Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1915, p. 8

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j Of Br a Letted 1 MR P MCLEAN Not Por two years I was troubled Constipation Drowsiness Leek of Appetite and Headaches I tried several medicines bat got no results and my Headaches became more severe One day I saw your sign which read Fruit make you feel like walking on air This appealed to me so I decided to try a box In a very short time I began to feel better and now fine Now I have a good appetite relish I eat and the Headaches are gone entirely I cannot say too much tor and recom- mend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends DAN AN FRUITATIVES daily proving Its priceless value in relieving cases of Liver and Kidney Trouble- General Weakness and Skin Diseases a box 6 for trial 25o At all dealers or sent postpaid by Ottawa TO LET House and Stable per month Apply to Box 350 New market HOUSE TO RENT On St Newmarket rooms domestic water diato possession moderate Apply to Main Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT Houses one located on Court St one on Joseph Ave Oct Apply to J Box Newmarket 32tf ORCHARD The regular meeting of the Pine Orchard Womens be held at the home of Mrs Lloyd on Wednesday afternoon Oct branch will bo present and provide the program A ll are cordially Each member is requested to respond to the rpU call her favorite I While driving east on Holland stieet on Saturday morning Mr Cavers lost control of his car It ran up against the platform of one of the grain elevators and rathe badly damaged The Red Cross tent at the- Fait this year was a T large one and still its resources were taxed to the utmost The proceeds amounted KBTTLEBY Dont ftbout pain In back when the remedy lies right to band Go End do ft In to easy natural way by fit to the root of the trouble 2 BRICK BUNQAL0W8 For or To Rent On Grace St Newmarket Im mediate possession Apply to Barker Hoi Newmarket FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good table and cistern Enquire of YAWMAN St Newmarket TO RENT Two Houses on Huron St nearly opposite Hamilton Bros Grocery Each seven rooms town water cement cellar dollars per month Apply I Rev Titos Huron St or AND TO LET three doors off King George Hotel Good stand for business- House seven rooms with all convenience Reasonable rent Apply to The will of the late Isaac a of King Townsip who died on July 1st last Is dated April in which a life inter est in his estate is given to his wi dow To his son Frederick who resides in San Diego California a legacy of is given payable at the death of Mrs- Hollingshead The rest of the estate is willed to Hiram Lloyd Hollings head who is named as executor tire estate is valued at The Ladies Aid netted about forty dollars out of the corn roast held re cently at the home of Mr and Mrs Chapman This goes to the Red Cross Society Frank Chapman son of Mr and Mrs T Chapman line has en- listed for overseas service and is in training at Camp Niagara The new mail route from Kleinburg reaches this place The courier comes up the ninth across to the tenth down the tenth to townline along the townline to the and down to Kleinburg Mr Jacob Cairns is the courier The Womens Institute will meet on Thursday Oct at the home of Mrs Joseph Ballardf The Institute have secured a bandage winder and ask all ladies to bring cotton for making 27 p socks have made by the Institute and was by the girls in August A attendance is re quested at this meeting as important matters in regards to Red Cross Work will be The Institute will supply yarn to volunteer knit ters KIDNEYS Gin act en the sad the soothe and heat the inflamed organs which the suffering your kidney swollen bands sad feet wrists and ankle are likely to follow a dr of Gin Pills la area a world of pain Yon will realise their when you read what Mrs P Wedge of Sunraeraide write Gin PilU are the reateatof all and a which is at me world of They are worth their weight In gold to any sufferer GIN PIIX8 today at your dealers a or boxes for Trial treat- meat FREE if write National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto Sir Ch Bart is in a very low state o health in Kugland and his death is expected at any At farmer has just finished threshing 640 acres of wheat which aeragd fiftythree bushels per acre On January all adver tisements of liquor will- be eliminat ed from all billboards of Canada and the United States This decision has been reached by the board directors of the Poster Assocla- m It will be to your to our for fur Oijp are mart bract red on the- greater Value than else- Our aesortmont oftQeilaV- of Fur Trimmings a Specialty Booklet Upon Request Toronto Have to Make Good term deat think on a It takes a knowledge 16 make what in hand Yes- arisweied- interview with his teacher had left Nat sulky anddelermined that he would put an end to these disagreeable half hours alone with Miss Perry of which he had already hud more than he cared for She thinks thought make good every he said to him self in disgust he trudg ed homeward his hands deep into his pockets If dad I let me Im to quit school and go to work His suggestion that night at the supper table met with more favor than he had expected His father- was finding it hard make his modest- salary cover all the needs of a growing and it is not wondered at if he secretly welcomed the thought of a lightening of the burden however slight If lie felt un comfortable at the idea of cul ling schooling short he consoled himself with the thought that the boy could back to school later on when things eased upa bit And so rather to his surprise but very much to his joy Nat found him self free from the necessity making good lo Miss Perry which controls the billboards every day In less than a week FOR Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel and sand pith Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone Or write Armstrong Newmarket PO HOUSE AND LOT FOB In Newmarket House Willi Lot and Stable situated on Church Newmarket unci owned by Tor particulars apply lo I Lewis Yon fee Wild- Solicitor Newmarket HAVE FOR 8ALE A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all conveniences- all In first class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame and hen