Newmarket Era, 29 Oct 1915, p. 3

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J I IT Itoeal Seas Friends Church Sunday next Oct 3 1st at meetings for worship At pm special Song Service pin Peoples popular ser vice Preachers Pay your AH body welcome free and Regular Monthly Meeting of the will be held on the 2nd of Nov in borne of Mrs Fred on Joseph Ave commencing at 3 p A full attendance is request ed Press i Girl Guides The two companies of Newmar ket Girl Guides will hold their first meeting in the Methodist at oclock on The Council of Trafalgar Day Thursday of week a busy day in Town in interests of the British Red Croft Society The Town was divided seci arid a housetohouse can vass was made by the men the rex suit being a most gratifying re sponse to this worthy and most urgent call The Committee Rooms the King George Hold tind as on report after the enthusiasm increased Mr J H Millard donated a handsome up holstered Rocker and as each one entered the Committee Room he was taxed 25c to sit in the chair and by this means they raised The chair was put up auction in the Skating Rink Watson Joshua Wilson Davis Leather Co Employees 5000 32745 AT Slrj TV HOLLAND Office Spec Co Emp 31000 Cane Sons Emp Audited and found correct Smith and Geo Vale Auditors Oct 26th Knitting Tea The next Red Cross Knitting tea will be held in the schoolroom of Methodist Church on Tuesday after- of next week A full attendance Guides Miss Morton and Hewitt are also invited to All Girl Guides are WnjPalfersbnduct- us with the following in formation obtained from his greatuncle Dr Brad ford Patterson of Barrle During the war of Dr Pat tersons father held a contract to deliver supplies at shene the oldest French fort in Canada It required twoweeks to make the return trip from Toron to with It was neces sary to build floating bridges to crosB many streams Mr Patterson was in Muddy York now Toronto when the Americans came over with knocked down to Mr T HI tnir at A farmer teft i ffiWS W teen schooners and took posses- farmer left two of the Town the Mr attend- requested to be present Newmarket Home Guard Shooting will be continued as usual The range will be moved the side the rink A company will be formed composed of boys from ages of to years Mr French will be in command and the company will likely drill in the Town Hall A church parade will take place on Sunday Nov to St Paul- Church Til 3 pm Lec tures will be delivered through- 1 ton Hi winter and will be very in structive lo the Guards at the Committee Room Each one present put in and look a draw thus was realized Messrs I Rose and A Thompson being the lucky hold ers These agreed between them selves to put the turnips up by auction in the evening meeting and together with a pumpkin were knocked down to the Mayor at Such a thing as an evening meeting was not thought of till about five oclock but the Bugle Band and Home Guards were communicated with and before oclock they were parading the streets The returns were com ing nobly and a big crowd as sembled at the Town Hall to hear the result His Worship Mayor Cane presided and speeches were also made by Mr Aubrey Davis Reeve Keith and Mr A are invited A Soldiers Home Mr Schmidt has very gener ously offered ibis residence and grounds on Eagle St to His Worship the Mayor to be used as a convales cent Home for returned soldiers should the same be required by the Corporation or the Militia of Canada Salvation Army On Sunday next Brigadier ana Mr Adby will pay their first vis it to Newmarket in the capacity if Divisional Commanders The services will lakethje form of welcome meetings You should not miss this opportunity of hearing the Brigadier and Mrs They are taking over the duties of Lieut Col and Mrs Chandler who have gone to take charge of the Hamilton Division Meetings at 7 and am and and pm The marriage of Miss Har riet daughter of Mrs Mary of Newmarket and Mr Walter Wesley of Kelso son of Mr Ket- lletiy was in St Stephens Church Winnipeg on Oct 20th Rev Dr Patterson successor to Rev Gordon Ralph Connor officiating The bride wore a taupe soil of silk poplin with while satin hat with black trimmings The only attendant of the bride Miss Olive of Newmarket was attir ed in a gown of cream bed ford with black picture hat A reception was held by Mrs J Vaugh Winnipeg after the ceremony Mr and Mrs will reside at J The TwoInOne Stove Meets the wants of a small family its an ornamental Heat er burns anything will cook and bake perfectly it at British Red Cross On October am the employees f Davis Leather Co Ltd were invited to attend a meeting held in one of the large