ill SB 1 V I J 1 J By E Veg- table Compound and Wants Other Suffering Women To Know It i I hare to writ to you for a long time to tell you at your wonderful remedies have for me I was a sufferer from female weakness and and I would have tired worn oat feelings tick head aches and dizzy spells Doctors did me no good so I tried the Pink- ham Remedies Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash I am now well and strong and can do all my own I owe it all to Vege table Compound and want other suffer ing women to know about it Spring St This famous remedy the medicinal- Ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs has for nearly forty years proved to be ft most valua ble tonic and of the female organism Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful vir tue of Vegetable Compound Why Hope No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til the has given Vegetable Compound a fair trial If von want pedal writ to Medicine Co confi dential Lynn Mass Tour letter will te opened read and answered by ft and held In strict confidence V l EDITORIAL NOTES i In January next seven Cities eight Towns Incorporated Villages and twelve Townships will vote on the Local Option question It is stated that at present there are licensed places in these municipalities It is stated that dur ing the first halt of October as re sult of the proposal to Sir Sam Hughes to enlist by localities and to billet and train men at their own lo cal centres men had been re cruited Extracts J A Hew market Red Cross Morse It is stated that the War Office at Ottawa has accepted the tender of Canadian packers proffered recently through the Minister of Agriculture for six anil one quarter million pounds of canned beef Delivery is to be made sometime during the present year In the great struggle for supremacy now going on overseas not counting Portugal which preference of observing her ancient alliance with Great Britain there are now twelve I nations at war The cost for nation al supremacy is overwhelming to contemplate Canadians will be gratified to learn that His Majesty King George has notified Sir Sam Hugbss Minister of Militia at Ottawa that fie has pre sented home known as Upper Busby Park as a convales cent hospital The offer has been ac cepted by the Canadian Society and the and will be fitted up for hospital purpos es Royal Hdsrilai Septa8th Aug We aye still at BiglieJ but think Imaynotbe able to write much our last week Won- for a couple of as it is not likely Ill have a minute to my self Im on night duty With the exception of time for cup of somewhere between and this a m I spent every moment and almost wished night were a little longer so I could have got a little more done Most of the day staff surgeons nurses stewards and attendants worked up to am and some of them were later It may be just as busy tonight No time to think of the of war while on duty Aiid when we assembled for breakfast and had time to think hearts were sad and al most in spite of ones self eyes seemed to be dimmed Why do we have to pay such a fearful price And why do our Town i i where we wiilbe WeVe seemingly got along- alright here and we are sorry to- leave but it is not for why or where and it will be an experience to be with both the Navy arid Army They say they are so entirely dif ferent It is said it much hard er to care for a soldier than a sailor The sailor will do every thing he possibly can him self and has lots of sand He will stand any amount of pain and take any kind of dose and never a word of complaint We are having such beautiful weather nights Ive of a blanket at nights They say its an exceptionally to suffer such brutal NOTICE Removed to Cor ner of Market on Timothy Street Ik PAINTER DRAINER ART DECORATOR ETC Wall Paper Supplied from per Roll and Hung on the Most Reasonable Terms ALL WORK GUARANTEED I ALL KINDS OF SIGNS PAINTED E8TIWATE8 7 The simple gift that lends the touch of friendship with out the embarrassment of an obligation Your Photograph THERES A PHOTOGRAPH ER IN YOUR TOWN E Phone Photographer We are also prepared to take Photos at night by the aid of Eleotrio Light Studio open Saturday evenings and any other evening by ap pointment Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Roller Flour MILL I Manufacture MOSS PASTRY WATER LILY FLOUR PRIDE MANITOBA PATENT Those Brands are second to none Ak your for a trial sack Satisfaction guaranteed or money returned Help the mill at home The Western Mills dont help you Phona Proprietor Ottawa correspondents to the daily press state that indications warrant the conclusion that the duty on wheat coming into Canada from the- United States will be removed This change can be made under provisions conferred on the in the Measure Act Should this prove true then automatically the American dutv on Canadian wheat going into the United States will likewise be removed resulting in a free market between the Dominion and the neighboring Republic There is talk of erecting a monu ment in one of Toronto Parks to the memorr of the late Miss Edith Cavell who was brutally murdered in Germany A member ol the Ontario Legislature suggested that the school children of Canada contribute two cents each towards this purpose There are approximately school children in the Dominion and a two cent contribution would If some organization in each Province would undertake to supervise this project it would suc ceed Referring to a recent order in re spect to closing hotel bars at oclock p m on week days which goes into operation on the 1st of next month the Telegram remarks There is ntf party gain in a deci sion that goes far enough to the liquor interests without going enough to please temperance senti ment There is truth than poetry in this remark Over in the neighboring Republic nineteen