Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1915, p. 4

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I Vegetable Co Re tared Her Daugh ter Health i Front a small try yes I apoke to doctor about it they did not help her any Vegetable Com- had been of great benefit to me bo I dedded to her give it a trfaL has taken fiva bottles of the Vege table Compound ac cording to directions on th a bottle and she is cored of this trouble She was all down when aba started talcing the Compound and her periods did not coma right She was so poorly and weak that I often had to help her dress herself bat now she regular and is growing strong and healthy Mrs Plover Iowa- Hundreds of such letters expressing for good Vegetable has accom plished are constantly being received proving the of this grand old remedy If you are HI do not drag along and continue to suffer day In and day out hut at once take Vege table Compound a womans remedy for womans ills If jo want adrlts write to RPinkhaia Co confi dential Lynn Hail Tour letter w ill opened read answered a Woman and held in strict confidence From the premises Lot Co Whitchurch about July 1st one Red and While Heifer about two years old Any person giving information leading to re covery will be suitably rewarded Sept I Removed to South west ner of Market on Timothy PAINTER PAPEFM1ANGER ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper Supplied from per Roll and Hung the Most Reasonable Terms ALL WORK GUARANTEED I ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED The simple gift that lend the touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERE8 A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN E ZURBRIGQ Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photos at night by the aid or Light open Saturday evenings and any other evening by- ap pointment Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Roller Flour MILLS I ROSE PASTRY WATER HUT BLEND FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA PATENT A CHANGE AT ginning of this week announces that la Prairie S with over ido and wholesale- houses and large manufacturing industries should be the business centre of the far ttfest From here we went to Van couver The trip through the v for the Dominion of Canada was Rockies iff simply grand beyond sworn In as a Privy Councillor last week as such be formally entitled tor take part in It Is understood in cir cles at the Capitol that Mr during next session Parliament as SolicitorGeneral will be raised to the full status of a of the Government and en titled to tie full Cabinet stipend of 7000 per annum Hitherto the Do minion SolicitorGeneral been drawing a salary 61 per year with the additional indemnity of as sessional allowance all the same the change adds another ad ditional per annum as govern ment expense be paid from the Do minion treasury In with this change in the status of the SolicitorGeneral the statement is made that to Mr as SolicitorGeneral willbe assigned the preparation and gather ing in the House of Commons of the Canadian Northern fortylive million dollar bond guarantee bills and the framing of the closure measure to be introduced next session An impression prevails at the Capi tol that the duties of the Solicitor- General may be enlarged so as to in clude some of those now exercised by the Minister Justice such as the penitentiaries and parole branches and possibly certain prosecutions in the public interest HITTING GRAFTERS i In a Pgmphlet recently issued on the war its causes and some of its problems by the Graduates Society of McGill University Montreal it to be found a short homily on hones ty in public affairs which be read by every Canadian We quote from it the following Men who cheat tieir country by dishonesty in public works entrusted to them are dependent like all business men on the public for their existence Dis honesty in them would never appear were an actual publ c opinion develop ed which would make of every Cana dian a fearless and wouW make a grafter and outcast with whom Canadians would neither deal nor associate We must each of us feel that we are part of the Canadian Government and that those who cheat the Government cheat us Ev ery Canadian should