Si J -a- I 76 Xk C WiTvv fttfSSSfi J- Robertson Office- St- to Frank Duncan AND COLLECTOR Or H N Wilkinson DENTIST Grocery B Terry Real Estate Livery want to Buy or Sell See Me Dr Clark Office almost opposite the King George Hotel MAIN ST NEWMARKET Dr J Boyd Graduate of To ronto University also Licentiate if the Royal College of an and member of the Royal of Surgeons of England clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and Urn College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London Office Cor Main and Timo thy Sts Newmarket Telephone HO Hours More Prize Mr J Malhewson again- carried off a number of prizes at fair He secured first for single horse first for gents turn out and also first in a special class for style speed and durability Fine Monument Last week Mr erect ed a fine ablet in Briar Hill Ceme tery Sutton It was for Silas M Ernes and is of dark Scotch granite and is certainly a credit and a neat piece of workmanship He has also erected a fine large Canadian granite monument in King City Cemetery for Mrs Malcolm Hart Consultation S WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Removed to Park Ave Opposite Methodist Church Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANOER Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Tecumseh Street New market A fer NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia las and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service Voters Court here tomorrow King Council meets at Schom- on Saturday Halloween falls on Sunday this fear Ths will surely assure quiet and good order Next Monday is All Saints Day Dont waste anything says a household editor If it can be eaten use it- in the hash if not use it to trim a hat Friends Church J Congregations are increasing in size The Pastors sermon on Sunday evening on Was it Thun der or the Voice of God was very impressive Roy A Young is very much in earnest and is growing in favor with the people The Willing Workers met in the schoolroom on Tuesday af ternoon The Young Friends are expect a attendance at the Hal loween Social tonight All Bosh The- Toronto- Telegram last Friday had the following para graphs There is a great deal of indignation heing expressed regarding- the continued delay in opening the new post office Res idents state that the building is completed and as the old build ings are totally inadequate to handle the business there is very much agitation for the new prem ises to be opened Mr J A M Armstrong P of speaking to the Tel egram this morning denied that there had been any delay in the matter As a matter of fact he said the building is really not finished yet and there still remains several little things to bo done I cannot say definitely when it will be opened but I can say that directly it is absolutely com pleted it will be opened Mr Armstrong intimated that the exact date of opening- the building rests between the De partment of Public Works and the postal authorities There is nothing to prevent the public from using the Post Of fice so far as any furnishings are concerned Politics are at the bottom of the whole business If the member for North York thinks he will make votes by keeping the doors of the New Post Office closed he is greatly mistaken Gordon Prince Jr 3 Tirne224 222 235 Class- Decorator I Major Day i Paddy Todd 2 2 Sunny Jim- 5 3 5 Brown Freda 6 Major Direct- 3 i 6 Time HORSES i Absolutely False A rumor is abroad that the lo cal officers of the Red Cross who have been so energetic the past year are paid for their services The rumor is a base falsehood and it is to be hoped that it will not be repeated It is too bad that the gratuitous and laborious ef forts of the ladies on behalf of the soldiers in the trenches should be so maligned It is enough to discourage any who feel disposed to be active in the interests of suffering humanity ss Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued at private re sidence if desired St NEWMARft LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call ordering Out Stone for Building Purposes lyt Stock and mad to GEO