pi if T But E Vcg- e table Compound Restored Mr Bradley Healtt- Her Own Statement I it r ml Winnipeg Canada Eleven yean ago I went to the Victoria Hospital Montreal suffering with a growth The doctors It was a tumor and removed as it wooH cause Instant death They found that my organs were affected and said I could not live more than six months In the Hon I was in home I saw your adver tisement In the paper and commenced taxing Vegetable I took It constantly for two years and still take it at time and both my husband and myself claim that it was the means of saving my life I recommend It to suffering women Mrs Bradley 24 Ave Winnipeg Manitoba Can Why will women take chances or drag Ing threefourths of the joy of living when they can find health in Vegeta ble Compound For thirty years it been the stan dard remedy for fe male ills and has re stored the health of thousands of women who hare been trou bled with such ail ments as displacements inflammation ulceration tumors irregularities etc If you want special advice write to Lydia Co confidential Lynn Mass Your letter will be opened read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence not give your boy and girl an opportunity to make their home study and Give them the same chances to win pro motion and success as the lad having the advantage of WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home This new creation answers with final author ity all kinds of ponding in history geography biography pronunciation ana and Vocabulary Terms Colored matter la equivalent to elope Mere Scholarly Accurate and Authoritative than any ether Dictionary REGULAR t AND INDIA- PAPER EDITIONS WRITE for you mass A from London towards close week ties are in the signature of he Canadian wheat crop has been made nnder this fall and it is further in- for oyercft nounced that the Canadian Gov- years Allow no one to has been approximate the J and endanger the health of Children J What Is Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Props and Soothing Syrups It is pleasant It contains neither Opium nor other Narcotic Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and more than years it has been in constant use for the relief of Con stipation Flatulency Wind Colic all Teething Troubles and It and Bowels quantity which will be available for export this also when llie movement can be started In this connection we may likewise state that an unofficial estimate of the amount of exportable Can adian wheat made al the Dominion Capitol places figures at 000000 worth Of country some anxiety has been expressed oyer question of ocean transport but the British Government is solving this prob lem by providing a fleet of eigh teen freight ships and it is add ed that it is not anticipated that the British authorities have any notion of a fixed price for the purchase of Canadian Wheat This inspires the hope that the Admiralty may do something to wards carrying both hay and oats from this country to the allied armies v During last week Chief Jim Smith big boss of the Six Nation Indians at the Caledonia reserv ation entered the Mayors Office in Hamilton and announced that his reservation wanted The Mayor thinking il was liquor replied You cant have it He changed his mind when the Chief told him the big word meant Hydro Power The request will be considered PERIL IN and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use Por Over Years m iVlLJJltCItjiJiVJl The simple gift that lends the touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERES A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photos at night by tho aid of Electric Light Studio open Saturday evenings and any other evening by ap pointment Studio On Door West of the New Pont Office A press despatch from Ottawa dated Aug 1 says Within a short time after the outbreak of Hie war a year ago Messrs It Howard and Co of Toronto for warded a cheque for SI to the Minister of Finance as a contribution Today the Minister of Finance received a letter from the same firm enclos ing a further cheque for to be used in such a way as the Government may deem best m A private train on be T made a record trip between Mont real and Hamilton on Thursday of last week It consisted of a day coach baggage car and en gine and made the trip in less than eight hours running at the rale of over miles an hour On Tuesday of last week the people of and vicinity celebrated the tercentenary of the visit of the great French explorer to that locality in Appropriate indeed was the historic function and we quite with those of our co- temporaries who do not think it detracted one little jot from the patriotism of Lake tidy little town to honor the memory of so distinguished a pi oneer to this part of the coil til Detroit Aug I friend of Sir John French and Recently