Newmarket Era, 29 Oct 1915, p. 6

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I ft AGENT MOON T ALBERT J MOUNT ALBERT FOR OUR SOLDIERS The ladies of I he Red Cross are making up- a Christmas Box for soldiers at the front and are ask ing for contributions of home made cakes or candy and any thing else that would be suitable to send They would like to have these handed in promptly as they are anxious to get it off at once Please leave at Steeper Dunns Store Also anyone hav ing fruit or jam to sendwill bring it in Socks Mitti Gloves etc are also very suitable MISSIONS The Auxiliary and Ladies Band of the Presbyterian Church held an open meeting at the home of Mrs Moore on even ing Mrs Mutch of addressed the meeting on Immi gration or the Home Mission Question She wondered what our attitude is toward the Strang er Within our Gates Those who did not attend missed a treat as Mrs Mutch is a very able speak er treating her subject from ev ery standpoint PERSONAL Mrs J B Paisley entertained the Ladies Embroidery Club on Tuesday evening Mrs S Mr are ill with typhoid fever Dr Smith dentist will pay his next monthly visit to Mount Al bert on Tuesday next Nov 2nd Mr Shields and family moved to Toronto last week Mr and Mrs A Walton of Toronto spent a few days at home of Mr J Walton Mr Carter A of Edinburgh University Scotland spent the weekend at the home of Mr J Walton Mr and Mrs A French have returned from Chicago Mr and Mrs Albert and Mr and Mrs Frank of Lo cust Hill were visitors at the home of Mr Davidson on Sunday Mr Alex Tate of Markharn spent Sunday in Town Miss M Kightley Miss Lapp Miss L Cook and Mr Har old are attending the Sunday School Jubilee Conven tion in Toronto Mrs Jacob Cook of is visiting friends in town Mr Richardson and Miss Turner of visited the fcwo Sunday here last Sunday and were guests of Mrs Mrs of vis ited her sister Mrs Mrs McCordick who has been ill for several weeks is able to be out again Mrs Arnold and Mrs Dunn have been enjoying a visit to To ronto Mr and Mrs 11 McCordick and little daughter of Newmarket vis ited his mother recently The Albert School Board Messrs John Moore and Edmund assist ed by Messrs J D Rowland A Theaker and Dr Johnson made a splendid combination and the was envelopes and the meeting brought to a close Very successful anniversary ser vices Were held in the Presbyterian on Sabbath when the Rev H Thomas A SUTTON dollars The adjoining School Section did equally well at Holt under the direction of Messrs J A Hopkins Thos Rye and Frank almost two hundred dollars was collected The Franklin School Section was also right at the front here the School Board Messrs Geo- J A Rose andThos assisted by Mr Thos Gra ham covered the with the result that over two hundred dollars was obtain ed Thus making a total of more than nine hundred dollars on pro perty assessed at less than four hundred thousand dollars A pleasing feature reported by the collectors was the- cordial way in which they were received by the people almost everyone wanting to do his bit The Wo mens Institute as usual was to be fore with a donation of The ladies of the Presbyterian Church and the Junior Bible Class of the Methodist Church contri buted ten dollars each The and Public School teachers and pupils contributed Returns have been received from all parts of Township but when all is in it will be found that the people responded splendidly The honor of making the largest individual contribution belongs to Mr of Queensville and Mr Nathan Oldham of Franklin- Our new post was opened on Monday night for the first Thinks its just the whack Some of our young lads were kind enough to torment Mr Harry son one night last weak They un hitched the horse then went up the road and detained him by other in conveniences It is certainly rude to use the old that way They desene the law in good style which they will get if they dont selves better MY H Willis is improving his house to quite an extent The Town is building up rapidly Mr las Merchant spent in Sutton The party is to be at Mrs Robert Friday afternoon Dont forget Mr Harry Hose here last week for Lindsay Sleeping resuJtwasjvell over- Ave hundred preached excellent sermons Large congregations greeted the preacher The Ladies Chicken Pie Supper on Monday evening was also well pat ronized the receipts amounting to about The Presbyterian Bitle meets in the Church on Sunday day morning at 1015 oclock The Epworth League of theWethor Church will hold a Halloween social on Friday Oct in the base ment of the Church Everybody wel come Silver collection will to taken The Bound to Win Class of the Methodist Sunday School are to be congratulated for conlribut- in aid of the British Red Cross The Young Ladies Class the Methodist Church have very gen erously contributed to the British Red Cross Fund on Trafalgar Day This class is to be commended or the work the have since their