house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged lo suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box Newmarket NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR NOTICE is i Given That WILLIAM THOMPSON of this City Toronto In the County of and Province of Ontario Broker will to the Parliament Cana da the next cession thereof for a MM divorce bis wife Ida Loft Thorn peon of the New York in the of New York one of the United of America on the unround of desertion DATED at Toronto this eta of CLARK CAMPBELL VTA tor the AUUORA A stirring and suitable farewell was extended to Rev HI Allan pastor of the Aurora Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening Sept 30th at the Speeches and good music formed the program after which the ladies of the congregation served refreshments Many friends wished Mr- Allan a hearty farewell on his beginning this noble step in the service of his King and Country He was presented with Thomas Lloyd one tie o Whitchurch pioneers died here on Monday Horn in Whitchurch of Penn sylvania Loyalists parentage on April 20 1826 he continued to live in the township until twenty years ago when he retired to live here He Waft well known as a farmer and was also active in life and ag ricultural associations His recol lections of pioneer days made him a most interesting link with the pastf He sat at banquet tendered William Lyon Mackenzie in Aurora on his elec tion for York In August of this year a Very interesting photo was taken in King Township in which ap- pearcii Mr Lloyd and Mrs John King and only surviving daughter of Win Lyon Mackenzie The funeral was held on Wednesday from his residence Wellington Street to the Aurora Cemetery Liquor advertising is disappearing from the newspapers also and before long the only advertisements al coholic beverages will be seen in countenances of those who use them to excess A little twoyearaid girl Vida Sheppard of Thamesvile died of lockjaw as the result of being peck ed by a mother hen Panama Oct A careful survey of the side area of the the re veals the fact that there probably are cubic yards earth in mo which must he taken out by dredging operations before a perma nent channel is possible This is the conclusion reacted by the canal en gineers who concede that there is now little hope of opening the water way een for the temporary use of much before the first of the year Ottawa Oct While proud par ents of triplets born in Canada will not a bounty from the Do minion treasury for their contribu tion to the population they will re ceive the- Kings bounty which amounts to about paid out 6f the private puis of his MaJest- The applications for State aid that have been recclvnl lately by the Secretary States Department from the par ents of triplets will forwarded King V who announced when he came to the throne that he would pay a bounty to the parents of trip lets providing they were residing in the British Em pire MAHKIIAM Fully fifteen thousand visited the last Friday Never before have so many automobiles been seen in the village it being es timated that at least cars Carried the visitors The gathering was re presentative all Parts of Ontario and in of the unfortunate condi tions prevailing operations last summer everyone ap peared optimistic In the trotting class a new record was established by Picket Boy Owned by M Waters Port Perry the time being 2211 John Richmond Hill gain ed first prize for the gentleman turnout also In the roadster three yearold filly and the twoyearoldsf In the high stepping competitions L of Toronto was first and A and Sons second Miss Davison of was the beat driver til Harding of Corners was awarded first for the beat Canadian draught Brood Mare and Tf Markham received the award of the heat yield A Ward Milne the secretary said the was far ahead of all years and that there was 30 per cent Increase In entries The Cross Associa tion a tent on the grounds and by tre sale of refreshments realized a substantial sum for the work of the society oao Children FOR FLETCHERS I T CECIL for New Fall Collars H ft ROME CO will prevent the today from becoming the big of tomorrow and after For troubles of the organs you can rely on Mi HnV Toronto has wellearned reputation for busfneBR and and for to choice Commence now free J ELLIOTT St he had found a place as office and er rand hoy for a downtown Ann Ho was to have two weeks trial before he was permanently en raged At tin end of the two weeks he was jailed pjoycrs office and found to liij surprise that his work had not been satisfactory- When I explained to you what you would have to do his em ployer said gravely I told you that after sweeping the office were to up the dirt and throw it into the waste box in the stockroom you remember that Yes sir was Nats answer in a very subdued voice Ive been watching things pretty closely Hie last two week find several mornings that the dirt was not taken up at all but was simply swept into an corner and- left there I dont like thai kind work The shipping clerk tell mo loo that youve made or four very careless mistakes in delivering packages think youll belter look for another place Nat Im afraid you wont make good here nut on the street Nat made a wry face at the memory of those laM words which reminded him disagreeably of Miss He began again the search for a but be a mile and investigated man a J Boy Want ed sign before lie found work once more this time as a tele graph messenger boy Again his lime of employment was for in some way that he could not understand or explain he lost an Important message on which a great ileal depended cant keep any boys here who dont make good be was told words ring ing in his mind be started a third lime In search of work He did not relish Hie thought that there would be no pay envelope the following Saturday although lie had bad only a few so far both he and the family had found them a great convenience It came over suddenly that if he did not make good he would he Hie one who would have to suf fer On his way to the West side of the city lie bad lo cross one of the drawbridges over the river The warning gong was ringing as he crossed the viaduct over a network of railroad tracks and he hurried to gel on the bridge before it should swing lo let a big lumber barge through As he stood looking