feel that dis honesty the furnishing of public supplies is a crime that becomes pe culiarly abhorrent in time of war Bach of us must feel that cheating in a contract for war equipment is a hidden blow at one of our soldier brothers The of such a spirit would make it impossible for dimes against the people to be they deserve to be and it do much towards Ensuing a sound and honest equipment to each of Canadian soldiers eo OF THE Editor Newmarket Era description No one realize the sights without seeing A large number of Anierican tourists were on the plewho had travelled largely in the States- and Europe freely expressed the opinion that the scenery was ttiev finest- they ever seen The is put ting in a tunnel five miles long to do away with a heavy grade Leaving the- mountains we passed through the Red River Valley and on to Vancouver an important city on the Pacific Coast has beautiful buildings many of them being built of brick arid granite It is an im portant centre trade having a regular steamship service not only- on- the Pacific Coast but al so to Australia China Japan and other foreign countries From here we took steamer to Victoria the capital of British Columbia with its magnificent Parliament Buildings and grounds which are among the finest on the Conti nent Canada has great reason proud of her western cities and when you come to consider that they have practically been built within the last 30 years it is certainly a great tribute to the real worth and prosperity of the Canadian West Respectfully yours J Davidson PREPARE FOR SPRING Lots T a Imported or Can Bred Clyde years and over Imported or Canadian Bred Stallion 3 and s Aged Cowled Stallion and over Hill A Sons Yearling StalHousW Sons Imported Horses Brood Spring Colt or Filly Fred Horses Brood Mare Bill Son Spring Colt or Filly J Sanderson- 2nd Hill Sons yrs Gelding or Filly G Hill Son Yearling Gelding op Filly Special by G Hill Bros 2nd J Sanderson 3rd Charlie Watson Ewe Lambs- 2nd J Son Oxford Downs Shearling Ram Jno Crone i Lockie Aged Ewes J Crone Sons 2nd J Lockie EWesJ Crone Sons 2nd J Two Ewe Lambs J Lockie 2nd Crone Sons For Pin Sheep JL I Berkshire Swine Sow 2nd Thos Mi ler Dear Sir Having taken a sornewhalf extended tflp to the West a few notes by the way might be of interest to some of your readers We left Toronto on Aug with tickets via Winnipeg and the Canadian West to Vancouver then down the Pacific Coast to San Francisco with a return by way of Chicago The picturesque trip through Northern Ontario to Winnipeg is known to a good many of your readers Winnipeg having three great railway lines running through it is the great distribut ing centre for the North East and West and is a beautiful city with its wide streets fine boule vards and uptodate buildings It certainly has a front place among the cities of Canada and the greatest grain market in the British Empire It is said the train yards here are the finest in the world having nearly three hundred miles of track in thern From Winnipeg we look the Northern line to Edmon ton This line passes through some of the most productive country in the West We spent a couple of weeks in the wheal country west of Saskatoon The crops were magnificent The Home Gardens and Vacant should have Autumn Cultivation Custom or habit atone explains the fact that the home gardener almost universally leases the garden plot in a condition until spring No attempt is made to prepase for the next seasons planting If the farmer were follow this system the results would be disas trous In the spring he would find himself with wet and heavy land would be unable to work it and the would mean late crops if any at all I hi should be dug in autumn leaving the earth loose new soil is being used the sod should be turned under to a depth of four inches to ensure rotting Vines dead leaves or weeds should be burned and the ashes together with a quantity of good stable manure available should be dog well in The results of attention to his land in autumn will fully rep the home gardener in the saving of time in the spring and in increased productiom Absence of your wifes rela tions makes the heart grow fond er An honest man is the noblest work of God unless he doesnt