organization A very successful meeting of the Womens Institute was held Wed nesday Miss Clara Hill de monstrated the boning of a chicken in a very deft manner Mrs Barret aiso an excellent paper on Music and its influence in the Home L- A Parlor Social will be held at Mrs AY Lewis in two from above date A good program will be A good crowd will be B Malone and M Davidson installed the fol lowing officers into Lodge last Wednesday night I P Bfo Oliver M A Greenwood S BrOi J W Bro Brown Bro J Silver J S J J Chap Bro A- Hamilton A Green J Bro Thompson J G J Sedpre Tyler Kennedy of Grant provided pected 9 KESWICK A meeting was- held in the Town Hall on Friday evening last as a means of making public the result of the patriotic canvass The amount of wascoL in Sutton alone At the meeting the President Mr A occupied the chair and after a few well chosen remarks thanking the people for their gen erous response he announced the following program addresses by Revs Hamilton and Matthews A and J Tleadjngs by L Greenwood Solos by Miss Greenwood and Mr and Music by the orchestra week the early closing Saw goes into effect and on and after Nov 1st the stores will all close as usual at p m every Monday Wednesday and Friday night The hotels are also to close at pm every night On Sunday next the Methodist League is holding its Rally Services Rev A p Mackenzie of will speak both morning and evening The morning service at a will be in the usual order of the Church service In the evening serice at 730 the Next Saturday there will be a clearing up sale of odd lines You be able to pick up a lot of useful articles at small cost Here are a few items of interest Linen Collars 5c each Neckties 50c at 35c for a line of Sweater for boys at and a line for men at a nice selection of Shirts at 75c order of the League service will be and numerous other inducements QUEENSVILLE The recruiting held in the Methodist Church last Friday ev ening was not as well attended as was expected There is very lit tle interest in recruiting in this part of the township Tin people responded very gen- to the appeal from the Red Cross There were very few who refused to contribute to the cause that appeals to humanity the world over Mr Kenneth Rose has opened a book- and magazine store next door to Kightleys Bake Shop Mr Brooke our new storekeeper has a very attractive store Prices on groceries and bread came down with a bump this week Opposition is the life of trade Dr Douglas Shields is leaving for tin front very shortly to serve at the Canadian base hos pital Mr Rolling is very low with typhoid fever Mr new house on the farm west of lb is almost completed Great speculation as to who is going to occupy it Mr VanJewaters son Se attle- was visiting his parents for a few days last week Mr and family of Zephyr expected to move into town week They have bought the residence recently vacated by Mr Shields- If its new youre after call at the Mount Albert News Store pofte Dr Codys All leading publications for sale See our private greeting cards A recruiting meeting was held here on Friday night Address es were delivered by Major M P Bugler Banders a return ed wounded soldier- Mr J of Toronto and Captain Cook of The Methodist Church held a successful oyster supper on Thursday- evening last Remember the League Concert On Friday evening to night The Mens Bible Class meets in the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning at oclock The President Mr will be glad to welcome new mem bers The Ladies Aid the Presbyterian Church were entertained to tea in the Hall on Thursday of week by Mrs and Mrs Henry There was a good attendance The M Society held its first Thank Offering treating Wednesday evening with a large The meeting was over by the He I Atkinson and a very interesting and profitable program was rendered consisting of readings by Mrs Flanagan and Miss Mrs Rev Atkinson gave an ad mens work in the Methodist Church Mrs Rev Atkinson gape an ad dress on the great Thank Offering women toda to give their beat re ferring to the great work accomplish ed by the Auxiliary since Us organ ization in January Miss and Jean Atkinson sang a duet after offering Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs read the texts enclosed in the followed viz Song Service Opening Hymn Prayer Responsive Reading of Lesson Solo by- Miss Olive A Address by Rev A PMackenzie Hymn Violin solo by Miss Terry losing Hymn Endeavor Benediction Come and enjoy a treat Miss Terry was in the City this week The Methodist est Homo on Monday night was the proceeds amounted to about We are glad to hear Percy Fletcher is getting along so well and is com ing home 0 Saturday One of the hoys was driving up and down Keswick St pretty fst last Sunday night Wonder If he got what he was looking for Mrs has started her new verandah which will make a im provement to the house The stores as usual are closing Monday