States have voted for total prohibition and present indications seem to point to the domination total prohibition throughout the entire Dominion of Canada- Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our The Toronto Star gives currency a rumor that a Federal war tax of two mills on the dollar and a fur ther Provincial war tax of one mill will be Imposed as further levy to provide funds for Governmental pur poses Should this prove true one mill for the Province and two mills for the Dominion and adding last years mill it will mean four mills of war tax for or a grand total of of direct taxation As the equalized assessment of Newmarket is over our Public and High School have pro blem for their mathematical pupils to solve in figuring out the tota1 amount ratepayers here will have to dole out a direct war levy The Canadian Liberal Monthly re marks In the last three years of Liberal Administration million dollars were spent on capital account for public works Including railways and canalsi In the three years Conservative rule the expenditure un der the same headings has amounted to an increase or an average yearly of over five millions This is ex clusive of Government subsidies lo railway companies part of this increase- Is chargeable to the De partment of Public which under the extravagant of Hon Robert Rogers from eight million Wll to ten millions in t millions In and to 19 millions In 1915 tie Bathroom at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS SONS to Grocery I I I I I FOR SALE i Durham i Brood with Reg Draught Bay Welding Draught rising yen Apply to Keswick A report is Issued monthly food inspection by the Dominion Govern ment which contains very interesting information Bulletin No 318 deals with the quality milk n the small er Towns and Villages and outside of the larger cities Chief Analyst Mr J Is said to be an excellent food inspector Reports that there are eleven vendors whom milk has been obtained by in regard to which be makes the follow ing Two in iStouftvllle fat too low Adulterated One In fat too low also non1 solids Two fat too low Adulterated One in Port Perry fat too low Adulterat ed One in fat too One place not named nonfat solids low doubt ful And one In one in Midland and one In all genuine FOR FLETCHERS atrocities As though it wasnt enough to lose thighs arms and eyes without having some crea ture come along and jab one with bayonets And yet they are near ly always bright As I went from bed lo Ihis am and said Good Morning how did you rest it would be Oh sister proper good or Id a topping night Why am I telling you all this Its enough to see it without making others hear of it There was a light tap at our bedroom door a few minutes ago and there was Mrs with a plate of those great big green grapes she had just picked off the vine Really they were the best thing Id lasted since reaching Malta Malta Hospital Aug pm For the present mo ment my charges seem to be quiet but its a uncertain life In less than live minutes some one may be having a hem orrhage or something else excit ing the first I have sat down for a few minutes except when eating supper or to write my report for the last two weeks Things are quiet now but one cant tell what to morrow might bring forth This is my last night on duty for this period I expect well have Tues day lo ourselves and go on day duty on Wednesday Im not just sure where Til go but rather ex pect Ill be in Ward A know it pretty well after a month on night duty and am very fond of the Sister who has been here on day duty Monday am and hot as can he One of those horrid dog days wed say at home Last night Miss and I went to church One sometimes wonders if the time will comt when we can see a few people who are not in uniform I dont think there were over a dozen in church who were hot in uniform Have had just two deaths on night duty and a couple of the pa tients died during the day One poor boy had been shot in Iht face the bullet going through the bridge of his hose down into the throat and he had contracted septic pneumonia He was dying all night and conscious all the time He made the night steward feel so badly Just after one of his hard coughing spasms he looked at her and said Hay do you think I will make it I real ly believe ho thought he would get better He said to me Gould you get someone to write moth er I said Yes is there any special message you want to send to mother No he said I just want to tell her Im in a na val hospital I looked on the hack of hie treatment chart and found that nearest of kin was mother and one couldnt help wondering if he was an aged mothers sole support and trying to picture the awful scene when that official notice I regret lo inform you etc reached her A few nights later about if p a truck was hustled into of Wards from the operating table with a patient dying on it He been hustled off a hos pital ship with gangrcen in his arm The onl hope was to am putate which they did right at the shoulder Joint Wo did ev erything hut would not improve About am he an swered me when I asked him how he was Just faint Sister which was the first he had spok en In a little while ho said was sick for weeks with the fever in but never felt weak like this About am a number of whistles were blowing He opened his eyes Ino saddest grey and said ft Oh that sounds like home you know how all the whistles blow in the morning at starting time Then he his eyes and in a few minutes a now day had begun for him and Just another cable sent on its way The fellows near will look so sad for a while and then some one will say Ho did his bit but one cant help but think of father and mother or perhaps a broken hearted wife and her family that she will have to go on with the rest of her life doing her bit We Canadians are all blue