back from the zone Europe startled the veterans of foreign wars in his speech to them here He said the command of Yon and that tjiey purchased Vast supplies of ammunition and held it in reserve for eventualities in America Some significant points in the address were these The number of German and Austrian reservists in the Unit ed States outnumbers our com bined en to There is not sufficient itf on in the possession of our army for one hour of modern battle Count Von ac credited Ambassador to this country in reality is command erinchief of trained reservists who are within the call of the consulates As an American I do not fear the shell whose known destina tion is Europe but I do fear the shell purchased by a power with which we are the brink of war and which remains in this country in the possession of for eign soldiers who know how use it against us Supplies and ammunition col lected by agents of the German Government and kept in this country are greater than those purchased by- the United Slates Government since the outbreak of war remedies Illustrations of types and the fleeces carried at vari ous ages impression ex pression and interest to the pamphlet A Not Goat Roller Flour MILLS I Manufacture MOSS R08E PA8TRY WATER LILY BLEND FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA PATENT Those Brand are second to none Ask your grocer for a trial sack Satisfaction guaranteed or money returned Help the mill at home The Western Mills dont help you Phone Proprietor Furnace Work Plumbing of Our Specialties Outfit Shop TUB TINSMITHS IR SONS to For the Era Most parts of Canada where live stock production prevails are suitable to the raising of goras especially if the land high and dry the greater part of the year They will withstand the rigor of even the coldest win ter and do not any great er shelter than a shed to protect litem from wind and storm pro viding a sufficient quantity of nutritious food and pure water are supplied The Angora Goat performs a twofold service ii the Canadian scheme of farming It produces a high grade of mo hair and at same time may be used for the destruction of underbrush on lauds to be brok en for subsequent cultivation Such is one of the opening par of Pamphlet No f the and Goat Division the Live Stock devoted to tin Angora Goat and a general discussion of methods of man agement feeding and breeding and of mohair production by Arkell A So and V that be had at no cost whatever application to the Publications Branch Department of Agricul ture Ottawa The Pamphlet gives sketch of the origin an of the Angora which from being a native of Turkey in Asia has ravelled somewhat expensively into South Turkey in Asia MM into South Africa is fairly well known in the United Stales ami not as well known In Canada is desirable Mohair of which Tur key in of peace supplies lbs South Africa lbs and the rest of the world is the technical name given thj hair of the Angora Goat word Is derived from the French and primarily from the Arabic mean ing mohair cloth This with a vast deal morc information about a particularly useful goal Is furnished in the pamphlet un der notice Nature and the treatment for breeding and raising are set forth wild details of market possibilities of shearing of grading and of pre paration for shipment from letters written by successful breeders in Can ada and the United States telling of Ibeir experience are printed as well as some account of tk complaints to which the are occasionally subject with advice to prcveutltivca and THE SPEED MANIA The increasing number of fatal automobile accidents complicated as the traffic has come lo be with the introduction of the highpow er motorcycle is a reminder that there is an apparent revival of the speed mania which marked the introduction of the motordriven vehicle Thus with the rapid multiplication of gasoline vehicles travel on country roads is becom ing a menace to public safely ft has been suggested that the remedy for what is coming to be reconmed as unnecessary and i menace lies in the direction of so restricting the mechanism of a vehicle that it will be Impossible to drive it beyond a prescribed speed limit That laws and ordinances have proved in adequate to control the drivers of power road machines has been abundantly demonstrated For notwithstanding the legal restric tions it has been found to be practically impossible to prevent such drivers from attempting to emulate the speeds attained by automobiles and motorcycles der racing conditions driven on enclosed and protected speedways The possibility of limiting the ability of automobiles and motor cycles to attain objectionable speeds cannot be gainsaid An effective governor been per fected by which speed may be kept within prescribed limits re gardless of the efforts of a drivei to