Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1915, p. 2

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FY I J 1 f Building Lots on Park and Lome Avenues Apply to Newmarket BUNCH OF KEY8 FOUHO On Eagle SI Newmarket about 1st of Oct Finder can get them at this office TO RENT 0 SELL Furnished House all conveni ences T Morton Botsford St Newmarket CIDER Cider will be made Tuesday and Thursday at till No vember WATSON MRS Residence doors East of Church St on Timothy St Newmarket Terms Moderate Fast Pacing Mare seven years old a RubberTired Buggy and of track Harness both good as new Terms reasonable to St issue the Municipal Worlds local municipal Councils debentures to same payable pa the plan The announcement is made Hon Mr Justice Hoggins has appointed Medical by the Ontario Government- to inquire into the subject of medical education and matters connected therewith It is stated that a public session will open Oct at oclock a in the Private Bills Committee Room at the Parliament Buildings Just bow the inquiry may effect ostepaths etc remains to be seen An Ottawa- press despatch dated Oct says it is understood at the capitol that the impe- rial Government will provide for a separation allowance to the wives and families of Canadian mechanics who have been taken from the Do minion towork in British munition factories The number taken from Canada for this work totals of which about 1000 are said to be married men The separation allow ance will probably amount to about per week and the fund will be administered from Ottawa- r that Toronto liquor men representa tives the eminent the possibility of having beer and light sold oyer the bar al ter pi in instead of absolutely shutting off all Honor that hour- If beer and wines are allow ed to be sold they will prove open door to deception R Long Co have purchased to King street west for 000 or at the rate of a The purchasers intend erect a fivestorey building to cost for the manufacture of workmens apparel A company of Toronto the Canadian Express Co for the loss of 32 mink skins missing sent to New recently The loss placed at fiiss Steila Brown is in Whitby of Toronto was Thanksgiving Miss Gertrude Sprague is teaching school at Mono Road was TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of York at the Chamber in the Town of New market on Saturday the day of October at oclock forenoon to hear and de- complaints of error in the Voters in the or omissions Lists of the Municipality of New market for A Lb Dated at this day of Oct 1915 J ANDERSON Town Clerk GREAT OPPORTUNITY Having installed an electric plant I have no further use for a small dynamo having a capaci ty of from 5 to e run from a plant Can seen in operation at any lime flost will sell for THOMPSONS MACHINE SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket A I A and Telegraphy Courses of the most complete and modern kind taught right at your own home by Shaws Telegraph and Railroad School at GerJ St East Toronto Write for particulars and sons SHAW The Fruit Commissioners Branch of the Department of Agriculture a Ot tawa in his October report srraking of District- No 3 which includes Ontario Counties north to Lake and Georgian Hay says The Georgian Barf apple crop will be about to per cent of last year with the exception of a small area near the lake which gives promise of about half a crop In well cared tot orchards the quality fairly good The fall varieties have been mostly bought by local dealers In the On tario District east of Toronto the crop is about per cent of last year WANTED Woman for general housework Must know how to take care of milk Good Wages paid to cap able person Please call and afternoons MRS J Florist Richmond Hill EDITORIAL NOTES Moving Pictures A being used this autumn for first time In the Province in educational work In Ag riculture The pictures have been pre pared by the Agricultural Depart ment and will be on view at some of the meetings in connection with the better farm demonstration fall In an address before the Toronto Board of Trade week Hon Mr White Minister Finance in the Government made the an- that immediately after the harvesting and marketing of Canadas record crop proposed to float a domestic na tional patriotic war loan in Canada The was not stated The furs are thought to been stolen in transit y One day last week ah elevator boy- aged 18 years in hotel fell a distance of feet out window of the storey of the ho tel and alighted on the roof of the third storey which jutted out with out any serious results A- workman named James years of age while repairs at the old General Hospital On Friday suddenly dropped dead from heart At Fair oh- Wednesday of last over 300 automobiles were inside the grounds M of from Toronto Eight jitney chauffeurs were each fined for not wearing badge as regulations require The police are hunting for a couple of Italians who swindled one of their own countrymen out