Wednesday and Friday even ings during the winter months com mencing November 1st TERRIBLE ATROCITIES ON Remember the date next Satur day Oct 30th at Fur nishing Store Nov the si and 22nd have been set apart as the dales for the Knox Church Anniversary The Girls Patriotic League are holding a Halloween Party in St James Hall on Monday Nov 1st p in Admission last Toronto Methodist Ministers- to contribute as much as each towards the purr- chase of a machine to the Canadian forces as the gift of the Ministerial Association A serious fire just after midnight Tuesday morning at 181 Yonge St near Queen did damage Those having special charge of Trafalgar Day Red Cross Fund fully anticipate that the total result will reach No less than nineteen theatres of this City nave given permission for recruiting stations to be established on their premises Hotels- and on the route of march of the soldiers from Niagara to Toronto were temporarily placed out of bounds for soldiers this week In connection breach- of promise case Mr Justice spoke of the extravagance of young men buying costly engagement rings On Tuesday last two Italian labor ers were suffocated in sewer in which they were entombed and they thought was an avenue to safety Leslie Hyde son of Rev Hyde of this City died tins week He years of age and a St Andrews College boy He was Lieut in the Cadet Corps overseas- The golden jubilee convention of the Ontario Sunday School Association this is a grand success Col who has been in Toronto for a year on remount busi ness left on Tuesday for Kngland At the annual meeting To ronto Consumers Gas Co last Wife the yearly report preserted stated there a falling off of in receipts and that there were 6500 unoccupied houses inside the corpora tion of the City During the year the Company had made- fifteen miles of main extensions and new services installed More than of the com panys employes had enlisted for the war Harry Rogers of want of careless auto driving the Assize Court last week arising out of injuries to an old named Williamson in May last from which he subsequently died In fire on St week at the Candy Co store it is stated that worth of candies of va rious kinds were completely by water from hoes companies During the past week was charged with cruelty to animals by an officer the Humane Society for cropping off the ears of a dot The A General Manager The Business Of Farming Ilk business of Mnufaoturin should bo In a business way Proceeds be put fa a bank Payments be made by Cheque A certain percentage of the profits should be put In a Savings Account as an emergency fund who has oash surplus in a bank If protected against bad and hard times I MOUNT BRANCH S TERRY Manager Auto On edj ar bo fo Is Send me your Auto Tires I pay Express way Charges Moderate Give me a trial All sizes of Tires In New and Rebuilt Oils Accessories Ropalr Work Main Street Garage Sutton STANLEY A BREUL8 Prop A Now that cool weather Is approaching warm Is needed and we are prepared to fill your wants in UNDERWEAR COCKS GLOVES CAPS ETC Underwear from a garment upwards and dandy at 25o a pair CALL AND SEE US1 OUTFITTERS Issuer Marriage Licenses The Young People of Knox Church met on Wednesday evening and organ ized their society for the coming are awaiting the l the Police Court as to CIDER Cider will he made Tuesday and Thursday at Queensville till No- vernhcr 1 WATSON A Oakland Car for sale or exchange for a lord car Apply to K Sutton Weal ALBERT Now has a stock of the licsf makes of Cook Coal Ileal- Oil Horse all and If you a Waggon or Muggy I can give you a bargain Phone or come and wee me I will you right Mt Albert RED CROSS FUND The collection on behalf of the Bed Society last Thursday occasion of much In thin part of the request of the Township Council that each School Hoard organize lis Section be respons ible for the collection wan cor dially accepted by the School in locality and the work thoroughly and system atically carried out- NOTICE TO Having purchased a Well iig Outfit are now prepai such work at regular a and satisfaction guaranteed SON A I O A and Telegraphy Courses of the most complete and modern kind taught right at your own home by Shaws Telegraph and Railroad School at Bast Toronto Write for particulars and sons SHAW Pros Paris Oct troops are accused in despatches from Athens and Bucharest of revolting atrocities in Serbia They are charged with killing and tortur ing helpless prisoners both ariJ women brutalities are charged to the German troops who invaded Serbia from the north A despatch to The Petit Journal states that the Serb Minister at Bucharest protested to the American Minister there against the atrocities of the Derm an troops and requested J the United States Government to join in the protest He presented evi dence a to specific cases in which the Teuton troops had violated the laws of humanity and civilized war