Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1915, p. 7

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mm si R9HI frs Ksw i Atf feWefc gg S2SF V irIiS- i JAfTSi5 A ss Js r i s I I CHINA HALL tfeeks hi IS A Very Fine Quality Pure White Body of DemiPorcelain with a Neat Gold Line Tracing Pieces Special Line at TOILET Special Line of Printed on a Good Hard Serviceable Body Tlfree Colors Pieces All Full Sire at TIMOTHY For Kail Seeding Special Line No Gov Standard at Bushel Judges Court There are about 270 appeals against the Newmarket Voters List Some of these are dupli cates The Judges Court for the hearing of these appeals thi of Oct v During the past ten days over taxes have been paid to the Town Treasurer Messrs J Hook and Barker have joined the auto brigade in town Hamilton is making repairs and improvements to her residence on Park Ave Mr Walter Collins has erected a neat garage near his residence on Church St SOUTH v SCHOOL The first School Fair held fie Township of took place at Beltiaven Hall On Tuesday the5lh October the made by the children were a great surprise people were in attend ance the Fair was over the cooking was presented to Red Cross Society It was then auctioned off and nearly were realized Following are the prizewinners Direct Importer of Staple and Fancy China China Hall Grocery Preserving Time Calls for the Best Sugar to make your preserving a success We handle that Good Sugar Give us an order for Sugar and you will be Satisfied We carry a full line of In all Sizes Value in Rubbers at and per doz FOR When Pickling you should try our Pure We have a FirstClass Quality of Cider White Wine and Eng lish Malt Vinegar in bulk and in bottle Bowling An interesting series of Church Games was concluded last Friday night- One Methodist team beat a Presbyterian team and another Methodist team won from the Church of England- Mr Art Smiths team then played Mr It Mannings team and the lat ter came out- victorious P A The AY P A held a very suc cessful and enjoyable Corn Roast on Monday night On Tuesday next the regular meeting of the Society will be at which Mr Clark will give an illustrated address on The Honey Bee Us Home and Habits All are cordially invit ed to be present A Complaint We are informed that there are over empty houses in Town and yet the factories which are receiving concessions from the Town are employing some 30 people who reside outside of the Town limits and consequently pay no taxes In the interests of the Town it is suggested that the factories should give employment to citizens first Marjoric Stiles Boy winning highest of- by No Girl winning highest number of by Alice School winning highest number of by No SI o 5 was very close being only points behind Best display flowers by school WoiLby No minute addesfislFraricis Morion 2nd 3rd Erie Morton Tom White 5 a The Leading Reliable Phone Quick CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets ANNOUNCEMENT M The regular meeting of the Womens Missionary Society of the Methodist took lace at the Parsonage Wednesday afternoon and was well attended POULTRY Bredtolay Bun Orpington Cock erel Francis Morton Clayton 3 Ruby Hamilton 5 Clayton Nelson Christie Bruels Thomp son I Thos Trio Clayton Purdy Francis Mor ton 6 3 Gordon Stephens 5 Ruby Hamilton 5 Thos Wight 5 BEST KEPT PLOTS Oats OC No 1st Frank Kay 2nd pollard 3 3rd Vernon Cole 6 4th Ambrose Woods Lawrence Purdy Sweet Corn Golden Bantam 1st Alice Hamilton 2nd Merlin Prosser 2 3rd Fletcher 2 Alice Terry Field Corn Wisconsin No Willie Ma- honey 2nd Joel Thompson 3rd Guy Cole 6 Potatoes 1st Jim Hamilton 2nd Elga Willoughby 3rd Harold Pollard 3 Stiles 5 5th Frank Turnips Carters 1st VanNorman Gladys Norm 3rd George 3 Mangels Yellow Leviathan 1st Percy Elliott 2nd Harold McNeill 3 3rd Gordon Barbara Johnson Beets Dark 1st Ethel 2nd 3rd York 5 Harold Rose 5lh Alice Mahoney2 BEST SAMPLES Oats OAC No 72 Best sample of one quart 1st Pollard 3 2nd Frank Kay 7 Barley O A No 21 best sample one quart 1st Norman Woods Sweet Corn Golden Bantam six ears 1st 2nd Jack Stiles 5 3rd Alice Terry I Merlin 2 5th Fletcher Field Corn Wiscon sin No 7 best six ears 1st Joel Thompson 2nd Geo 7 Potatoes Warrior Best sam ple of potatoes 1st Kathleen Mahoney 2 2nd Geo 4 3rd Edmund Un Car- Son Taylor 5 5lh Frank 6 Turnips Carters Invicta sample of turnips 1st t J iW THSS Mrs McManus took charge of the Geo Ar- exercises and after Gladys Norris Un