of The Ontario Government has ceiveoVa suggestion to place a war tai of on each of the 30000 is lands of Georgian Bay A gang of pickpockets made- a large hall at the Fair Several people had their The last session of the Ontario picked after entering the cars on the Municipal Association adopted one homeward trip for Toronto recommendation in which York Coun ty is deeply interested Respecting the question of adjusting accounts of administration of justice the As sociation affirmed That it is de sirable that legislation should be en acted fixing a basis upon which ad ministration of justice accounts should- be adjusted between Counties and Cities So far as York is con cerned the County Would be thou- sands of dollars a year better off to be separated from Toronto where County Court and Assizes are being held one third of the year A public gathering of City Bulga rians on Monday last unanimously passed the following resolution We the Bulgarians and Macedon ians of she City of Toronto whose names are appended have gathered here to express gratitude for the hospitality which the Dominion of Canada has extended to us And further to show our loyalty to the Government we protest against the present course of the Bulgarian Gov ernment in joining hands with Ger many Austria and Turkey against Great Britain and her allies The resolution further declares Ger many Austria and Turkey should be utterly crushed and pledges hearty support to Great Britain On Thursday Oct Hon Davis attended a meeting under the auspices of the Toronto Board of Trade held in the Assembly Hall of their new quarters in the Royal Bank Building- addressed by Hon T White Finance Canada The hall which holds about was crpwded with leading busi ness men from Toronto and other places who listened a most in teresting and instructive address on the financial position of Canada from the outbreak of war until the present time Mr White struck a high pat riotic as well as optimistic note all his address which was much by those present Mr Davis has a member of this over thirty years The Canadian Liberal Monthly for September referring to the evidence brought out before the Davidson Com mission respecting the purchase of horses in the Maritime Provincee states deficits were found and adds H Secretary of the Kings County Conservative Associa tion who acted as agent of Foster the Government had been supplied with a number of signed cheques in blank and that he had filled some of these for large amounts and cash ed the cheques before horses were bought- In other he gave these There has been no denial that the Central Commission after cheques to the buyers which consultation with military tles recommended to the Government Jimmy of Toronto won the Hamilton Herald race of miles on Monday Jive other con testants On Saturday the Central Walk ers Club held their annual Hamiiton- relay walk doing the distance in 5 hours and minutes being 35 minutes less than last year Toronto Concourse Association held their first pigeon flight race from to Toronto on Saturday when 38 entries were made- The dis tance is 52 miles The fine silver cup donated by Bradford for this race was won by I Maloney His bird averaged over 100 yards in flight per minute for the whole distance Birds of three contestants averaged over the yards per minute for the whole 52 miles Five foreigners in charge of an of ficer and a squad of about a constables reached Toronto via the Winnipeg train on Wednesday of last week They were German prisoners who were in camp west of Cock- and who refused to work authorities were sending them to be placed under military at King ston J In a collision which occurred on Friday between a street and a motor truck belonging to the Co in front of the yards motorman was badly cut about the head- by fly ing glass The front vestibule of the car was badly smashed On Friday evening a man riding a bicycle ran into an approaching auto and received broken rib A telegram from the Adjutant General at Ottawa autioriw the formation of an Irish regiment in this city to be known as the Irish Fusiliers It will be rnanired by Major Magee and Herbert Lennox will be senior major people attended the mo torcycle races on Monday The Ontario License Board is making a tour of Ontario Towns and villages As the tour and places to be visited were an nounced the morning they left will no doubt have their hotels swept and garnished and be ready for inspection all right A transcontinental excursion party which included between and members of the Ontario Legislature members of Can adian press of Ontario and Chica go also a number of representa tive men of Ire Province and of the United States left the Union Depot per on Tuesday ev ening last Sir Win Mackenzie was likewise a member of the party York County Relief Association at a meeting on Tuesday was informed thatPte Abraham was permanently Sergeant Irving Ross from London Camp on Sun- day Mr Fred