Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1915, p. 3

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For the Soldiers Any lady willing lo contribute kind of preserves for i soldiers is requested to at Mr Bosworlhs Grocery before Oct si treat Your Christinas ket would contribute to the fund on Trafalgar Rev was the first speaker that the war was for the worlds liberty moral of the nation It takes courage to enlist and we at home should METHODIST CHURCH MOTES i pnunrav The Ott Friday Oct the General on- October Margaret Superintendent Dp called a Grace youngest daughter of Mr and meeting of the executive of the Jenkins Elmer- Bruce eral Conference Special son of Mr and of the Methodist Church of VCanad StontoiUe- The bride to deal with a number of very everythfpg possible to relieve a The Committee thai was d at the last Tuesday in connection rawing nV or the British Red Gross money the will meet in tne Chambers this Friday ev- ning at pm There were five l beins There was Wednesday paid Institute Presbyterian Sunday and Young Peoples the Northern Presbyterian The Section Church Newmarket ST Oct afternoon wring for purpose of more efficient Societies Next Wednesday is Division Court Day in Newmarket Whitchurch Council meets at Vandorf next Wednesday This is the last day to say on you- Town Taxes There are Still a few of those Registers at the Era would like to lie if any have lliein The Office Specialty worked on Thanksgiving Day on orders from War Office Womens Institute The Newmarket Branch will visit the Pine Orchard Branch next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Lloyd at pm The meeting of the Branch will take place at the home of Mrs Arm strong Bogarttown on Thurs day of next week at pm The members are reminded of the Book Shower for the Queen Mary Hospital Each member is supposed to take or send a hook or books lo brighten the hours of hose confined to the institution suffering of the soldiers sailors wore velvet suit black silk braid and a large lft the past several mnnths in con- velvet trimmed with tiny rose- nection with the management and buds and faced With pink The Rev of the interest of the Church A Cameron Dr Boyd spoke of the organir of the Red Cross nrti parts of Canada work it is doing- Newmarket Society which is a branch of the Canadian Red Cross has raised about since the outbreak of the war has done well not Towns it Ma or ihe in his approval of the re quest to sustain the Empire which has given its subjects the greatest and most glorious freedom the world has ever seen Rev A P Addison simply re- furred to the duty of the hour which demanded sacrifice and he hoped the people of Newmarket measure up to the responsL in the new Wesley Building which is lF one of the finest Publishing Buildings on the continent being also Presbyterian On Sunday last under the di rection of Mrs Rice special Thanksgiving music given by the Choir which is commencing another season in a flourishing condition being exceptionally well supplied with soloists in cry section At the morning ser vice the solos in the anthem were sung by Miss Stella Williamson and Mr A Eves very acceptably and in the evening the two Even Me arid Lord has done great things iu which Miss Oliver and Dr Lewis sang solos with marked interpretation Special mention must he made duet The Crucifix Messrs and which was very much en joyed Methodist Church The Methodist Talent Sale will be oil Friday Oct the last in the month Good congregations last day and good sermons by the Pas tor The Thanksgiving music was extra Solos were taken in the by Miss Mr T Davidson while Mrs How ard Cam never sang with more freedom or better expression solo was excellent Next Sunday Chancellor Bowles of Toronto one of the best preachers In Canada will occupy the pulpit morning and evening Large congregations are antici pated At an adjourned meeting of III official Board last Friday even ing the Win fine Campaign was heartily endorsed and Messrs Jackson Bennett Ir win and Dr Wilkinson were appointed to act with the Pas tor in launching and carrying on the movement The has a clal evening the residence of Mr- It Manning Venerable Archdeacon ol Toronto was received with applause and he delivered an in spiring oration with his torical facts and proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that Ger many is responsible for the awful carnage that is deluging the world with blood The address was a great treat and must have inspired the audience with a de sire to show heir appreciation of British liberty and to assist in maintaining the British Crown He opened his address by saying that very seldom have the people of Canada an opportunity to contribute to so great and worthy an object- This