over the bridge rail onto the deck of the barge an angry voice came to his ears The words were evidently addressed lo a new hand Youll have good if youre going to slay on this boat Nat sighed It was as bad as going school to Miss Perry he thought dismally He was fortunate enough to find a place on the West side that promised fair wages and a good chance for advancement You understand of course his new employer said kindly that this Is only on condition that you make good We cant keep you at all if you dont When Nat wont home that night there was an air of determination about him that had been Jacking before Ills eyos bad opened at last- to the fact that everywhere the world Insists that ode make good What Is DeJbnoKtey erTgettexattypay Out five Touch as he- receives from the liquor traShy eating for the paupers orphans and criminals which- It lcauses and that in which cannot he riioney loss is But that is only the small side of ttiis great might put up With the loss of money- We might struggle oh under heavy ax burden but we will cer tainly be down as a nation if we con- tinue poisoning bar men the future fathers of the race A new word of dreadful import has come into our language Degeneracy is the word that signifies more than any amount of money loss Science has thrown new light on this liquor problem It has shown us that al coholic liquors even in socalled mod eration are causing degeneracy of the race What does degeneracy mean It means that the children of drinking hot to say drunken Parents rarely equal their In body or md It means that we are breeding more insane feebleminded criminals etc to le housed and The burden is heavy enough now and the cry every year Is for more room But iff it true that the children of drinking parents degenerate and have a tendency to become insane There is not a doubt Vol it Government reports say so scientific men say so and asylum superintendents say so The only difference of opinion is as tp the number that are by drink It is now an acknowledged iact that insanity started by drinking parents may spread to the third and fourth generation following figures show that Insanity Is almost in ect proportions to the opportunities for getting drink Statisticians h divided the States into four groups showing the number of insane In each group per hundred thousand to the hundred thousand population Group No consists of 17 states that are nearly prohibition These have 150 insane to the hunf thousand Group No 3 consists of states In which less than 50 per cent are un der prohibition These have an average of 212 In sane to the hundred thousand popula tion Group No consists of slates which less than per cent are un der prohibition These have an average of to the hundred thousand population This shows that wet states have mor than double the insane that dry states have When you consider that many of the prohibition states have been under prohibition for only a short time and further that they are surrounded by wet states it the showing still When we consider that Kansas has eightyseven counties without any In sane how can we avoid the conclu sion that very large proportion the insane have bad their origin in by themselves or ehelr ances tors A drunk man is temporarily in sane so much so that he often com mits In view of these how futile and childish the various remedies that are proposed Arnott M Directory prepared and addition and change fori to our Local Manager at one fc3ti a Thou who Till you that moat precious of modern not today and your the new directory lire Bell Telephone Co of Canada I i I I j NEWMARKET Prices are again Normal We quote today it it a it it Wheat Barley Oats Wheat Shorts Bran Hay 85 bushel 60 40 60 1 cwt 1 35 100 cwt Owing to high ocean rates and Insurance the outlook Is for lower prices in grain Hie following paragraph appears In an paper day has gone by when al cohol could be defeated No man who knows the truth about It now takes it for his health science has proved doubt that alcohol has no good thing to give man a waman or a child Even the moderate use of It dims vision Impairs the judgment reduces strength hastens fatigue and weakens the bodys po or of resistance We have allowed evil thing to grow up In our midst not knowing half how evil thing it was we have allowed It to drug a great mass of our people that all that is best in them is deadened and wo cannot leave the of the na tion In the hands of these people nowl England must be ruled by those who love her most and not by those who love her least And the brave and noble and natural is to treat this enemy of home we treat the enemy In France and Bel- glum wo must drive It out It Is said that prohibition would throw many out of work and it is true lit would throw out of work thousands of and prison and asylum and would make busier thousands of peo ple who make bread and boots for little children and shells for our bravo troops The truth Is that trade would right In an short time without this poison forever sapping Its foundations We must do each one of us what lies In our power I At least we can follow the King then we shall not bow down before It now when It has allied itself now with the all of freedom hut enemies of the King We Bhall follow King to victory Ml I ft Chicago will be dry next for first time In Its history Brighton Oct While filling a silo on Isaac Richards farm north of this village sparks from the en gine set to the barn and all farm buildings except the house to gether with the- years crop were totally destroyed The loss will ex- coed Continues to give the best of satisfaction Stock now before Prices QUICK DELIVERY QUALITY GUARANTEED GEORGE 8TRI0TLY T Phone New Goods are arriving we Invito you to take advan tage of making an early selection Brown shades will again be popular AW INSPECTION IS SOLICITED B MERCHANT TAILOR Phono J Main St Newmarket WE ARE BUSY WITH INC HEATING KLECTRIC WIRING IF THINK OF DO- ANYTHING IN THESE LINES LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE J WRIGHT J MAIN 8TREET SOUTH O LADIE8 AND GENT8 SHINQ3 UNDERWEAR CLOTHING SHOES RUBBERS L To make room for a big shipment of CALL AND 8EE THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING J i Doora youth of King George f Proprietor-

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