Keith of Mrs Ambrose of were guests at Rev T for Thanksgiving J Mr and Mrs Wilier Collins accompanied byMrand of Aurora returned home last week after a trip of miles in New Mr John Bond of Toronto weekend visitor at Lyons Mr TH Morton and family intend Amoving to Toronto after J Miss Lulu was home New Lowell for Thanksgiv ing holidays returned after spending a Mf John Montgomery of roritb visited his sisters in Town Day Mr Church spent Thanksgiving holidays at his home near Miss Flo Glover of Keswick at MacLeans for a few this week Miss Stinsori and- Miss Clark- son spent the weekend with Mr and Mis Meek a The following attended family gathering at tin Thanksgiving Day Mr and Mrs and Miss Misses Margaret Bertha and May ail- of Toronto and Mrand Mrs Brothers RU of Aurora i -rr-7- Thanksgiving y Mr Oscar Barker and wife of Toronto spent the with his mother Prospect Ave Mrs Meek of Toronto spent a coiipie of weeks- in town visit ing her son Mr Meek Misses Muir and EU Tliompson visited friends in over the holiday Privates Dunn and who are in training for Overseas Service were home for Thanks giving Mr Irwins brother and his wife from Toronto spent Thanksgiving Day in Town wjth him Mr and Mrs Freeman roy and daughter spent a few days in Town this week Mrs Rev and daughter Huron St will receive on the 3rd Wednesday of each month Mrs and baby of Toronto also her stepdaughter spent Sunday with Mrs J Mr Clarence May and family of London spent Saturday with friends In Newmarket and fine Orchard a Mrs Geo Norton and daugh ter of Toronto spent Thanksgiv ing at- Mr John McDonalds Charles St Mrs Andy Divis gave a Stocking and Handkerchief Show er for Miss Grace Cane on Tues day afternoon Mr Joe Meads and family motored up from Toronto and spent Thanksgiving with rela tives in Town Mr Geo Atkinson of Westminster spent Thanksgiving with his aunt Mrs John M MacLean Messrs Carl London Cyril Atkinson Toronto Wesloy Brooks Mt Albert were home for Thanksgiving holidays Mrs Graham of Winni peg has been visiting with her cousin Mrs Meek St for the past two weeks Mrs McNabb Mrs and Mjss Purcell of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at Mr J Dr and Mrs Orr and Mr EYES OF CHILDREN Are called upon to do hardest work In school Eye strain Is often a resuit Ne glect of this condition la a se rious handicap to the child and may entail serious con sequences PERCY the OPTICIAN BLOOR STREET EAST OF TORONTO Phono North We are now In our busiest sea ton handling fruits of all kinds and varieties Foreign and native fruits handled in large quantities The berry season Will soon be over and plums peaches pears will be the leading fruits on the market We select our fruit at the Toronto Market and there fore can have a large variety to choose from and at lower prices Sale Register Saturday Oat Thos Hayes Mount Albert will dis pose of a quantity of furniture etc at oclock J KeSler Tuesday Mr Shields Mount Albert will dis pose of implements furniture etc at am W J Kesler Auct Wednesday 20 Mr Win miles east of Sut ton will hold an extensive sale of Farm Stock Implements and Household Furniture at o clock credit Auct Eightylive short courses in stock and seed were held last year under the direction the Depart- rnent Two features of the Womens In stitute work last year were Demon stration Lecture Courses in Sew ing and Food Values and Cook ing THE LEADING Overtaking HojDie Yua caa buy your For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard FbonM tit The Cradle and Mrs Huffman of Markham motored here and visited Mr and Mrs Cornell for Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs little son of the cent J Payne and Toronto wen the proposal closing all drinking places at seven oclock aid Ferguson who have been by the better among both Liberals and Conservatives and Who have been in the political uijfavorahly a of times are the In the Cabinet the cloning proposal All the talk at the time of the aftpolntment the Commission about the now having been taken out politics been proved in the last tvo to be absolutely Untrue The License Hoard made a to the Government and II there was no political influence the would have accepted that recommendation right away of that the have delayed and delay ed and by their very delay such a political lobby by against the measure has not seen at the Parliament since the same liquor prevented the Govern ment taking any real temper ance action the last Besides were in when horses were bought while in still others he ad- nltti tail which tabled having feet frozen guests of Mrs J Lee I St for Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs J Stanley Os borne and Miss Blanche Osborne attended the ShftdwlckOsborno wedding at Sutton on Saturday Oct A Mitchell or the Battalion Niagara Camp Spending a few days In town last week leaving for England did not correspond in amount with the records of the horses bought If Liberals had done in this way