is the first lime that an appeal for as sistance has ever come from England Wherever Britain is at war and she is in India Africa and the Dardanelles besides soldiers in Europe she the Lions share in the care of her wounded and when over whelmed as at the present time it is quite natural for her to ap peal to her Cubs for assistance The significance of the appeal on Trafalgar Day was brilliantly outlined and clearly demonstrat ed that Britain the waves and no matter what reverses are met the will Ultimate ly triumph Germanys disre gard of all law and good was severely rebuked and the picture of Belgium choosing the path of honor brought forth a storm of applause He declared that the very existence of the Empire is at stake and it calls for strenuous effort that Jus tice Trustworthiness and Free dom may prevail He closed with the beautiful poem The Flag which was a fitting climax a patriotic appeal Reeve Keith then introduced the following motion which was seconded by Deputy Reeve Pear son and carried unanimously That whereas an appeal has ben made lo the citizens of New market for aid to the British Red Cross Society for the care of and Sailors wounded in the Empires war Be it resolved that the Town of Newmarket he organised for the purpose of soliciting sub scriptions for the above named cause and that following he appointed Committee of organ ization for the different wards lor St Andrews Ward Dr Clark K Robertson J R Bennett and A For SI Georges Ward W A Br union J Cane Hen Ross Andy Davis and Forester For St Patricks Ward Geo 1 Rose Fred Doyle and addition to the usual matters that this Committee has to deal with a number of special matters had arisen as the result of con ditions This Is vested with General Conference power and is enabled in this way to deal with very important matters between the meetings of that Conference which are held once in four years Also on the sane day the Standing Missionary Committee of the To ronto Conference held meeting dealing with various matters within the bounds of the Toronto Conference pertaining to the Missionary situa tion and its various phases There was a full attendance at both com mittees and the were held was the oniciating SNOWBALL lift with various board rooms committer rooms eery facility for dealing with the business o the Methodist Church On Wednesday of this week the an nual meeting of the General Board Missions of the Methodist Church ol Canada and Newfoundland was called at the New Wesley Building This Board is composed of or more elected both Minis terial and Lay from all parts tie above field and deals with the plan ning of Missionary work both in the home and foreign fields loos after the financial end of the work both as to the methods for raising funds for Missionary Purposes and endeavoring to decide the useful advantag eous expenditure of the same both in home and foreign fields This Board a great variety of questions to deal with andthe annual usually occupies three or four days Hon J Davis who is men- of all three of these Committees w in attendance W Eves And that a further rip- lion be made at theame lime From His Submarine And Blew Up Turk Railway How Lieut Hughes at tached to a British submarine operat ing in the Sea of Marmora swam from the craft pushing ahead of a raft bearing explosives with which he made a breach in the Turkish skirting tie beach is related an report This statement chronicling perhaps the strangest that has befallen any nun di ting this war saysi His weapons consisted of an auto matic service revolver and a shamm ed bayonet He also carried an elec tric torch and a whistle The cliffs proved at the first point of landing He therefore launched his raft till a less precipitous spot was reached and after cliiub aril a considerable march he reached the railway Sighting continues the statement he planned to destroy it but abandoned the idea because of tl presence of enemy workmen He selected a brick culvert under which he placed a charge of explosive and lit a fuse He eflccted his escape by running a mile down the railways and plunged into the sea just as the ex plosive went ofl Debris was tcrred near him indicating that the explosion was effective Having his whistle to sum mon the submarine the lieutenant out to sea However on sight ing the submarine he mistook it for a group of Turkish nob he swam towards shore began to ascend the in hopes of hiding lie then discovered his mis take awi again entered the water Subsequently he was rescued by the submarine when he was on the verge of exhaustion Weather begins to look like rail Miss Smith Miss spn and Mrs spent the holi day at Mr Fergusons Misses Clara and Blanche Til- man are visiting with Miss Annie George Appleton and