exceed those limits Thus far this governor has been applied motor trucks only- Rut it could be utilized on any power vehicle and a law could be passed mak ing the tampering with such ap pliance a felony It would seem though in view Of the daily examples of the evil effects of reckless speeding thai the desired modification of speed might be brought about through less drastic measures Al pres ent the remedy is in the bunds of manufacturers and drivers of mo tor vehicles unless those who are responsible for the frequency of fatal streets narrow country highways do not aid in reducing by safe and sane driving the en frequency of fatal accidents the public will demand that ef fective measures be lo make reckless speeding a mechanical impossibility Moose Jaw Aug The hailstorm which swept the dis trict south and east of last evening about was the most disastrous experienced for several years and a total of acres of crop was completely hailed These figures were given by Mr Abbott Municipal Councillor and in charge of bail the farmers A strip about three miles wide and seven in length was swept by the storm Oho who storms isnt necessarily a light ning calculator Experience is a whose lessons should In learned once for all Aug Canadian National TORONTO 180000 PATRIOTIC YEAR Model Camp Destruction of of the Air MAMMOTH Military HOW8 THI8 Farm under Cultivation Millions In Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF HIE FLEET ki offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case ol Catarrh cannot be cured Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Jc Co Toledo We the a brief I Cheney for last years- and history him perfectly honorable la all business transactions and to carry out any obligations made by his NATIONAL HANK OF COMMERCE Toledo Catarrh Cure is acting directly blood and mucous surfaces ot the system Testimonials tent Price cent per Lottie Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Pills for con stipation Newmarket Soda Water Works Is prepared lo furnish you with all kinds of Soft prinks at short est notice and delivered to any place you wish Sell our drinks They are Money Maker Wo Lemon Sour Koka Kola Raspberry AND MANY OTIIKRS Yotx Patronage Will Bo and Our Prompt and Attention WHEN IN NEED PHONE Soda Water Works E Prop NORTH END Belgian Art Treasures Creatores Famous Band Cat and Show WAR Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures One Thousand and One New Things REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS NOTICE Strawberry Soda Ale Birch Beer Removed to South Wot Cor ner of Market on Timothy ijuu PAINTER PAPERHANGER DRAINER ART DEOORATOR ETC Wall Paper Supplied from Roll and on the Most Reasonable Terme WORK GUARANTEED I ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED has once again hivadoO pur and claimed son of Had fever Mr was well of by in a member of the MelhddiaU Choir at Snowball funeral were ducted interineut was made Cemetery of en- lire goes the family in bereavements scored Arthur a County farmerwho pay his hired man the money due because be suddenly left to join the ColorsAs her son was at camp at Niagara Mrs ay- peared in the county police court against the farmer claiming When the excuse the magistrate said It is a contemptible thing for a man to refuse another wrrp is away fighting the Eu rope You must get the I dont care how if honestly but you will pay forthwith or goto jail he concluded when the farmer pleaded that lie had no money was given days to pay Lieut Anderson at the Etobi- coke gathering who recently re turned from Belgium speaking of atrocities mentioned person al experience of seeing Belgian children with their hands Cut off at wrists by the Germans Among other speakers were Mr J Evans a former Warden of York Dr Forbes Godfrey and Mr P Judge Denton sentenced Percy B Potter to 30 days in jail whose arrangements for a debauch re cently helped two younggirls on the downward path The Steel of Canada Company has been making remarkable headway in shellmaking accord ing to official advices Orders obtained by the company from the Shell Committee called or some thing like shells and out of the delivered to date rejections only amount to the in significant number of mak ing an almost perfect showing Tor the plant Win alias on a charge of picking pockets was to two years At the Union Station last week Mrs Benjamin of Kingston while washing her hands in waiting room took three valued at her fingers leaving them on the basin and started for the train Missing her rings she returned to the wash- stand but the rings were gone During the year with middle of August aliens registered at Toronto were interned and-exeals- granted to City Treasurer Patterson re ported to the Board of Control hat it has been found that almost policies have been