to night Wo got word from Army Headquarters today that we be moved again arc recalling us from the Navy and now it will bo new routine and how we dread Weve been so happy with the Navy and now It viil another address know where we will be but da hope we wont be separated I hate new cool Sept Everything is starling out fresh since the showers The geraniums have started lo leaf out They say by Christmas the bloom is gorgeous They go out and gather roses by the armful decorate the Wards The orange and almond blossoms are pretty too I can readily see how people who have lived in the East are so languid and lake things easy They dont pretend to hurry took one of the nurses watches to the jeweller to get a hand put on I enquired when he could do it Next week Miss You see tomorrow is Saturday Tigne Hospital Pronounced Tmcy Monday Sept 27th Really I love to get the Era but have missed so many copies Our reliefs came Saturday and we had to leave dear old They all told us sorry they felt about our leaving The Senior Sister went with us over to the Army Head quarters We were shown our rooms and we asked the assist ant if we might go to church She replied Yes hut you had bet ter report to the Matron before going which we did and to our sorrow we were told four of us were lo go straight away to Tigne So Misses Pell and myself were piled into a with club bags to ferry which we were to take to half penny fare and then car rozza again to Tigne Hospital This sounds like quite a long distance but I dont suppose the whole trip was over twenty min utes to half an hour and it is only about minutes row from Bight If anything we are as near or nearer the sea Of course it is not a regular hospital but barracks fitted up Our rooms are in what are called the Mar ried MerVs Quarters and we get our meals in another building met last Monday present except Messrs Forester and Clark Mr and Mr were heard with reference to electric light on dens Referred Com with power to act Following bills passed HEves cement 8065 P Pearson lumber for B Geo Forester cement Can Gen Co Northern Electric Co A Howard gravel 5700 E Tench plans for Town J Caldwell glazing Rogers Supply Co stone casting 75 P J selecting Jurors Mayor Cane do I S Rose do Northern Elec Co Factory Products i SOUTH T on stone Can Exp Hughes reading Can Exp Board of Health Office Specially Cane Sons Lumber Lyons office sup United Typewriter Co 50 it 20 Can Express Geo Wood We wero over here in time for supper at pm and I got into bed as soon after as I could hut I didnt sleep very well New sur roundings the wind blowing a gale and the sea splashing I believe I heard the sentry every time he passed the door as our rooms are on the ground floor- Much to my horror this a I was tola I had been booked to Of ficers Block and am have charge of about ten of the offi cers nearly all of whom have ty phoid one Colonel three or four Lieutenants a Captain a Chap lain etc I went around with one of the Sisters lo see their orders about breakfast so saw them all In the Block from General to Cap tain It is all different hero At the stewards looked after the baths and diets and were so well trained but here in Arrtiy the orderlies have had so little experi ence We only a short distanco from the Blue Sisters Hospital where three of our crowd arc Misses MacGregor and Macin tosh are going out lo Antifora or some such place thirteen miles from the city where they opening a new Hospital for con valescents I was so thankful I wasnt sent from town so will try to forget about officers Yesterday the Sister at wont with us to the Surgeon Generals office and he told us how gratefully they all feel toward us personally and to Can ada with a few more flowors and that ho would write the Can adian regarding same Now it is tea Write Olive Nilcs Hospital Malta Mediterranean Sea WEAK AILING CHILD Hade By Delicious UtUo girl 8 years of age was In a debilitated run down condition and had a stubborn cocgh so she was weak and ailing all the time Nothing helped her until we tried Then her Increased and she Is strong and well and I wish other parents of weak delfcato children would try Geo A- COLUNS This Is because contains the tissue itreoKtheninff cod liver elements and the tonic Iron which a weak and rundown ayttem needs J Patterson Druggist Newmarket Ont Nearly everyone baa ripping beer the Hi K5il from ft Pay Sheet Pay Sheet Application of Elizabeth Mil lard for electric current on Mil lard Ave and Hamilton Park Ave granted Application of Office Specialty for current for power purposes referred to Request of Miss and Morton for discontinuance of water and light granted Communication re local men in Overseas Service referred to Pro perty Com Communication re new factory referred Properly Com Inspectors Report re satisfactory A deputation composed of Rev Hall Messrs J Stephens and J McCaffrey made application for use of Town- Hall for Poultry Show and also cash grants Ap plication granted so far as use of Hall is concerned with heat and lights Deputation from OddFellows Society composed of Messrs and JVilson invited the Council to tie Unveil ing of the Memorial to the late John Hughes which was ac cepted The use of tile Town Hall war granted to the Home Guard for drilling of Cadet Corps on Wed nesday evenings when not re quired by Town Council adjourned at o clock RID WATER8 OF UBOAT MENACE Details of the active and effi cient work of the aeroplanes of the German submarine peril were received by Henry Woodhouso a Governor of Iho Aero Club of America The information came from an authoritative source and disclosed the latest models adopt ed by the British Government in spotting submarines and de stroying them Probably the most interesting thing about the conflict between the dreaded German Uboats and the aeroplanes