friend of Toronto spent Sunday at their home League was well attended on Sunday evening The topic was taken by Miss Appleton am Miss E Andrews Mr and Mrs J Morning spent Sunday at Mr Archie Where were Pete and Charlie on Sunday At King or on the Some of the young folks look in Woodbf idge Mr Will Stephenson has the job of corn cutting in this neigii Miss teacher at S No spent the holiday at her home Mr George Rupert spent Iht holiday at Mr Norman Tea ales Get ready for the Bazaar on Friday Oct which is to be held in the Methodist Church Hot dinner served Good concert is promised after Come and buy something in aid of the Red Cross Grandpa FOBS BAKIHd POWDER Y Stock of Carpet of all Kinds and at Mess than City Prices 3 and yd wide Oilcloths In width fiungaiow and Curtain In ail prices and qualities Cretonnes Damasks and Art teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats In all sizes Cocoa tor Churches and Outside Verandahs Footwear lions refit Footwear The Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed and Prices to Fit all Purses Ladles Dainty uptodate Foot- wear Sugar Is a little cheaper Canned Vegetables for Good Teas are getting very soaros and higher In price lay In a stook at our low I Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds 30o W A BRUNTON mm y oxy Here we ar again Woke up at last and will tell you some of news Fine are having The farmers are taking advantage digging potatoes and cut ting corn while the sun shines Quite a number from around here attended Markham Fair and report a good time Miss Bell Clark is visiting at Kintons for a few days Mr Shaw of Orillia spent the holiday with his lady friend Mr Oldham of Wexford spent Ihe holiday with relatives here Quite a number out to church Sunday Hope it will continue Some talk of an oyster supper soon Particulars laler Miss Wilhelmina Oldham was home over holiday Miss Nellie of spent Sunday at John new bridge certainly he an improvement wlien finished Also the new school house is mak ing great headway and a certain young lady wishes the well dig- will still continue What will a certain young gen tleman do with his wheel when snow flies Mr Roy Balmier paid his usual visit out west on Sunday Mr and Mrs John Moorchead were in the city a few day brother who is very Sunny Jim i M Century Clothing Half Price itfing ill spent at the home Mr and Mrs Joseph Webster The new bridge over the Mill Creek is now completed and is a handsome structure It will be open for traffic in few days Miss M Smith of Toronto spent Mr Ed Blackburn- of the Line accompanied by her two sons and thoir wives spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Miss Mar Smith of Toronto spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof on the Lino a J NEWMARK HOLLAND LANDING Patriotic Meeting The Town Hall wan tilled to overflowing on evening nnd a meeting was held in the Interests of Ihe Red Cross Society rite was a march of the about nut strong from tin- to the Town Hall by life Hand His Worship Mayor Cane pod Hi- chair and he wan by members of the Town Council Clergy Teacher and v enlivened by from a Mali- Young Lv and Marker with as eohipanlsi A I of regret from I Wedlock explaining bin absence and aym- wild the movement Hon I Davit also an to other- public ties I in- clearly defined by the extreH from a re and the In He strong ly the movement and CX- the hope that r t asking the citizens of Newmar ket lo contribute a sum per month for a staled period or the duration of the War to be for patriotic purposes And that a Committee of one he appointed from each Ward who together with Mis Worship the Mayor shall constitute a Newmarket patriotic Committee whose duty it shall be lo receive above monthly subscriptions and who shall have power lo pay to any deserving Patriotic purpose Meeting closed by singing IhTec of Save Woodbridge Fair on Thanksgiving Day had a bigger crowd than Mark- ham Whats the matter with the Post Office Department that we have not a stamp to use yet Licking two stamps for a letter Is not what it is cracked up to he Parry Sound North The North Star noticed an auto loaded with one this week It in a far cry the old days when the Indians roamed the woods and all lived by hunting and trapping to the the days the hut this shows that mid cheers for His world move docs move with it and the abort- PURCHASE of JEWELRY MAY BE MADE HERE In full assurance that no matter what the amount of your purohaeo largo or small you will rc- celvo a CORRESPONDING VALUE In your selootlbn Wo to- win and determined to merit your and patronage The following persons spent Thanks giving day in Town Mrs Fisher and daughter Helen the Misses Crantham and Mr Max Grantham Mr Wilson and family Messrs J and H West