F I SOW WHAT IB SCOW IB brief for the sake of the boys at the Front the should be Tuesday night North York Womens In stitute bad a picnic at Lake on Wednesday afternoon J i Among other entered into by of is of grain lilts artepian Rod Cross Work cial Very Fine Quality Pure White Body with a Gold Line Tracing Pieces Special Line at TOILET SETS Special Line of Printed on a Good Hard Serviceable Body Three Colors 10 Pieces All Size at TIMOTHY SEED For Fall Seeding Special Line The Busy Bees will serve and Cake Mr James Gibsons Lawn Raglan St on Saturday Aug- frOin to p in As these young girls aft anxious to add to their funds al ready raised- to send comforts to the soldiers in the Hospital it is hoped their worthy object will re ceive a large nice tins Gov id Standard at Poultry Association The regular monthly will lie held Wednesday Sept 1st A great deal of preliminary work was gotten through at the special meeting on and a num ber of important committees ap pointed who will report at this meeting Prospect point once more to Newmarket Winter Show being in the front rank of Ontario shows a position it has occupied since its inception All interest- in Standard Bred whether Association members not are invited to turn out and boost their favorite breed Thy kindly glance- and spirit Could I but thy smile rush fur And stay thee awhile To talk once more of earth and heaven And in thy counsels hide social comfort and in joy Id sit me at thy The graceful bearing of thy form The unpretending way Smiles blessings comforts in a storm Drop round us like a spray Loving Mother Who Died o firownhili Aug j Direct Importer of Staple Fancy China About Finished The new electric light system is now power and about coin- China Hall Grocery Calls for the Best Sugar to make your preserving a success We handle that Good Sugar Give us an order for Sugar ami you will be Satisfied We carry a full line of Jars In all Sizes Best Value in Rubbers at and per do PABAWAX FOR SEALING When Pickling you should try our Pure We have a Quality of Cider While Wine and Eng lish Malt Vinegar in bulk and in bottle ft La The Leading Reliable UptoDate Grocer Phone Qulak CORNER OF Main Timothy the last extension being made on Andrew St lor there were US street light J of very poor quality today there are 105 of excellent bril liancy Our citizens will be pleas to know that the system has been installed within the estimate of and also the cost of pumping water for domestic ser vice and keeping up fires for fii- is also below the esti mate Everything points to magnificent report next Decem ber while the citizens will only pay half the price for electric current from now on The Fire Alarm system was tested last Friday and it was found that three lines were not found that Hire lines were not working Mr Walker and his staff are now tightening the wires on the Tire Alarm System and pulling the hunch that en ters the Power House into a con duit to lessen the possibility f trouble with high winds aid snow ANNOUNCE WENT GEO BROWN Harness Maker Collars Faced Harness Bags and Grips Repaired NOTE THE ADDRE88 Main St Newmarket of King George Hotel Pickering College NEWMARKET Resident and Da j School For Boys and Girls Preparation for Matriculation and Teachers Examinations COUR8E8 IN SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Funeral of Elder Hainer On Friday evening of Week the Memorial Service in Christian Church at in connection with the death of was very largely attended the church be- in crowded to the doors The Choir rendered special and very appropriate and the so vice throughout was very im pressive The several speaker paid high tributes the character and devoted of deceased as well is his successful ministry Or Booth of the Methodist Church of his friendly relation with the ministers of other denomimt lions Prof Dales of Drayton spoke of his conference connec tion and lift very valuable ser vice he had rendered for many many year D spoke of Hie influence in the family seven of his sons follow ing him in the ministry of referred to their Ion- association in min isterial work On Saturday morning the re- mains wore accompanied to by his affectionate widow and live sons and other relatives and intimate friends of the family arriving at the Christian church ahnil noon Considering the unfavorable hour there was a largo ion The service cons of appropriate selec tions by the choir prayer by Chas lesson and remarks by ProYger after which the casket which was covered with flowers was open and the friends were jriven an op portunity of looking for the last time his kindly The sons present acted as pallbearers And when she at the door With kindly glance so true Her smiles lit up our lives still Jiiore Her faithfulness how true Her example principles I know The Hock she lived upon The life she lived with us below With us still