routine business readings were given by Mrs B F Irwin and Mrs John and a solo by Mrs Howard Cane GEO BROWN Harness Mi ir Collars Faced Harness Baga and Repaired NOTE THE ADDRESS Main Newmarket South of King George Hotel QREENHOU8E8 NEWMARKET FUNERAL AND- promptly attended to Prices OuUof- ton orders sollolUd CUT ON HAND Young Peoples Patriotic Club Since the beginning of the war a long felt want in Newmarket been some organization wherewith the young people could meet and do their little part to help send comforts to the boys at The Front There will be a meeting in the old Club Room over the Bank of Toronto given foS- this purpose free of all expense this Friday evening at eight oclock to winch all young girls and young men of the Town are most earnestly re quested to he to help make this new venture a success and to show their desire to as sist in laudable effort on behalf of the men in the trenches Endeavor Mr Russell Collins was in charge of the Christian Endea vor service on Tuesday evening last and spoke on Leaders and Followers when many helpful points were brought out A duet from Misses Irene Kelly and Irma was appreciated Inter esting reports of the Con vention held at Berlin were given by the delegates Misses Flo Verity and Lama Morton Rev A Young of the Friends Church will speak to the Society next Tuesday evening his sub ject being Shields Against lie sure you do not mis this treat A splendid program of games Stf is being prepared for the bid Fashioned Supper to be held on the Keep the date in mind Com 8 PHONE WANTED NOW Reliable 8alesman to act as Agent York County PAY WEEKLY free exclusive territory and money making specialties Our agencies are the best the business lor we sell the highest gadi of slock at most reasonable prices and deliyeriea in flrat Condition Nursery stock is- welj Ibis year and good money can be made in this district For particular Hales Manager PELHAM NURSERY CO Toronto Out A BARGAIN those pencil Illinois Mum Carpet Good new Cost Will sell for further use having wiied an electric sweeper at Era Office as sweeper Ay Presentation A very pleasant surprise await ed Miss Frank Jones on her return to Toronto after her hol idays with her mother at Roches Point On Monday afternoon of last week the Office Staff of tho M where Miss Jones had charge of the Literature assembled En the Committee Room and presented her with an affectionate and a- hand some Leather Writing Compan ion fitted with every necessary equipment Miss Jones was entirely un aware of who was afoot and loo much affected to suitably express her appreciation of the love and expressed in the touching address hut was helped out by Mr Allin who cov ered her by jokes and good wishes Mfss Jones resigned her positional the M ft office entered the Missionary Training School apiary to talling were held in the- last year for tie better instruction beekeepers Foul Brood among Bees while held check by the method of the does not fieeua to- be Mangels Yellow Leviathan best sample of five mangels 1st Percy Elliott 2 2nd 3rd Ted Baker Johnston Rosworlh 5 Beets Detroit Dark Ited best sam ple Ruth Rosworlh 2nd Doris Ernes 2 3rd Harold Rose I Alice Mahoney Marrilt Morton COLLECTIONS OF WEEDS WEED SEEDS INSECTS GRASSES FOR AGE PLANTS GRAINS CLOV ERS NATIVE WOODS Coll of weeds 1st Thomp son 2nd Willie Mahoney 2 3rd Alice 2 Earl Barker Coll Weed Seeds 1st Herbert Bos- worth 2nd Olive Williamson 3rd Evelyn Hamilton Tom Wight Beatrice Boyd Coll of Insects 1st Stiles 2nd Pearl Fletcher 3rd Draper Coll Grasses Grains Clovers J Forage Plants 1st Tom Wight 5 2nd Earl Barker Coll of Native Woods 1st Doris Ernes 2 2nd Iris Elliott 2 3rd Gordon 2 Earl Barker Vernon Cole APPLES northern Spy 1st Gordon 2nd Beryl Stiles 2 3rd Baltic Stiles Garnet Stiles 5th Marjoric Stiles Know apples 1st Violet 2nd Marjoric Stiles 3rd Jack Stiles 5 Willie Harry Wight GIRLS SECTION RAKING Tea Biscuits girls under years 1st Bertie Cookies girls under 10 years 1st Muriel Sherman 2nd Bessie 3rd Bertie And erson 7 Mary Bread 1st Draper 2nd Thompson 3rd Stella Coop er Grace Taylor Dora Miller 7 Pumpkin pie 1st Mar joric 4 2nd Mahoney 3rd Maggie Hamilton Grace Taylor Layer Cake 1st Draper 2nd Maggie King 3rd Alice Mahoney 2 Mary Mahoney SEWING Patchwork girls under years 1st Taylor 2nd Thompson Centre piece- 1st Marjorfe Stiles Beryl Stiles 2 3rd Ruby Hamilton Stiles Fancy apron 1st Mabel 2nd Rhea Barker 3rd Iris Elliott Ruby