rooms of the plant for the pur pose of discussing what course they would like to take in connec tion with life request from Great Britain that money he raised in Canada for the above fund Mr Aubrey Davis VicePresi dent called the mooting to order and after making a few appropri ate introductory rciharks called upon the President Hon J Davis to address the meeting He referred to the liberality of the employees in Feb last when an appeal for the Canadian flea Cross had been made also point ed out that the war was not yet ended and that funds were ur gently by Red Cross to assist the wounded and from the various fronts He mentioned that thir teen bad c filiated from the fac tory and either at the front or preparing to go and that those who remained athome had an op portunity to render valuable ser vice to III Oh j who were on the fir- line by aiding in tins fund He also pointed out what a serl- thing it would be for Canada if the Kaiser should win this war and then staled that all giving to this fund must be of a purely vol untary character everyone using Ills own Judgment and guided by conscience to do what he be lli IJeved was the proper thing under Hie lances At the Close of the address Mr John moved ami Mr seconded a resolu tion that each person should give one days pay to this fund and it was surprising the unanimity with which the resolution was passed amid the cheers of those present On the same afternoon a check WJ was mailed to Mr J J Treasurer of the Committee of the Red Cross Society being the of Davis Leather in addition they forwarded fit heck and cash the sum of whirl was the lojal amount by the employees as a sult of he foregoing resolution a total of from mm Leather Co plant towards this fund A handsome Chair being donat ed by ExMayor the satisfied with auction and decided to sell tickets at 51 each for a draw The tickets were readily disposed of and Mr Ted Duncan was he lucky investor Mr Lundy donated a Prize Rooster which Mr Aubrey Davis bought for At the conclusion when Mayor Cane announced that had been raised there was great cheer ing and a general feeling ex pressed that Newmarket had done her duly This amount has since been increased Some other points in the Coun ty reported are Sutton West 3350 3380 Richmond Hill weslon Holland Landing Ladles Aid Dont forget the sale of Home Baking in the School Room this Friday afternoon from 3 to oclock Refresh ments will be served during the afternoon Regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will be herd in the Methodist Church Parlor at p on Wednesday next of the city After landing they scattered cotton and prints which they found in the stores and allowed people to them free Then they blew up the Magazine and departed without hurling any one months after this Mr Patterson started for guishene with the anchor for boat being built for war purposes and had reached the Holland Landing Plains when he received word that it would not be needed as peace had been declared BUTTERIOK Kg Mi ALL GOOD GOODS BAKING POWDER a Reception A very reception was given by Mrs Russell Collins at their new home on Park Ave on Wed nesday afternoon The bride was dressed in her wedding gown and was assisted in the drawing room by her mother Mrs Neil Morton Miss Mabel Weddel at tended the door and Miss Morton accompanied the numerous call ers to the tearoom which was presided over by Mrs Walter Stephens assisted by Miss Mc pherson and Mrs the decorations being white carna tions and autumn leaves Complete Stock IWuicf Carp Ms Carpet Squares of all Kinds and Sizes lit Less than City Prices Linoleums 3 and yds wide all widths Bungalow- and Curtain Scrims In all prices and qualities CretonnesDamasks and Art Sa teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats In all sizes Cocoa for and Outside Verandahs Ladles Dainty uptodate Foot wear Boys and Footwear Mens Footwear The Workmanship on Every Pair Guaranteed and Prices to all Purees Sugar Is a little Canned Vegetables 3 for Good Teas are getting very and higher In price lay In a stock at our low prices Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds BRUNTON Following Is the the Treasurer Mr Barker Cane Thompson Ross A Awty Keith Ross A Blizzard A Hull Widdifield Eves A Davis Lundy A Young A Pearson Prospect School Br union A Firth Doyle A Doyle A Travis fl A Robertson A Wild man Stewart- A Hill A Doyle A Traviss Hose A Kirk Duncan A B OS well statement of J 4250 1010 2 IG 1 Received at Committee Room Davis Leather Co 50000 L Co Of Specialty Co A Km p Joyces 30000 Cane A Sons A Employees Joshua Wilson Small Sums a Sale of Turnips at Com