belong to your party Canadian Draught Horses Span in Harness Richard Crake 2nd J Brood MareWm Henry Son Spring Colt or Filly GeO Richardson 2nd Archie Smith Yearling Gelding or Filly- Silas Best Draught Mare or Gelding on rein Richard Crake Blue Geo S HAWS Toronto Canada Tho Shaw Correspondence The Central Business Col lege The Central Tolegraph and Railroad and The Four City 13 ranch Business All provide excel lent courses leading to good salaried positions Free cat alogue on request Write for It Presi dent Head Offices Yonge Toronto Those Brands are second to none Askyour for a trial Back Satisfaction guaranteed or money returned Help the mill grain was mostly cut and Newmarket Soda Water Works Is prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Soft at short est notice and delivered free any place you wish Bell our drinks They are Money Makers We manufacture Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Koka Kola Ginger Ale Birch Beer Raspberry AND MANY OTHERS Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and ReoeWo Our Prompt and Careful Attention- WHEN IN PHONE Newmarket Soda Water Works E Prop NORTH END at home The Western Mills dont help you Phone p Proprietor infflT Furnace Work Plumbing J Bathroom at THE LEADING TINSMITHS fi ficoitai Grocery and as far as you could see it was fine vheat We took some lengthy drives across the country and was everywhere the same The West surely has an innings this year and the people are very enthusiastic over the prospects for the future Thresh ing was Just starting when we left and the grain was turning out fine We saw threshing vheat at the rate of five bushels per With eight teams drawing bundles to the machine and eight more drawing grain to the elevator two miles away We spent a few days at Ed monton the Capital of Alberta The Railway enters over a high steel ft long and ft above the water The street cars and traffic roads also cross this bridge which was opened in The new Parliament Build Inga were opened last year and they are now building large new University Buildings which when completed will be a credit to the Province The Robertson Pres byterian College is also hero so that this city with Its other fine schools looks like the Education al centre of the Province Calgary the largest city In Al Asay In Land Value to the man who vants a Farm acres of good and choice This farm has all uptodato consisting of a modern Irlck House also Hip Roof Barn from all new material with Stables together with all Outbuildings In good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We you to go over this Farm Put fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to and we will satisfy you the amount given away We wind up this Estate Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for ton years with a deposit down You must tot his matter or miss his chance mile East of Mt Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover Farm Tpof North Gwlllimbury This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Fences convenient to or also Metropolitan Ion at Ravenshoe P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket Gen Purpose or Agricultural Span in Harness A Ram say 2nd J Spring Colt or Filly Weddel Bros Twoyearold Gelding or Filly Chas Watson 2nd Fred Dpane Yearling Gelding or Filly J Hi Lockie 2nd Henry Son Wm Judge CARRIAGE HORSES EQUESTRIAN Carriage Horses Single Mare or Gelding Thornton Bales 2nd Alf Spring Colt or Filly Charlie Watson 2nd Bros Twoyearold Gelding or Filly Sam Yearling Colt or Filly Wed Bros Roadster Horses Span in Harness J son 2nd J Single Driver Mare or Gelding Brood Mare Thos Miller Twoyearold Gelding or Filly Kemp Thompson Equestrian Lady Driver John Smith Ex Reeve 2nd Mrs Gilbert John ston Gents Turnout Thoinlon Bales 2nd Folkeard Pony Class Pony in Harness it hands over James Morton Pony Brood Mare Hill Sons Win Keith and Abb Judges CATTLE 8horthorn Cattle Bull any age Silas Yearling Bull John Crone Sons Milch Cow John A Boag Son Heifer 2 old John Crone Sons Heifer Calf 12 mos under John A Son Thoroughbred Bull any age P Donne Yearling Hull M A Ramsay Bull Calf and under W Hill Sons 2nd J Milch Cow 1st 2nd M A Ramsay Heifer 2 old M A Ram say 2nd W Hill