Hamilton Speci men of knitting 1st Mabel 2nd Alice Hamilton 3rd Stella Cooper Rhea Barker Beryl Stiles HOYS SECTION LIVE STOCK Spring coll heavy 1st Irvine Sweet Beef calf 1st Harry Hor ner 2nd Carson Taylor 5 MISCELLANEOUS Drawing below III let Bar bara 2nd Harris Wight 3rd Grace Taylor Jno Stiles 5 Lizzie York Drawing III and above 1st Her bert 2nd Iris Elliott 3rd Violet 4lh Thomas Wight 5lh Willa Mi- honey Specimen of Penman ship under Ill 1st Myrtle Stiles 2nd Nora i 3rd Laura Taylor Milburn Baker Barbara Essay Ill and above 1st Hat- lie Silica 2nd Beryl Stiles 2 3rd Gladys Norris COUNCIL Oct 1915 The regular meeting of the Muni cipal Council the Township of East was held on the above date in the Municipal Hall Sharon all members present with the exception of Councillor Stick Minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed Communications were read- from the following viz A Knights- and Jas Linskill re bonus on wirefence John Greenwood re Culvert lots Con and from the Lieutenant- Governor re the British Red Cross Societys funds Haines Proctor the usual grant of fifteen cents be paid to Mr Patrick Kenny on 50 rods wire fence erected opposite lots Carried Cole Proctor that the petition of A Knights and for bonus on wire fence 80 each be granted Carried Haines Proctor that the Reeve be authorized to issue his order for the amount due on bridge Con upon the Engineer certifying that the work has been completed according to specifications Carried Prod or Haines that whereas the LieutGovernor has requested thai each Municipality in the Province be asked to make a contribution to the funds of the British Red Soc iety to be taken up on Oct There fore the Clerk bo and hereby in structed to write each school Board in the Township requesting the mem hers to attend a meeting in the Township Hall Sharon on Satur day afternoon Oct at oclock for the purpose of taking action as requested Carried A Moved by Cole and seconded by Proctor and resolved that the Reeve issue his order on the Treasurer for payment as follows viz P Kenny Andrews P Wright J 450 John Moore John Morning 350 J Crouton Manning 255 Roy Watson W Eves you take advantage unUsualfy low prices In Boy Suite you need and pay quick Cash for them or are you tied to a Credit Store If any store anywhere can or Will sell good stylish reliable long- wearing Suite at these prices wed like to know of It These prices are positively Invincible Its good buying thats aji on our part first On yours now we Want to In a If yoii want Boys 8ulU thai will satisfy at prices that will please get Ih this sale today mm Material Tweeds and Worsteds Sizes 28 to regular value S750 your choice of the lot for I I f P W Pearson E A Boyd A Watson Walter Hose Abb Wilson Fred Case Geo King Dike Bros John A Rose Ed Crittenden M W Barker And that the Corporate Seal be hereto attached Carried Council adjourned to meet at Sharon on November at am 1600 500 288 175 Pointed Paragraphs Smiles of adversity arc sincere Habit is stronger than cither judgmeut or passion- If a woman cant have her way otherwise she proceeds to faint Where theres a will there i- always a lot of lawyers in the way The average man wouldnt mind being poor if there were no rich people Always put off until tomorrow the revenge you would accompli ill to day One great source of trouble is that most people talk faster than they think Mistakes are common as the acknowledgment thereof is un common Borne men would rather broke than right theres coin in it In trying to get up in worlJ some people us their friends as stepladders The man who has money to hum seldom uses any it to help en tighten the world A wise man never goes back mi friend- as long as he can use him to an advantage any Sires 28 to 34 Material Tweeds all neat patterns principally Nor folk style regular values and your choice of tho lot for The iHensWear Men Main St Wee Newmarket K The Globe o Wednesday suggestive ly remarks Ontario waiting for the Government to take a stand on tho question of liquor traffic dur ing the war Octoher is the date fixed by law for Division Registrars to make returns of registrations of births marriages and deaths to Registrar General a A press despatch from Cobalt few days ago states that last week over a quarter of a ounces of silver were despatched by the Mine from the camp on the valued at The statement is made that during the current year pissing has shipped almost four and a