Mrs Groves and Mlsir Miss M Kitching and Brown Mr and family moved to Toronto this week Rev Mr moved Into the residence owned by Mr on Monday Mrs returned to the City on Monday last where she will for the winter Mrs A Williams of Sutton spent a few days this week with her sister Mrs M J Messrs J and Milligan spent Thanksgiving Day in Toronto Mr Barker of Toronto spent Wednesday last with his mother Mrs M Barker The T Collector Mr Smith Is making annual visits again look I pleasant and pay promptly and save the per cent Dont forget the Patriotic Concert In the Methodist Church this Friday evening A good program has been provided for the occasion Sharon Hand will provide the music ifl TOWN LINK MORE THAN 2000000 KILLED 8INCE GREAT WAR STARTED West Point Oct Since the great in started more than 2000000 men have teen killed the wounded number ncarlv while the total number of prisoners and of the missing is more than 2- These are conservative iiiium figures compiled from the best available data and were made public in Hall here today by Francis Vinton Greene A retired in an address on the war delivered before the members of the New York State Historical Association Ti I Brown and White Stripe Towelling Reg 12 for 10c Heavy Full Bleached Towelling Red Border Reg for Bleached Tea Towelling Inches wide Pure Linen Red Striped Tea Towelling In Pure Linen White Crash Towelling Reg 18c for 11c Half Bleached Table Linen 20 Bath and Linen Towels Full Range from 25o pair to 25 pair HERE8 TO THE DAY For a number of years past at German military dinners it was a custom of the officers to offer as a ft and Opticians TICKET AGENT L1CKNSK8 Silo filling and digging arc the order ol the da Mr John Itae of the lost a serviceable mare on Saturday morning cause kicked by her mats standing in next stall breaking hind leg MrJohll Smith of Line has commenced studying for Veterinary jSirgeon as a student at the College in Toronto Mr George Cherry Lane has returned home after an extended visit friends In Nia gara District Mr Keswick Toronto stu dent occupies the pulpit the Line Christian Church with much on Sunday and Mrs Arthur Webster accompanied by their Cecil the two daughter Miss and son Mr Cecil al80 Mr the two latter clad in as they have vol unteered to serve their King and coun- try motored up from t re City and toast lo the Day The day referred to was the day when the Germans would meet the British on sea and in battle No one ever heard of such a toast being offered In Great Britain The horrors of war the wickedness of war appealed to the as they did not the boast ful German Great Britain did not want war German militarists did want war arM they were longing tor the day Well they have their day 011 both land and sea On the sea those who escaped and reached Canal were glad when the day was over day panic on land on Sept 16th and the boast ful German w paralyzed Man for man the German is not as good man as the British That fact has been fully demonstrated The German a fighting machine right but aside from the- particular way in which he was trained to fight he but little initiative In close com pact order within touch of each other they are good fighters but when it comes to a hand fight then the beefeater of Great Britain can put rings around the soar of Germany German army of ficers will have to up a new toast That old one is dead Norman Thompson aged only son of Or Alfred Thompson M I was Instantly killed at Ottawa by grasp ing a live wire Gerhard Helntzman Player Walnut Case Louis Style fully guar anteed for salo 426 with rolls of muslo Boll Piano Walnut like new Williams Son Upright Walnut Case 100 Great Snap Berlin Organ six ocatlvo Rosewood Case Sewing Machine Bargains White Rotary Family Sowing Latest Improvements Lovely on small payments month Also a few White and Now Raymond Machines slightly used from up fully guaranteed Other Bargains Mason and Pianos Columbia Do Laval Cream Separators Capital Croam Separator lbs fully guaranteed 2 For only yrsod PIANO MOVING Wo All Our Own Notes GIVE US A CALL I MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS I Phono 38 AURORA Newmarket Markets oct Wheat per bush Oats per bushj 330 Barley per bush 0 Shorts per ton Bran per ton per doz 0 30 LIVE MARKET Choice Beef Cattle Butcher Milkers Vial liUnlhti off cars 1050 HI OVER YEARS EXPERIENCE Toronto Markets Oct Butter per lb Potatoes per Chickens per Wheat per bush Oats per bush Hay per ton M 00 per lb 26 000 Chickens per lb Ducks per Potatoes per bag t 28- 30 180 Ml 0 92 33 300 25 21 00- Trad Marks I Copyrights Ac At loam free whether an Iflprobablrpu ccnfiooDuilf f InrtMioa It A TwSS wpoittopxcpaltf fcB I I 4 I J k Triii2lft

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