FIRE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR 8ALE ll me know your wants P MORTON Ave Box 373 Newmarket A Ontario Oxygen Welders of all kinds of Metals Cogs in gear wheels dealers in all of Threshing Outfits Cut ting Boxes Boxes and Pulleys Clubbing Rates for The Era will be to any address in Canada England Scotland or Ire land from now to the 1st of Jan 1917 for paid in advance Post age extra lc per week to United States The Clubbing Rates for will be as follows Era and Toronto Daily Globe Era and Toronto Daily Mail Era and Toronto Daily Star 300 Era and News Era and Toronto Daily World 376 Era and Toronto Weekly Sun Era and Canadian Countryman Balance free for all weekly papers QalnChrlstle At seven oclock Wednesday night Oct the borne of Mrs A Christie on Isabella St T6 ronlo was the scene of the mar riage of her youngest daughter Jessie Marguerite to Mr Fred Gain of New market the Rev Or rector of Lukes Church offi ciating The bride who was brought in and given away by her eldest brother Mr W J ChrUtie worn a white satin gown with chantilly lace and tulle veil with wreath of orange blossoms and she a shower of roses and lilies Miss Gertrude of Camp bell ford was bridesmaid in pink charmeuse with Duchess lace and bouquet of pink roses Mr Sam uel Hose best man Mr and Mrs Gain left later in the even ing for Montreal the bride trav elling In a BU with sable fur and hat to match On their return they will reside at St Vincent St Stale of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes path that he is senior partner of firm of J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of- Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH CURE FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence this day of December A Seal A GLEASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimoni als free J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation The announcement is made that Mr Arthur of the Times has been appointed Kings Printer for Ontario succeeding Mr Cameron who resigned owing to ill health after twenty years service Canadian woollen mills are now working on a huge from the Italian Government in cluding 100000 blankets and GOO 000 woollen shirts The con tract is worth Most of the underwear companion or have been working to capacity various government and commercial orders Many of the larger Canadian industrials have been able to reduce bank note and other liabilities on account of active operations for various governments during the past year The end of the war should sec hem in a prosperous financial condition- Acton Free Press Draft Team Crake Hastings John Brood mare P M Wil cox oneyearold entire Stew art Edwards 3yearold gelding or filly 2-year- old gelding or filly Elijah J Ness Jr 1-year- old gelding or filly J Sinclair F Wilcox Edwards spring colt or filly Wilcox Brooks Agricultural Team W Ferguson A Robinson brood mare G Potter Clarkson 3yearold gelding or filly Jeffs Marchant 2yearold gelding or filly A Bennett Hastings Grant i yearold or fillyD A Grant spring colt orfilly Poller Brooks General Purpose Team C Black S Lemon brood mare W 3yearold gelding or filly Brooks W K Westlake 2yearold gelding or filly Kaake Potter Brooks yearold gelding or fil ly A Wauchope spring colt or filly F Carriage Brood mare K single driver A Adams John Geo Tegart 3- Colwell 2-year- old John John Sinclair Roadster Team John Coffev Hastings marc spring colt Ramsden 3yearold Jno Palm er McKay Jeffs 2- yearold J Palmer Harvey Hast ings A yearling G P W Caldwell single driver hands and over WH Rutledge J W Coon single driver under 15 hands Wm Steele J Bundy Gents Turnout Rut- ledge Light Horse any age W John Palmer Delivery Horse M J John Devins Ponies hands and under Elmer hands and under 1st and 2ndR Davis Lady- Driver Miss Calhoun Miss Myrtle McCall Lady Driver special Miss M McCall Miss Devins CATTLE Durham Cow and 2 Riddel Bros 2yearold heifer W Wray Bros yearling hei fer Riddel Bros hull calf Coon Bros heifer calf Riddel Bros Wray Jerseys Cow Clarke heifer and yearling heifer and bull heifer calf