fare The male population of Belgrade was completely exterminated by the Germans says a message from Turin Women were victims of the most horrible violence Women more than years were as prisoners into Austria AH this done with the object of terroriz ing the Slavic inhabitants Bulgarian troops systematically massacred the civil population and burned towns and cities of Serbia says an A then despatch Inde scribable atrocities were committed in the regionand in New Ser bia Hundreds of men were hanged of burned alive Children mutilated In almost abominable manner or butchered with Instru ments of torture Women- and young girls were delivered to- the soldiers by to do with as they willed and after being out raged the majority of them were or burned Wounded and prisoners were delib erately blinded or their tongues torn out Some were even drenc with petroleum and then burned Certain atrocities are too infamous to he Pickering Oct- The barn to gether with live a number of Cattle sheep and hogs the seasons and all the farm machinery be longing to siding in the concision Pick- Ming was totally jedby lire early this morning year Officers were elected as lows President Rev A Hamil ton 1st Vice Mrs Morrison 2nd Vice Mr J A 3rd Vice Miss Vice Miss Hamilton Treas Mr A Stiles Sec Miss Dora Stiles Organist Mrs Mackenzie Committee Mrs Miss Hamilton Miss Mr Harry Shaw Missionary Mr J A Latimer Mrs Hamilton Miss Florence Stiles Social Miss Miss Helena Hamilton Miss Lena Miss Ego Flower Committee Miss Helena Hamilton Mr Leslie Burrows Miss Bessie Meetings commence at sharp and Will be dismissed at J The Society arc planning a good for nevt week Come and enjoy evening with the youngsters AUK NOTHING SO BIG SINCE WORLD BEGAN Sale Register Friday 28 Mr Darius York will have an unreserved sale of Farm Slock Imple ments etc on Lot in the Con of North on Con Lino it ins credit Sale at sharp If Auct Monday Nov 8 Mr By will have an to furm sale I cast of BaVen- on the Centre North 12 credit except for Pigs Fowl Bay and Straw Halo at sharp Kuvniifigh Aunt J A good way to get of insects In the earth of potted plant is to lour over it a glass of water t which a pinch mustard has been added Wheh the hot water hag starts to leak do not throw It away but heat clean white sand and put It Into the bag The sand Is better than water It retains the heat longer The Renfrew Mercury in calling attention to the of deciding to make a con tribution equal to an asswsmen of on cent per acre on each munici pality quotes the observation Peter an old newspaper man who observed This assess ment is bo light that no one can very well object to It and municipalities of Old Ontario alone gave at samp rate of contribution jt would a million and a quarter dollars of whether the act is an offence in law A committee composed of five Methodist Ministers was appointed by the Ministerial Association last week to cooperate with committees from other denominations In providing for the entertainment of soldiers who may be quartered in Toronto during the coming winter Mr Q Long Barrister of the legal firm of Long has been appointed lecturer in the Law School in succession to Mr John King K resigned One day last week the veterans of their breasts glittering with medals held a parade to the Arena where R recruiting meeting being held They were received with a de monstration On Tuesday last the levelling the site of the new Station was complet ed and the steamshovel removed Nearly 100 men were engaged this weed digging trenches for the exte rior walls TWO bakers hail to hand out each for selling lightweight bread this week The collection taken up in the Pub lic Schools for the Childrens Aid So ciety amounted to Con Thompson and Harris went to Ottawa Tuesday night to confer with the Government on mat ters connected with the aviation school The property Committee of the decided this week to elimi nate the glorious headlights which have been a menace to other street traffic to obey the of a policeman at an Intersection cost Alio a motorist The of OCon nor former proprietor of Palmer House corner of York and King Streets arc reported to amount to A meeting of creditors was held on Tuesday Experts will examine the mor tar used in the construction of the collapsed at the resulting in killing two men it is thought by some to he defective The Canadian Northern in spection party which accompanied Sir Win Sir Donald Mann and Mr Banna re turned on Tuesday Before sep arating they took up a collection for the Trafalgar Fund in aid of British Bed Cross and nearly was collected On Tuesday Assize Grand Jury returned a true bill against IV McCut- cheon and G McCulcheon on six charges of to de fraud in real deals Geoffrey as liquidator of the Sovereign Ban is seeking a declaration to have certain lands in East made part of the estate of the late William and an order directing a sale of the said lands