he said tonight is that the America which was built hero before the war and in which Flight Commander Porte intended to fly across the ocean has destroyed no fewer than three submarines Hingehanded One was blown up with bombs and the other two were forced to come up the America having broken off their peri scopes Then the destroyers got them Tho method of antisubma rine warfare is as simplo as it is efficient The aeroplanes go out usually in pairs followed by for tyknot destroyers who follow after thorn and watch for Ihelr signals Tho accom panying tho aviator can see from fifteen lo twenty miles In every direction according to height at which they fly destroy ers can tho aeroplane at about the same distance and its with their powerful can tell every movement rnado by scout FREE UNTIL Have you yot for Tho Youths Companion for Now is the lime to do it if you not already a subscriber for you will get all the issues for romaining weeks of free from the time your subscription with re ceived The fiftytwo issues of will be crowded with good reading for young and old Reading that Is entertain ing but not Read ing that loaves you when you lay the down better informed with aspirations with a broader outlook on life The Com panion la a good paper to tie to if you have a growing family and for general reading as Justice Brewer said no other is necessary If you wish lo know more of the brilliant list of contributors British as well as Amorican who will write for now volume in and If you wish to know something of the now stories for lot us send you free for i Every now subsorlbcr who Bonds 9225 for will receive In addi tion to this years free Issues The Companion Home Calendar for The Youths Companion Boston Mass Now subscriptions at LADIES AND UNDERWEAR clothing SHOES RUBBERS To make room for a big shipment of I CALL AND SEE THE BARQAIN8 WE ARE OFFERING 3 Doors South of King George Hotel Main Newmarket 9 Proprietor is necessary for the enjoyment and prolongation of life During sleep Nature renews the vital forces of the body and restores the energy Sleeplessness is one of the evil results of indigestion To avoid it keep the stomach well the liver active and the bowels regular The health of these organs Is A Beechams Pills A harmless vegetable remedy which acts immediately on the stomach liver bowels and kid neys toning and putting them in good working order Millions of people sleep well and keep well because at the first unfavorable symptom they begin to take Worth Gulnoa a Box by St Sold everywhere in CiniJt S la Countryman pecial Club Rate- One Year Wo will accept at Era Offlco now or subscription to Era and Canadian Countryman In combination at por year The regular price of these papors subscribed for Indi vidually would be nor year The Canadian Countryman Is recognized as the brightest agri cultural weekly In Canada It has a not paid circulation fully 26 greater than any other farm paper In Dominion Just now tho Installation of a printing costing of Its kind In a Canadian publishing house Is making possible a substantial Increase In the size of Country man During the yoar tho minimum will be 32 pagos with 36 pagos during Ave winter months This has opened up way a now program of editorial features that will put Countryman decidedly In a class by Itself Each wook will bo several good strong feature articles well illustrated dealing with outstanding tlmoly problems of the Ontario farmer Figuring five suoh of a pago or more to fully 300 pages of feature In course of a yoar with upwards of to selected Illustrations The Weeks Reminder Is to present practical hints for every week In yoar written by a wellknown manager of a largo farm Under tho hoadlng of A Dollar for a Good Idea will be published descrip tions of practical Ideas In by Countryman readers being paid for each Idea aocepted Praotloal Dlsousslons by Is a department In which will bo the exporlonces and vlows of good farmers on the most Important subjects A pago every Is to bo dovotod to Live Items of Agricultural brief paragraphs reviewing happenings of Interest to Ontario farmers Some other speolal bolng established and to bo glvon a placo In papor where may bo found from the Round the Farm Feedo and About Live 8took Orchard and Garden Linking Poultry Pay Veterinary Advice Points of Law Explained Your Questions Answered Our Young of Tomor row I i r i i An Installment of a good aortal as well will appear Tho Market will bo developed to a column In which questions from our with respect to their Individual problemaof markottlng will bo answered A now mailing that the market will close Tuesday afternoon and subscriber having a rural mall box should his paper with in hours This will muoh greater valuft The Countrywoman at Home Is to greater attention than ever and program of featured to bo provided under this heading will possoaa strong Interest for womenfolk on the farm In the Timely Topics wtlon the praotloe will be of offering prizes for Idea sent In by women readers that la for publication Young and a page for the boye and girls will contain a good story ovary week a humorous pictorial feature a good poom and a competition will be with prizes for garden boat drawings of various kinds etc Altogether tho Canadian Countryman Is making a big stop for ward to a point Its editorial service will win for It an strong regard In the good farm homes of Ontario Send your subscription for the Era and the Canadian Country man to the Era Office to Jay Be to get on the list In time for a of the Canadian Countryman wants representatives In ideality throughout Ontario to and forward renewal orders from present subscribers Mo canvassing Liberal commission and profitable employment Write for full Information to Countryman Publishing St Toronto Christ mas Number A J I