Sons Heifer old M A Ramsay Heifer Calf under 1st 2nd M A Ramsay Thoroughbred J Yearling Dull J Calf under 1st A 2nd Cowieson A Son Milch Cow 1st 2nd J Cowieson Son Heifer old 1st 2nd J Son Heifer i yr old 1st 2nd J Son f Heifer Calf mos under 2nd J Cowieson Son Grade Cattle Cow J Crone 2nd J Heifer old J Crone Son 2nd J Heifer old J Donne 2nd J Crone Son Heifer Calf under Thos Miller 2nd J Donne W L Scott and Thornton Bales Judges SHEEP 8hoep Aged Ram J Davidson Shearling Ram J Davidson Ram Lamb 1st 2nd J I Davidson Pair Aged Ewes J David son Pair Shearling Ewes J D Da vidson Two Ewe Lambs J D David son Ram Lambs 1st 2nd J Pinder Pair Aged 1st 2nd J W Pair Shearling Ewes J Two Lambs J W Son W Chester White Brood Sow Miller Boar Pig 15 J Sow Pig 1915 Miller John Burns King Judge POULTRY CLASS Pair Geese Mil ler Pair Rouen Ducks ney Ducks Aylesbury Pair Pair Black Minorca sv Geo Pair 2nd Pair White Plymouth Rocks Geo Pair White The- Miller Pair Rhode Island Reds Miller 2nd Geo Hibbert Pair White Leghorns 2nd Wm MarriU Pair Buff Leghorns 1st 2nd Pair Games J Phripp Pair Buff Cochins Bantam Pair Black Cochins Bantam- 1st 2nd Wm Pair Bantams any kind Pair Pigeons- 1st 2nd Pair Rabbits J 2nd Gibney Pair Dressed Chickens J Davidson Pair Dressed Ducks 2nd Mrs Gilbert Johnston Pair Perkin Ducks Geo W J Patterson Judge SEEDS Red Winter Wheat Tho Sellers 2nd Geo White Winter Wheat Tims Sellers 2nd Geo Spring Wheat Geo 2nd Thos Sellers Goose Wheat Spring GiiO 2nd Silas Bushel Rye Sellers 2nd Goo Large Buckwheat Edward Johnston Small Buckwheat Edward Johnston SixRowed Bailey Geo 2nd Thos Sellers TwoRowed Barley Thos Sel lers Small Peas Thos Sellers Largo Peas Geo 2nd Thos Sellers Black Oats Geo 2nd Thos Sellers White Oalts Sellers 2nd Geo 12 Ears Indian Corn Thos Sellers 2nd Geo Sweet Corn Thos Sellers 2nd Geo Pop Corn 2nd Fred Doan I Peck Beans Jas Morten 2nd Sellers AlBike Geo 2nd Thos Red Clover Seed 1915 Thos Sellers Timothy Seed Geo bert 2nd Thos Pollers Best Collection Seeds a Sellers J Coombs Bradford Judge GARDEN VEGETABLES Cauliflower 2nd Geo W 2nd Geo Table Parsnips Sellers 2nd Edward Johnston Table Thos Sellers 2nd Geo Table Beets W 2nd Thos Gro Citrons Goo 2nd Thos Sellers heads Thos Sellers 2nd Mrs Gilbert Johnston Red Onions Geo 2nd A T Walt While Onions Thos Sol lers Geo I Pumpkins Yollow Thos Sel lers 2nd Geo Squash Sellers 2nd Hubbard Squash 2nd W Mammoth Squash Sel lers Onions Geo 2nd Sellers ricd Cabbage Goo 2nd Thos Sellers Winter Radishes Geo 2nd Thos Sellers Kohl Thos Sellers 2nd W ROOT8 Early Ohio Potatoes Thos Potatoes Boi lers Perfeolion Potatoes Thos Sellers Potatoes White Sellers Star ard Johnston Sellers Potatoes T Potatoes any- other kind THos Sellers Sugar Beets for Feeding Sellers 2nd Geo Grey8tone Turnips Sel- 2nd Edward Johnston Swede Turnip6 Edward John ston 2nd J Davidson Long Red Sellers 2nd A- R Yellow Intermediate Mangolds Thos Sellers 2nd Geo Hibbert Yellow Globe Mangolds Henry Son 2nd Sellers While Carrdis Sellers 2nd Orange Carrols Thomas Sellers 2nd Geo Short While Carrots Thos Sellers 2nd Geo Collection of Roots Thos Sel lers Corn in Sheaf Edward John- slon Bell Deposit Hugh Murray Judge Jgggjg ISA 2nd D Davidson Tooth Holder Miss Gould 2nd J Davidson Mis If 1 i Collection of Photos Misses Gould Work QuiUt EdwaV Johnston 2nd J Davidson Fancy Quilt Silk or Davidson Crochet or Knitted QuiltThe Misses Gould Pillow Shams Mrs J Womens Crochet Jacket Miss Fisher 2nd J Davidson Homo Made Hug J Cut Flowers Beatrice Hams 2nd A Wail Bridal Bouquet A 2nd Edward Johnson Post Card Album 1st J Moore Home Made Laundered ShirtSilas Sennett 2nd Wait Wait 2nd Gents A Mrs Kirhy and Miss land Judges FRUITS Best Northern Mrs Gilbert Johnston St Lawrence Apples Beatrice illiams I I mm v i j 1 i A BBB Snow Apples E J Phripp 2nd Miss Beatrice Williams Northern Mrs Gilbert Johnston Greenings Mrs Gilbert Johnston 2nd Sellers Ben Dhvis J 2nd Sellers Golden Russets J Sander son 2nd E J Baldwins Mrs Gilbert John ston Sweets Wm Henry Sons 2nd Thos Sellers Apples Thos Sel lers 2nd J Phripp Canada Red Apples Miss Bea trice Williams 2nd Geo Miss Beatrice Williams 2nd Geo Flemish Beauty Wall 2nd Geo Pears any kind Wait 2nd Beatrice Williams Alexander Apples Wm