Fat CattiesSteer or heifer Wray Best Dairy Cow Colton- Clarke Mi- J Keogh took all the prizes awarded in this class Leicester look all the prizes awarded in this class Southdown Lemon took all the- prizes awarded in Ihis class Shropshire Aged ram M Blackburn Joel Hughes shear ling Tarn M Blackburn Joel Hughes ram lamb 1st and 2nd T M Blackburn aged ewe 1st and 2nd Blackburn shear ling ewe 1st and 2nd Black burn ewe iamb 1st and 2nd M Blackburn pen Black burn Special Best pen of sheep i Yorkshire WhiteAged boar James McEwon boar pig James ie range with pure white enamelled steel reservoir stamped front one piece The AIMS i jii mm mm- si reservoir is seamless and clean enough to use in cooking and preserving See the McClary dealer ALLAN CO El SWINE Hereford Pamer took this t AGENCY FOR Implements BINDER TWINE AND OFFICE Opposite King George Hotel On Newmarket FOR SALE Heal Anthracite Coal at prices Orders filled at all hour Telephone No FRANK Millard Ave If Distribution of Grain and Potatoes By inatruclions of the Hon Minister of Agriculture a free distribution of superior sorts of grain and potatoes will bo made during the coming winter and to Canadian farmers The samples will consist of spring wheat about 5 lbs white oats about lbs barley about lbs and field peas about lbs These will be sent out from Otta wa A distribution of potatoes in 3 lbs samples will be carried on from several of the Experimental Karros the Central Farm at Ot tawa supplying only the pro vinces of Ontario and Quebec application must be cp- and must be signed by the applicant Only one sample of grain and one of potatoes can be sent to each farm If both sam ples are asked for In the same let ter only one will be sent Appli cations on any kind of printed form cannot be accepted AH applications grain and applications In the provinces of Ontario and Quebec for potatoes should be addressed to the Do minion Central Experi mental Farm Ottawa ap plications require no postage Applications for potalocA from farmers in any other province should be addressed postage prepaid to the Superintendent of the nearest branch Experi mental Farm in that province BRONCHIAL COLO To Pa Last Fall I was troubled with a very tarcro bronchial cold backache and tick to my stomach I to bed I alarmed and tried also a doctor but did not relief A friend mo to try Vlnol and it brought I craved to row I am enjoying perfect health- Jack guarantee our cod liver and iron tonic oil for coughs end bronchitis J Patterson Druggist Ont DO YOU WANT A When You Complete a The Demand for the Graduates of all the prizes award-id- in class folate in Cow herd of lit Grade Milch cow Brandon yearling heifer Brandon heifer calf W BJerkshire Lemon took all the prizes awarded in this class Tamworth Aged boar A Stewart Hawkins boar pig A Stewart Hawkins brood sow A Stewart Hawkins sow pig A Stewart Hawkins Specials Best registered boar A Stewart best registered sow A Stewart Bacon hogs Pen of three Edwards POULTRY Geese Toulouse J Childs any other kind 2nd A Bennett Turkeys Bronze H Kilely Ducks Rouen i and i and Aylesbury J Indian Runner Dove Cock Chapman hen H Chap man cockered and Chap man pullet and Chapman silver spangled Cock Chapman hen and 2 cock erel I and pul let and Rhode island Reds Cock Wallace hen Wallace cockerel and Wallace pullet and Wallace Dorkings Cock T and H Kilely hen Chapman cockerel and pullet and 2 Kitely While Hen and Barred Plymouth Wallace hen Ferguson Gibney cockerel Kitely R Wallace pullet Kitely White Plymouth Rock Cock Chapman W A hen Chapman W A McClure cockerel Chapman pullet If Chapman Light Cock and 2 Kitely hen Kilely W A McClure cockerel I and A McClure pullet and A Duff Cochins Coclc I and A hen Chapman W A McClure cockerel I and 2 W A pullet 1 and W A Partridge Cochins Cock A McClureJ Childs hen W A McClure Brown Leg horns Cock Chapman Wallace hen Chapman 11 Wallace cockerel and Wallace pullet I and 2 ft Wal lace White Leghorns Cock Wallace Kitely hen Wal lace Kitely cockerel A W pullet W A W Buff Leghorns Cock Wallace hen Wallace W cockerel Wallace W pullet and Gibney