Mary Is defendant- With thy price of eggs moving up si he farmer is beginning more attention lo his hen- The What does war loan of a man Willi a properly managed Hock and millions mean How can we making money at the present lime a thousand millions into our The great trouble with most of the minds We have never had in Ontario is in the hatching thing so big since the begat the chickens and the lack of pro- It is equal to per housing The National revenue for live Many farmers depend on broody years hens to hatch their early chickens All our gold coinage tor The hens do not usually sit early years enough to give the chickens a chance mature before fall To gel early eggs you must have early chickens chickens that arc hatched about the middle to the find of May Again too often we llml three or four old bens expected make money It is a good plan renew your Hock each months Total national revenue of the six Allied Nations- All the British investments in America Cross receipts of all railroads for years It can buy onethird of Italy aid year that is sell your fowl after they have passed their second lay- pay for thirtyfive Panama Canals ing season and have young chicks and in the States they thought season for one Panama Canal an pullet will normally start to lay rive job It is equal to profits when she is mature If she is Monte Carlo for years If layod in growing she will not start is a gambler here willing to to as soon as she bus reached about gamblers he will know at that period From the tune a cluck Carlo they are pikers compar ts hatched till it starts to lay all the feed it wauls The main point is to keep growing The other trouble of housing is easily remedied Several good types of houses can be found fully in Agricultural Bulletins are a few main points to bo Have fl sanitary floor con- twenty tons car makes the best material Do As much as seventy clerks not make the house too warm A count in eight years counting lour single hoarded structure with the shillings second and working eight cracks battened gives the best re- hours a i suits Plenty of light and air Enough gold if beaten out to the people floating this War Loan One hundred steel plants as laffco as Krupps Nearly all the gold coin in tho hundred carloads of silver important and both are cheap Do not have drafts however as this is the cause of much of he crop affect ing poultry present time For winter feeding corn and wheat make a splendid ration if fed in pro portion of two of corn to one of wheat Add to this ground bone green feed and or butler- cover a million acres 1560 square miles a of the cloth of gold- To carry this gold from the na tion to the war chest would men each staggering undtr seven stone of gold 5000 pounds each Marching four abreast two vans apart It would take procession miles Van- milk Feed your poultry regularly If a man gives the same careful to chickens as he on to his cows we would have less wonder- s THE AUTOMOBILE Send the Era to absent friends cow why the hens were not lay ing The rapid development of the Oct 28 Patrick Qui- mobile has been the wonder of a wellknown farmer of Ope commercial world In comparatively Township when delivering a load ol short time it bus attained bay in Bast Ward this afternoon perfection never before equalled by cidently fell from the load and his other big invention in the same neck was broken His tody is Pat period of time The evolution has from tho head down but he has hastened by the almost universal not lost consciousness- AC Ross Hob- demand for motor transportation and tonight no hope is entertained the fact that the motor car has for his is a married come a practical necessity as well as man and about years of age vehicle ol pleasure In the Forty years ago a man traveled days of the industry motor cars were from ClncinnattP to San Francisco In nothing more or less than big prairie shooter across arid toys They would break which to him seemed to hold no pro- down for apparent reason and the whatever ol any value to man- few people who could to own kind That same man has just bteijthem soon tired of the sport The to the San Francisco exposition greatest problem of the pioneer In a Pullman car crossing was to keep the cars in the same plains no longer arid but service Little thought given smiling with verdure and bearing the comfort of passengers or the bounteous whose value con- ease of opening the machine The a fortune The mag- change has been marvelous As the wand that i touched those plains and usefulness and luxury the made them fertile is irrigation Increased the whole world seemed to the white arid traveler has be awakened to their advantage and to en ardent advocate ol usefulness They how hold possession this means and method of creating the streets and highways all over wealth the land and the end is not yet W fu 01 of lis be a

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