Room Pleasure of silting in arm chair Sale of chair donat- by Mr Millard Sale of Chair donat ed by Sale of Turnips A Pumpkin Sale of Rooster do nated by Lundy 1835 Keep Your Eye On Our Bargain Sign in the south window Its changed twice ev ery week Hardware Obituary An exWarden of York County in the person of Robert Norman of King Township passed away on Tuesday at the General Hos pital Toronto October the after a brief illness Deceased was a native of King Township born years ago and lived in the same place practically all his life He was a member of York County Council for years being reeve of King Township in the year he was elected to the wardens chair Ho was a Liberal in politics Dr T Norman West Toronto is a son besides whom the widow and three daughters survive The Gravity Washer Washes clothes right and does easy Our price the same as anywhere in Canada man been over days and Donations received since Oct 2 1 si Total 7 1865 Donations from Schools Pickering High School Prospect Death of Mr Warner About oclock last Saturday evening another of our oldest and respected residents away in the person of Mr Henry Warn er Deceased had been in failing health for some time and his death was not unexpected He was a carpenter and joiner by trade and a very accurate the old school He had a resident of the Town for years In his younger he was an active Fireman took quite an interest in all public celebrations He leaves a Widow and two sons to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father One yon Fred lives in Michigan and was home when his father died the other son is En England The deceased leaves two sisters in town Mrs Lvnam and Mrs Hodge The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev A Young The pallbearers were Messrs Rose Irwin Hewitt Curtis and Interment in Newmarket beside the graves of his children THE PURCHASE of JEWELRY When Mr Jos Cody of Yongc St read the article in last weeks Era about the anchor he called us up by phone and said we were right His father helped lo bring anchor up St and it was left on the plains about two miles further than the present location Council of Hoi- land Lauding brought it back as a souvenir for their Park of informs us that his grandfather Haines Sharon helped move the Up St Ihe Anchor wa drawn relays by from to yoke of oxen on sleighs under military escort during the winter of It was made out of forged iron in The Old Country and landed at either Kingston or Toronto he is not sure which but is under the im pression was Kingston The weight is between and tons When going down bill a long rope was attached to a tree so as lo prevent it from injuring the oxen Thousands of cannon balls were also brought at the same Lime and piled in pyramids alongside the anchor everything being abandoned on hearing that peace was declared As time went on the boys bowled the cannon halls into the river for sport and many people carried them off as souvenirs until they all disap peared Over 30 years ago a Jew look up tackle lo remove the anchor and sell for old iron Mr was reeve at the time and he communicated with the authorities about it Although was the property of British Government he got permission to retain it for Corporation purposes and had it placed in the Park Mr Haines says there- is no about the anchor it being intention to convey it to Bar rio by way of the Holland and Lake across the ice for a war frigate at the following spring tf To pay off Creditors and Immediate Obligations MENS HATS150 2 250 for 100 MENS OVERCOATS 8 00 for 00 do do 10 for 12 00 for 6 7 At Just a Little Over Half Price for 16 for 9 12 for 00 00 for 12 PREMISES FOR SALE Whitchurch Council j Council me at Vandorf on Wed nesday Oct all the members present except Councillor Legge flic Reeve in Ihe chair Minn Is of last meeting were read and confirmed Messrs Armstrong and Hemic of Newmarket appeared be fore Ihe Council requesting the of fer of reward for information lead ing to the conviction of person or persons accused of stealing in the Township J presented a claim for damages to democrat and harness by accident because of nonrepair of on 3rd Con in No JO J presented a plan of Subdivision of part of lot Con with request for approval of Council obtain registration Communications as follows were laid before the Council The Hospital for Sick Children re maintenance of Mary ad- milted to Hospital Sept 27lh Canadian Northern Railway Co with plan etc re proposed siding at station- Assistant Provincial Treasurer re railway tax and charges for local patients in Hospitals for the Insane Bills were presented as follows Brooks