their opponents would send up a tremendous howl Send the Era to absent friends On the of September last the Exchequer Court of Canada rendered judgment in the Hotel pro perty in Montreal which Was expro priated by the present Borden Gov ernment few months ago for use as a postal substation The valuation placed upon the property by the Ex chequer Court is 1238760 Through Department of Public Works of which Hon Robert Rogers Is the- head the- Dominion Government of fered for this property or nearly 140000 than It was worth and this to alter being on the floor ol Parliament and the press of the Do minion that they were held up by partisans for an excessive price This Is the kind of Government North Yorks representative tiea pleasure in supporting In power at Ottawa Will the electors again se- well scarcely in tho trenches and Blnce lost the uac one A grant a month was made to It is stated that the formation a purely rural regiment In York Coun ty Major County Police Magistrate as Commanding Officer is now contemplated Roman Catholic Bishops ol Ontario met in Toronto on Tuesday and pass ed a resolution urging Roman Catho lics generally to contribute to the Red Cross Fund on Trafalgar Day Two hundred members of Salvation Army bands in Toronto have enlist ed and onehalf of these the red Jersey lor tho Kings khaki On mowing a resident of Toronto by name of Johnston foot caught in a railway track near Malton and was unable to free himself although he saw a train ap proaching at rate of miles an hour He was instantly killed corn are being test ed by the Department to ascertain the best tor silage purposes Caldwell and of recruiting Depot Toronto spent over Thanksgiv ing- at formers home Ni agara St Mr Montgomery wife and children of Toronto celebrat ed thoir crystal wedding at Sha ron and also the wedding anni versary of her parents and Mrs Ah Wilson Father Wedlock receiv ed a telegram on Monday night announcing the death of his brotherinlaw Mr McOov- a contractor at Al berta in his year Mt and Mrs J I Davidson of arc on an extended trip through the NorthWest am intend taking in lh Panama Ex position before theirreturn home An interesting letter from ap pears in this issue Mrs A aunt Mrs Grace Street will receive on Wednesday Oct and afterwards on tho 3rd Wednesday of each month In Newmarket on Oct to Mr and firs Geo a son Kay On Monday Oct i lh to Mr and Mrs I- Kay Del- haven a son In Newmarket on Oct to Mr and Mrs McMahon a daugh ter Dyke In East on Oct to Mr and Mrs Oliver Dyke a son The Altar DoGuerreLundy At the resi dence of the brides parents on Oct by Rev J Hall Mr Frederick DcGuerre to Miss Trances Winn daughter of Mr and Mrs Ezra of Newmarket The Tomb After an illness of months at Edmonton Alberto on Oct 3rd Boss beloved wife of Mr 1 Mc- formerly of ville Mr and Mrs McFarland left hero two years ago to make their home In and many friends will deeply sympathize with him in his sad bereavement Lloyd On Oct at Aurora Out Lloyd aged Phillips In Toronto on Sunday Oct Tammy Phil lips wife of the late Asa Phil lips of St in her year The funeral looli place Tues day Oct on arrival train from Toronto to New market Cemetery Oliver At on Oct Mrs Thomas Oliver Interred at Newmarket on Thursday afternoon on of train v years Honey Just arrived In and 10 lb palls Also Honey In the comb a nice cool drink try some of Lemonade Orangeade or Raspberry Vinegar For a good cup of tea you cant do better than try some of our own blend v- G S PHONE 35 AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies FreahHuylers Chocolates Weekly G TBtjRORAPTI OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No The Nations Need Docs your isled with it health make for efficiency Are you Bat- Arc you giving of your best physically and menially to your country to your business and to your home Or you suffering from some chronic condition that seems hopeless to overcome Arc you aware that the greatest Science of drugless healing is at your door and waiting to enlighten you as to its merits Ask yourself honestly why you are not effi cient and then why you have not investigated the merits of Chiropractic the greatest Science of the century Come and Test it for Yourself ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS a Specialty including Violet Ray High Galvanic and 8lnusoldal Currents ABSOLUTELY no case taken unless help can be given TELEPHONE for appointment or call at the office- of Dr van Levis CHIROPRACTOR OSTEOPATH MONDAY To every purchaser of 8hlrts and votes for cent Hats and Caps every votes for WEDNESDAY and Ovorcoata votes fop cont 8 J Main North Newmarket All Orders Careful THURSDAY Any article- In the store 15 votes for FRIDAY Underwear and Sweater CoatSi 16 votes every cent Hats Caps Underwear Sweaters and Ties votes for vory AN EXTRA 2000 VOTE8 FOR EVERY SUIT ORDERED THE WEEK j DURING 5 i i The Mens f J Outfitter

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