little woman was handsomer far and a thousand limes belter than any of those ram per girls A couple of little highflyers on day recently bestrode their Wheels Olid set oul to view the Meanly of rural scenery Mr Rogers Married Mr the Toronlo coal Kierly of St near Newmarket was married in New York on Momlay The following account appeared in the Toronlo papers than hours nflef arrived country on her visit Mis King the bite James King of became Hie of of vice- pre -idiiil- of Ihe of Canada and director of Ihe Pass Goal Com pany The Hey Win P Merrill of the Church on performed lie ceremony on Monday in a pri vate at Mi who Ih a professor of in arived in New York on the Philadelphia on Sunday accom panied by her sisters the anil King The on lo the wedding cere ides the sislers Clarence lingers rfOn of tin bridegroom Mr Rogers nut bis bride dur ing one of his to where he bad many business transactions He a few ago Mr and Mrs left later on honeymoon The tiling that Is wrong with money Is that there Is not enough to around 8end the Era to absent friends THE In fierce battle which lasted all last Week the losses were dead and wound ed The Turks lost ft000 dead and wounded The subma rines In the Sea of Marmora re cently sank sailing boats and not enough were left- to even transport Turkish supplies across the Dardanelles for men THE JEWELRY LINE has long been and will al ways continue to he THE POPULAR LINE from which make Selections Qlfts No other line affords the variety No other gifts afford the de light the satisfaction Always in evidence useful and durable Make Your Selection Here ATKINSON jewelers and Opticians TICKET Baldwin was on their line of tour I he style and beauty of at- gave us an impression Hint they be some of theatrical and chorus girls out for a lark Their looks said In mute language you want a come on Im yours my huckleberry Then Hoy floated away over the classic av enues of Gun Swamp If Pink our uptodate cyclist had been around he would have followed them to the uttermost ends of J he earth if had been the ghosl of a show for a Miss Stella Sweet has returned from an outing in Bond Head neighborhood She is looking than ever My thanks are duo to unknown friends for copies Globe and London Advertiser containing to Mr and Mrs it Domus Colden Wedding am deeply interested in anything my respected friends whom I have known for years I could add much to what is given by the press notices Mrs Doan in other days was known as Heautiful Hetty Evans I see in The picture she retains much of natures charm One word about Mr Doan He was al ways perfect gentleman a natures nobleman I should ever so much like lb see Mr Doan ap pointed to manage a school over the border The young Yankees would soyn materially change his ideas oil corporal punishment Three most highly esteemed living friends of rnfnn lately passed lo the great unknown clime They arc Elder Win Smith and Mrs John Thompson Maria Doan I could say long say re their good qualities that count for numb in future Would the following persons Mrs J A T TOWN LINK ITEMS Bustle and hurry on the farm this week threshing and drawing in grain on every hand While harvesting on the farm of Mr Tom Dales on the I one day this week in a fluid of inixedgrajn of oats barley alio peas Ihe correspondent picked Up carelessly a peastalk six feet inches in length bearing sixty- live pods of peas averaging eight peas to the pod Mrs David Dales of the Line spent last week with her daughters Mrs Isaac Webster the Town Line and Mrs Fred gart of the Line Mr and Mrs Fred at ler returning from their honey moon trip were the recipients of a handsome China Tea Set pieces from the young men in the district Mrs Brill Griffith and Mrs Frank Griffith Of Aurora accom panied by tbe formers children spent the weekend at the homo of their parents Mr and Mrs John Cook of the Line Mr and Mrs Skinner if were the guests of Mr and Mrs William on Sunday last Messrs and Gordon have returned to Toron to after spending their holidays at with their aunt Mrs Geo Mr and Mrs George Chap pel the Line visited at the home of the correspondent on Sunday Prof Dales occupied the pul pit of he tli Line Christian Church on Sunday A large con gregation faced the speaker and Ladies House Dresses in good quality of Print Reg for Ladies Silk Lisle Hose in Fine Ribbed also Tan and Brown Reg 35c and Sale Price 19c pair Girls Fancy Striped Reg for 59c Fancy Stripe Gingham Reg 15c for 9c Large Size Hair Nets dozen Reg each there can be no doubt from Ihe rapt attention of the hearers that the sermon look strong hold upon them The Professor sustained the reputation left behind when lie addressed our Garded Party on a previous occasion as a preacher experience ami power The Choir was Up lo the standard Air Alex Tatlon oMhe itll Lin- oil Tuesday The following prices fob Iord Out effective Aug Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car Ford TownCar No speedometer included in Ibis years equipment cars fully equipped There can be in these assurance again rices time We guarantee however- that there will be no reduction prices prior lo Aug I CALL AND SEE K ROBERTSON Newmarket I in Mr A J Snider Spent Tuesday Toronto on business Mrs Allen and family visited at her mothers In Mount Joy on Tues day Miss Flossie who is in now spent Sunday at her home report that Mrs Mortens not Improving In her health Mr Milter had the misfor tune to let a run Into his this week Hope for a speedy recov ery The Girls Aid Society met at the home of Mrs M Starr on last week and report hav ing a meeting Dont you think It must have been blue Monday when she filled the Oil can with marine oil Sirs of St Catharines- Ik visiting at her brothers Mr A Snider Minnie lonesome these days The children are glad that school opens again next Wednesday Mr Lewis and lady friend attended Aurora Methodist last Sunday evening Mrs Is friends In Newmarket this week Mrs Hacking and sister from Wy andotte are visiting friends In Mid land Toronto GRANP TRUNK TIME TABLS am pm pm pm Leave 830 pm am am pm pm Irain GOING NORTH Newmarket am pm pm pm GOING SOUTH Vewmarket GI am pm pm not leave Toronto on Saturday 10 Toronto it it leaves Sunday night 1015 am 340 pm pm Arrive am 1018 a 815 m night but I vs Mr or Clark a guest at the home Mr- J- on Sunday LIVE STQOK MARKET Newmarket Markets ii Wheat per bush I per bush 1 prices in Toronto lli ton Export Cattle Choice Butcher 8JiO Choice bilkers peril Veal Calves Sheep Lambs llbfrfi off cars 0 70 0 56 32 00 Potatoes per bag 0 per HER REASON Men who sit still in tho street cars while women stand and give their excuse the that women do not Ihante them wfcen they do their seats will like this story The man arose and Rave his seat to the girl J Oh you most kindly sir she replied Dont mind her being polite ex plained the sadfaced women Im taVlug her to a An acci dent occurred t Mr KefferV after the days threshing yesUrday Tho hired man was sent mi the roof of tho stable lo swcop the chaff and line that bad gathered there during tho days threshing happened to on Homo of lino stuff slipped and fell ground about feet Fortunately no bones broken but ho was 4 Dr toll bow it may be yet

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