weeds inspector MAY BE MADE HERE In full that no matter what the amount of your purchase largo or you will oolvo a VALUE In your aoleotlon We to win and determined to merrt your confi dence and patronage 1 85 If and Opticians P TICKET Tribune J A Clarke assessor Armstrong work I L Raker gravel 1 work Williamson gravel Resolutions were passed Instructing the Treasurer pay the bills presented the sum of Ten Dollars for damages sustained from accident at culvert on Con- 3 Div 10 lo and to the County Treasurer for redemption charge Oil tot at on which Ihe tax appears to have been paid Authorising the of a reward of twenty five dollars for informa tion leading to the conviction of per sons accused of stealing In the town ship Approving of plan submitted by J I of subdivision of part of lot Con Approving the action of the and Councillor in opposing before the Dominion Railway Com mission the Application of Cand- Northern for leave to build a siding across the Town lino at station and appointing lo represent Council in any further proceedings before the Com mission Reeve was appointed Commissioner repair sink hole on Con opposite lot Councillor Baker was appointed commissioner Jo repair hills on side line between lots and 16 Con On motion Council adjourned to at on Wednesday Nov 17 at 10 am general busi ness FORD 18 OK Henry Ford is proBritish accord ing to an interview with Gordon M McGregor head o the Canadian Ford Motor Co as published in the Toronto News Wednesday evening Tell the people Canada for me that I am with them heart and soul motor car magnate told the Canadian manager shortly before he sailed on his trip to the coast Then he added for his mind Is full of the latest child of his genius light cheap tractors Tell thcra that on my return from California will devote my attention to the tractor business to give them some thing that will do more for than any riiachlne that has been introduced Into the country Mr McGregor did not tell the people of Canada that Mr Ford with them heart and soul because he feared that It might effect detri mentally the business of tin- Ford company In the GermanAmericans in the United States Mr Fords statements is now published for the first time You may say that Mr Ford expressed the Strongest proAlly sen timents to the firm to hundreds of his friends There Is absolutely no doubt as to the sentl- of his heart His father was born in Ireland and all his ancestors were from the British It Is bred in the bone the man further If the Canadian govern ment makes a floatation the Cana dian Ford Company will take a mil lion dollars worth of the bonds said Mr McGregor to the Daily News Mr Ford admits he often does not stop to think He is a greathearted man who sincerely yearns to help other fellow his favorite He is a dreamer of dreams One ofwhich peace Ill advised he may be but antagonistic to Canada or the cause of the allies emphatically he is not Toronto Markets a NEWMARK Brown and White Stripe Towelling Reg- for 10o Heavy Full Bleached Towelling Red Border Reg 12 for 10c Bleached Tea Towelling Inches wide Pure Linen Red Striped Towelling in 12i Pure Linen White Crash Towelling Reg 15c for 11c Half Bleached Table Llrien Bath and Linen Range pair to pair Gerhard Player Walnut Case Louis Style fully guar anteed for qulok sale 426 with rolls of Boll Piano Walnut Case like haw Williams Upright Walnut Case Great Snap Berlin six Rosewood Case 40 I Wheat per bush Oats per bush per ton Butter per lb per dot Chickens per lb Ducks per Potatoes pet bag Oct 28 15 0 35- 0 350 0 I Newmarket Markets Oct Wheat qer bush i Oats per bush Barley per bush Shorts per ton 27 0 ton 24 00 38 Sewing Machine Bargains White Rotary Family Sewing Machines Latest Improvements Lovely Machines on small payments month Also a few and New Raymond slightly from up fully guarantoed Other Bargains Mason and Rlsoh Pianos Columbia Do Laval Cream Separators Capital Separator lbs fully guaranteed J For only MOVING TUNING A We Handle All Our Own s HAKE YOUR OWN TERM8 PIANO GIVE U8 A CALL I per per Potatoes per bag Chickens per IS tit 28 0 00 Jj 300 t 0 Phono 38 LIVE 8TO0K MARKET Choice Beef Cattle Good Cattle Feeders Milkers Veal Sheep Lambs Hogs off cars I Send the Era to abaont a young man wishes it is him to strictly to business and always keep his business Dwecration of Roman and Churches and the rob bery or store oi Mr at Rich mond Hill resulted in the committal on Monday by Magistrate Bruntoo of Cecil Collins to the Mimic sw school also Abraham to school Douglas Kew allowed his freedom r- A V 4f S TV

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