half million ounces of sil ver in the form of bullion nadian Special Club Rate One Year 150 ons Under the Ontario Public Works Department Mr of New has been appointed Superintendent of Colonization Roads in suc cession to the late W Bennett who was among the Canadians killed at St The new Superintendent commences his duties this week He Is a well- known civil engineer and has done Government work in the north We will accept at the Era Office now or renewal subsorlptl to the Era and Canadian Countryman In combination at per year Tho regular price of these papers for vldually would be por year The Canadian Countryman Is as tho brightest agri cultural wdekly in Canada It has a net paid circulation fully greater than any other farm papor In the Dominion Just now the Installation of a printing press costing 32 only machine of Its kind In a Canadian publishing house la making possible a substantial Increase In the size of Country man During next year the minimum size will be 32 payoo week ly with 30 pages during five winter months This has up tho way to a new program of editorial features that will put the Countryman In a class by Each week there will bo several good strong feature articles illustrated dealing with outstanding timely problems of the Ontario farmer Figuring such of a pago or more to the issue gives fully 300 pages of feature In the course of a year with upwards of to soleoted Illustrations The Weeks Reminder Is to present hints for every week In year written by a wollknown manager of a largo farm Under heading of A Dollar for a Good Idea will be published of Ideas In by Countryman readers being paid for Idea Praotloal by Farm- era Is a department In will be given the experiences and riw PickeringCollege of the times cut down their own indemnity and passed a motion which practically demands that every City official from Mayor down also volunteer to accept a proportion ate cut In salaries Referring to this action an Ontario press cotem- says Heres worthy ex ample for our legislators at Toronto and Ottawa Instead signing round robins for more money let them volunteer to take less A page every Is to bo dovoted to Llvo Items of Agricultural News brief paragraphs reviewing happenings of Interest to Ontario farmers other special departments bolng established and to be a plaoo In the paper where they may be found are As the Brentford Expositor re- Notes from the Counties Round the Farm Feeds and Fertilizers About Live Orohard and Garden Making Poultry Pay Veterinary Advice Points of Law Explained Your Questions Answered Our Farmers of Tomor- row NEWMARKET Resident and Day School For Boys and Girls Preparation for and Teaohers Examinations OOUR8E8 IN 8HORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Preparatory Course Reading to Collegiato Department A ART Address P Firth An Installment of a good serial story as well will appear every Market Pages will be developed to a column In recently made by means of markettlng will bo answorod A new mailing schedule wireless telephony of carrying provides that the market reports will Tuesday afternoon and the human voice from Wnhingj every subscriber having a rural mall box should have his paper to Hawaii a distance of M 24 nour8 Tn Market Pages muoh greater value that would The at Homo to receive greater attention than have astonished the nations of ever before and the program of features to bo provided under this the earth En a bygone ago The heading will possess strong Interest for womenfolk on the people of today however Timely Topics section the will be continued cash for ovary roadora that that the above incident has not Is for publication Young Countrymen and the attention it would men a pago for boys and girls will contain a good story every otherwise have a humorous pictorial feature poem and frequently -r- will be Introduced with prizes for bost garden plans If you are thinking of remodelling best drawings of various kinds etc old barns or building new ones start Altogether the Canadian Countryman Is making a big stop for 7i to a point where Its editorial service will win for It an In- ter ventilation more sanitary atrono regard In flood farm homoa of Ontario or some repairs A clean- for the Era and Canadian Country SCmSffluxl man to Era Offoo Bo auro to got on list In fewer flies about buildings all sum- the mer Plan bafcyas the iSi Christmas Number I

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