Henry Sons Apples 15 J White E J Wealthy J Phripp A Murray Judge IMPLEMENTS Wide Plow Curtis- Gen Purpose Plow 1st 6c 2nd Curtis Set Team Harness 1st 2nd J L Barrett Single Harness Stitched 1st 2nd J I Barrett Set Single Strap Harness l3t 2nd J Barrett Ed Dillane Judge DAIRY PRODUCE 10 lbs Bullor in ilb rolls by Toronto Mrs Gilbert Johnston 2nd J I Davidson lbs Butter in crock by J Millard Newmarket John Hunt ley lbs Butter in rolls by Jos Pipher John Huntley 2nd Pattendcn lbs Butter in crock by Humphrey Toronto John W Pattendcn lbs Butter In rolls by Kumer TorontoJohn Huntley 2nd Edward Johnston 10 lbs Butter in Crock by Min to Bros Toronto Mrs Gilbert Johnston lbs Butter in 1Mb rolls by Hubert Traviss Aurora John Huntley 12 lbs Honey in jar by Win Eves Newmarket Edward John ston 10 lbs Honey in jar by W Huntley Edward Johnston lbs Honey in Comb by W Hill Sons Geo Collection of Calmed Fruits J Davidson 2nd Edward John ston Collection of Pickles Edward Johnston 2nd Mrs J Quart Home Made Wlnc Mrs Ed Johnston 2nd J W Sander son Homo Mado Bread Silas nett 2nd J Homo Made Bread by Girl Mrs J Odlin 2nd J Home Made Buns Edward Johnston 2nd Mr John Collection Ladles Homo Baking Mrs J 2nd A Wait Mrs Chas and Mrs A Murray Judges LADIES WORK Wool Milts single knitted- Miss Fiahor Wool Mills double knitted Ed Johnston Wool Socks Miss Fish er 2nd J Sanderson Womens Wool Slippers hand made J Davidson 2nd Miss L B Fisher Carriage or Sofa Afghan JD Davidson Miss Fishor Six Workod in Cotton or Woolen Goods Miss L B Fisher Six Tablo Mats Crochet The Misses Gould 2nd Miss Fisher Toilet Set Misses Gould Safety Pin Cushion Miss Hairpin Holder MisseB 2nd J Davidson Laundry Bag J Davidson Hair Match Holder Tho Mlssos Gould 2nd J D Da vid8on Hatpin Holdor A T Walt 2nd R W Burnt Work Tho Misses Gould 2nd J Davidson Shaving Pad 6c Razor Durham Calves Brood Sow with Pigs Reg Filly Draught rising Bay Gelding Draught Apply to WM M P KoswicK OXIDIZE WELDING AND MA FOR SALE and Davis East of Toronto Bank New Si ECUREDJ In all countries Ask for our INVEN TORS will bo lent ire MARION W at f r J CHILDRENS DEPT Collection Post Cards in hum J Tea Biscuits Girl under inn Chocolate Cake by girl under Hill Lemon Pie by girl vrs Hill Pencil Drawing by girl jo James Morton Dressed Doll by tirl Miller FANCY WORK Sweeping Gap and Rue A Wait Necktie Holder Embroidered Miss L Fisher L Fisher 2nd Beatrice Williams Point Lace Miss Fisher Miss Fisher 2nd The Misses Gould Crochet Lace J Davidson 2nd Beatrice Williams Irish Crochet Lace Miss I Fisher Collection of Laces Miss Fisher Netting Miss Fisher 2nd The Misses Gould Tray Cloth on Linen in Cotton Miss Beatrice Williams 2nd Miss Fisher Tray Cloth in Silk Miss L B Fisher 2nd The Misses Gould Table or Stand Cover in Linen or Cotton Miss Beatrice Williams 2nd Miss L B Fisher Table or Stand Cover any or kind The Misses Gould 2nd Miller Centrepiece on Linen in ColHon Miss Beatrice Wil liams 2nd J Davidson Pillow Case Miss I Fisher 2nd The Misses Gould Towels Miss L Fisher 2nd The Misses Gould Towels Swiss Darning Miss Beatrice Williams on Silk Miss B Fish er Roman Miss L Fish er Finest Outline Miss L Drawn Work J Davidson 2nd Miss L Fisher Sideboard Drape in Linen or Cotton Miss L 2nd Miss Beatrice Williams Teapot Cozy Linen or Cotton J D Davidson Teapot Cozy Lace The Misses Gould French Miss L Fisher Photo Frame Miss Fisher Doilies in Linen or Lot- ton Miss Fisher Doilies any other kind Mif Fisher 2nd The Misses Gould Doilies Miss- Fisher Sofa Pillow Misses Gould Sofa Pillow any other kind A T Wait 2nd J D Davidson Shadow Miss Fish er 2nd Miss Beatrice Williams Ladies Handmade Jewel A Wait Ladies Apron J Davidson 2nd J W Sanderson Towol The Misses Gould Oil Pairiting any subject J Davidson 2nd Mrs John Water Color any subject J Davidson 2nd Beatrice William Painting on Glass or China J Davidson 2nd The Missce Gould Painting on Silk or Mrs John Odlin 2nd J Da vidson Novelties new and original J- Moore 2nd J Davidsot Bonnet Bib and Jacket Baby Outfit The Misses Gould Darned Net The Misses Gould The Missci Gould Flora Judge I of elans vers 01 thy Com WAT Phi Pro lin al las At t a I I 1 I 8 rt i J V fc

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