live on The Centra of i social sphere Around Which others swung A husband and eight children dear Whose hearts by grief are wrung Thy cheerful tables tasty spread Made home a palace bright Thine old armchair seemed a throne The hearthstone blazed with light Love wove her garlands strong aridfine Around thee Mother dear And memories still our hearts entwine While hope bids us to cheer While none had a farewell to So short indeed the lime Theres chance than that we may say Good morning in a fairer clime The look divine the smile Thai ljps in death Tell of a joy that stays awhile She draws her parting breath Hut she is gone our hearts are torn The home is broken up Shall we forever weep and mourn And sip griefs bitter cup No never no Nor break our hear Us Since Jesus opes the way Well stand lhove llur grief thai starts And some fairer day Brown Hill Out Amos GEN HUGHES KNIGHTED securing van water but as feed the on street cienibgiveteviAti- on all that acre be 50 a IalSiVJf If this is realized the saving will be a big one information received- a to indicate that the average yield of wheat willvbe bushels to lh0 acre throughout Saskatchewan Some of the grain is already ripe acd remainder is ripening fast Cutting in some localities August and- SIX x that it will about Aug The provincial rural telephone systeni has developed rapidly during the past year There wefe companies and 12G companies incorporated There 157 debenture applications received- amounting to and debentures issued lalling During year also There were and private telephone systems placed in operation with an in crease of of There was an increase of 17 and private telephones op era turn -T- Bill sag fgp 00 1 fS STii mm QJ E twn J ir TRANSATLANTIC CABLE IN TAN PATENT AND GUN IVIETAU LEATHERS a With the growing demand for comfortable as well as dressy footwear the makers of the have kept pace the remains were interred the family plot wa probably It Collegiate Department MU8IO I 9 Addresfl W P Firth known minister Canada He rests from his la- Course Leading lo horn and his good works- him He married By his wife he leaves Levi near Pa Rev John at Wm who for years and over hag been p- lor of the Christian Church at and Mrs Mann of Win ark el and WhH- fleld of Cleveland Oil His second wife was Miss Terry Of near Mount Albert by Whom were two sons and both of wlmni I01V of in the United States The widow and surviving of the family have the pathy of a very large circle f relatives and friends NEWMARKET FUNERAL Arm wed new work promptly attended to Prices town orders solicited ON HAND PHONE I FRUIT BULLETIN famous Yellow John Peach Via District Grown now at its be follow ed by other flrtclass varloties Many varieties Plums ready for canning Housekeepers order Peaohes and Pluma now evy grocer handles hem Ottawa Aug A London cable announces hat MajorGen Sam Hughes Canadian Mir- was knighted this afternoon during an audience with Kirt George in Buckingham Palace He is now a in copnection the knight hood conferred upon Gen Hughes it is slated that KCB is a civil as well as a military title and ranks higher than Only other Canadian KCB is Sir William Otter who command ed the Canadian troops in the South African war The member of the Cabinet who has a higher rank than General Hughes is Sir Hubert Borden who is a member of lie Kings Privy Coun cil READY FOR BIG FAIR OPENING War Demonstrations and Mili tary Features to bo Big Attrac tions of a Record Year When tin Canadian National Inhibition is formally opened on Monday next there will be In augurated what promises to be one of the most successful fairs in Hie whole years history of the big institution Held as it is at a time when the Empire is embroiled in a world war and when Canada is doing her bit to the extent of her resources to keep her place beside the Mother Country the exhibition has a peculiar appeal lo the national pride and all indications arc for pride arid all Indications are for a demonstration of Canadian strength industrially and agri culturally that will he a lit an swer loouUiders who may think Canadian unity or faith has been disturbed by the events In Europe Everything has been done lo reproduce as faithfully as pos sible the conditions under which the boys in are now living- and the war demonstra tions at the- Model Camp and in other parts of the grounds will vividly picture the difficulties and dangers besetting both the Army and Navy The activities of the Plying Corps will be shown by military aviators from the training camps who will drop bombs and with the aid of hid den mines destroy miniature bat tleships on the waterfront In a spectacular portrayal of the difficulties the men of Ilect forcing their way to the heart of Turkdum are experiencing The method of operating the copper link this con tinent with Europe is not ally known We are told thai the