Silverlaced Wyandotts Cock Chapman hen H Chapman Goldlaced Wyandotts Cock Chapman hen- and 2 Chapman Mottled Cock hen Wl 7J4 Yonge 8t A During the last two months hoe been more than four times our supply Enter now Catalogue Toronto The Shaw The Central Business Col lege The Central Telograph and Railroad and The Four Branch Business All provide excel lent courses leading to good salaried positions Free cat alogue on request Write for It H SHAW Presi dent Head Offloes Yonge Qorrard Toronto Double Traok All the Way TORONTOMONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Leave TORONTO am pm and pm dally Bend the Era to absent friends FOR MONTREAL Leave TORONTO am 830 pm and 1100 pm daily Equipment the finest on all trains PANAMA EXPOSITION Reduced fares to Los Angeles and Ban Diego Tickets and further Information on application to Agents Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent Newmarket Soda Water Works Is prepared to furnish you with ail of Soft Drinks at short est nolice and delivered free to any place you wish Sell our drinks They are Money Makers We Strawberry Lemon Sour Cream Soda Kola Ginger Alu Birch Beer AND MANY OTHERS Your Patronage Will Be Appre ciated and Receive Our Prompt Careful Attention IN NEED PHONE Nowmarkot Soda Water Works JARVI8 Prop END NOTICE OF DIVORCE NOTICE Is Given That ROBERT WILLIAM THOMPSON of City of Toronto in the County of and Province of Ontario Broker apply to the Parliament Cana da at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from fals wife Ida Thompson the City of York In the State of New York one of the United Statea of America on the ground and desertion DATED at Toronto this of August CAMPBELL Yoage Street Solicitors for the applicant Blue Andalusinns Cock A McClure hen Chapman A McClure cockerel A Chapman White Cock WN hen A cockerel Chapman pullet and Black Orpingtons Cock and IL Chapman hen and Chapman cockerel and Chapman pullet and Chapman Orpingtons Cock Wallace ben Chap man Wallace cockerel ft Wallace Chapman pullet Wallace Chapman Games Cockerel and 2 W A- pullet and WA Mc- Cock Chapman hen Chapman cockerel pullet W Display of Pigeons Cooper W Best Cock any breed 1st White Wyandotte Best Hon any breed 1st White Rock nest three pairs Dress ed Chickens Mrs Hastings Mrs W GRAIN AND SEEDS Red Winter Whoat Cooper Stephens white wheat Mrs John McDonald Stephens goose wheat Stephens sixrowed barley Stephens Mrs John McDonald black oats W Stephens while oata W Stephens large white peas small while peas W Stephens seed Thos Cooper Mrs John McDonald red clover seed Wm timothy seed Palmer Bros white beans Mrs John McDonald J colored beana Mrs John McDon ald W J Calhoun yellow corn Chas W Stephens whltdcorn Stephens collection of grain in sheaf W Ste phens Continued on Pate tXstrlot are tric ing a stock census in the coun ties In which they are located SOLD BY J A M i vt I MADE IN CANADA t ANNOUNCEMENT The following prices Ford Ont effective Aug Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car 53000 Ford Town Car No speedometer included in this years equipment oth erwise cars fully equipped There can be no assurance given against an ad vance in these at any time We guarantee however that therewill be no reduction in these prices prior to Aug I CALL AND SEE V mi mm mm m 1 Ford Dealer K ROBERTSON Newmarket 1817 BOARD OF DIRECTORS V An i Ida C A Btiajartu Ei B CarJao H Willi TiTijUrLLDCtcirjlMi2iir Capital I Rett Profit 125286a Total April Savings Department Deposits of upward received ana Interest allowed rates Savings given attention i r J G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch i mm 1 Ml ENTER ANY TIME Resident and Day School for Boys and Girls Preparation for Wotrloulatlon and Examinations IN TypEWRITINQ A I Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate It Address P FIRTH A D Prlnolpal fcvS3 vrJ 9 The time for It will be here You got more wear 6 nd by having tailored by us than at any other In North York AND UlYi3 WILL HAVE OUR 8PE0IAL ATTENTION OUR GOODS I IN WILL TAILOR Phone 160 laln NEWMARKET I -r- -v- mm A rfJ i mm A p