issued by the Metropolitan Life Co on sol diers living outside the city The secretary of board was in structed to write again to the County Council asking if they would lake over these policies Mayor Church staled today that Hie corner stone of the new Union Station at North Toronto would be laid on Tuesday Sept His Worship has been in vited to use the trowel on that The Council having re- solved definitely to fill up Catfish Pond for reasons connected with the public health has an unpre cedented opportunity of turning sociological account a public work involuntarily undertaken A despatch slates that after looking over several sites for the Ontario Government Hospital Col Hon Dr has chosen in Kent distant from London miles Tho Hospital will contain beds The hospital Is now under way Up to of last week he total number of Canadian prison ers of war in all parts of Ger many reached Mrs Willis of Sutton West has been for a few days at the While Inn to be near her son who one of tho junior officers in camp there The Beaches Red Cross Carni val last week sold over tickets It was the finest carnival ever hold at the Beaches Italian laborers refuse to go to work for a day Next winter they will bo hanging around char ity lunch rooms The authorities are taking the names of Those who refuse lo work and next winler IJMsy will bo forced to leave To ronto or starve Sir Edmund Osier and half a dozen other prominent men of the have donated cups to be giv en as prizes lo winners in the To ronto Back Yard contest Thoin crease In produce from these gar dens is really marvellous Mrs Geo A Cox widow of the lata Senator Cox passed away suddenly last week It is staled in City press that Mayor Church said he would endeavor Immediately the Exhibition to obtain a decision as lo when the construction of the now Union Station would- be be gun He proposes to call a spe cial meeting Of City Council and invite Toronto members of House of Commons in cluding Sir George Foster Acting Prime Minister to be pros- In Police Court last Friday Archie was remanded for ono week on a charge of murder- Supply Store in Canada cotrlcally Operated MOTOR Vertical horse power hilly guaranteed FAR Sixblade stIfan especially designed fop this Elootr DUST BAG Made of heavy drilling mineral I NOZZLE Ten Inches long with slotted tip WEIGHT Nine pounds HEIGHT Sovon MR THOMAS A EDISON Electric appliances make household drudgery a of the past and that as soon as woman pleases FIVE YEAR8 PRACTICAL thlngi Agent for CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS CENTURY MOTORS WAGNER Market Building ALFRED R Electrical ContractoN These do more than keep the sugar clean and handy they ensure your gelling the genuine REDPATH Canadas favorite sugar lor three generation and 5 lb Carton 10 20 SO and 100 lb Cloth Bage Let Sweeten it CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO LIMITED MONTREAL CAN AD IAN NORTHERN RAILWAY f 30Q0p Harvesters Wanted am TO WINNIPEG Toronto points good connection to the of loft lo the excursionist a mile from Winnipeg weal to Saskatoon Wnrinan Swan Calgary Doer Tamils and till points on Hit Canadian Hallway a mile all points on IVN It to Winnipeg from Winnipeg lo original starling point GOING DATES Aug 21 and From May- Jet Plot oh and all inter mediate stations on the Canadian Aug and From and all stations west and south in Ontario Tho country In West Is served by the Canadian Northern Railway for Harvesters along Its lines Is heavy tho wages high Write for ami Settlers sliowiftg too freo homesteads awaiting the settler formation apply lo nearest Agent Tor full in it io CANADIAN PACIFIC FA WANTED CANADA RETURN EAST FROM WINNIPEG MANY LA FOR HARVESTING IN GOING TRIP TO WINNIPEG GOING DATE8 August 19th and Jet Lake Renfrew and East in Ihe Province or- Ontario and Quebec including stations and branches August and 26th From Toronto Marie OnU and East in the Provinces of Ontario includ ing stations and branches but not East of or including Kingston Lake or Renfrew August and From Toronto and stations West and Worth in the Province of Ontario but not in cluding stations on line north of Toronto lo Sudbury and Marie Out of For full particulars regarding transportation West Winnipeg etc we nearest Agent or write MURPHY District Agont TORONTO 1 ATKINSON AGENT NEWMARKET Toronto regiments the l- his wife Mrs died In gjih and Ihe Toronto hospital after three- weeks slow death alleged the re p biplane on suit of in Morris ascended a minislered by her husband height of feet at Buffalo is Keeling that every member of brought lo Toronto for National Club of Toronto tests desired to do for the comfort of the soldiers it has donated eleven Hold kitchens at a cost of have been divided following Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS mm THDOMTO