transAtlantic cable now in useconsists of seven strands of copper forming the cable core Over this single conductor are laid coatings of genuine guild layer of jute or oak um then an envelope of compo sition rubber Several strands of steel strengthening the wires are laid on and some tarred rope and tape over the whole The cable complete costs about a mile The article from which we ga ther the above particulars stales that the electricity which brings the war news to Ibis country is hardly sufficient to ring the front door hell of a residence The liveliest cable is operated with only volts which is less than half the voltage required for an incandescent lamp and those volts are so filtered that there is just a breath of electricity left when it reaches the cable All that comes out of American end of cable is of an ampere The before us gives lbe information that letters or about HO words a minute is the Speed of the fastest cable work ing out of New York There is lbe duplex attachment which per mits two messaged to be handled at the same time Worked to fuHcapacily this single wire might bring the skeleton of three newspaper columns of matter from Europe within an hour Wo are told that about words of cable news comes to this country every hours and it is added War correspondents have very little chance of lejlfng the best news they gather because of the ritfjd censorship in fori a Oxfords are made on the most footshaped lasts not mere blocks of wood but scientifically developed shapes on which are produced the finest of glovefitting oxfords Careful workmanship and the use of only the best material unsurpassed by the most expensive Imported shoes We take pride in selling Invlctus Oxfords youll take pride in wear them and especially so when you gel a Oxford for i J The Men Main Si Wool IM A SOCCER STORY It had been raining for twentyloir hours anil Hie ground more like a lake than a football but the referee could not sec his way to post pone the match Surely you are not to make us play In this asked the captain course you must play de clared the man With the whistle Now dont hang about youve won the toss Which end are you tak ing Oh well came the reply with a sigh of resignation I reckon wed better kick with tide There arcio laws to with the killing of time Hamilton Aug to night destroyed about half the grand stand at Britannia Park whore the Canadian League are played Hamilton Aug l A Thomas who is louring Canada and the United looking- into the situa tion- paid a high tribute to Can in course of an hern He said Just today one of most prominent and reliable man in Hamilton to his plant if desired and give Government the shell output at actual cost When we moot manuPaclurciH like this willing lo everything for the Motherland wo get sonic Idea of the depth Canadian loyally Milylene Aug it comparable in the nf repult if not In the daring of I Us with that of flight Y was i performed on by Lieut in II Dardanelles While flying in a seaplane he Turkish transport cor- Maying straight bis fluarry he descended low enough to drop bomb full on the deck of vessel The suiting explosion split up the Iransport which sank with believed all the Iroojis that were on board Cultivate habit of listening young It will come In handy il ever acquire a wife INJUNCTION NOT GRANTED On Thursday of last week in junction to restrain the school trustees of No King Tp from spending or lo enlarge the school site and improve the premises generally was asked for before Mi Justice at Hall Toronto Mr Neil MoMurchy on behalf of the rate payers stated that the opinion of the taxpayers of the school sec tion had changed the alter ations had been decided on and that now they did not consider it advisable to srjend so much on a school houSC lhat bad Jieen built 35 years ago more espe cially as the centre of population had very materially changed since that dale After hearing argu ment all round Mr Justice dismissed the application with costs to the defendants by saying It would be improper for me lollop lbe Trustees making the school premises LIBRARY INSTITUTE MEETS Slouffviil Aug County Library Institute annual convention was held hen yester day A twoday session Is usu ally held but owing lo the fact Hint harvesting is now- in full swing it- was put down lo one day The meeting was well at tended and proved to be one the best ever held Six libraries in York County have been closed during the past year The lack of interest shown by the public in Ihese institutions is attributed by the committee 10 the presert war Several libraries In the smaller places have failed to make their returns lo the and consequently lost their an nual grants Inspector ft thought this was due the fluctuating population which allowed the library to fall when interested in Ha formation had either departed or become BIG VICTORY 11 Gorman Vossels Sunk f lie London of the Russian mi the sinking of the German bat tle cruiser two other cruisers and eight torpedo boats has sent a wave of enthusiasm throughout the country and dis pelled the depression- over the retreat on land Aside from the joss of Hie German ships the naval engagement is re gnrded chiefly important for the strategic effort upon the laud operations in German sweep eastward Inward which military observers now as cheeked and pos sibly irreparably defeated A SHARP DISTINCTION A merited report is not always a retort courteous The rebuke that was administered to a party of intruding lourirts by the old watchman who was set to guard the ruins of College Hall at Wei- not long after the great lire conveyed a keen but re proach got lo keep out I he or dered gruffly when he caught them trying to slip under ho ropes surrounded the crum bling walls inquisitive visitors paused and eyed the ruins ami then lheh determined guardian See here a callow youth I m were willing to risk it and were willing to take all he responsibility What do you care if we lose our OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN Fruit Brand of Peaches and Plums are both Hit good this year thai here is every inducement for the I housewife to put down a liberal supply The Canadi an Clubs and lied So are asking for contri butions of canned or jammed fruit for our soldiers in France Peo ple who wish to do their bit should communicate with nearest Canadian Club or lied Cross Branch Much fruit is being put down without sugar by sterilizing process best plums fin the purpose my ami Lombards and peaches St Johns Orders placed in advance with your grocer means better fruit for you Ml i discouraged by lack of interest shown by others An effort he made to reorganize and to put the backward libraries in good standing inspector told how the Government were dpi eg a great deal lo encourage of libraries throughout the Province Knur hundred lib raries arc now In receipt of grants The following officers were elected to act dur ing lbe year President Burlington Don Vicepresident Miss Mary Duncan Don Secre taryTreasurer Harry Next years meeting will ho held at the Don Homo Aug Italy deehviod war on Turkey- Saturday The Turkish Ambassador to Hey has been handed lis passports and will depart Imme diately for Switzerland When a man gets arguing conscience you may be ure his ap petites are busy Send the Era to absent friends lives got keep out I aint of your lives Im think- in or me job Q Kingston Aug Showing no signs of fooling whatever Mela Clark aged convicted of llng Ore to her falherVbarn t sentenced to throe year was placed in the- penitential afternoon by the sheriff of Mai She declared that she I Will burn more buildings when she gels out- The glare and glamor of city ia Hit lure lhat entices young men from the farm Sober second thought has convinced many that the simple life and the comforts of the old home are far su perior lo anything lhat the can offer The desire to get on in the world is very commend able and should be encouraged in every young man but the fact must not lie lost sight of that selfimprovement can be advanc ed far boiler in the quiet of the run try than under the bright light of the Tlie many the men who achieved ureal in this country were from the farm This is true but it is also a fact that the time these men spent on the farm was used for selfimprovement and when Hie call of city came they were well qualified grapple with the of life and possessed suf ficient strength of character lo withstand temptation A young man who leaves the shelter of the roof tree and goes out into the world to seek his fortune should always keep in mind the precepts that he learned from best friend ho ever had in this world mother I The homo is happy valley where and plenty reign Keep ever in your mind a revoronco foe pieces for soups pies or fritters u Mn undor and in removing their tough before you strips of muscle I he use of a out le worI new whitebeaded hatpin and viBinn distance may be a mirage that beckons you thing new as timesavers m The housewife who dis covered advantage pair f shears has knife in culling meats and vegetables soiiie of fruits is rather a A of asparagus string beans or stalks pieplant are quickly cut as desired Pared sliced vegetables and fruit may be shredded for tfoups or salads and the right hand capes with their juices Shears are especially good for cutting ilgs dates and nuts The rind Of thinlysliced bacon can ho easily removed with shears with the least possible waste Dried codfish can bo clip ped cubes for cooking Slic ed cooked meat can be sheared uniformly line for salads meat with no danger of pounding tender meatfi lb a with a chopping knife A knife is not equal to shears iircutling clams into small II1L le great white way i is advanced that I I si t r rf j v r m i